Okay I will be honest. I don't feel like Liveblogging this....at all.
WHY you ask would Enigma have this horrible attitude, she has liveblogged ALL the debates and ALL the Godamned primaries. WHY the change of heart ?
Here is WHY:
Especially after Hillary made her statement last week how she has done so well with "Hardworking White Americans", and the Damned Media Cotton Candy For Brains Punditheads gave her a pass on THE MOST DEVISIVE STATEMENT made since David Duke campaigned using a Jesse Helms Platform. ....And I have to say SNL deserves an Emmy for the Opener on Saturday- THEY said what needed to be said....Hillary did not make that statement by accident....she is in an area of the Country that is rich in Klan History....she knew damn well what she was saying and WHO would hear it. The Other Part of what she said that the Media again feigned Deafness, that People of Color are not "hardworking"???? This Elite Imperial Woman has a helluva lot of nerve, and she did a Heckuva Job when she made That Statement. Why she might as well hand out Pillowcases at her "rallies" at this point.... ( and by the way , has anyone noticed HOW Small her rallies have gotten, the camera Never pans the audience...)
NOW....that all being said, or freed from my own mind....I have to say I have Kin in Kentucky and West Virginia, and I have to say that NOT all People in West Virginia are going to rush to support her. There are people there like me, that see right through her shenigans and her pansuited bullshit and will vote for the Right Man to do the Job....NOT all people there will embrace her Bigot Platform......So I am going to watch and see how many really are fooled by her ( other than David Gregory and Pat Buchanon).And to be honest if Keith Olbermann was not on you know I would be watching American Idol with 6-6 ( okay - truth be told- I will be doing both).
That being said....and well vented now....you all are welcome to visit and keep me company....I might be a bit impolite...I have to say...I am sick of the Press giving a pass to her ( On the Hardworking White People Statement , the Bosnia Lie, and even the Obliterate Iran statement)...
( The Foul Mouth Jar is now accepting donations for the Obama Campaign...personally I blame Pat Buchanon for my rise in foul language...just for yelling- he gives me a Headache).
** Need a Laugh, some Humor....enjoy the two video clips below...***
The Borg Queen is a racist cow and she (and Billary) will always be remembered for their appalling racist game tactics in the 2008 primary race.
The sooner this vile, calculating, nasty woman returns to her day job --oh yes, she is, allegedly, a U.S. senator, the better it will be for the Democratic party and for our nominee, Barack Obama, and his battle against John McCain.
I am so tired of the MSM according her the respect and attention of a genuine frontrunner -- she isn't, she hasn't been a frontrunner since the Chesapeake states, IMHO.
actually the Cheasepeake states Schooled her well....she was 'supposed" to win those states and she did not- and the one that was amazing- was Virginia ...she should have won that state and she didn't- she did not even come close...
I just peaked in - the punditheads are indeed calling it a Slam dunk for Hill...
Polls close in 5 minutes..so I am off to walk the dog...
and then I will be back to watch Keith give the Play by play....
You have a stronger stomach than I. CNN says it's 2:1, C:O.
Terry MaCauliffe said get ready, in the next hour, Clinton will give "one of the greatest speeches ever".
Keith was laughing about that, saying, what, as great as the Gettysburg Address, as great as Martin Luther King I have a Dream speech?!?
Jeez, so far the "speech hall" is empty. Better round up the KKK & bring 'em in for the "greatest speech ever"!
IT is EMPTY...they must be pressing their pillow cases...NOT a single person has said that it IS RACE that was played as a poison card in this state...meanwhile on CNBC they are saying that McCain is the Dole of the Repug party...ouch.....I think that Hill saying THIS shows how electable she is blah blah .....And the Clinton Vote will be HUGE in Puerto Rico...BUT Obama has done really really well In Island States....
Keith just made a good joke about Chuck Todd and his Abacus- priceless...
Terry McCauliiffe is saying that this is ANOTHER Turning Point ( how many fricking times have we heard that ???)
I can tell you right now I am NOT listening to her damn speech - I will be cleaning the Kitty Boxes...
Meanwhile in Granpa McCain land:
McPain is in Seattle tonight- he just arrived in Bellevue....and was promptly well greeted by Working Americans and protestors..."Grandpa Warmonger" signs greeted him- now he is off to his "Dinner' where it is 33,000/plate....
