This was sent to me by DK of Redheaded Wisdom. She also has a post up about growing up during the Sixties that is really inspiring during these difficult times. Have Hope all, let's hope that our friends in these two states do what has to be done. Namaste.
Are Ed Schultz and Keith Olbermann the only media people left that do not profess the greatness of Shillery?
I don't know Larry...but I think you might be right.....( although Dan Abrams is not a shillery fan....and Maureen Dowd....and Frank Rich....and many editorials were written in recent weeks of her pandering ways....)
But for the most part MSNBC and CNN are shilling....
I have heard that 350-500,000 voted early in NC.....
BTW since the media forgot to mention it...Obama held a rally in Indianapolis last night- 21,000 in the rain....( I think it was last night...or was it Sunday ? I am confused- anyways it is all over on his site).
I am glad this day is here, even though it won't end the competition. I will probably not know the results until ~9pm. I will turn on KO then. All the speculation drives me crazy. Fingers crossed. Toes too.
I watched the Obama rally; it was last night. CSpan showed all of it, even panning the entire audience. Very inspiring to see so many young-old-black-white-attentive-concerned faces, a real crosssection of america. This is rarely done at Hill events, as you know. I once saw her giving a rousing speech on the tarmac which made it seem like there must be a huge airport throng listening. What a shock when a bored cameraman swung his camera around to reveal there were only a few journalists and pissed-off crew people milling around. Yet she was belting it out, speechifying as if she had to throw her voice all the way back into a huge gathering. This so typical of her campaign wherein Hill is an Opera Diva and Bill is The Ringmaster.
I just love this "We the People" Obama poster! Glad you could post a PDF-File (I sure couldn't). We ARE the People and we WILL decide who is our next president! If anyone or anything tries to take that right from us, I hope this time we will remember the words of the Declaration of Independence.
That is a great poster! I will be by Red's eventually. I am glad today is finally here and hoping for the best but expecting a long haul.
a bit of a down day today but I am following Myanmar and have heard up to 60,000 dead now. Many villages are cut off and they can't check on them!
you are right, I just noticed today , when they show the Clinton rallies they never ever pan the crowd or show HOW many people are there....and she always yells out like there is a big crowd she needs to boom to....I LOVE THIS POSTER...IT IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES I AM SO GLAD I GOT IT TO WORK....Thank you ;-)
many will die and like Katrina there is a good chance more will die waiting for help/aid thanks to the Junta....and the risk of starvation and disease is high as is the issue of orphans, if you look in my post below- there is a photo of children that were found wandering...And the Junta will not issue Visas - there are large number of AID workers- literally just miles away in Thailand waiting to get in......Burma has really tugged at my heart all year...
Here and accounted for Enigma.
Let's all hold hands as our future is slowly revealed through intermittent poll results and conflicting vote numbers.
Has anybody notified BradBlog to keep his eyes peeled for the usual Hillary shenanigans?
This may be the very last time that she can play her shell game with those damn touch screen voting machines.
I am here Gryphen:
we are ready for tonight...
and I am worried esp about Indiana...I heard that there is a Huge Repug turnout....
We can all worry together....
I saw the pictures of the kids on the news but I am going to look at your pictures as I missed that so thanks.
I see!
I told you I know nothing about this stuff but I saw you refer to a thread but where is it? How do I find it? I didn't see anything at the bottom of your post.
Exit polling in North Carolina is heavily leaning to Obama. He's going to sweep in North Carolina and there are more delegates in North Carolina.
I can't be concerned with Indiana. I say, give to the Borg Queen -- she still can't catch Obama's delegate advantage.
Speaking of the Borg Queen, her new metric is the threshold for winning the nomination isn't 2,025 but, 2,208. Her new number includes the disputed states of Florida and Michigan.
If the Borg Queen takes her psychotic fight to the floor of the the Democratic in August, this, I believe, will be her (and Billary's) argument: Florida and Michigan must be included.
It is conceivable that this battle could go all the way to the United States Supreme Court. The Clintons are ruthless, power-addicted, sore losers and they will stop at nothing to "win."
Their arrogance prevents them from seeing that if they steal the nomination away from Barack Obama, the backlash will be so huge as many of Obama's supporters will go to McCain to block her from becoming the next president.
I am worried, I won't lie, but I am worried because this has gotten soooo dirty and underhanded...and because I don't trust the Clintons at all...they are as bad as Bush....We will have to hope that SOMEONE and Some DEMS at the Top are as fed up as we are...I do have faith in WE THE PEOPLE.....but the process- not so much....
The "threads" I refer to- when I write a post- I always update in the Comments Section (the "thread)....so like on this post I will update the Primary results all night...and down below I update in the Comments section anything I learn new on Burma.....Sorry to be so confusing.....hope that helps....
