As an American this Statement sent a dagger through my heart, chills and nauseating disgust, that this woman is beyond Insensitive. She is Narcisstic and self focused in a way that is destructive and self serving.This remark was the culmination of Events and Language and Pandering on her Part ( and Bill Clinton as well), that has caused many Divides and Damage.How bad is the Damage, and are the wounds deep, time will tell.
In her Statement in South Dakota it was clear that she is Justifying her Staying in the Race because even though she is desperate and broke and losing support and money by the hour, she is entitled to stay by siting Our Own Horrible History. If I was a Kinder woman I would say she is merely Fear Mongering, but at this point her Statement Shows Elitist Arrogance and Cultural Ignorance that is irreprehensible and outrageous. Bobby Kennedy's Murder was one of the Most Traumatic Events in History, it was a tragedy of mythic proportions, especially in the light of the loss of Martin Luther King and John F.Kennedy.It snuffed Hope for Change for 40 years.
Hours Later standing in a Convenience Store she gave a little offhand "Apology" for her statement, I did not see Remorse, I did not think she apologized to The People. And the worst thing is, she did not apologize to Senator Obama. She did halfheartedly Apologize to the Kennedy's. BUT if you listen to it carefully, she says "If I offended anyone by what I said". That is not owning up, that is NOT showing any fortitude of responsibility.It was a Homer Simpson "Mistakes Happen" Apology. What struck me most about Her RFK statement was that she seemed very comfortable stating it, too comfortable. Which makes me ask HOW MANY times has she said this. Have she and Bill been saying this with ease all along to people? This will be a test for the Media to show some Journalistic Intergrity.
This Whole event would not be so Catastrophic IF she had run a campaign based on Intergrity and Honor. She has not. There have been constant disparaging remarks and insinuations and dark comments. There have been references made to racial Issues, From Jesse Jackson Sitings, to "Hardworking White People" statements.She Won in West Virginia and Kentucky because she was embracing running in an area that needs it's racial history fed and acknowledged- she did both with her "hardworking White People" statement, and she did so with Pride, not regret or shame.
It is time for Hillary to be shown The Door. There is No Graceful Exit at this point. The Woman lacks grace or dignity or respect for Our History.
*{Link to the Title the RFK statement by Hillary on Youtube , her Statement About the RFK Statement given Hours later is posted below }*
***{{ Keith Olbermann gave a Special Comment regarding her behavior- it is posted below with the Her"Explanation" as well, and no to the Emailer that wrote me- I had this post up BEFORE Keiths Comment..}}}***
**** {{{ I have a New Post up over at PeaceTree with more thoughts on this called "Remembering 1968", also please read the Posts about this at Immoral Minority, DUSTY, and Left of Centrist has a really poignant post about it, and I will post other blogs to connect to this....}}}***
If someone finds the Hillary Statement on you tube, please send it to me, enigma4ever@earthlink.net, I want to post the Statement and the "apology"....thank you...
I have the YouTube up on my blog and you're welcome to grab it there.
Here's a link. I don't know if it will work.
To all the people who have said I have been too hard on Hillary Clinton the past 6 months, or that naming her the Borg Queen was "sexist," well I can only say, I told you so.
The Borg Queen raising the specter of Robert Kennedy's assassination in the final hours of her campaign, should even convince the most ardent Hillary supporter that their candidate is either mental or emotionally ill -- or both.
Keith will address her insanity tonight in a Special Comment.
Holy Cow E, I did not realize that the headline I saw under Clinton's 'RFK assassination' comment was about her veiled threat because what else would you call it? perhaps a hint to those KKK's who'd be completely incensed if a 'N' would become nominated, let alone President!! I wished that Robert Kennedy (I think that's his name, the younger one who's very environmentally oriented) would speak up or any of the Kennedys'. That ought to be the deathknell for her. What a shamefull piece of work!! And what a shame. She is indeed narcisstic. One of my older friends who's a retired CFO always respected her intelligence and supported her until she started to pull these dirty tricks in her campaign months ago. Can you imagine anyone with a brain still supporting her?? Isn't she looking for the most common, base supporters or what?
