Utah Savage who is very interesting....posted this interesting MEME...and I thought if I politely acknowledged everyone and commented nicely that I could whistle on by....nope...DK put me on her list...Hmmm, I should not have brought up her old photos....( I was hoping she would post one with the meme- they are really amazing..oh well..) So here goes....nothing..I should add I am terrible at them, even though I love reading them....so forgive me...I suck at this...
Well, the Day did not quite work out the way it was supposed to..But I hung around the house waiting for the plumbers, as some of you may remember my life story revolves around things blowing up in my basement, usually involving much swearing, enough water that there are waves and tall boots and canoe lessons...The Dear Plumbers who I call Mutt& Jeff were due between 11am and 4pm ( which of course actually meant 6pm)...So I got up early excited to do laundry (not really)...and waited for them, walked the dog, fed all critters, nagged my son to study for his GED, found him instead watching Arrested Developement and Buffy not the GED CDROMS, and then I nagged again, and then it was time for some snacks....then I cleaned and kept eye-ing the Mount Laundry in the Corner of the bathroom which is now taller than me....because the Washer has been broken since before Mothers Day....and if one lives with a teenager that means TOO LONG.... Then I washed dishes, brushed the Old Cat and she kept giving me that WHO ARE YOU ? Look...then I worked on painting a chair I found and the Garden Suitcase I am Painting ( it is too store all the Garden tools) and I met up with a Neighbor who brought me Wonderful Exotic Incense from Japan ( that made my whole day)....and every few hours I blogged...because I keep worrying I might miss Something...Obama Watch ya' know.....Finally Mutt and Jeff came and we had a lovely political discussion in my basement ( that is for another day's post )...then I made 6-6 dinner...then I watched Keith...and then my son and I sat and made fun of the Batchelorette... ( Sooo I did not work on my book or clean or work on my yard....THOSE were on my list)
(2) 10 YEARS AGO....oh ouch...now I do feel old...sigh..
I was still married at that time and living with son and Hubby in very nice apartment in Seattle. I was homeschooling my son, who was about 7.... working weekends taking care of a barn of Horses so he could have riding lessons/therapeutic riding.....and taking care of our own little animal hospital (3 legged turtle, hedgehog, 2 rabbits,2 mice, 2 hamsters, 1 very old Budgie, 2 guinea pigs,1 Walking Stick creature, we had just gotten Bassatt Hound named Abby from the Bassatt rescue to keep our old Scottie company ), My son at that time very much wanted to be a VET (hence the "hospital"). We would watch alot of Arthur C.Clarke, Discovery and Learning Channels, and spending lots of time at the Library, and my son who was seven was hooked on reading...We both were still missing the 2 lovely girls we fostered the year before ( they had been returned to their mother), and While doing ALL of this, I was still taking my son to OT, PT and other therapies to help with his coordination. My son was a premie, but also had excessive growth- which means that when he was little, even though he is gifted, he has had muscle and coordination issues since he was little, and I speant years helping catch up and learn skills. ( when he was little he would work on balance or gain strength, only to have it wiped away a month later, this made learning hard for him , even though he is an amazing in other areas, he also has a graphomotor disorder). But that year was very exciting we got our First Computer an IMAC and finally he could write and draw on the computer, it opened a whole new world for him....
( I was still doing some nursing on the side....and taking care of AIDS friends....but it was mostly about my son and trying to be a wife...)
{{3}}..FIVE PLACES I HAVE LIVED....( other than by lake erie...)
(2)Pacific Grove,Ca.
(3)Sanibel , Florida
(4)New England::Vermont/ and North New York
(5)NW ( Bellingham and Seattle)
{{4}} ONLY THREE BAD HABITS ( oh how I wish that were true...oye)
I am very complicated (part Mulder/part Scully )...too too sensitive, too passionate ( phone ads and Extreme makeover make me cry)......Way too detailed oriented...focus on way too many things at once...terrible at saying no especially involving kids or animals.....and I read too much...and I kinda have a thing for things spicey and sweet, like Thai food...and yeah I yell and throw things at the TV way too much ....and I am way too political...okay I will stop...this could go on and on..and on...
{{5}} FIVE JOBS :: ( other than nurse...)
(1)Lifeguard/pool manager
(2)Research for a NEWs station ( while in college)
(3)Rickshaw bike driver in Baltimore's Inner Harbor ( yes a real Rickshaw... bike style)
(4)Tons of Waitressing and Bartending....( to pay for nursing school)
(5)Lights for Bands ( at a very seedy Baltimore Bar"No Fish Today"-long gone)
{{{ I consider being a mom my most important job even though I have kind of bumbled through day by day year by year...( I kinda raised myself...so it really was a learn as you go thing....poor 6-6).
I would invest in Windfarms, Sugar Cane fuel, Hemp farms esp in rural areas and also near Reservations...and I would set up a Poverty Foundation, there are too many that are struggling, they would not have to do anything then tell WHY and WHAT they need.......I would call George Clooney and ask about how to work with UN, I would publish blogger books ( like Utah Savage, Dean Wormer, Poetryman and me), I would give to my favorite AIDS charities, and Refugee Care, VET care( PTSD),I would set up a Make a Wish Foundation for Adullts.....and Also invest in College Funding for kids like my son.... I would also heavily invest in special programs for Children to get art and music and science...as Public Schools just don't have enough funding...and Finally I would invest in that program that is trying to put a laptop with everychild...BUT I would make it happen here in America...oh and there is a Tribe in the NW that I owe much...I would give to them...
There....that is all...just me...