Stupid me, I remember that now that you remind me. i have to laugh! We have a beautiful seaside town here called Marblehead where I always loved to go and watch the dawn break. it fostered me to say every time I am slow to get things to say "Dawn Breaks on Marble Head" oh well maybe you had to be there.
I have to laugh at the eastcoast media elites and their double standard vis a vis Hillary Clinton's electability.
We hear:
"Obama can't win blue collar whites. This is a problem for him."
Never do we hear:
"Hillary can't win African Americans and highly educated, professional white voters. This is a problem for her."
Why is this? Why Tweety? Why Wolf? Why Keith? Why Rachel?
I just got home....to pick up dinner..
Let's review
(1) MSNBC is full of idiotpunditheads....yes Tweety and Russert are the biggest ones...
I guess I am NO Longer white either....
So MSNBC is already declaring that Obama is the projected winner of NC....must be pretty big....
Indiana 19% in
Clinton 122,000..........58%
Obama 94,000............42%
I think I need to look at some other results....
( polls just closed- HOW do they count this fast?)
Hey Enigma have you had a chance to visit BradBlog yet? I guess there were some nuns that found that they could not vote because of that new photo ID law that passed in Indiana.
Let's see, older sexually repressed women, yep that has to be Hillary's demographic.
Of course we know that this will have an even bigger impact on the African American voter.
Okay so Obama has won North Carolina.
Now how close will the results be in Indiana?
I am sooooo sick of this...HOW every state that she says is Important is sooo damn important...( and btw I told you the NUN vote was her new demographic- I called it - don't forget it ;-)
And John Amato also is reporting the Nun story- kind of sad...suppose they wanted to vote for Obama ? nahhh...
Anyways...I am in waiting to see what happens....but already my head is pounding...
Now I have to watch American Idol with 6-6 ( yeah, like that helps my BP....) I will be checking back with MSNBC...CNN makes me too nauseous....if you have numbers or results or comments or snark...let it rip.....
Indiana AGAIN the BIG urban areas and results are NOT in or counted yet- Indianapolis, Marion County, and Gary ( counties up by Chicago ) are NOT counted yet....the diff right now is 14%...BUT I think when those areas are counted - which will I am sure be the end of the night....I HOPE that the diff will drop below 10%...and let's be real there are MANY repugs voting for her...that won't vote for her in the fall..
NC 35% in 65 to 35 for Obama....
246,832 Clinton..... 56%
to 192,056 Obama......44%
38% counted...
Chuck Todd....is bringing up the Repug votes...issue in Indiana....
( I forgot the College towns and Indianapolis still HAVE NOT been counted....)
( and yes, 6-6 is NOW allowed to call her the C Word.....because enigma has been very naughty...where is that fucking Foul Mouth Jar ...I need to get it out- fill it and send the Money to Obama AGAIN...)
I too worry about those areas as we all know they had problems in PA in the areas that Obama should have done better in.
Looks like voter fraud again and nothing will be done about it as usual.
Sent you an email.
Take care and ...
God Bless.
Put something in it for me as well. She is a Monster and a C*nt. NO OFFENSE to monsters and c*nts.
Besides my old and new pets have cost me a fortune already.
God Bless.
Thanks ANon....I know I know...grrrrrr...
remember that NC is alot more dels...and these numbers show that he is getting WHITE vote too- someone tell the dumass pundits.
total 182,993
Hey AnonP:
hmm I hope there are photos of the new family members ??? I hope ;-)
6-6 has been sitting here yelling at the TV..I didn't even correct him....or stop him....
I mean she has run the WORSE campaign EVER and the media are still STILL humping her wonders....and if I hear ONE more time "she still has the Women's vote" I will do something to my TV....urgh...
I'm here too - watching the results roll in...I'm pleased to see how well he's doing in North Carolina so far; some had said it would be much closer.
And I hope when the metro areas come in in Indiana that he draws closer.
I totally agree, why is it that HE has the problem with white blue collar workers; why not that SHE has the problem with the people he appeals to?
I'll post the link for Baby. She is number 20 counting down from the start of the cats and she is sitting in a red litter box.
Baby's picture
Remember count down to cat number 20 to see Baby.
God Bless.
Ahhhh She is lovely AnonP...really sweet ( and she is the lap kitty I bet ?)
I too hope that the urban , Gary numbers level the playing field.....alot.
Back to the Numbers: 8:35 PM
NC: 15% Counted
total ...482,136......
Indiana.....52%. Counted...
( So it is tightening up in Indiana....)
Thought I'd stop by election central...
O= 47%
67% counted
N. Carolina
22% counted
As for the earlier conversation about Hillary possibly demanding FL & MI votes being counted (where only her name & not Obama was on the ballot), I think the country would have riots if she tried to pull a make those votes count trick.
There would have to be new elections & most states are so broke, they can;t afford to revote.
Such a blatent stolen election would really split & disinfranchise voters.