Yak, I wished I hadn't read this (although it's a good post) but now I'm totally disgusted..unbelievable!!
Btw E,.. I just linked to your post
I did not know about this until 5pm our time- I got three phone calls...and I sat down and watched and was stunned....absolutely disgusted....
I know how you feel...and I also know that there were things since January that have been running amuck- but also showing the REAL Hillary...now maybe Everyone can see her for what and who she is....she did not even have remorse...
thanks for the link....I will add...still looking for the "apology".....
oops we bumped into each other...Link away...I think that we all do need to spread the word on this...thank you..
And I thank you for your thoughts...and you were spot on with what you said...
I was just blurting by to tell you to watch or record Keith, but I see you are all over it. He says not just her prez campaign, but her whole political career may be over.
K.O. is doing a special comment tonight. I'm going to capture it with my video card to save for the future.
I'm sure it will be well worth watching.
Now to go read your post. Watch K.O. its all on Hillary's remarks.
God Bless you.
And sadly Dk...I think Keith is right...she is Out of Touch....Brinkley is on Keith saying she needs Someone to Intervene..it is done...Toast...She is losing credibility on all levels...and it is with great pathos her career and her campaign have indeed been handed the demise by her own mouth...her own language..
Thanks ANon..
I am watching..and yes, Bless Keith is indeed OUR Ed Murrow...we owe him for his journalistic integrity...
enigma my sweet...
If you read some of the vile remarks against K.O. you wouldn't believe how fast the Hillary supporters have turned on him.
And the shills who have infected the sites were there were honest to goodness well meaning supporters of Hillary are now spouting how fair and balanced Fox News is.
They have infected the sites so well that there has been nothing but contempt towards Obama and anyone who supports him.
The majority are vowing to vote for McInsane if Obama gets the nomination. They don't even care about SCOTUS nominations that will set the Women's Rights movement back 100 years.
So much venom and now Hillary goes and brings up the possibility of another RFK incident as the reason for staying in the race.
Her political future for all purposes is now over. What a shame to throw away a once good legacy.
God Bless.
I hear you...and there is nothing that I can say...the Damage is done...I know all about the Hillerates and their venom...( I still get emails from them...)
What Hillary did today was unforgiveable in so many ways...her career is now indeed questionable...
The Clintons have tarnished their own legacy.....
Boy oh boy did Keith tear her a new Asshole.
I guess I owe a quarter to the swear jar. Could you put one in for me. The cost of gas is hurting me and I'm a little short right now?
In the meantime the Hillary supporters are defending her statement.
They say that the Democratic Party needs there votes if they are too have any chance or winning the White House back. I say we don't need those types of people in the Party.
Let them go and vote for McInsane. If fact let them re register as Republicans since they believe in this type of politics.
Catch you later. Take care and ...
God Bless.
No change needed ;-)
He did indeed say what needed to be said......
Anyone that still supports her after this? I have nothing to say...and no reasonable way to explain it...
E4E, I just laid my heart open about this at LOC.com
The more I thought about it, the more upset I was. I knew I had to vent - one way or another.
I am not surpised that it upset you..I thought of you tonight...I know how you feel about RFK...( me too)...
I am still horrified..I think she has rendered many speechless..I was very glad that Keith yelled at her.. someone needs to..
I will be over..and tomorrow I am doing a roundup of Blogs writing on it...( so far there are not many- I think people are shocked..)
After MN I too am blogging on it over at Peace Tree...Like you I remember the history and horror of that day and hold it in my heart differently...
I do now really think Hillary is Heartless...totally...and learning from Keith that this is the FORTH KNOWN reference to RFK that she has made this month...I feel sick...
