On MSNBC Hardball, It was revealed today that Mike Huckabee former Republican Presidential Candidate, spoke at the NRA Conference in Louisville,Kentucky, and made a "joke" about Barack Obama being shot at.There was a smattering of "laughter" at his joke, but mostly silence. In light of Obama is still campaigning there, this makes the situation even more infuriating. In This Country with OUR History, there are things that are NOT ever joked about, EVER.I personally think he should be taken into a Back Room with the Secret Service and Detained and Informed by them that Assassination Jokes are ALWAYS Dangerous , ESPECIALLY at an NRA Conference......And Considering So Many Comparisons of Obama to RFK have been brought up , and there already is Hatemongering and Racial Tension....this was basically a Call to Arms by this Insipid Idiot of a man, NOT a Joke. I thank the Secret Service for their Continued Vigilant Protection of Senator Obama.
{{Loud noise}} Huck improvised:: " That was Barack Obama, he tripped over a chair.{light laughter}. He's getting ready to speak and somebody pointed a gun at him and he dove for the floor" { some nervous laughter, then silence}.
( and I would not be shocked if the Media gives Huckabee a total pass on this Horrible Infraction, but hopefully they won't... I am asking that people please when you go to rallies always carry cameras....this was a Dangerous thing that this Ignorant Man did...He would be wise to hold a Press Conference and Explain and Apologize for his reckless stupidity. I will be Setting a Clock in this Comment thread to time his Godamn Apology).
7:30 PM Huckabee Issued a Statement to the Press :::
"During my speech at the NRA, a loud backstage noise that sounded like a chair falling, distracted the crowd, and interupted my speech. I made an offhand remark that was in no way intended to offend or disparage Senator Obama. I apologize that my comments were offensive.That was never my intention."
**{{ Click the Title , "Sounds of Silence" is linked to it....by Simon and Garfunkel. It is up to all of us to never be Silent about things that are hurting this Country and Our Future.....This song always reminds me of what and who we lost....}}**
Okay here in the thread I am TIming the Reverand Asshole's Rush to the Podium to Apologize and Correct the Error of His Ways...
The Evening News has Finished and It was indeed Covered. For every Hour that he does not come forth, I put another 25 cents in my Obama Jar ( yes, my Foul Mouth Jar- that we donate all funds to the Obama Campaign Every Month).
The Clock Is Ticking For the Huck......
8:16 Huck issued a "Statement" ...I will find and post...
( on eve news- Obama's People remained silent and did not wish to issue a statement- can you blame them...)
"I personally think he should be taken into a Back Room with the Secret Service and Detained and Informed by them that Assination Jokes are ALWAYS Dangerous"
normally, i would agree- except for this:
Sounds like the "Religious Right" purety spokesman has proven his soft spoked demeanor is there to mask his jowls of hate and bigotry.
I have known some former Secret Service guys..( don't ask)...and I can tell you right now- they do NOT appreciate this kind of "joke" at all...they take it very seriously- and the Event he chose to make it would have them very concerned. They work very hard to assess ALL threats ....
So I am not sure what you meant- I meant that they should sit down and talk to him and explain HOW hard their job is- esp when someone like him does something this stupid...They are the only ones that could possibley educate him...
( I could not get the site to work that you site- but I will try again)
sadly I think you hit jowl on the head with your insight......
Could not find any doc to match the address ? ( were you citing the article about the Secret Service that were in trouble for racist emails?)
( not all Secret Service are like that...- even though that was appalling....
and at the Obama events you can see how hard they work to protect him...funny you never see MCain events with that amount of security....jus sayin' )
This is disgusting. Thank goodness that moron didn't win the GOP nomination. He actually was the one I was most afraid of winning. And now this confirms my fears about him.
In a 1970 interview, someone asked Groucho Marx what he thought of Richard Nixon. Marx replied, "The best thing that Nixon can do for his country is get assassinated."
The comment intrigued Realist editor Paul Krassner, who wrote to the FBI to ask if Marx had received some sort of investigation for his remark. The FBI sent him back a letter saying that they understood that Groucho was just a comedian, and that they never took the comment seriously.
