It was an Amazing Night. Obama did a beautiful job in Both States.
Obama won North Carolina with 15 % lead, I have final numbers posted in the Comments thread below.
Less than a half hour ago, the MSNBC and CNN declared Clinton the winner of Indiana, it was and is still very close less than 2%, of 1,252,759 votes cast there. ( Provisionals and Absentees were and are still being counted). All Counts are posted in the Comment thread below. If you get a chance do watch Obama's Speech from last night on Huffpost and listen to him, he is offering Hillary an Olive Branch, a chance to Unite Our Party.
HuffPost ran the headline of the night at 1am " Obama Presumptive Nominee".
Hillary has cancelled all her appearances in the am, and she does have a Fundraiser Event planned and she is still attending that. It was revealed this eve by Russert that she did again lend her campaign money this month.
*** Footnote: Today Obama gained 4 Superdels, and that means he has increased his momentum with them, and is only 12.5 superdelegates behind her. We also learned that Hillary supposedly lent her campaign 6.4 million last month.****
I think both Clinton and McCain feel entitled to the presidency. Both are against someone who is a postmodern candidate. Clinton and McCain are able to use mainstream press, Obama has Youtube and Myspace to use.
The reports here are encouraging on numbers, but curiously contradictory in their analysis.
I know these are just commentators views, but up to know they have generally been very consistent here.
I like your take :)
Arrogant racist Joe Scarborough is proclaining the greatness of Obama today, after spending weeks talking about how low in life his racist eyes would see.
This too shall pass.
HRC has to realize that she is pretty much out of runway...sure would like this to end.
Arrogant racist Joe Scarborough is proclaining the greatness of Obama today.
Pig Eyes Scarborough mentioned "Rev. Wright" more than 20 times in one hour.
Cable MSM is invested in keeping Wright in the race as if he's Obama's running mate.
I so want to kick Pig Eyes ass back to the Redneck Riviera.
The pressure on Hillary is going to be INTENSE. George McGovern, a staunch Hillary supporter, has called for her to leave the race already today.
She has now "loaned" her failing campaign 11 million dollars.
So much for her understanding of good economics. If ever there was a bad investment, this is it!
Norah ODonnell just asked Terry McCauliffe how people might perceive these loans by Hillary. He said, "People like it; they feel inspired that she would put her own hard-earned money into the campaign". Then she asked him how much she has raised (not loaned) her campaign since she asked for mo'money last night. He shook his head & said, "I'll let you know tomorrow". Deluded cheerleader for a degraded candidate?
I just read the comments at BradBlog. Very interesting. Real last-minute shit went down in Lake County. We are supposed to believe that Hillary won 90% of the final 20% of votes counted there.
So I took a break this am, and sure enough by noon I check the news and NOTHING has changed she is still up and at it....good lord, what is it going to take for her to fold up her tent.....
So Lake County, sounds alot like Cuyahoga County...counted LAST and numbers that do not match....it is very close, less than 2%, so I think that Lake County will have to be recounted/examined....
I really wonder if she is keeping up the campaign so she can fundraise to give back to her campaign...
up...the economics of this are not good...but this is money that also could be going to the DNC and to the fall campaign- that is how I look at it...I also think she is now running a Rudy , Mitt Campaign...it also means that she has no support....sorry, but Money is support& votes...Obama has hundreds of thousands voting small amounts ( actually it might be millions giving less than 100 dollars)
Breaking NEWS:
So a Gitmo Prisoner just blew himself up in Iraq....
Okay back to the thread....
I can not watch Morning Joe...as much as I love Micha...but Joe is racist....he and Pat Buchanon.
Out of runway- that is actually one way to look at it......
The main thing is that she did not have the Huge Win in Indiana that she had promised..and she ran and is running a very negative campaign....there will be people telling her to drop out...Nothing supports her campaign, the numbers, the voters, new voters, the $$$...like Monk said - she is out of runway.