I've been thinking that she must be saying this a lot in private. It didn't just pop out for no reason. Personally, I think this is exactly the kind of stuff she has been hearing from her redneck appalachian base, beginning in OH, thru PA, WV & KY. You know if you hang around people who are all talking like that, it begins to sound normal.
Part of what upsets me is the vulture quality of the stmnt. Like a big vulture clinging to a craggy rock, waiting for something to happen so it can eat.
I will go read Robert now.
Came over from C&L. I think it is kick ass that you are covering this story. I've been disappointed with C&L and other "big" blogs for their apathy, ignorance, or unwillingness to cover the more controversial yet important stories of our day. I consider this to be a prime example, as well as the burgeoning 9/11 Truth Movement, The private corporation called The Federal Reserve and its effects on the economy, Election Integrity issues, etc. THANKS.
I have seen you there for a long time.nice to meet you......THIS is important and worth Posting- and yes, you have to have courage to run with this- but THEIR silence on this has me very confused- we need them to take a stand- Obama is going to be the Candidate- and we need to know that if ANYONE had done this - that they are there to cover such a story- it should not just be up to Keith.,..and little blogs like me...Comment 204 there I confronted them- we will see what they do..
It is a time for Courage...period.
I agree Keith pointed out that FOUR seperate times this month she said it- to Media- I would also bet that she has said it privately.....sad...awful as that is..
It comes off, to me, as "if only something would happen, I could be your next president". Chilling rhetoric that she has repeated at least 4 times in the past 6 months. I can see some emotionally disturbed "white, uneducated, working class" individual taking her at her word - whether real or imagined. Certainly not the kind of language I expect to hear from a potential candidate.
Hey there DrKnow...yeah..and that is WHY we are worried...and we should be...and that she is a Narcisstic wonder...and who knows if her words permeated some redneck biggotted wonder...But yeah...I worry..and I know alot of people do..esp those that remember the Sixties...
Well- I don't think the Kennedy family need say anything about this. they are smart enough to know Hillary tied the knot in her noose.
Dusty has both the original stmnt & the "apology" on her blog
she added KO's special comments vid too.
I posted a solution of my own on my blog....
Hey there..I posted the Link to HER RFK comment at the This Title, and then below I have Keith Comment and also her"explanation"....so I have ALL three vids of this event...but it is mind boggling..the Kennedys have alot more going on right now- and they did not need her Drama and Antics...
and you are right- this is it for her aspirations, and the VEEP slot is also no longer hers...I will come see her solution...
Keith Olbermann seems to be the only one who is outraged at Hillary's remarks.
Even Tweety is claiming she is just tired.
She has said it at least 3 other times but nobody called her on it.
Maybe he is the only one with some Journalistic Integrity...??? I have no explanation...
It's sickening...It was merely a Talking Point for her- she did not even apologize to Anyone for it- the People, the Dems, and worse of all- the Obamas...
or even really the Kennedys...
If Obama had said those words he would have been run out of town on a rail, led by the Clinton's.
I know what you say is True Larry...
I wrote this yesterday eve, an hour after I heard about it- the ONLY thing that made it somewhat better- was that Keith did his Special Comment- and was as angst filled as most of us....the Big press and even the Big Bloggers gave her a pass- AGAIN...
I sure Hope Obama has EXTRA Secret Service...and I think NOW we know why he did not spend more time in West Va and Ky, and also She has been saying this stuff ALL month...and NO ONE stopped her- MAYBE it is up to all of us to stop her...and NOW...
I've had a full night's rest and I'm STILL upset over this.
All this should anger and disgust us, but surprise no one. It's just a Clinton being a Clinton.
God help us if Obama lets her anywhere near his administration.
Sen. Clinton wasn't the first to infer that Sen. Obama might face assassination if nominated, and she probably won't be the last. The point that concerns me right now isn't that Clinton's voicing an issue on many people's minds, but rather that there seems to be more of a public consciousness linking Obama with assassination.
