Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hillary's Speech:" No Way, No How, No McCain" below.

I know I have not always been kind to Hillary, and that my patience ran thin. I thought her speech was good, that it struck the right note and encouraged people to remember that they are Democrats...and that if they believed in her they need to believe now that we need a Democrat in the WhiteHouse again...To be honest it is the PUMA's that drive me up the wall- I mean she is basically begging them to do the right thing.....

She is a strong speaker and better than anyone else tonight,...( and yes Warner Sucked...really)....Maria also has Celine Richards speech - Ann Richards daughter- she really gave a good speech...


Fran said...

Hillary did an excellent job of persuading her supporters to give their support to Obama.

Frank Partisan said...

There would be a female president, if feminists didn't join the Democratic Party. Most pro-female legislation came under Nixon. Not because of him, but from people in the streets.

enigma4ever said...

I am not sure what you mean...But I am not a good feminist so maybe that is why I don't understand what you meant...

To be honest...I am ready for a woman as president, just not this woman...

I think she did too...I think she did what needed to be done..

Christopher said...

From everything I've read, in the MSM, in the blogosphere and from email received from people I know who traveled to Denver, yesterday's events could be called "Hillary had Two Faces."

Yes, she delivered a good speech filled with the right soundbites the media could use in their headlines, but just 7 hours earlier, Hillary met with a group of supporters and never once did she mention Obama by name. Never once.

Worse still, many in the convention hall assembled to hear Hillary speak, weren't Obama supporters but Hillary supporters wearing their "Nobama" buttons.

Now I learn that Bill Clinton can't be bothered to attend Thursday night's events, when Obama accepts the Democratic nomination. I guess it is Wings night at the Chappaqua Sports Bar.

As far as I'm concerned, there is way too much attention focused on the Clintons, Bill, Hill and Chel. This is Barack Obama's convention and yet all one hears in the media is "What will Hillary do?" and "What is Hillary thinking?" and "What will Hillary wear?"

Enough, for frake sake with the Clintons.