Gryhen of Immoral Minority......MAUIGIRL.....Blueberry.....Dusty.....Poetryman.....Hmm, this now will get interesting...
{{ Cick the title: GooGoo Dolls..."Name" I will be back later this eve to liveblog the Primary..cuz that is What I do...}}*
I knew you could do it! This was fascinating. What you do in one day makes me dizzy. And all the special things you've worked on with your son! If I had a spare billion, I know you would put it to good use. And hey, don't discount your Rickshaw Driver skills -- the way things are going, they may be making a big come-back.
OK, you were a good sport. Hope it took your mind off the primaries, even if just for little while. Now I'm sorry I didn't use those old photos, I went with my cartoon self (Hah, AS IF!).
You say you are not very good at this...my ass....you wrote like a pro....very well done...and a very enjoyable read!
Oh, I have to come see you, long time no see....thanks..wrote like a pro..omg...I wish...too funny....thanks- so good to see you..
I love your cartoon self...I did not know what to put - I tried a bunch of things..but I do have this photo..and it is me..so ce la vie ( you know I wanted to put a Vargas girl...yeah- right)....it actually was kind of nice to remember stuff...I can't believe how fast these 10 years went...wow...I loved driving a rickshaw- it was a really sturdy 3 wheel bike..a bitch to drive up hills with drunks in the back...amazingly I made more doing that then waiting tables....you all did a good job on yours..so it was time for me to do one..I have skated away from about 5 of these....thanks...
A stirling effort. It's not easy talking about yourself, though you make me tired following your busy schedule ;)
Busy schedule ????laugh out loud..I bumbled through my day and I do it ALL the time..lol...toooo funny...hey you- good to see you ( and you know me...I actually hate talking about me...and memes about me- so this is it..my big MEME effort...)I was going to tag you- but DK beat me to it..darn...
Cart::BTW scroll down I posted a bunch of the Portland Photos for you and the other folks far away especially....( hell not even all the papers here posted..) Enjoy...
TY, I saw the Portland pics. Couldn't spot Tom Cat :)
I pop by, but there isn't always a half intellegent comment I can leave. You say/show it well.
Hey there..I thought the photos told it all...thanks..
Ooh! I've been tagged!
I will do it tonight or tomorrow.
Oh, a Make a Wish Foundation for Adults. Shiny! Can I make a wish? Because it is ALL about ME!
Good one, Enigma. Very interesting, complex life.
yup...make a wish for Adults ....sure you can make a wish ( it would not even have to be because of illness- I would make it a need based thing....Whatever Someones Needs...) All About Me- you are too funny...
yes friend you have been tagged...but take your time....we are a patient bunch...
yup I was looking for Tomcat too ;-) but didn't see him...
Okay. I NEED Alan Rickman. Does that count?
Oh dear,....well my friend you need him , so when I cash that Magical Check I shall MAKE IT SO....( I am sure we can lure him here , what with some wonderful Film Projects...and I know that you are more lovely than Rima....)
{{{ hmmm, what do I need...???Well, we could start with George and his Italian Villa...sigh...( I don't think redheads are his thing sadly....) I do have a short list though...maybe Keith could come and ease my loss of the not to be george...or Hugh Laurie....the guy who played the prist on Lost- whose name I do not know....oh I could go on and on...silly me}}}
E, I forgot to tell you to leave a comment on whoever you tagged so they will see what's it's all about. Oh, you probably already know how this meme thing works anyway.
Alan Rickman! Diva, we may have to have a little fight over him. Maybe a waitress-contest. I see lots of ex-waitresses in the meme.
I did...I did..actually it is good for us that we are doing this- we need distraction....
Alan Rickman...oh no another one...So that is three of us that would be wanting his attentions- and I was going to scarfice him to DIVA...sniff sniff...but now we need to find you someone ???
You are a doer! Exhausting.
This is starting to sound like the beginnings of a Laminated List.
oh no,,,,,not reallly...I make too many messes and have too many project and am not organized enough...but this was good it made me reflect and take stock...that is a good thing....
yeah....a laminated list...it really was fun...( and I don't even normally like memes)
Hey, DK, if we have to have a cat fight over who gets Alan Rickman, I think I should have the advantage, because you're already married. That has to count against you.
Maybe we could share Diva ????nah....I think you are more his type...well traveled...exotic...and razor sharp loveable dry sense of humor.....( you do have a great sense of humor...) So alas I am giving you....Alan...sigh......
ahhhh...alone again naturally...
Great Job! Your day would kill me. And I was so touched you would publish my novel.
I would indeed publish your novel..I have been lurking...You have a voice and real story...and amazing story telling skills...( I too am working on a book...I have no idea if it will ever get published...)
I did not think my day was that bad...I never finish my lists...they haunt me... I get too easily sidetracked...anyhows...
take care...
OK, Diva can have Alan Rickman if I can have Liev Schreiber. If you don't recognize his name from movies, he is also the narrator for many PBS specials. So what if he's 10-yrs too young for me? He looks like a younger version of my hub.
YAY, I GET ALAN RICKMAN. Someone please arrange that for me. Let him know right away, please.
I am a bad friend.
It is SO rude that I did not respond to the fact that you singled me out for a meme. My only defense is that it is crazy busy for me right now.
I do not know when I will have time to sit down and respond to it. Hopefully soon.
I apologize again.
Don't worry about it...no worries at all...I never really expect anyone to do one of these...( I have not done alot of them over the past two years...) Only do if it fun or you have time or really want to do it...we were just doing it as a distraction from Hillaryland insanity...etc..
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