Monday, February 09, 2009

Paul Krugman " The Destructive Center" the title

Paul nails it.....and describes it perfectly....and WHY this is a Problem.....


D.B. Echo said...

I was writing a post today and I thought, "Now, what's the name of that economist guy on NPR? The one who just won a Nobel?" Paul Krugman's on my links list now. As are you - ddon't know how I overlooked that up to now.

In the movie, Paul Krugman will be played by George Clooney with a beard.

enigma4ever said...

hey DB...
which of your blog is your regular- that I can add to the Blogroll here ? thanks ;-)

Krugman is great....very helpful...

Annette said...

Yes, but as the Prez said.. we have to take what we can for now.. even if it isn't exactly what we want.. we had to.. just didn't have the votes in the Senate not to. Hopefully we can get something else if we have to later on.