Indiana 67% Counted...
( so it is down to 8%)
NC....21% .....counted...
Hey Fran....too funny you and I posted the same numbers as me...about....Florida...and Michigan.,...
67% votes in and 6% diff now in Indiana...HA...take that Shillery the Panderer.....
There is a lot of racism in Indiana from the Klan home district of Elwood, to the lynchings in Gas City to the race riots in Kokomo.
No wonder Hillary will win that state.
Karl Rove was just quoted on Fox (had to check) that Hill will win Indiana by 4%.
Donna Brazile has been giving everyone hell on MSNBC. I think she's almost ready to commit.
Obama is speaking in NC to night sometime...boy wouldn't it be the right time for Edwards to step up....shhhhessssh ...I must be dreaming...that won't happen.....Huge Rally in Raliegh. NC....looks good...Reynolds Coleseum ( looks packed- don't know how many that holds)......
Chuck Todd Numbers:
Anderson, Muncie, he did well...and Indianpolis ? southern part of the state he did not do as well.....
Obama to speak SOOON ...oh the stage with Michelle- who looks Beautiful as ever...
there you go the Klan vote for hill..( I called it..and there it is..) But Indianoplis and Gary is for him...good....
I am sooo glad to hear that Donna is giving Hell....good.....I am so tired of ALL of this....she must be really tired....Obama is trying to speak...but he is being drowned out by the crowd....
Obama is speaking about Indiana and Hill...and sure enough Hill got booed...( I am shocked..)
20 Point lead in a BIG state - take that Queen of the Pantsuits...
New 9:15 PM Numbers....
68% Counted.....
Hill.........444,679....53%...16 dels
Obama....395,243....47%....13 dels
( hmmm down to 6 point diff....awesome)
NC: 33% Counted......
Hill.......267,555......39%......15 dels
Obama......408,999.....59%.....26 Dels...
DK::: How the hell does Rove KNOW that Hill will win by 4% ??? that is odd...
9:27 Numbers WOW....
Indiana: ( 4 point difference !!!!!)
72% Counted.....
Hilll..........463,825......52%.......16 Dels.
NC....43% Counted
Obama.....512,470.....58%......26 dels
37,000 votes ...TOO CLOSE TO Call....ha..
Great speech!
Great numbers!
Great night for Obama!
NBC news (6:48 PST) said the Indiana result is *too close to call*, they will come back with an update as soonas they feel they can call the election!
Too close to call is great news.
Ugh! Hillary is running commercials in Oregon-- her with white children & babies- threw in a token black child as well.
Please! Don't torture the children & babies!
She is wearing some pink shirt & gawdy pink necklace. Vote for Me!!!!
I'm about to upchuck my salmon & artichoke dinner.
No, Baby is not the lap cat. The new one is.
I wish Obama wins NC by more than there showing right now which is 14% of the vote.
Still showing 4% for Hillary in Indy though.
God Bless.
After having taken a break to eat dinner I was thrilled to come back and find the gap between Barack and Hillary was only 4 pts. in Indiana!
This is looking really good for him! Smashing win in North Carolina and a very close race in Indiana! She has got to realize the writing is on the wall.
Just read an editorial by David Brooks of all people, saying what a difference there is in their world views (Clinton vs. Obama). And he obviously feels Obama's is the better one. I hope more people begin to see what great composure he has and how he believes in consensus and discussion, not all-or-nothing, black-and-white opinions.
Go Away, Hillary.
Pack up your tent and leave.
You're not going to be the nominee.
You're not going to be president.
Please. Just. Go. Away!
Oh fran...I am so sorry...don't throw up....oh and such a nice dinner....
Gman.. it ain;t over yet baby....Nope.....Hill is having a bad night...
9:47 Numbers ( Purdue, Marion , Lake Counties not done yet...and Indinapolis not done yet)
total 954,450...76% Counted....
33,000 seperate them.....and Obamaland not counted yet...
( repugs 336,000 counted...big diff)
NC:::: 57% counted...
Hey Maui and Gryphen and Chris...well Lookie Lookie...
WOW Stunning results....wow...
and now hill is on her way to the Morris Center to give a speech...gulp...gee I hope it is NOT some BIG sweeping Victory Speech....
" TOOO CLOSE TO CALL{" and 81% counted.....
300,000 thousand votes still out in Lake County and they don't expect the results until 11:00pm.
Obama is down 38 or 39 thousand votes so he could still win or lose by less than 2% points.
It may be a double header for Obama tonight. Lets all pray it is.
God Bless.
Breaking news flashed on MSNBC.
Judge orders two precincts to remain open after the polls closed.
Do you know anything about this?
God Bless.