So the Punditheads are spinning it- "blue collar votes"....NO it was the Hillbilly Klan vote- the same nincompoops that voted for BUSH...remember ?
What the hell is up with Matthews hair? did he end up with the Lou Dobb Dye ?
I am sick of this....and it is not even 8:23 pm
The press in Portland Oregon was brutal with Hillary-- asked her things like
•Why not quit?
• What will it take for you to quit?
•What about the $10 million debt?
•Would you work for Obama (when) he wins?
Hill did not flinch, with her" it's not over" pat response, but it was ugly for her.
Still even her wins if she does are small potatoes.
In Oregon (extra delegate votes because we waited) I think that will will yield more delegates for Obama than Hills potential wins today???
In any case here is the good news:
Obama has more superdelegate votes
Obama has more of the popular vote
Obama has won more states
So not to worry
I will watch her speech until I urgggg .... where IS she? she's 1/2 hr late ... I bet she's calling every uncommitted superdelegate right now & begging please, please, please, please ...
Tim and Keith are ridiculing the idea of her speech being the "greatest speech ever", like McAuliffe promised.
I have never heard her give even a good speech, much less a great speech.
More news--
CBS news reporting Hills campaign is now $20 million in debt.
NEVER in history has a campaign been this much in debt.
Also the funding of a campaign is the "silent primary" people are voting with their dollars.
In that analogy, Hillary has lost this primary (the big picture).
35% of Dems say she should quit... up 20% from last week.
I am back...walked the dog...Thanks for everyone keeping the Good thoughts flowing...so What happened to her great speech??? I came back and I did not see them talking about her ? or the speech? so now I am watching the final moment of Idol - for 6-6 sake...
So odd...we ran into a Skunk while we were out...BIG fat thing....and he turned and he and Lilly faced each ohter and THEN he turned and walked away- totally indignant....TAIL up- I thought for sure we were goners.....BUT he did not spray us we were very lucky....but my first thought was that it MUST be the Hillary speech ....an omen...So WAS it a Stinker I was going to ask when I got back ???
20 Million ????HOW High will it go ? ( I read her campaign costs a million a day.....)
9:05 PM....
still not taking the Podium....Where the hell is she? Which Walmart pantsuit will it be ? Colonel Mustard ? Peacock Blue ? Blood Red ?
61% to 32 %.....Sounds like Obama did better than expected....
"Until the Last Dog Dies" was up on a sign?
wow...I am not sure that is a supportive sign....
Here she comes .....wearing Florescent Orange...and her nutjobs are there....and she is saying that People are saying she should give up ( yeah, because mathematically she is WAY behind, 700,000+ voters, new voters, More states, more new voters, more money, etc etc...AND NOW MORE superdels..) Oh good lord it is ONLY 40 seconds in and she is asking for MONEY.....SHame on her....asking the poor folks there for money- what a lousy thing to do to these poor people....
NOW she is again humping her idea that Mich and Florida are uncounted....lordy..
( THIS is her greatest speech ever ????? who the hell is she kidding? I have seen better Speechs on South Park....)
( Interesting NO Bill and NO Chelsea....)
New Frost Job- complete with Cruella Deville Frost Streaks....
Really not that big a crowd- maybe 2000
Didn't watch cable news.
Don't care about VW.
The Borg Queen won't be the nominee.
Barack Obama is our nominee.
Scram - Get - Leave.
You're toast.
omg she is going on and on how she is the Strongest Candidate...and she is so deluded...there is NO WAY that she should be allowed to stay in and keep bashing Obama....what an Entitled Bigot Bitch... ...
( So let me get this straight- the People of Color, the young People, People under 65 NONE of them Matter???? ALL the Vets have voted ( NOT voted for her...)
and NOW she has the Nerve to bring up "
Hard work" and "values" WHY they hell does n't she just say she got the Klan vote- come on just say it.....because we all KNOW that is what happened ....She is now pandering to the Redneck Hillbilly Vote ( ex Bushies) she has alot of nerve...this is her "BIG" speech- really?
so far all I hear is the same crappy ass speech she has given since the Crabcake speech...
she has alot of fucking nerve....
( and yes the jar is filling now...and 6-6 has indeed called her the 2 dollar word twice already...)