I'm not sure what to make of this right now. On a positive side, one could think that this might be pre-emptive in terms of the candidate's safety. The fact that Americans are concerned about his well-being might show some substantial grwoth since 1968, and a little less naivite.
On the other hand, could this be meant to pressure Obama? The looming threat of death should he be "too extreme" (i.e., moderately reformist)? Could it be foreshadowing of an actual assassination? If it did happen (heavens forbid), the public would have been carefully prepared for it. And considering the obvious similarities between Obama and Robert and John Kennedy, the public might have even thought of it as inevitable.
That Clinton jumps on the bandwagon is fairly consistent with her lowball tactics throughout a good deal of this campaign--ever since she lost her frontrunner status. That her ambition got the better of her sense of decency, her honor, and her integrity is tragic. But this campaign has revealed much about her character. And in the long run, that could be a good thing--provided that nobody gets shot.
BTW, the original statement can be found here in context.
Hey E,
did you get the e-Mail on the lack of women and minority bloggers ? I don't know if it went through ?Let's just pray for Hill and send out positive vibes in the universe. I'm too busy to hate.
I agree with you, this is the most dangerous, outrageous thing she could ever THINK, let alone SAY out loud!
But Kid is right -- we must pray for her and pray for those we judge and send out positive vibes in the universe. It will change everything for the better.
Great post,
thank you Enigma,
no I did not get it....I send out postive energy every day.....or try to ;-) I have no hate....mostly I have worry that Someone like her does not understand What she is doing or did...and that she is so self centered and I do worry about damage...I pray that she ends this soon, but also that she steps back and see what she has done....and I pray for Obama's safety...
Xdell::: I too think the same thing, a neighbor said that to me- that he had been a Hillary supporter, and that now this long campaign season really showed him WHO she was...and who Bill was ....but mostly her....he said she was too "unperdictable" ....that he ended up liking Obama because he wanted someone that was calm. ANd who knows maybe it will warranteee Obama some extra security...have any of us worried- yes.
I have had some sleep, not enough, and yes, I am still upset too...If she had given a REAL apology - instead of the halfassed Convenience store "if anyone was offensive" shrug....then it would be a very different story...She crossed over the Land of Denial to the Land of Unforgiveable...
I think she's sick in some way. I think she needs help, badly and soon. She looked over tranquilized when she made her non-apology. I never was in favor of her running for president, but the whole campaign has revealed more about both Clintons than I needed to know.
Remember to add me to your list of links.
Zen Yenta:::
Her Non response was so emotionally vacant- unattached..."if anyone is offended"....And she did not make that response until Obama's Campaign issued a statement....( it was not like she had a Eureka moment and went OHNO...it was like she was told to go say Something...) She did look tired, disconnected...( esp compared to earlier..) Maybe there is something wrong , I dont know...I do know a smart woman, that she is...this should not have happned...but I mostly am concerned she has been saying it all month......Both Clintons- indeed...we have learned more than we knew before this whole thing started...
I do indeed pray for this whole situation...and all involved...David Brinkly was on Countdown last night and he said it- maybe it is Time for Someone to Intervene...I dont think I am judging her, but judging what she said, and what it meant? and the damage it does...It was not a statement that was said with Thought, Compassion or Insight...and Thoughtlessness can cause Harm and she disrespected the Kennedys, ALL of us, and what we remember of the Sixties...and esp. the Obamas...She did not apologize...she excused herself- like she burped ...it was no mea culpa...For me to Forgive her...there must be remorse...but to find out it was not really a "gaffe" but a tallking point....that is very different...I can easily forgive someone someone misspeaking...but she has been saying this all month...
To be honest I pray that she does get some help soon, that party elders take her and Bill aside and tell them to stop...stop ...and maybe like Zen said..there is something wrong with her...I don't know...