From what I have heard ANon there were areas in Indiana ( some of the ones I named above that RAN OUT OF DEM ballots...which by the way LAKE County is Obama land....and so is Gary and Muncie...and Over by Purdue....this is actually good news...those number need to come in and they have to be good for Obama..they are near Chicago)
Hillary's pink shirt commercial with 5 white kids/babies & 1 black kid, has played every commercial break so I've seen it 6 times in a row.
I thought her campaign was low on cash?
Time for Terry McAulliffe to drink a big, ole cup of STFU and then serve one to the Borg Queen!
KO just said Lake County will not be counted until 12 pm Eastern Time, 11 pm Central Time.
I hope they aren't stealing votes from Lake Country.
God Bless.
her campaign is LOW on cash...
and yes, Christopher...I think Terry does need to shut up as this afternoon he said it was a double digit lead....
NEW Numbers::::
10:17 PM
84% Counted....
537,776......52 %.....19 Dels
NC: 74% Counted....
Obama......700,589....56%...37 dels
Wow....still 4 points....33,000 Votes...and Still about 300,000- 400,000 votes not counted....
Just came across this little gem:
Schneider: Did 'Operation Chaos' succeed in Indiana?
Limbaugh’s ‘Operation Chaos’ plan was to have republican voters temporarily cross over to vote in the Democratic primary for Hillary Clinton.
(CNN) – How big of an impact did Rush Limbaugh’s ‘Operation Chaos’ have in Indiana? Did GOP voters really cross over to create havoc in the Democratic primary by voting for Hillary Clinton, as he’d asked his listeners to do?
Roughly one in ten of the state’s Democratic primary voters were Republican — and that group did vote for Hillary Clinton, 53 to 47 percent over Barack Obama. But hold on: registered Democrats, who made up two-thirds of Tuesday’s primary voters, gave roughly the same edge to Clinton, 53 to 45 percent. Only Independents — who made up about a quarter of the electorate — voted for Obama, 53 to 47 percent.
For whatever reason, self-identified conservative voters did overwhelmingly support Clinton – two out of three cast their votes for the New York senator.
Operation Chaos should be renamed Operation Desperate.... because if you have a strong & solid candidate you don't have to use a whack job talk radio nutcase to encourage party members to cross the line & register to vote in the other parties primary election.
Rush Limbaugh=desperate republican?
Fran...get the mylanta She is supposed to speak soon....
oh Fran ...thanks for those tidbits....and she is all dolled up wearing BLUE......and smiling TOOOO big...I am going to wretch now....
10:38 PM
and they panned a very small crowd...( I think it is not as big as they want us to think....Bill is very red in the face...and now she is thanking them....For what ????)
now she just mentioned that Indiana is a Tiebreaker...is she fucking demented ???? She has NOT won...
The Borg Queen is warbling on, and on, and on, mostly asking for more money!
That's the centerpiece of her speech: give me money!
She's shameless and sickening.
WTF is she talking about? She is claiming victory in a state that no network has called for her! And "on to the White House"??? What is she, delusional?
I'm so sick of her saying "ready on day one."
Okay she is still rambling....and talking about Victory...and NOW she is stealing Obama's Speech...holy crap..about how we all have a story...what a copycat...2 minutes into the speech she is ASKING FOR $$$$$$
okay the Numbers..
Indiana 10:38 PM
85% Counted....
Hill.......554,227.......52%.......19 Dels
Obama.....513,092........48%.......16 Dels...
1,067,319 counted....
STILL 35 ,000 seperates them;.....
85% counted....
Obama....777,194......56%.......37 dels
Clinton....578,794.......42%......22 dels.
1,375,737 Counted
STILL 4% between them...this is NOT a victory....
She sounds like a lunatic.
"Money, give me money. I need money. Go to HillaryClinton.org and donate."
Please, STFU!!!!!!
And she's talking about the summer gas holiday again!
I really do think she's delusional at this point. She really can't accept she is NOT winning!
Hey Mauie and Chris...is she NUTZZZZZZZZZZ????she really is an entitled bitch...
Maybe she's on Ativan?
She sure looks and sounds drugged. Huma must have given her a handful of sumpin' before she took the stage.
She has to shut up I can not scrape vomit out of my keyboard this fast....
( I have a question has she once even thanked these poor people there ???
Bill is beat red...looks toasted...
oh lordy now we are on to West Virgina and Kentucky ...holy fuck...this is like the longest root canal in history...
Look at the wild eyes of the Republican at the podium.
I wouldn't be surprised if she's on something. She has to be taking happy pills to think she should be continuing on.
The pundits were all saying she would probably need to take a few days to think about what to do next and that maybe she'd finally realize she isn't winning. But it sounds as if she's going on and on, you can't get her to quit. WTF is wrong with her?
what the hell....there are only 4 points different and WHY have they not finished counting ?????
Gag me, she's saying we should "count the votes" of Florida and Michigan. But by then hopefully Obama will have enough superdelegates for it not to matter.
okay I am running little yellow dog out and look for tums....she won't shut up..