I know I know....so sorry...
Soooo true...amazing...good analysis by you....
Hillary needs those fund-raisers so she can pay her bills!
you are right....she has given more to her campaign more than she made last year - and that will and should be scrutinized by the DEM leadership- there are rules on this....( whether she is allowed to have an Ex prez try to buy her the presidency)
You love Micha?
Her "charms" are lost on me.
Her endless (and mindless) "Hmms," and, "Yeahs," and, "Well," remind me of those airheads on ShopNBC or HSN.
I can't figure out how she got the job she has. But then, I don't get Katie Couric either. Now, Rachel Maddow is brilliant. So is Gwen Ifill. IMHO.
Are you listening to Hill's presser? She says 2,209 or 10 is "the correct number" of delegates needed. She laments that if only we had the same primary system as the republicranks, she "would already BE the nominee". She shrugged her shoulders & dismissed Geo McGovern. Oh & her loans are a sign of her "commitment".
well, usually people this deluded are candidates for "commitment". Time for a sanity hearing?
DK Raed,
I heard this new metric last night from the Hillbots.
She's totally whacko. Jacked up on Ativan and just making things up to keep the camera on her moribund campaign.
Please, please, PLEASE, just go back to Chappaqua Hillary. Stop torturing us.
Hillary will not relent. However I hear she will accept Veep. Today I heard McGovern switched to Obama and along with others are calling for her to step down.
I am updating that and Myanmar that is now saying 100,000 dead! Unbelievable!
I don't even know what Ativan is, Christopher, but if it causes hallucinations & pantsuit megalomania, maybe that's what she adds to her beer shooters. I think the McGovern crossover hurt her pride, but no matter, just toss back another Ativan Shooter & go out & flap your pantsuit at the press! (jeez, I hope Ativan isn't something nice, like an aphrodesiac cuz I will burn my wardrobe before I don a pantsuit)
We did our best in Indiana - here in Allen County, Obama beat Clinton by over 9000 votes - and if you take out the Republican crossover votes for Hillary thanks to Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos" Obama would have won Indiana. I hope Hillary understands these Republican want her to get the nomination because she would be easier to beat. Someone needs to take Clinton aside and explain math, ethics and how to say "Uncle!"
pantsuit megalomania
ROFLMAO!! I love it. Can I use this?
BTW, Ativan is prescribed to treat anxiety. I've used it on and off for a decade. I used to have a very stressful job and I started taking it to smooth me out. It's actually great stuff.
I don't have that job anymore but I kept the Ativan. *wink*
Just FYI, d.k. raed - Ativan is an anti-anxiety drug. It puts you into "ok... smile... I don't care" land. Happy-drunk.
Alcohol will TRIPLE the effect of the Ativan. Having known someone who unwittingly mixed the two... it was rather spectacular to watch.
Christopher, take it, it's all yours! PMS=Pantsuit Megalomania Syndrome.
Sewmouse, I had a feeling it might be something like that. I certainly wasn't advocating mixing the two! "rather spectacular" sounds like an understatement.
Wow....mixing ativan and alcohol....not a good idea....at all..but would definitely give someone a "Happy Happy Joy Joy " affect...ativan is also prescribed for anxiety and PTSD ( sales are through the roof after 911 and to VETS right now).
we are grateful to you and Indiana...we KNOW that the 11% Rush Crowd really did mess up the math for the DEMS and Obama...and Hill is deluded if she thinks THAT is a good way to "win"....I don't think she is going to leave graciously...
I spent the morning working around the house- and then at noon or 1pm tuned in in time to see her give a presser- lordy what a joke- she was sitting there spouting off about how she was going to WIN the rest of the contests ....she is deluded....
and the Pantsuit Meglamania that really does sum it up....I think she must be a Narcisstic Nightmare to live with....and she is NOT thinking about the Party at all..it is ALL about HER....
