Keith Olbermann is interviewing him about the TELL ALL Book.....Haven't all of us been hoping for a Deep Throat or a disgruntled Secretary to come forth with the Truth ? Watch Keith , this is the FIRST and only Interview he is giving on Cable today...Keith is the Best person to Interview and ask Questions...
*** In the Interview on Countdown TONIGHT..
Well, Some REAL Revelations....
(1) Bush Made Iraq Decisions NOVEMBER 2001 weeks after 911 and after troops sent to Afganistan....wow...no kidding...what we all knew all along...
(2) He Did talk to FBI and Grand Jury Feb 2004....about Plamegate...he did tell them that Rove and Libby were involved...a-ha....
His testimony did indeed NOT correlate with Libby and Rove...( THEN Why is Rove NOT in Jail ???hmmmm)
I will post the Youtube tonight....
I just want to spend all day saying "I told you so" to everybody who argued with us that we were engaging in conspiracy theories way back when we first went to war, and when the Valerie Plame affair came out.. and when we claimed the White House was "shaping" the evidence for the war like the Downing Street Memos illustrated.
All in all it is a damn good day to be a liberal blogger.
Lift your glasses my friends today we drink to victory.
1850 News Articles about THE Book...
Revelations on :
Pre War propaganda, Plamegate...cocaine Un-Memories, and more...
Thanks Gryphen....
IT is indeed a Damn Good Day....Cheers.... {{ and about Damn Time...that Someone came through...and out....I do feel bad that it was Scotty The" Pinyatta".....and Karl Rove said it "sounds like a Left Wing Blogger"...hmmm , I guess THAT is Rove's Worst nightmare ;-) }}
Gotta get This Book....
Don't mean to rain on this parade, but I have to say McClellan sure did ride out the job, take the time to write a book, have it published (ie set up for HIM to profit off the sale of it), before his conscience allowed him to come forward with the illegal doings of the Bush admin. Timing was/is important Scotty...
why wait so long?
He was the WH spokesperson 2003- April 19 ,2006.
Is it just me who is pissed off that he waited
2 years to publish for profit before revealing the truth?
How many people died in that time?
I''d be happier if he would have told the truth a few years ago.
BTW kiddo that interview with Keith is going to be tomorrow.
Scotty is going on some morning show first.
Gryphen:::okay...I goofed..sorry....damnit...I must have misheard...so I did change the post...
I agree - it would have been nice if he had come forward sooner...but would anyone have believed him? or listened to him ? Did Fitzgerald have him on a list to be interviewed ? I don't know....I do think he would have been fired and the Press would have ignored him.....so it would not have been speaking Truth to Power , not really...I hate to say it...
On another level...I think that Remorse? Conscience needed to Kick in..Something got to him, made him realize he needed to come clean..and I don't think it was just a book deal...Just the brief interview I saw this after noon by his car...he looked at peace..relaxed....
As Someone who has dealt with people that confess to knowing terrible things...( EPA people,govt officials) ....they never come forward when it is Convenient...it is about they having a Come to Geesus event or moment...on their own terms...
So because of that experience, I kind of don't ever expect Govt people to DO the Right Thing or do it at the RIGHT Time...
but" Better Late Than Never" might be good...Esp. if he is willing to testify for Plamegate( her case is refiled) and if Wexler gets his Hearings - he did send out an email this afternoon....
Still it must have taken time to write, edit & publish the book, so it seems like his priority & focus was on the profit-- I bet he stands to make millions on teh sale of the book- also it is not just a matter of him being a good sport & testifying.... if they subpeona him- he would be in contempt to not testify- especially since he was willing to tell the "truth" for profit.
Jus' saying his solidifying the book deal first meant the war based on lie raged on, & if he would have stepped up, we might have more people alive, and criminals where they belong-- behind bars.
Still something is better than nothing-- I just have some questions about timing & not quite ready to do the big happy dance around McClellans truth telling.