Only 19% counted....
still 62 % to 33%....
Hey there Chris...I hope you are right- I swear to god she is NOT going to get out...or stop this...the Super Dels are going to have to do this...and stop her at this rate...
( Toast- Like at Rocky Horror Picture show where you throw toast....maybe we all need to throw toast at our tvs at this rate...urght..._)
Must get my Mylanta shooters...lemon creme- slightly chilled...
What the fuck is this color- Electrocuted Flamingo...
Omg..."Common Values" she should just run with McSame...
I have read more exciting Cereal Boxes...this speech is pathetic...
NOW she is begging the Superdels...what a tramp...just days ago she gave the great WHITE hardworking Statement....I hope they heard THAT....
( and now just like an Imperious Mom - there are "consequences" in November...what the hell??? so now we are being lectured like bad children.....)
Now she is pandering about Byrd...any minute she will of course claimed that she has roots there...
6-6 is now yelling some more , hmm, he is going to be out of change soon...
oh shit the Skunk did indeed let one rip RIGHT outside my window...excuse me while I shut the windows- I SWEAR this is because the skunk HEARD her.....poor little thing..
be right back...
Notice Hillary hs developed a twang in her
ac-cent in this state???
She's talkin West Virginian.....
She would not dare pull that in NY State!
Oh good lord...
she has brought up ANOTHER dead person..."florence" a woman that died in a Hospice....good lord- so she always brings up dead people- HOW convenient....
(and there is ONE black person there...that I see..just saying...)
the crowd is delirious...and she sounds like she is taking this all the way to the convention...and her "version of reality" as Tweety said it...
omg...this is unreal...she is DELUSIONAL....
SuperDels better get off their asses and MAKE A CALL...this woman is not going anywhere...and she will throw Obama under and ALL of us, under the damn bus....
this is MATH...Hello...
Thanks Fran...thought I was ranting alone...
oh yeah that is WHAT she thinks they Sound like...I can not wait to hear her Kentucky....she is such a fraud...good lord....
6-6 has called her the "MegawhoreBitch".....we are now debating if that is Worth anything for the jar..
McCauliffe is on right now going on and on about how Michigan should count....and he is such dimwit- says that the other candidates took their names off- so it is their own fault ??????
anyone else tired of hearing HIM blather on and on....
So 6-6 asked if McCauliffe is Drunk ? what is he ON?
( 6-6 is right - his eyes are too lit)
( it is a real good question...)
( my bet is Prozac Martinis....?)
Hey E~ If you need cheering up, go look @ the parade photo I posted on my blog. That's gotta cheer you up.
I have a new message from Chelsea on my answering machine-- (I told you I am being stalked!), and today there is a message from Obama himself.... the tone of his call is so much nicer- together we can make a difference
as opposed to the "toe to toe fighting" Hills message spews.
I saw a clip of Bill in roseberg oregon, saying all votes need to count- they are railing on MI & FL like pit bulls. Will not let up- even though they agreed to the DNC ruling at the beginning.
Horse pucky!
(you can say that without having to pay in the swear jar).
Hey there...I don't mind putting money in the jar - we send it all to Obama now - have since feb ;-)
Russert is asking if the Clintons are willing to Disenfranchise the Black Voters and the Young Voters...???it is a really good question...
So Coooool you got an Obama messege...that would be amazing to leave on the machine...
Keith just pointed out that 7% STILL voted for Edwards...I saw another poll over at CNN that 24% DID NOT vote...
Speaking of Edwards- have his dels been put in anyone's column....?
Hi all - am just joining you as I was out at a meeting. I've read the whole thread so I am caught up!
CNN is saying 34% of the Hillary voters won't vote for Obama in WV.
They're saying it's a "rift." More like racism.
I too thought it was interesting that 7% still voted for Edwards.
Hey there Maui....you are all caught up....McCauliffe is still a deluded Tool...and so is HillaryLand....
You are sooooooo correct. Many of the Hillbots are the most racist people I've ever encountered.
They're like Klan seamstresses.
Now I'm listening to one of Hillary's shills talking on CNN about Florida and Michigan, saying how it's only fair that the votes in those states should count because they came out and voted even though they were told it wouldn't count. Twisted logic there.
CNN is saying 34% of the Hillary voters won't vote for Obama in WV.
