Phil Donahue's Film is amazing....and so is all the music and the trailers....There is a CD with the Music, and also much info and trailers on YouTube.....It is the story of VET Tomas Young, and how he enlisted after 911, wanting to make a Difference , and ended up in Iraq, in an unarmed Humvee, shot, paralyzed.....Forever Changed....Came home and at Walter Reed came to Many Realizations....Really Beautiful, Heartrending Film - released this month in many cities....Support the VETS, and support Tomas....
( When it comes out on DVD send a copy to your Rep.....Also do read the first comment below....and Click the Title of the posts below to hear Eddie Vedder's "NO MORE " song....)
Dear Tom<
Thank you for posting your comment and I will be moving this post to the top of the page as the Movie Premeires today in NYC....thank you for reminding me....
And thank you for your links- with your permission I will add you to the Blogroll....
I have the Bill Moyers journal from two weeks ago up on Sirens which was devoted entirely to this documentary. It was very moving and I still get goosebumps when I think of it. I hope to see the documentary..but I don't know if its coming to my little city.
Thanks, for that I will look for the Bill Moyers interview on PBS.....http://www.bodyofwar.com/, should have info as it spreads across the Country....I hope it comes far and wide....Donahue has been going on alot of shows- MSNBC, etc. I am hoping that it gets even more notice after it debuts in NYC tonight....I think I missed that on Sirens- I will head back and read..thank you....
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