But with our History in this Country....I pray for Obama's safety, and the safety of his family....
I am sorry...I think that it is upsetting...I wish that she had REALLy apologized- I think many of us will be uneasy now...( and some of us already were,,,,,weren;t we..)Hang in there...
sadly I think she has made it clear what kind of team player she really is...and I do think the VP slot is now gone, ended by her...
For Sure...I am adding you to my LINKS post later tonight...and also to my blogroll ;-)
I agree with Kid and Lydia - and frankly, I am too tired at this moment to really express outrage. I view her remarks as a pitiful attempt to spread fear.
Years ago, when I worked for Congressman Abner Mikva, he told me something I have taken to heart: if a candidate is losing, they will often slip to saying horrific things. He told me it took real courage to lose gracefully without stooping to fearmongering tactics. This was during a campaign that we were, indeed, losing. Mikva was graceful in defeat, and came back two years later to win back the Congressional seat.
Rather than focus on Mrs. Clinton, and her incredible lapse of judgment and decency, we would all be wiser to focus on what Mr. Obama CAN do for America. That's just my opinion. The more we talk, or write, about her, the more we keep her campaign alive. We keep focus on her, when the real focus at this moment should be on Obama, and what he can do.
Those Statements are no coincidences or pointless accidents. You know my well worn concerns so I won't get into them. I put this all into perspective as the big picture. I don't know if you have it yet but you probably do. I have a couple videos of what she said and that was no slip of the tongue. I learned as a child and it just happened to me, that the truth often comes out accidentally or is spoken in jest. It is up to the listener to know it when you hear it! Often I listen to what is said and I hear something they didn't say. Silence speaks volumes! Take care!
ahhhh you are indeed so wise...and I appreciate that...( and believe it or not I have been trying to not blog about her and her antics at this point...) BUT this went to far....and like I said IF she had apologized...6-6 was beyond upset...it was a long night...but I am done with her....I am sending this off to the DNC and hope that the Superdels do what needs to be done...and soon...this has gone on too long..and I agree that everyone is tired...too tired..
thanks...she said it ,and it is done...it was no accident...and she even had an oppotunity to have and show some dignity and some grace...and there was no apology to those that mattered....Have a good rest of the weekend...
Hey E,
did you get the e-Mail ?
The more I think about this remark, the more pissed off I become.
It caused me to write the post on my blog
*Assassinations Happen*.
It's not favorable of Hill, shall we say.
It's not a matter of hate, as much a matter of getting real, and in a card playing analogy, she lost & the game is over.
Enigma, I had a brilliant teacher when I worked for Mikva. And Mikva supports Obama. Someone once said you can be a great lawyer, or a great politician, but not both. Abner Mikva was (is) both. And, I've said before, Barack Obama reminds me very much of Mikva in his capacity to keep things on a higher plane.
thank you for that...you really made me smile....
you are right...it is about "REAL" and "getting real"....sigh...I am sorry friend...what an awful end to the week...
No friend I did not ? enigma4ever@earthlink.net, you can send again? thanks....I put new posts up....trying to change the energy flow...for me, for everyone....trying.....I am listening - so do send if you have time ...many hugs...I am heading your way for some cartoons..
Excellent post, Enigma. Even if I take Hillary at her word that she didn't mean anything sinister by saying this, the utter insensitivity and inappropriateness of mentioning this terrible event is unbelievable - and her apology was so perfunctory.
It is a testament to Obama's generosity that he has since said merely that it was "unfortunate" but that we should move on. He would have every right to be angry and make a big deal about it but he has too much class.
I know, I hear you....what worries me more is since she did not apologize , that she has once again set an example and that others will make references and be inappropriate...it was once again an opportunity for Hillary to show leadership...and grace...and apologize...instead Wolfson and MacCaulliffe came out on the weekend to say it was Obama's fault....I am stymied..
Obama as ever did indeed show class and wisdom... and grace...
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