I only watch her in the morns when Joe is NOT there,...and the mornings that it is just her and Billy Geist is a WHOLE another story - totally different show....but that has not happened in monthes as Joe needs his face time....( she is fairly sharp when she is allowed to speak...seriously when Joehard is not sitting there sucking the air).
There you go McGovern is capable of getting IT....and realizing the writing on the wall....now why NO ONE else next to Hill gets it...whelp it is beyond me...
even i, an ardent hillary fan, smell the coffee, and it ain't her flavor anymore.
ativan IS good stuff, but it doesn't get you "jacked up" exactly. as said above, it mellows you out - so i doubt that's what she's on. and ativan and alcohol puts you to sleep.
maybe double her normal dose of lexapro or provigil?
DK and Christopher:
Wow....I love the PMS....the Panstuit Megalomania Syndrome.....holy crap....perfect...too funny....I watched her at the presser today and all I could think was is the Pantsuit made of Titanium or Teflon ?
Hey there....I am sorry- but this is Delusional...and Last night I was stunned...I thought for sure we would see some Reality Behavior..( I mean Chelsea was there off the side crying- How could Hillary NOT see that and have some Reality).....Ativan and Alcohol can mix in a very bad way- some people fall asleep ( I would be a piece of concrete if I mixed them). BUT I have seen people in the ER who mixed them and then crashed their car and came in the ER TOTALLY smiling and giddy.....I think it depends on the person...and What else they are on...Now you mention some other magical ingredients that might be part of the mix....
Last night the fact that she was not acknowledging Reality Around her- the people in the stands- there were some long faces...and Chelsea crying....that is what really got me HOW Disconnected she was....IS....
I wish she would leave graciously....
but then at the presser today " We will win the rest of the Contests" ...and we must be given our Wins in Florida and Mich...I was stunned...
I obviously did not mean you were delusional- I meant Hill....I am serious- it has been so sad in a way....really watching her do this to herself and the party...
( hey after the past 8 years we all need ativan...)
ativan and alcohol puts you to sleep
OMG. I bet. I never acquired the taste for liquor so I don't drink. It tastes like medicine for a cold to me so I'm a cheap date -- I don't drink!
Well..truthfully I don't drink...even half a beer I fall asleep....so I stick with tea..so you are not the only cheap date ..lol.....
My Med of Choise: Ben&Jerry's " Karamal Sutra"....
If you only knew how truly boring I can be. We -- Jim and I, see things on the TV news and always joke about how dull we are.
I had enough wild days in my 20's. No thanks.
the Ben and Jerry's is as wild as it gets around here...
( Ben and Jerry's is not too wild- is it???)
I am a Xanax fan, myself. I think Ativan may be a bit stronger and it makes me sleepier.
I think Hillary probably needs both, and possibly some Prozac at this point, if she hasn't seen the writing on the wall and realized she is losing. It is strange to me that she is continuing on but perhaps she does want to prove she can be VP. We shall see.
I'm so proud of my state. Indiana was a tough contest and we pulled within 14,000 votes out of over 1,200,000. In my county alone Obama won and our democratic primary numbers jumped from about 8,500 votes in 2004 to over 62,000 votes on Tuesday. Unbelievable! You should have seen the people out on Tuesday with Obama signs on the streets. Real politics finally came to Indiana this year. It's been a long primary season, but I'm thrilled thinking of the number of new voters in every state the campaigns have gotten motivated to vote. I encouraged a friend of my husband's to vote. He called to thank me on Tuesday afternoon. He was happy to feel part of the political process again. As he told me, I thought I'd given up on the whole thing for good. I'm still trying to recoup and nursing my ankle again. Thanks for stopping by to check on me. I'll be blogging regularly again soon.
Oh ANgie:
Great post- we are so proud of you and your state.....please please take good care of your ankle...we all will have alot of work to do later...but for now ..rest and take care....namaste..
I think it is all about VP? I don't know....after her "white " statement today- I am so disgusted with her and her antics....we'll just have to see...
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