Only later did Krassner find out that the FBI actually put Groucho Marx on the Security Index.
I'd be curious to know what the FBI's gonna do about this one--especially since many have compared Obama to both RFK and JFK.
At a rally a few weeks ago a minister asked McCain at a Rally about his Calling his Wife a Certain name...and he was indeed removed and questioned following the Rally....by Security People...
I think there should be Heavy repercussions for this....but we will have to see what happens won't we?
thanks for the Groucho story...
I have watched the tape 4 times and I don't see remorse or even recognition on his face about WHAT he said- and that says to me that someone had to explain to him ? or was it planned ?
I left this comment on another site, but felt compelled to leave it here as well.
I just don't have it in me to blog like I used to lately. It seems that the message is falling on deaf ears.
I had someone say they had utter contempt for me because I always refer to Bush as Der Fuhrer Adolph Bush and saying that Bush is no Hitler.
He also blasted me for referring to Judas Iscariot Lieberman as a Nazi for supporting Der Fuhrer and his policies which are in fact no different from Hitlers.
I am not a prejudice person but I have contempt for anyone of Jewish Heritage that would support the current administration and it's policies toward Muslims or the Islamic Religion.
There are fanatics in all religions and that includes the Christian and Jewish religion as well.
And what do we get into days news cycle?
Huckabee makes a joke at a NRA event in Kentucky about Obama having a gun pointed at him.
Yes, he made a joke about a Presidential Candidate being Assassinated.
I'm old enough to remember JFK, RFK and MLK and that is nothing to joke about.
Yes he apologized, however the damage has already been done.
There are a lot on the Right Wing of the Republican Fascist Nazi Party in the same mold as Eric Rudolph and Paul Hill who have no qualms about killing anyone.
So maybe Martial Law will be enacted because of riots it Huckabee's joke became reality.
No elections and suspension of the Constitution would be ensured since there would be riots in the streets and the burning of everything within site.
I am now more scared than ever of the direction our country is headed.
Well I'm done ranting now. Take care and ...
God Bless.
Huckabee very probably assured himself a spot as the Deranged Ones running mate as that remark fits McCain's venom.
well, considering our present VEEPS' resume...and his hunting skills...you might be right...something about it still feels odd....staged...
it's okay not to blog..take a break..you have new family to tend...
About todays events...you are right to be very concerned...it's going to be a long hot summer.....I just emailed you some other thoughts( was not sure you would be back..tonight)....All we can do is make sure that all of us are indeed paying attention....and watchful ....
We will get through this- we will get REGIME change....we will get to 1.20.08...with a NEW Leader.....
( I am sorry about the asshole that came and gave you a hard time...alot of people are taking a break..or quitting and I understand....it is going to be a Trollish Summer...but we can get through this...we did in 2006...)
I really liked what Anon said-- about JFK, RFK & MLK. Assassinations are no f'ing joke.
Coming from the mouth of a preacher no less!
I caught the clip on Ntl news as well. I guess it is good they gave it airtime--exposing Huckabee as an insensitive dolt.
Sick & disgusting-- well the GOP is consistent.
Listen you guys, I really feel that if anything should happen to Obama, we will see riots like we have never seen before, god knows what else.
These bastards are still using fear, that was an intentional "joke" to cause widespread fear, sort of a warning I think.
It is very frightening, put nothing past them, they are pure evil.
I don't think any of us will go down without a fight though.
Damn them.
Sadly that is what I think alot of us have been thinking..Intentional joke...no...more of a staged little show...yes, I think there would be riots...
I have thought alot about Obama, how he has talked about Marching with us. being with us...HE knows what we all are up against- he knows that we must band together....I have thought about him and how he talks about Unity....and it won't be easy...that last thing the Repugs want is us ALL unified- they Fear that....
and seeing ALL the rallies and people together- they must be scared...I did notice that cspan has stopped showing most of the rallies in the past two weeks- matter of fact NONE of the Media showed what Obama said AFTER edwards endorsed the other night- they all cut away.....the Media and the Old School DC do not want this...and the Neocons...
This was NOT supposed to Happen,,,,be a Movement...Millions and Millions...this is Something they can not stop...