They're saying it's a "rift." More like racism.
I'm seeing threads like this all over the blogshere--blogs that I respect, and it disgusts me. There certainly is a rift developing here, and it's going to drive the Democratic party apart if we're not careful.
Show some freakin' respect for a tenacious candidate, the first woman candidate who ran a viable presidential campaign in US history.
Christopher will no doubt savage me over on Unruly Mob for having the temerity to suggest that I won't drink the Obama Kool-aid (and I didn't vote for Senator Clinton BTW) but this needs to be said: The 'thuglicans are counting on exactly this kind of nonsense--Obama supporters so enthralled with their candidate that they're willing to piss all over Hillary Clinton and her supporters. It's a recipe for disaster.
Kvatch, I just read that a pretty large number in exit polls did say that race was a factor. See this link from the AP. Race, Jeremiah Wright, and Hillary's support of the gas tax holiday were key issues.
I do agree that we can't be divided and it would be a disaster if people can't come back together. But I don't think Hillary is blameless in this, nor is Bill.
But Mauigirl...I'm not talking about Clinton or Obama, but rather their supporters.
Perhaps race will be a factor but so would gender for many people. Votes will be lost either way. I don't deny that, but what we're talking about here is one segment of the party trying to alienate the other as effectively as evangelicals drove progressives out of the Republican party.
The Democratic party has troubles enough.
After the West Virginia primary, Obama now leads Clinton by an insurmountable 171 delegates.
It's done. Over. Fini.
Kvatch, I posted a reply and I hardly think it reaches the threshold of "savage." I just think you're wrong.
AS for the pissing remark-- I Have to say Hill pissed her own self with the negative attack mode and the fact her campaign is DEEP IN DEBT.
I don;t care if you are a Hill fan-- you have to admit being that much in debt - essentially being unable to manage your own campaign is a foreboding precursor regarding the aspiration to manage the country's money.
If ya can't run your own campagn, how the hell are you gonna run the country?
AS for the pissing remark-- I Have to say Hill pissed her own self with the negative attack mode and the fact her campaign is DEEP IN DEBT.
I don;t care if you are a Hill fan-- you have to admit being that much in debt - essentially being unable to manage your own campaign is a foreboding precursor regarding the aspiration to manage the country's money.
If ya can't run your own campagn, how the hell are you gonna run the country?
And just to be clear, I have said all along I would vote for Hillary if she wins the nomination. In fact, in the beginning I was a Kucinich supporter and wasn't supporting either Obama or Hillary. So I am not drinking any Kool-Aid here...
I am impressed that Hillary has run so strongly, and whether she wins now or in 2012, or never, it has certainly paved the way for a woman President. It just may not be her, at least this time. I do give her that credit. I think she could have done even better if she had run a more positive campaign.
Bunch of racist hillbillies.
Even the much beloved Senator Byrd is a reformed racist.
If they had a white guy to vote for you can bet your ass Hill would be getting bupkiss! For them she is simply the lesser of two evils.
Kvatch, I just read your second comment, and I do agree that there are supporters on both sides who have been very hostile. But I'm hoping in the end most of them will realize that they need to band together to keep McCain from winning.
Gryphen, sadly, I am sure you are right.
First off_ I need to say this- THIS THREAD is not nonsense- this is MY place to vent and I have liveblogged Every single debate and Primary- and I as a Hardworking Person was disgusted by the shit she pulled this week- You are not from the South- But I am and is my family that ONE Statement about HARDWORKING WHITE VOTERS was the Lowest Slimiest Ploy that I have ever seen and yes it was Racist- and if McCain had said it Maybe the Media would have jumped on it for what it is...
and as WOMAN I have taken a lot of heat for supporting Obama- and supporting him monthes ago...Hillary is a Sham- she panders, and she lies and she is in alot of Debt that Us as Dems will have to absorb...and SHE , and SHE ALONE ( with Bill's Help ) have been playing the race card for Monthes-
and She and Bill have been making very nasty calls to Super Dels that HE CAN'T WIN ( AND IT IS BECAUSE HE IS BLACK)...So Kvatch- Know this I love you and you blog dearly....
BUT...and I say this clearly I will NOT be part of a Racist Deluded Woman's Selfish Quest to the Whitehouse....and I am SICK of it...and Bill and Hillary have played the Race Card Since the SC Primary and they have played it over and over...so wake up and smell the Coffee....