I would love to see those votes come in and give Obama a victory.
She again is talking about Florida and Michigan saying the nominee shouldn't be decided by just 48 states.
What an asshole she is.
God Bless.
I just took Tums myself, LOL!
She's finally done.
OK, the pundits are saying her speech was conciliatory to Obama.
I don't see how they can call this a "ritual reunification" when she says she's going on to win the next primaries. But perhaps they sense something underneath.
WTF? Tweety just characterized her speech as "charming."
Charming? Charming? FOFLMAO!
She's a whacko and so is Tweety.
Yes, "charming." Ugh.
Charming: adjective
- extremely pleasing or delightful
Tweety is as off the hook as Hillary.
Pumpkinhead just said there may be a deal in the works for Obama to pay-off her campaign debts and she would fold up her tent.
Good. Whatever. Just get rid of her!
I hate to think my donations to his campaign might go to her debts, but if it gets rid of her, fine! LOL!
I heard that, girl! Me too.
But if she would exit stage left, it works for me. Anything to be rid of her.
Yes! She has to go.
I liked it that Obama was talking about the Democrats being united against McCain and pushing for unity. I hope Hillary's speech is really just about saving face and that she really will leave soon so we can move forward.
Wouldn't it be something if she suspended her campaign tomorrow?
Okay I am back...you all made me laugh...now where are my Charming Tums..
I gotta go get the New Numbers....
It certainly would. I think it depends on what kind of a deal she can work out. Would Obama pick her for VP? Or Secretary of State?
It certainly would. I think it depends on what kind of a deal she can work out. Would Obama pick her for VP? Or Secretary of State?
Sorry for the double post!
WTF? That's breaking news? That's been old news for a few hours already.... but thye included a picture of Hillzilla with the news flash
rolling eyes!
I saw that same damned Hill commercial 7 times in a row, finally had to change to PBS where they play no commercials a safe haven from the pink monsterosity !! Gaaak!
PBS is reporting Fannie Mae mortgages is 2.2 billion in the hole. Ooops ! More mortgage f**k ups.... back to Hillary pictures with well off white children......
Breaking News _ The PUNDITS are furious and confused ;-)
thanks fran and maui...
the 11:20 Numbers:
Indiana : 87% Counted....
Hill.......566,017......52%......19 dels
Obama.......526,509......48%......16 dels
NC:::: 97% Counted....
Obama......859,573......56%......37 dels
WHAT is the hold up ? were people still in line for hours ? we need to go to Brad Blog and find out....
I know, they've had "breaking news" on there all night.
I'm trying to hold out till midnight so as to see what happens when Gary's votes are counted. Switching between The Daily Show and MSNBC...back to MSNBC now...oops, they have a commercial. Maybe PBS is the way to go! On to channel 13.
Damn, Doris Kearns Goodwin is on charlie Rose and she looks terrible! Has she been ill?
so she is in a pickle...good...I hope she and bill are having a Wonderful night...( dripping with sarcasm)
Keith is still on...
Chuck Todd..
220,000 Lake County still not counted...we are waiting....he thinks it is 180,000 for Obama , we just don't know....High African American..Indianpolis- he won by 67% of the vote.....if he can get 60% he can overtake her....
He won the dels 98 to 89...he netted ....it might just be one or two different...
210,000 still up...
the MAX she will come up with will be 10,000....
this was a big night for Obama Chuck said...math wise he still did really really well....
after tonight 30 dels aways from what he needs ....
( May 20th with Oregon and Kentucky will give him the final numbers...)
Hmm I dont know Maui- I have some crappy speical on Bush Sr and on the other channel I have BBC SHOWING OBAMA;S SPEECH...WOW....THAT IS A FIRST WOW....
I meant the Pickle comment about Hill- not Doris...I am not sure about Doris- I will try to find out- shoot I really like her..
( I am stunned that BBC showed his speech...wow..)
Keith is saying something about Gary giving a large number of votes to Obama.
What are they doing in Indiana-- SMOKING CHADS? 88% counted.
Yes, I figured the pickle comment was about Hill!
I like Doris too; hope she's OK. Maybe she's just tired or having a bad hair day...
That's great the BBC showed Obama's speech. I just finished reading the transcript of it (I'll have to find a video of it later and listen and watch it). The speech was great even just in print. Very inspirational!
Smoking chads! ROTFL! Good one, Fran.
Now they're talking about whether Hillary would be Obama's VP. I don't know if he'll pick her...but I'm sure she'd have some role in an Obama administration.
Okay Maui..it is just you and me...Fran and DK might have taken a break...
NEW Numbers...
Hill.......574,643......52%........35 dels
Obama.......536,332.......48%.......48 dels
total 1,110,975.......
Lake County still has to be Counted....that is 180,000 votes that we know of....ouch...