I hear you,...it's okay you don't have to do the Happy Dance...I still wonder if he was questioned by the Grand Jury back in the Fitz Days- I really don't remember him on the list....( If he wasn't on the Fitz list- that would be something...)
At this point Whatever it takes to get the Criminals Tried and Investigated... I want these Crooks Caught- ALL of them FOR ALL the Lies....not just a few...
{{Also Books are a funny thing...TIming is Critical...and everything...I do think that Wiley held off until this summer..he might have had No Control over the timing of when it was due out- the first we heard about this book was actually last summer or last fall...the other thing is that the Publisher might have asked that he have witnessed or data to back his story up...and they might have held off until they had it...interesting that we have not heard Tony Snow jump up and defend the Administration...)
uh-oh sounds like someone was pissed off that Bush didn't come visit so they could sit on their rocking chairs in Texas and smoke cubans.
Larry King is talking to Ari Fleisher who is "puzzled" and wonders why Scotty didn't tell him any of this while they were working together. Couple others are saying it doesn't even sound like him. Smell a smear?
David Gregory takes umbrage with the thought that the press didn't do its job in the run-up to iraq. hey if the shoe fits ...
Matthews thinks it's about time we started questioning why we are so worried about spreading democracy when we can't even ensure quality of life for our own citizens. Tucker Carlson compares it to our efforts in Darfur and Bosnia. Ummm, sorry Tuck, there's a diff between foreign aid and jamming democracy down another country's throat.
I'm glad for McClellen's book, regardless of timing or self-serving interests. It may not be anything new to most of us, but it will be new to many blind bush supporters.
yeah....I think he may indeed be unhappy...that is okay- it leads to a better book...he will not be self editing out of sympathy for the Characters....And yeah, Tucker and David-I-Danced -with-Rove_ Gregory....Most of the Press let us down...badly this past 8 years...from NYT to Wapo to NBC...I don't fault MSNBC Totally because - well they have Keith...Russert and Hardball ONLY sometimes did their job...I noticed that Brian and Russert were not interviewed today about this book...the Media should be blamed....they were accessories or enablers...
Wow...wouldn't it be nice to Have Media Motivated to do THEIR job and Investigate and Question and NOT be part of the Propaganda Spin Machine......sigh...
thanks DK...you made me really stop and think about What else we lost these 8 years....but thank you bloggers....you journaled the truth and investigations these past 8 years...
(1) I expected PTSD to be a consequence of the current conflict, but that figure is more alarming than what I suspected--mainly because there's probably under-reportage of the trend, and the actual number of vets suffering from this is likely higher.
(2) I haven't checked out the McClellan, Bugliosi, and Iglesias books, but I will.
HORSECRAP. Who didn't know in 2002 that Bush was pushing a war with his lies? We knew. And we were out in the streets trying to stop this war.
Who didn't know the press was NOT doing its job?
Who didn't know that Bush was a lying sack of shit? We knew.
Who didn't know that Karl Rove engineered the Valerie Plame outing? We all knew that.
And now Scotty comes out with a book that says all this and the press is going gaga. I am sick of all the sudden discovery of all the crap we knew years ago, and the press jumping on it like it is something they just discovered. Barf.
Sunstitute Teacher:::
The press...hmm, maybe some of it is Shame? or chagrin? or embarrassment ? or that if they "act" all shocked that people will not think they enabled the Regime ? I don't know....but you are right WE all Knew...all along ( my Plamegate Timeline Blog is still sitting over there on the Blogroll)....thanks for your thoughts ;-)
I think the number is higher...and much higher than has been actually tracked- there are many that have been disqualified and told they don't have it - but they clearly do...and then there are the 6000 suicides....It is a horrible situation...
I agree with Substitute Teacher.
Ahhh another Horsecrap vote...yeah...I know that we all knew.....and we fought, blogged and marched.....and wrote letters, made phone calls etc...and gee imagine if we had had an accountable Media....sigh...
