Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Healthcare Battle is serious....That is all this Blog is covering now

The Truth is that Our Country has a Healthcare Crisis....as a Nurse of 20 years I know it , I see it everyday, people not getting the Care they need to live.My neighbor joked that our Healthcare has gone to the dogs...and in a way..it's true.And Repugs idea how to fix it is to scare Everyone that has ANY kind of care, ( Today they sent McCain out to scare Old People in a pathetic excuse of a townhall,yelling at elderly white people about What the Dems are taking from Them ). Everyday I try to find as many article and videos and links that Explain OUR Crisis and why we need a Public Plan. So please do click and take links and share far and wide. 50 Million and Countin are Uninsured in this Country, 14,000 are Losing Healthcare per day, that is over 400,000 per month. And yes approximately 22,000 per year die without Healthcare. Email me if you have articles or Video that you want seen....enigma4everATearthlinkDOTnet...thank you.


Annette said...

McCan't was awful wasn't he.. just simply disgusting.. so full of lies and right wing talking points.. geeze if I hadn't known better I would have sworn I was watching Fox.. I only saw 2 people who were FOR Health Care, and they made very strong statements, the others just spewed garbage and he went right along with them.. it was disgusting and sickening.

enigma4ever said...

sorry annette...
it was horrendous..
thought I was going to throw up...

enigma4ever said...

sorry annette...
it was horrendous..
thought I was going to throw up...