BUT it has already started...there is NO turning back...
and yes, friend...NO ONE is going to turn back or let what has started stop...
if anything happened- yes- there would indeed be trouble...I think you are right- there would be riots.....especially after 8 years of repressive Hell...
and this close to saving Our Country..
Millions of us are protective now- because we should be...I don't think I am fearmongering saying that....I think it is realistic...
news did give it airplay- all three stations...and Obama's people were silent- no comment issued...
He is insenstive...it was strange...WHY would he say that..or was it staged...haunting..
( I had always thought he was an idiot...still do)
What struck me the most odd is that after the quip, there was near silence from the audience -- and this was an NRA audience. I believe even THEY were shocked at this ignorant faux pas. But that is how detached from reality these modern "candidates" are.
Even though a child, I remember well the death of JFK, and the sense of loss of hope the country felt for years afterwards. Same with MLK, RFK and others -- all of which were surrounded by the most "unusual of circumstances". Particularly JFK and his "government has been infiltrated by unsavory elements" speech. Likely the same elements that Eisenhower direly warned us of...
I was struck by the same thing...odd wasn't it...you could almost feel the intake of air and the squirming...
I am sorry that you too remember the Sixties...But I think we are meant to...it will make us more protective and observant..forever....we take Nothing for granted...
Actually, what Huckabee said is dangerous, and the Secret Service assigned to Obama will take this quite seriously. Had it been an ordinary citizen speaking those words, they'd be detained and questioned. Why not Huckabee?
I was excused from school on the day JFK was assassinated. Our teacher was crying and the rest of my third grade class wasn't really old enough to understand the trauma. I believe I felt a little of it as I watched the non-stop coverage of the funeral. I was attending a Bobby Kennedy rally with my Mom on the day MLK was assassinated. I watched as many in the crowd stood mesmerized at the soothing and uplifting speech Booby made. I also saw a lot of silent tears and many more heartfelt sobs. As someone who had seen Bobby live just months earlier, his killing brought me to my knees and a wave of sadness engulfed me. I was spared assassinations throughout the 1970s, but as the decade came to a close on December 8, 1980, my very being was shook to the bone by the senseless assassination of John Lennon. I cried in front of other adult males who were also crying. We got drunk, we got stoned, we listened to the music and tried to remember the good times of John's life. Suddenly I had a vision of me sitting in third grade hearing our sobbing teacher announce that JFK was dead. For the first time in my life I really understood her deep pain. Anyone who would joke about the assassination or attempted assassination of another human being has no place in politics. I used to have a good deal of respect for Mike Huckabee as a person. I didn't agree with his philosophy or politics, but I thought he was a decent man. I have now lost all respect.
Well Beautifully written Rob...I too remember one of the first times we emailed- and it was sharing the Memories of the Sixties...that was so beautifully written...and you are right that John Lennons' death was the final thread in patchwork of that era... in many ways...this country has not healed...it is wound that has never really healed....and I think what you said about Huckabee is true...I thought he was a Different person- kind of simple...maybe lacking in graces- but to think as a minister that knows pain that he would not be able to see WHAT he did, or HOW dangerous it was ....it is incomprehensible....
I don't know if he was detained..or questioned..I agree with you that he should have been, what he did was increibly dangerous...( I wrote above- I would bet he was questioned..I hope he was...I am sure that they will now in Kentucky have to put more security on for Obama...)
Btw I forgot to say- stop over to ENIGMA CAFE today...I have a post there and it's been up for a couple of days..you would appreciate it...
I listened to him on meet the press today ... everyone says he is sincere and a nice guy and blahblah ... he IS NOT!
He is an opportunist; who took advantage of this so called "innocent" slip of tongue to bring the spotlight on himself, and to create a case for his vice presidency!
He is SLIMY! Yuck!
So odd you said that ...I have wondered if he did it so he could get to be VEEP....I did notice that he really did not show remorse or seem to recognize the enormity of WHAT he did...good to see you....it's going to be some kind of elections summer eh ? ( with McBush and Huck being idiots, as if it was not enough with Bush ..???,...)
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