"True leadership calls for the setting-forth of the objectives AND the rallying of public opinion in SUPPORT of these objectives." FDR
All last week there is plenty posted to pass on to people to educate them on the facts about Our Healthcare Crisis...please do Twitter it, and FB it and pass it on....It is a shame that the Media has spent so much time on the Teabaggers and Death Panels and other absurd Stupid Distractions. They should have been reporting the Facts, which are dire and staggering. ( In posts below there are links to all the articles that researched this data- or email me and I will give you more links).
50 Million and Counting without Healthcare, 14,000 losing care per day, that is 400,000 more per month.
22,000 people are dying per year with NO Healthcare
179,000 have died without Healthcare since 2001...
500,000 People are currently fighting Cancer with NO Health Insurance after being denied Care and Treatment.
In California alone, it is estimated that more than 22% of Claims and Care are denied, and by other estimates it is closer to 40%.
62% of all bankruptcies are due to Medical Debt, People are losing homes daily due to Medical Bankruptcy, People fight Diseases should not losing their Savings and Homes due to Insurance Greed.
When you stand at the Store or at a playground look around WHO would You refuse Care ? Anyone ? ...See for me- this is a moral issue, as a Nurse I took an Oath to Do No Harm and to never refuse Anyone Care...Ever.
The Media keeps saying " The Left needs to learn to Compromise", that is not accurate, No One should be compromising on Wanting People to have Healthcare, Lives are at stake.
Do go to the Whitehouse Website and write to the President, and do call the Whitehouse 202-456-1111, and 202-456-1414...
cspan now:::
VP of Chamber of Commerce- Randy Johnson...
On Bashing the"far Left",
talking out his ass-
WHO pays him-
talking about how the grassroots came out-
and the PO would hurt the business sector...
( no Gary Locke ????)
This little weasel is going on and on about how this health roll out was worse than Hillary Care of the 90's.....( gee I wonder if he is a Repug)
What was on Alters page and made me throw facts at him :::
In sum, it's great for left to push hard for a public option but if Sen. votes not there for PO (and right now they aren't), take the deal.
about 11 hours ago from web
Greenwald is smart but a total snake--ready to screw anyone for a post and attack their motives. Am I not supposed to write an Obama book?
about 11 hours ago from web
A PO is a good idea, but left has lost perspective. The rest of bill--universal cov,ending discrim. based on preexisting cond. --more impt.
about 11 hours ago from web
PO or bust folks don't even know that Howard Dean's proposal in 2004 had no public option. The idea wasn't even invented til 2005.
about 11 hours ago from web
The PO is a means to an end. Heavy regulation of the insurance industry--removing their anti-trust exemption--would help. competition.
about 11 hours ago from web
The confusion comes from my point that "public option or bust" is a stupid position. The PO is important but not worth sinking the bill for.
about 11 hours ago from web
My position is totally consistent: I strongly favor a public option or, failing that, what I call a "souped up" co-op.
about 11 hours ago from web
Glenn Greenwald attacked me for flip-flopping on a public option because I need access for a book. This is his typical ad hominem tripe.
about 11 hours ago from web
Taking a shot against Cheney on torture--"Big Time." http://bit.ly/3xbTlo
about 11 hours ago from web
When Teddy Kennedy took me on a tour of the Senate, I learned some of the secrets of his success. Compromise is key. http://bit.ly/2hhYRH
9:50 PM Aug 26th from web
Joe Lieberman sells out on health care. I'm shocked! Always been a serious putz but this is shameful. http://bit.ly/1rlWgi
9:54 PM Aug 23rd from web
What if Obama sold health care as Social Security/Civil Rights? http://bit.ly/75UOn
11:38 PM Aug 16th from web
What if Obama sold health care as combination of the Social Security Act and the Civil Rights Act? Wouldn't that help? http://bit.ly/75UON
11:36 PM Aug 16th from web
Rightwing townhall disrupt help Dems, health care reform. If mtgs calm, wld have seemed they represented Amer people.Now we know they don't
8:01 PM Aug 11th from web
Tears for Fears: went on Keith Olb about health care town hall disrupters. (it got a little personal, too) http://bit.ly/4ytCHR
2:33 PM Aug 9th from web
1200 Huffpost comments.Way too many thought i was serious 'bout liking status quo. Why do people comment before reading piece first?
2:06 PM Aug 9th from web
What’s Not to Like? Reform? Why do we need health-care reform? Everything is just fine the way it is. (Tongue-in-Cheek): http://bit.ly/urQA
And What I told Alter on Twitter:::
@jonathanalter U say Votes are not there in Senate- IF Reconciliation is done>50- The Votes are there.Saving Lives is Moral not just Left
1 minute ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
Final Thought: Wanting Healthcare for 50 Million is Moral,not just a "Left" Thing to push for, Lives are at stake,#hcr,#publicoption,
about 11 hours ago from web
@jonathanalter 77% of Public want PO,As a Nurse,have blogged Stats/hc news, help yourself, etc,@http://watergatesummer.blog...,
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter How is it Moral/Just to allow 22,000 Ppl to die / yr without HC ? WHY has the MSM not covered the Stats ? #hcr,#publicoption
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter Iam UninsuredRN (of20yrs) Our Country is in a Healthcare Crisis- New Rules for Insurance Companies to Ignore will not help.
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter >22% of ALL Claims Rejected Ca.(that is just 1state),@http://bit.ly/xecpD
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter More Facts For U,400,000 More Losing HC/month right now,Reporters should not be carrying H2O for InsuranceCo. or GOP,#hcr
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter if MSM had presented the facts, instead of focusing on Teabaggerwingnuts& Deathpanels/ALL would B getting care they need,#hcr
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter medicare coverage for all- a 25 yr old's life is just as valuable as a 65 yr old's. it's moral & just. #publicoption #hcr
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter Press Should have reported,500,000 RIght Now Currently Fighting Cancer with NO HC, after Insurance has Refused Claims& Care
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter The Press should have reported on 179,000 Dead without HC since 2001,62% ALL bankruptcies Due to Medical Debt,
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter "DeathPanel" GOP has been enabled by the Press to Kill Dialogue about WHAT 50 Million Americans NEED.14,000/day lose Care
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
@jonathanalter 50 Million WITHOUT HC,"New Rules" won't change their ability to get Care or Denied Care or Being Canceled or COST.
about 11 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
RT @jonathanalter "A PO is a good idea, but left has lost perspective.The rest of bill---cond. more impt." //????And The RIGHT hasn't????
about 12 hours ago from web
@jonathanalter It would really help if MSM&print media would report on Healthcrisis-50 Million WithoutHC,&Millions losing their Homes&care
about 12 hours ago from web in reply to jonathanalter
Goodnight all...take care of each other....be good to each other..
about 12 hours ago from web
@whisper1111 I confront the MSM - they need to know their part in this,they are not reporting- they are enabling hatemongering...
about 14 hours ago from web in reply to whisper1111
@jaketapper U are not reading the threads- read the #fireczars,or #teaparty #iamthemob and you will see hatemongering& MISuse of many words
about 14 hours ago from web in reply to jaketapper
RT @PhyllisLevinson: @whitehouse Mst hv #publicoption 2 giv choice 2 thse of us being rippd off by insur co bt have nowhr else 2 go.
about 14 hours ago from web
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