OMG, new news - it's now 51 to 49%! Only 2 points difference now, and 9% left to be counted.
Keith is saying SEIU is saying that he is the presumptive Nominiee ( take that HILL...)
11:45 new numbers MSNBC JUST FLASHED...IT IS NOW LESS THAN 2% ( less than 20,000 diff).....HOLY CRAP....
91% counted...? Gary and Lake County being counted?
I am going to check over at C&L...they flashed it tooo fast....
I'll go too...the MSNBC website still has the 52 to 48 numbers.
Yes, C&L does show the 51 to 49.
The pundits are now saying that if it's this close it doesn't even matter if Hillary technically won.
91% Counted....
Hill.......584,113......51%.......35 dels
Obama.......564,323....49%.....32 dels....
1,143,436......19,790 Difference WOW.....
Go Gary.....we are rooting for you.....
and I love that Keith keeps calling it a Squeaker....
"You know, some were saying that North Carolina would be a game-changer in this election. But today, what North Carolina decided is that the only game that needs changing is the one in Washington, DC."
Yes, it is a squeaker. And, they just said Hillary cancelled her morning news show appearances that she had had scheduled. She must be thinking about what to do.
Fran, that was a great quote from Obama.
Great Quote Fran....
Hill has cancelled ALL AM Show appearences...oh dear...a Pantsuit crisis..? a trashed hotel room ? Not enough boiler makers....
oh maui too funny= we both said the exact same thing....
As Goes Guam so goes the Nation...
LOL, Guam called it - by 7 votes.
Still more votes coming in from Lake County.
LOL re the Guam remark.
That was a gret Obama quote.
He is just tightening the vote in Indiana.... how cool would that be if he wins it.
This is great!
I think there is a very real chance he could pull it out. Fingers crossed!
Now its only 2% in Indy and the Clinton supporters are crying fraud and that Obama is stealing Indy from them.
God Bless.
I love the Obama quote....
12AM ....91% counted still...new numbers...
Hill.....588,106......51% and 35 Dels
Obama.....567,149...49%....and 32 Dels....
still less than 20,000.....
BBC aired His Speech- HOW cool is that..
and I got a call from Asia asking what the hell is the hold up in Indiana..too funny....
It might even come down to absentee ballots, they're saying now.
Hill people are crying foul- you are joking me....what a roar...
She cancelled her AM shows Anon....
I have my toes and fingers crossed....
wow..this is amazing....
Chuck Todd..."we are doing all of this for ONE delegate..."
Anon, it figures they would cry fraud...I hope no one really believes that.
Chuck Todd. NC a very big deal ...it basically erases what she did in Penn...( yeah)
it was big in Dels and votes....wow...
Indiana is going to be decided by 5000-6000 votes....wow..that is close....
Enigma, yes, it really is about only one delegate - not as if it's the November election and the one half of one percentage point lead wins. But I still hope he does win, it's a psychological advantage!
Okay I went over to C&L...and the Mayor of Gary said earlier tonight that the turnout there was phenomenal....HUGE....Rudy Clay said it was much more than he had ever seen...and that he thought many were for Obama ( a mayor would know his town..)
Good news - sounds like the remaining votes should break hard for Obama.
Russert is saying "we now know who the Democratic nominee" is.
Half the votes in Obama county still not in.
It looks like he may win Indy after all.
Thank God and ...
God Bless.
oh maui I hear you...me two...esp after all the crap she pulled...
Now both Chuck and Russert are saying that it is OVER for Her...wow...
12:10 am Numbers
92% Counted...
Hill........588,823.......51% .....35 Dels
still too close , less than 2%....
Maui and AnonP ...can you believe that Russert just said that...wow...I am stunned.....holy crap...
Thanks for all of the rooting and cussing and nailbiting....wow..
This is really exciting. If he does win it, it will be great.
Russert is talking about whether or not Obama should have Hillary as the VP or perhaps someone who was loyal to her.
This has been a great night, I'm glad we have been together to celebrate!
ugh....I heard that too...
can you beleive that Russert just brought up Harlem...See so people did wonder...and I guess Russert missed Bloomberg's presser that there was FRAUD in Harlem..maybe I should send him the link....
Obama does not have to pick someone loyal to her...it is time to set her free...
Yes, I heard that. He shouldn't compare that to this - no votes for Obama in Harlem would be pretty fishy. Large majorities for Obama in Gary which is near Illinois, makes sense.
NC just went to 15% for Obama and there is still 1% out.
God Bless.
See you tomorrow maybe. Its late and I get up early for work still.
Take care and...
God Bless you.
Margin less than 17,000 now...
Keith just read Hillary's e-mail to her supporters that is going out...no talk of asking for more money.
