Thursday, August 21, 2008

Obama Outraising McMaverick in Utah, yeah , Utah...(click the title)

But he is outraising him in a WHOLE bunch of Red States....even Arizona folks...Look it up in your state and report back I will post....I am sorry but Polls mean LITTLE when all kinds of people are supporting Obama...that says More to me than some fake polls where ALL they do is Call Repugs...I am not buying it- nope.....

( WHY ? because I got Dropped from TWO polling services as soon as the Primary ended- YES Zogby Kiss my ass I know I was Dropped because I am a Woman for Obama.....)


Mark Prime (tpm/Confession Zero) said...

Don't buy it, it is a waste of money and causes more stress than need be.

D.K. Raed said...

I hate to say it, but Obama may be outraising McC in UT, but that is probably because the sheeple are donating to generic RNC or Bob Barr or Ron Paul etc. They don't like McC, but the jump from voting for him vs voting for a democrat is *almost* too much to hope for. I say almost, because I do still hope.

Many Utahns are fed up; it's not a wealthy state, has very high rates of bankruptcies, high medical costs (regardless of the benefits of less smoking & drinking, there are environmental cancer factors & genetic small founder population factors in play here) & employment worries.

Here is SW UT, I have seen very few political signs for anyone, McC or Obama. Now that is strange because people here usually love to wear their politics on their lawns & cars. I think that speak volumes for their dissatisfaction with McC.

enigma4ever said...

I knew that you would say that BUT I checked ALL those numbers too- nope- Obama is getting some money from people that I don't think he normally would....and a good amount....

6-6 says that it is a way of fighting back- they wanted Mitt Romney -so this is there way of saying Eff You McCain...he might be right....

yeah....I guess you are right- but the thing is that it shows how the Polls can not be right....there are not rich people there in Utah....that is alot of money from little people-like us...ya know ?