Saturday, August 16, 2008

BIGFOOT FOUND !! ( Really ? really ????) Click the title see what you think.....

My son was a huge Bigfoot fan...we studied him for years ( and the Yeti and Sasquatch , basically all things Big and Hairy and Hidden). Do I believe that there is Bigfoot ? I think these two yokels with a Freezer have found one? ahhhh...not so much....but what do you think ?


D.K. Raed said...

The close up shot shows a very pink tongued thing. If it's a dead body, why isn't the tongue blue? just wonderin'...

One of my favorite movies as a kid was "Yeti, the Abominable Snowman". And of course that strange yeti-type character on the plane's wing in that Twilight Zone movie! But, Big Foot in America? Well ... I, um, would have to wonder how some primitive form of human, supposedly surviving from back before anatomically modern humans arrived on the world scene could've made it here to America, where the anthropological trail does NOT lead back to pre-anatomically modern humans.

enigma4ever said...

People in the NW really believe in him and there are pretty strong thrown...stench..missing food etc...and YES hair and footprints...
They are thinking he is a distant relative of the Giganthpathicus ( I think I am spelling that wrong)

OSU used to have an impressive Plaster Footprint Castings...and there has been overlapping research with China as who knows - 10 years from now I hope we can sit here and talk about them being found...

( ahh, but not in some guys budweiser cooler...)

X. Dell said...

I'm actually curious as to what the forensic people say. I almost suspect them to say it's a deformed bear or something.

enigma4ever said...

yeah..I will be very curious what the Forensic folks's a something...( I dont know if the freezer problems will effect it)...