Anon-paranoid, good night, sleep well!
just checking in w/you guys. been glued to TV all night. Russert said Hill has cancelled all speeches & public appearances. Pat Buchanan said it's the night the music died (for Hillary). gotta grab the chocolate chip cookies & run back to TV. GARE-EEEH, GARE-EEEH, GARE-EEEH!!!
Good AnonP....thank you for being here...bless you....namaste...don't worry the night shift here will monitor this...( we won't have another Harlem happen)....
New Numbers...( I am staying MSNBC)....
16,609 between them....
Maui:::: Harlem was ZIP...zero- and many tracked and documented it...and yes, Bloomberg gave a press conference on it - and said that there were errors and possible fraud and that it would be fully investigated....
Bloomington count ( Absentee counts....college Absentee votes...)
wow...Muai and DK that email is pretty "austere"....more like an chip off an iceberg....ouch..no love there..
Fran are you still awake there? did you hear Russert let it slip that she had to lend her campaign money AGAIN? ( I bet it was for all those hideous Oregon ads..)
CBS TV news just broke in & declared Hillzilla the winner in Indiana (don't know how, all votes not yet counted??) But they also said it is now a mathematical impossibility for her to win.
Won the battle lost the war?
12:43 am
95% Counted:
1609 seperate them....
wow....CBS really should watch MSNBC....ouch....thanks Fran...
I'm back...was looking at C&L, nothing new.
I can't believe CBS declared Indiana for Hillary when it's still so close.
Harlem had to have been fraud - I wonder if anything has happened with the investigation.
Yes, that e-mail was stark!
95 % or was it 94% ( C&L stopped updating 40 minutes ago)....
MSNBC numbers....still
12:50 am
( hmmm, Obama's still have not risen much What is taking so long - trained monkeys counting? carrier pigeon? )
still 51 to 49....
still 16,609 ...
there were problems here in Ohio- two counties have criminal investigations ongoing....and Harlem I have heard nothing in weeks...it was in NY Daily News and Reuters and Bloomberg....( the NYT did not report- how interesting)..BUT they can not pull this with Gary...they can not do this...
they are saying that they have a fundrasier tomorrow
So far no change in the stats from Lake County.
Interesting the Times didn't report on the Harlem incident.
CBS should watch MSNBC- too funny!
I would love it if the decision were finalized tonight.
I just saw another pink hillary ad-- I guess she realizes the negative ads bit her in the ass so now she has the pink shirt holding a babies hand schtick. That is the 8th time that damned commercial ran tonight that I saw.
I am hearing some rumblings that May 20 will be the decider- little/late Oregon may pack a big whallop .
Tonight's big win in North Carolina has Obama advisers increasingly confident that they have a shot at effectively putting away the race by May 20th, an Obama campaign aide confirms.
The idea is that May 20th, the date of the Kentucky and Oregon primaries, is the Obama campaign's D-Day. That is, it's the date when Obama will clinch a majority of the 3,253 pledged delegates -- a number Obama advisers can take to the super-delegates and argue that the time has come for them to support Obama en masse.
"We are looking at May 20th as the day we clinch the majority of pledged delegates -- and that will be a compelling case to present to super delegates," the campaign aide says.
That May 20th is a potentially decisive date is not a new idea. But tonight's North Carolina results have reaffirmed confidence among Obama advisers that they can reach that milestone on that day.
Here are the numbers, according to the aide. To get a majority of pledged dels, Obama needs a total of 1,626. Right now he has 1,494, meaning he needs 132 more.
Assuming an even split of tonight's 187 delegates -- a conservative assumption, based on the North Carolina results thus far -- that would give Obama another 93 or 94.
That would mean that Obama needs another 38 to secure a majority.
In the three upcoming states between now and May 20th -- Kentucky, West Virginia, and Oregon -- there are a total of 131 delegates for the taking. Obama needs only 38 of those.
Oregon, where Obama is expected to do well, has 52. "Looking at the remaining contests conservatively, we think May 20th is the day we can clinch the majority," the aide says.
Of course, even if Obama does reach that milestone and clinch a majority of the pledged dels, that doesn't by any means guarantee that the super-dels will break towards him en masse or that Hillary won't fight on. But the Obama campaign hopes to have some powerful leverage on their side to end the race when that day comes.
Fran, thanks for the summing up of the delegate situation. Looks as if it's only a matter of time before he gets the number of delegates he needs.
CNN's website earlier had pictures of Hill with the caption Indiana too close to call, now they have a split of Obama & Hill- how fickle the media is!
wow Fran it could end in your state...before Puerto Rico...
I still don't understand WHAT is taking so long...
I know - they really are!
Enigma, I know, it's taking forever. Now they're on the "after hours" coverage! I don't know how much longer I can stay awake...have to go to work tomorrow.
Okay on CNN they are interviewing the mayor of Gary- hmm, not the brightest bulb...I am a bit confused...Lake County is having problems...what is going on ?