I thought everyone, including Scotty, knew he was peddling crap. I thought that is why that Murdoch 'news hound' was put in to paper the cracks more effectively.
Now I'm waiting for the real Snow job!
well..if you mean Tony Snow...he is very sick again- like yesterday morning...and at home....( he cancelled a trip here to Ohio)....Now about Crap...I think when it was knee deep he kept waiting through it...and then waist deep maybe it touched his conscience..and at some point it reached his eyeballs- and he decided to spill it...we will have to see What happens next...of course Bushco are all very very bent out- GOOD...
The media is so busy following the Bush line of attacking the messenger, it diverts from the truth of the message.
Fine time for this premiere tool to come out with a book revealing what I argued under hard and heavy fire on UseNet forums during the run-up to the current debacle. Too little, too late is the bromide that comes to mind. Still, it's some progress... I guess.
I'll read it, but I won't buy it - why should this fat little shill make a dime from his complicity?
I may have to give up by KO boycott for this one.
Keith wastes no time. Gotta love that guy :)
So where was McClellan when it might have made a difference? Hmmm?
Scott McClellan is a Texas Republican.
His mother, Carole McClellan Rylander Keeton Strayhorn, is the former Texas state Comptroller, who has a pesky habit of marrying wealthy, older men and inheriting their fortunes after they die.
Mama Carol was a Democrat until she stuck her finger in the wind and detected a political sea change in the Lone Star state and became a Republican.
While many on the left are looking to Scott McClellan's book as validation that his former boss, George W. Bush, launched an illegal and immoral war, based on legacy and not national security (READ:WMD), I guess I take a more measured and cynical view of the book.
His mother is a pro at reinventing herself to serve her career and I am certain that she played some role in nudging her son to pen this book, as the country has grown weary of anything remotely conservative or associated with Bush.
If Scott McClellan -- who is a young man, wants a career in Washington beyond lobbyist, he needs to offer up a mea culpa. This book provides one.
Wow Christopher 40 is young?
Anyway, I was pretty PO'd @ McClellan for sitting on the truth for so long-- when coming clean earlier would or could have saved more lives & potentially given enough info to make impeachment a reality.
Shoulda coulda woulda....
So I still hold some contempt for his irresponsible choice.
that being said, our family discussion about the matter is he did put this out just before the election, which could help some on the fence Red voters decide to vote Blue.
You can only defend and dismiss so much criminal behavior before you reach a saturation level.
So if that is a result, then I will throw a kudo to McClellen for that, but I still consider him to have blood on his hands for waiting so long.
Will this result in criminal charges for Rove, Bush & Rumsfeld, Libby & Cheney- or just million sin profit for McClellan
I have no idea what will happen...but I hope and pray that it helps put more nails in the gadawful coffin of this dreadful criminal administration....I look at it this way...it is never ever too late for Justice- I don't care how we get there and how long it takes...these Criminals need to face some Justice...some kind of Nuremburg trials....that is just my little ol' opinion....
thank you so much for texas scoop and inside....look at his mom...I do have the book by his dad, Barr McClellan : Blood,Money, & Power :How LBJ killed JFK.....( yeah- that is Some Kind of Book...)...His dad is a History buff, and also an attorney.....I am going to give him the benifit of a doubt that Something tugged at his conscience....( NOT all the WH DC Insiders are Soul-less...just most of them ;-)
yeah, it would have been nice...BUT the timing is still good( now after the election- that would have sucked...)
yup...Keith does indeed give the best interviews...because he asks WHAT all of us would love to ask....and THEN he has John Dean on...and they compare it to Watergate Years....perfectly done....
yeah, I think you need to see this one...
thank heavens that Keith is not part of the Russert /Gregory Merry Go Round....
Ahhh Fran::
you know that first comment was for you- not Diva,..oooppps..
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