There is NOthing Wrong with Obama Supporters wanting A NEW Kind of Politics where the Billary Antics are GONE...we want Integrity, and Focus on the Issues, we want a Grown Up Dialogue about REAL Issues, NOT bigot issues....and the ONLY People that have divided the Dems are Bill and Hillary themselves- you are smart- figure it out...
There I said it...
( also thank you Maui for weighing in)
Oh there you are Gryphen- thank you....sadly everything you said is soooo true...
I spoke the truth in My Post above-this was all about getting the Vote of Hillbillies and Rednecks and Klan-and I have kin there - I know it is true...sad but true...
I want us United ...BUT behind the RiGHT person- and it 's not hillary...and her lies and pandering...and HER racism..
Enigma, that comment about the "hard working, white" people that she made really shocked me. And she can't claim to have not meant it to sound that way. She doesn't say anything by mistake and they really were pretty obvious code words, sending the right message to those people she wanted to attract.
I did hear she later said she "regretted" the remark - probably because she got so much criticism for it.
To listen to the idiots on cable news you would think Hillary just was anointed to the Emperorship of the World.
One more thing- Plenty of SMART people have voted for Obama....and for some reason Hill people like to say that we are not smart enough...or that we drink too much coffee or we are not like real America.....I am a white woman I make under 30,000 dollars and I went to college BY HER Measurements I am supposed to Vote for Hill- period...BUT her Package has NOTHING For me...nothing....and she has NO Integrity- and it is that simple....
I live in an Urban big city and frankly she has made it abundantly clear that MY Neighbors and Friends dont matter to her Entitled Selfish Biggoted self...and frankly people here are pissed- and I think they have every right- esp after they voted and supported Bill in the 90's.....
Sorry Kvatch- but I don't like your tone- and I feel like you don't respect Obama supporters much...and that's a shame- but don't come here- preaching Unity- but be condescending to Obama supporters- you can do it on your blog- but not here on my blog- I made my BLog a Haven for Obama people along time ago- as a place to vent together- But it's enough to have to watch Crappy media I don't want to argue and fight for what's right on my own Blog....I have taken enough shit from Hillaryland- and I am commited we be United-
but it starts HERE and on the Blogs- and you were not respectful to the Obama supporters here- kind of ever so subltely implying we are not informed and that we don't have the facts- and YET almost everyone here has worked hard for Obama- the stomping, canvassingl, making calls, writing people etc.....We HAVE WORKED FOR WHO WE THINK IS THE BETTER CANDIDATE....WE DO KNOW HIM AND HAVE WORKED HARD TO SUPPORT HIM AND UNITY..WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?
To Larry, Maui, and Gryphen, I am sorry...
I had to let Kvatch know I was not happy with his comments , but people that say things like" Obama supporters" are part of the rift...I am sorry but we as Americans can not sit here and give Hill a pass on Racism...WHY? becuase you know we are about to see much more in the fall- and it is the one thing that should not be ignored or annointed- for if it is- then McCain will win in the fall....because we KNOW that it will be part of the rethug platform...
the Clintons have split this party...and I am not going to apologize for what they have done....or make excuses for them....or give them a pass....
they have 20 Million dollars of mistakes sitting there...and they continue to slice us up like a pie...
I agree, Enigma, many (not all) Hillary supporters put down the Obama supporters. And we have seen pro-Hillary threads that make our anti-Hillary comments look tame compared to the way Obama supporters are treated.
Kvatch is busy spinning for Hillary on Les Enrages and said my argument was irrelevant because it deconstructed his kumbaya post.
I think it's very frustrating for the Hillbots at this point because even a win for Hillary is really a loss.
I think the point that kvatch is missing in his post above is that we are not using the race card to excuse any of Obama's short comings.(Everybody has those)
But we do decry the fact that the race issue was introduced by Hillary and Bill Clinton, fellow Democrats! They did it slyly and subtly, but they certainly did it. And it is inexcusable.
If the Republicans had introduced the race issue in the general election the media and the voters would have crucified them. But now that Obama's fellow Democrats have brought the race issue into the campaign the Republicans get to toss it around while making the point that they were not the ones to bring it up. In other words a free pass.