Indiana is about 95% counted, and it's still too close to call. Obama picked up about 4000 votes in the space of a commercial, so last I looked he was down only 16,600 votes with most of Lake County still out.
Obama looks to be the Democratic nominee, and it is time for Liberals, Progressives and Democrats of all stripes to join together and elect a Democratic president. And to tell the truth, if Hillary Clinton were the nominee, I would be saying the same thing. We cannot survive John McCain if he is elected.
go to bed I will stay up and keep track of it all ....I am going to document this thing- if it take all night...( I do this every time)...
Btw thank you to Fran, DK and Maui for being here...and you all were wonderful company- if you have to go to bed- that is fine...no worries it was just nice to have company....
Hey Diva ...we do need to unite...it is really important..because McShame is horrendous...I watched his presser today and about threw up...and the sooer the better...
NOW they are declaring....HOW could that be ?
1:10 am MSNBC is declaring Hill "apparrent winner"
637,389 hill's count...
But I did not get his number.......615,370 for Obama...
I am still a bit confused if ALL the Votes were counted....
Chuck Todd still explaining the numbers ? now they are saying that she still won....Rachel that is still close...that it is a very tight margin....they are saying she won now....I am not buying it...in the space of minutes she gained 20,000 - while Gary was still being counted..
( I am not sure she really won....if she did- she won by 2%- so what????)
Yes, it was great keeping track of the returns together!
Signing out...will check back in the morning once we know the results! Good night everyone!
Clinton supposedly still won...CNN just called it too...I have no idea..
I will go look at C&L...
I'm still here...just saw your note about them declaring for Hillary. I must not have been listening when they said that!
Be that as it may, 2% is nothing at all what she was hoping for and it really doesn't matter if she officially "wins." I'm wondering how close it will be once all the votes are counted.
okay C&L is saying that it is 99% too..
Hill......637,389....51%.....38 dels
Obama.....615,370........49%.....35 dels...
total: 1,252,759....
( WHY did the final numbers take sooooo long ? and I still don't see the 180,000 votes that we were waiting for at 11pm)
And they still have more absentee ballots to count. It may get even tighter.
hey Maui:
I don't know...I still think that it is too close- I was just listening to CNN and switching back and forth when they were counting...the numbers of this still looks very very fuzzy......
and it might be like Missouri that gets turned when ALL the Provisionals and absentees are counted she still might easily lose...
Obama expected her to win Indiana. His campaign felt that if he lost Indiana by around 15,000 votes, it would be a victory. I'm not worried about the media calling Indiana for Clinton. It's over for her.
Absolutely. It could still change.
We shall see in the next day or so.
Time for bed...sleep well!
Oh well...Diva and Maui....
I think we should go to bed...we kept track pretty well...
It hopefully is NOT another Harlem situation...
and 2% after all the Kitchen Sinks that were thrown these past few weeks is pretty good....
and Indiana came through in a big way for him....
I'm back from picking up the kiddo.... they still don;t have all the votes counted- but CNN posted this headline "Clinton wins cliffhanger in Indiana, CNN projects"
99% of votes counted.
It may be if it is this close, it kicks into an automatic recount?
What's bizarre is they have a pic of Hill in a kind of Hitler pose on CNN's home page???
Dusty posted this link about a lady running against Pelosi... check out the ad on her website...
I just figured out I could've hand counted those 11K absentee ballots all by myself in 6-hrs. That's 30-seconds per ballot to look at who was selected & toss it in the Hill or Obama bin. As each bin is filled, weigh it & have a disinterested person count them up w/a little hand clicker. I swear!
Still, like you all have noted, a 2% spread is as good as a loss. Did you notice Chelsea was crying while Hill gave her victory speech? I wasn't watching Bill, I was looking at Chelsea because she isn't as good at hiding her feelings. I bet at least 50 superdelegates declare for Obama before Oregon!
hey there , everyone else went to bed...I think..I have no idea what happens...I think that ALL the votes need to be counted- and I think when it is said and done I will bet anything that it is another Missouri that once everything is counted he wins....but whatever - she still did not win by double digits like her People said she would....
and the Rush Chaos effect did bring her 11%...but that does not truly make her a winner in any way....
hmm, so Pelosi has someone running against her...good- maybe that will make her do her job...
I will go see CNN 's page- but quick go see the Huff Post page.....it rocks...
Hey there DK...
I saw her crying too....oh brother....and Bill was very quiet and looked down....and was beat red...
I am watching After Hours now..with Dan Abrams..and Rachel Maddow and there is a nice little jazz band...too much....
I will be right back...I need a snack...
I checked out the Huff site- nice write up-- they also had this link to daily KOS-- some major blunders showing just how out of touch McSame is.....
So sorry Fran...had to check on critters and tidy up in here..and go talk to 6-6..sorry....
I will read more in the am..I need to crash..
Nighty night
nighty night...
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