In Support and Solidarity I am asking Bloggers to post the YES WE CAN song 4.17.08.Obama is The Change and The Integrity That We Need. Read posts Below to Learn How to Contact and Complain and Boycott ABC. Time to Disable the Corrupt GOP Driven MSM. The Power is with the Bloggers. We The People are the Power....We Are the Change. Have Hope. YES WE CAN.
The Song is LINKED to the TITLE as usual- Blogger won't let me post songs directly to the blog- but this seems to work....
Spread this messege Far and Wide- Let's see HOW MANY Blogs can we get Posting it....
Rusty- YOU have been warned- I sweep ANY and ALL trolls out the door- go home to your mom's basement eat your Cheetos and kiss your Hillary Picture-
You are NOT welcome here....
I run a tight ship- I strive to keep MY readers Happy and Comfortable.
My Blog. My Rules.
Enigma, Rusty and all his alias's is nothing more than a Reich wing goon that has been infecting Lydia's blog spouting mindless Reich Wing talking points, lies and character assassinations and insulting and attacking the regular bloggers to drive them away........."IT" doesnt deserve a voice, all "IT" deserves is to be deleted and banned............it adds NOTHING to the discussion and it clearly KNOWS it is not welcome nor respected.
Read Tom Shales article at the Washingtonpost about last nights debate and the moderators who conducted it.
Yes We Can! posted at my place. I'm so involved in what is going on in Indiana right now, I didn't even watch the debate.
Thank you for all of your hard work...I KNOW how hard you are working...YES WE CAN....
thanks I will go there right now...
thanks....he spent alnight infested over here....like a bad bathroom fungus...I deleted and deleted...I was worried that he would offend people ( AIDS and Black people references and even women were on his list...) it was bad....I want my readers and people here to KNOW that I never ever allow that kind of talk...
I've been looking at this whole "election" process with semi-detached interest. I have a theory on why Senator Clinton hasn't yet conceded. Well, other than the given answer that "she's still here" and thinks she has a good chance to win.
The MSM and the Republican Machine have spent the last 8 years working toward defeating Mrs. Clinton's chances for the presidency. They've dug up all the possible dirt they can find on her. So why aren't they using it? Because Senator Obama CAN beat Senator McCain.
They don't WANT to see Senator Obama as the Democratic candidate - they want Mrs. Clinton, so they can use their 8 years of stockpiled ammunition against HER.
Look at what they've been able to come up with against Senator Obama:
1) He smokes.
2) He didn't wear a lapel pin that they liked.
3) He was endorsed by some people who are a bit... out there... (as if HE could control who endorses him?)
4) Someone he knew said something they didn't like.
4 1/2) His one-time Pastor said something they didn't like.
5) His name is unusual and rhymes with that of a terrorist.
6) When he was 7 years old, he went to a school they didn't like.
Where in all this is anything even REMOTELY relevant to being President? The man is like Teflon - they can't find anything solid to stick to him. But they keep trying...
Because if they don't get Senator Clinton the Deomocratic nomination, they know they're in deep doo-doo with Obama vs. McCain.
And maybe, just maybe, Senator Clinton is being a a good team player and sticking around to keep the MSM guessing. Perhaps she's also making these huge "mistakes " deliberately now - because while she still has to be the "target" and stay in the race to keep the Republican Machine and MSM from planting lies and such about Senator Obama?
I'm sorry - this is a whole blog post... but... wouldn't it be interesting?
I am sure some of what you raise is interesting, but I am worried- a Broken party will not beat McCain....and she has shown herself to be so narcisstic...and self serving that she can not even realize or acknowledge WHAT she has inflicted on the party....( ie she did not Fire Mark Penn....she should have...)
It is also a MONEY issue and a Focus issue...we need to get focused and out spend and outraise if we are going to beat McBush- who obviously going to get a free pass from the cough...media....
People are tired...and Hill thinks she can "win" by wearing people' s hopes and spirits down and back door deals and Blunders and smears....She thinks she is "entitled" to win...
I mean REALLY _ the ONE thing we should ALL know, and KNOW well....after 8 LONG years of Bush Hell...and Bush Lies and Bush Entitled Frat Boy Smears and Blunders DO WE REALLY NEED MORE OF THE SAME FROM A WOMAN THAT WE THOUGHT WE KNEW AND TRUSTED AND IS RUNNING ON HER 'GOOD' NAME?
( actually Hill and Bill have both behaved like Drunken Frat Boys at this rate...)
I am tired of the Lies and Lack of Integrity...and Millions of Other People are too....Finally....
( and to be honest - I can NOT be detached- I am a Nurse- Single mom trying to raise a son, figure out how to feed him , get him to college and not drafted by an idiot, and pay bills and live without Health Insurance....And Knowing that MILLIONS like me are struggling everyday- that is the ONLY thing that makes this even bearable....I don't blog for fun...or because it is Interesting....I blog because my fucking life depends on it....How the hell after 8 years of hell anyone can say they are "still on the fence" or "detached" blows my mind....No Offense Sew- I think you are great- but COME ON....Open your EYES...People around you are HURTING....ALL OVER....Wake Up...)
I think you misunderstood me, Enigma - that's ok, the internet is a difficult place for communication, especially in English which has much to do with inflection and intent - and not quite as much to do with specific words.
I say I'm detached, because if I become too involved, I become bitter, sarcastic, and angry. I find myself falling into the very behaviors and attitudes to which I am so vehemently opposed. If winning means becoming "one of them", then I'll lose and be miserable but retain my self-respect.
I have lived the life of the single mom. I know the travails, and I know the joys. I've lived without insurance, including being hospitalized for nearly a week with my wonky heart.
I am not "on the fence" - I know who I will and will not vote for in the upcoming election. I have done what I can to support and assist my senator and others who will be running for congressional offices. I'm not blogging about it, however, and I'm not letting it overwhelm me, because I know my own limits and know that I will become that angry, shrill, horrid harridan that I've been from time-to-time over the last 8 years.
And my becoming that does NOT help my Senator in his bid for the presidency. What it does is reinforce the stereotype of the "Frothing-at-the-mouth-insane-liberal-freak-female Femnazi" that the Republican Machine loves to exploit.
This "election cycle" has started too early and gone on way too long. It is not uncommon - except recently - for a party to go into their Convention without a firm commitment to a specific candidate. I will not allow the MSM or anyone else to keep me swaying back and forth from elation to anguish over the latest "poll" - what happens at the convention is what matters. I cannot vote in PA, I cannot vote again until the General Election in November.
I cannot allow my blood pressure and other issues to be affected by the constant up and down rollercoaster of the pre-convention electioneering BS that the MSM and everyone and his brother Fred are following like minutia-addicts. I've done what I can (vote), I will continue to do what I can (support, promote and in November vote - and correct my "conservative" family when they fall prey to the Rovian BS machine)
I am so sorry..I think I misread what you wrote...and took it tooo heart...and too hard...My Apologies...
( this is what monthes of Trying to Defend Someone will do- and what a Divided Party does it leaves people like me on Edge- and after 8 Years of Hellish Limbo...I think I am just tired of trying to figure out what people are really saying sometimes...so sorry....Very wrong of me...and I hear YOU now loud and clear I do get what you were trying to say....very much)
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