Hillary is not simply a "tenacious candidate". She is a candidate that has decided to try to destroy her opponent so that he will lose the general election allowing her to run in 2012. And this in a time when the country is damaged almost beyond repair by the policies of the Bush administration.
How does that earn anybody's respect? How can a Democrat be taken seriously when they hand the most important election in recent American history to the party that has caused all of our current problems?
No she does not get our grudging admiration. She gets our eternal revulsion for showing us just what a self serving bitch she truly is.
Just read your most recent comment. I agree, I think the Clintons knew exactly what they were doing with everything they did,and said, and that is why I am not supporting Hillary.
The Hillary supporters point out the sexism that she has had to put up with but to me that is a different issue. Racism is more insidious, more poisonous.
You are not from the South- But I am and is my family that ONE Statement about HARDWORKING WHITE VOTERS was the Lowest Slimiest Ploy that I have ever seen and yes it was Racist- and if McCain had said it Maybe the Media would have jumped on it for what it is...
Enigma, what...exactly...do you know about my background? I was born in Mississippi, raised in Texas, lived in both Florida and Virginia--in short I spent the majority of my life in the South where my parents still live. Thus I might actually have something to say on that topic.
That said, your reaction is unjust. I neither called into question your motivations, nor the integrity of your candidate. I did not comment in an attempt to slam you personally.
What I did do was highlight a disturbing trend that I'm seeing, a trend that will tear the Democratic party apart if we're not careful. Obama can win, and Obama will win but not if Clinton and Obama supporters don't pull together. Flamefests like this one, perpetrated from either side, are the Republican's fondest wish.
Oh...and Christopher...to deconstruct a post you first have to address it.
Wow...thank you one and All...you all have said the same things that have been bothering me...Well, silly me-Kvatch came here sore for a fight- I just went and read his latest Post- silly me- I had no IDea how pissed he was at Obama supporters- so I don't regret what I just wrote him above- I was just shocked he came spoiling for a fight- I was under the impression that MY Post and MY Thread had pissed him off- I had it all wrong ( you are welcome to read it if you like...I was shocked) Supposedly we are all sitting here drinking Koolaid....Which we all know we aren't...
you are right it is poison...and very dangerous....and Hill and Bill have been playing it for monthes- and people here are angry - and that NC Vote also showed how angry people....
great points - and she has not run a clean campaign- she has played way dirty, muddying the waters- Distracting from the issues....there is a BIG difference between "tenacious" and HONEST campaign....
I just said above- he came here spoiling for a fight- and he wrote a nasty post on his blog about Obama supporters- so it had nothing to do with our thread or what we were talking about....sorry he named you- HE OFFENDED ALL OF US...apparently according to his post on his blog-"Obama supporteres are the reason there is rift and we drink Koolaid" So let me get this straight- she and her supporters shit on us- BUT we are suppose to make Nice ???? whoa...
I left Kvatch a messege on his blog- and this Blog is for Obama supporters and this is where we can vent and talk- I won't put up with anymore shit on my blog- I have for monthes defended this blog, the readers and yes Obama and Obama supporters....
I was trying to explain and Shoot I even wrote this on the Post above- if you had read it- My Family is from Kentucky and West Virginia- WHich is Different than Texas..sorry but it is- and if you had read my post first before picking a fight- you would have known that....but ce la vie...
Let' get something straight- I have taken Shit for monthes from many for my support of Obama- and for letting people vent here- and I stick with everything I said above- and yes, you came here looking for a fight- sorry but you did- blaming the Rift on Obama supporters and also saying that we need to respect her- that is crap.
And don't play it otherwise- I just read your latest post- you make it REAL CLEAR about how you feel about Obama supporters and THE KOOLAID????
You say you want to talk "trends" _WOW...the REAL trend that we are talking about here and that has been talking about is the THE HARDWORKING WHITE PEOPLE Statement that Hill made- I noticed you waltzed right by that one- way to go.
I stick with what I wrote- we are allowed here to support Obama and yes, we vent- you don't like it- and you feel sorry for Hill- tough....BUT I don't regret anything here that has been said....we are Obama Supporters here- if you are uncomfortable- then you can go read elsewhere ( you have not been here in a long time...so that 's fine)....
And yes , I do take what you said personally- and here's why...Most people that come here have worked very hard for Obama....and you insult anyone here or me- I take that personally....we are trying to save this damn country and bring Change....And after 8 years of the Hell- that is Personal.
[sigh] Tried to explain, but apparently any hint or suggestion that the Democratic might be in trouble is not welcome here.
and this Blog is for Obama supporters and this is where we can vent and talk- I won't put up with anymore shit on my blog...
Ah..I get it. So...one final question: When the Democratic party has become a place "...for Obama supporters" and McCain is in office, are we going to regret that we didn't do more?
Let's hope it won't come to that...fingers crossed.
Enigma, I think I'll head off to bed...sleep well and thanks again for hosting the live blog!
I'm looking forward to next week when we can talk about Oregon!
you came here and picked a fight- and you can't lie that is what you did- and you again walked right by the Racist Hillary issue- I guess you are okay with her saying that ONLY white people are hardworking? You think all of us should sit Silent while she uses a Platform of Racism to attempt to win an election ( even though the math does not support her ?).
YOU are missing The Point- you came here and we were talking about the Primary coverage- and you came to pick a fight- so explain HOW that makes YOU someone striving for Unity? that makes you a hypocrite.....I read your most recent post about HOW you feel About Obama Supporters...and that explains why you have not been here for 4 monthes- but you came here tonight to pick a fight- is that Hillary's Unity Plan?
She and Bill have used ALL the Rethug Tactics, Rovian Tactics- Warmongering, Lying, Fear mongering, White Mongering....ALL of it- HOW can you respect that- and WHY should any of us- and how dare you come here and say we should respect that- that makes NO sense.
Shame on you...
I have done nothing on this blog to warrant your condesending attitude...
I hope and pray that we have Unity and soon, but not by compromising or taking shit from people that I never offended or picked a fight with.....that would just mean I am a doormat....I am a Strong Democrat with Ethics and Ingegrity....
I don't go to other's blog and pick fights....I would not stoop that low....
Unity does mean respecting others- and how hard they have worked and fight for Change....
Kvatch you came here to pick a fight and chased off my normal gang- thanks - way to go on that Unity Plan- give yourself a big round of Applause- you must be proud of yourself...Feel better ?
Way to go...
thanks for coming...sorry to get grumpy....thanks for all of thoughts and insights...
Okay back to posting the Numbers...I had decided early on that I would write them all in a notebook every hour..and then post the 90% numbers...
MN Numbers:
90% Counted..
Hill......216,202......19 Dels...67%
Obama......89,061....9 Dels....29%
( I think that is right?)
6-7 % STILL Voted for Edwards...so I don't know if his dels get split between them...I guess if Edwards had endorsed it would have helped- he has been on TV alot this past week- 4 times...
( 6-6 brought up a point- did Bill offer Edwards a Clinton Foundation grant ? good question....because the Clinton foundation is exploring projects in NOLA...)
One Final thought for Kvatch- I said MY BLOG is a place for Obama supporters to come ( because frankly there was nowhere to go for monthes without being Hillboted...)..I did not say anything about the Democrat party, I was just talking about my Blog......I blogged about Unity in the above post and yes, I mentioned you and your visit....because the open thread was really about Racism..because THAT is what is ripping this party apart- NOT Obama Supporters....
A guy in my neighborhood has "Hardworking Black Man For Obama" on his car- made it himself....I told him I thought it was great- and he laughed and said his wife is pissed....I told him he better make her one too- and I even joked- I need one too...
He also pointed out that after Bush saying the Hard Work phrase all these years it is one Phrase that makes him not real happy...." We all been working way too hard"...
Thanks ...
In West Virginia, 20 percent of respondents said that race was a factor in their decision and those voters, by overwhelming number, backed Mrs. Clinton.
obama is not going to beat mccain in racist america. sorry.
Racism is a problem in America- but it is NOT all of America, it is only pockets.....Obama is winning States and Votes and New Voters in many states....His Movement is bigger than McBush ....
McCain will lost because People are sick of the Iraq War that is Breaking this Country on all levels. Race will end up being a Minor Factor in the General Election, because People know that the War needs to End, and it won't end under McBush...
The Math does bear up for your perdiction. McBush is having problems getting support, and Money and even people to listen to him at Events.....the GOP has problems, and their stranglehold on this Country has finally coming to an end.
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