On the New DEM Ad, McCain falsely says "that over the past 8 years , WE ALL are better off", "more prosperous". So I guess it all depends on HOW we define "Better" and "Prosperous"....and what the Hell is used to Measure HOW Well Things are Going ? So is he old and delusional ? What the Hell has he been Drinking ? What say you this Friday Night?
*{Click the Title: cuz it's gotta be Blues ....right? John Lee Hooker " Hobo Blues"}*
We are only better off in the sense that Bush-Cheney are about to vacate the WH (I think).
This AM I saw a clip of Meredith Viera asking McSenile if he REALLY thought we were better off. He actually said, NO, we're not. So, even HE doesn't believe himself!
McSenile....omg...that is PErfect....love that .....he does not even know what he says day to day....and he will gladly argue about it.....
McSenile....whelp DK ...I will have to use that...
He is married to the Beer Baroness..he has NO reality.....
McCain married an ultra rich little socialite and their entire being is looking down on those masses who have less, and blame the struggling for the misery they are in.
He could care less...as long as he has his...
Obama really needs to talk more about HIS past, his upbringing...his roots....it is what makes him real to people...
I call him Mc-more-of-the-same. He is skating right now. No pressure on him, the more the dems shred each other, the better for him. Have at it, he's thinking.
As for being better off, hell- I don;t think we even need to respond. Don't insult our intelligence. My husbands workplace just suffered an $8.5 million first quarter loss. Today 30% of management was laid off & 20% of production workers, also laid off. When a major employer takes such a hit- 50% reduction of workforce in one fell swoop, you can't help but notice - really things are NOT better off & that is just on ONE front.
I remember back when they had all the repugs debating- McCain seemed like THE most out of touch of them all.
I don't think I could stand listening to the "my friends" schpeal for 4 long years.
I am so sorry about your hubby's workplace...it is too the point where everybody has workplace stories...no one is doing "well".....I am sorry though...
What I want to see is Obama and McCain debate...
McSame? McShame? McPain? McNasty ?
ahhhhh I hope he did not call the folks at NOLA "My friends"...
Oh! I should say my husband was spared the layoff cuts, (Whew) but everyone feels like they are walking on eggshells. 300 lost jobs today & 300 more in Indiana.
My economic situation has been sliding downhill since 1999. More hours, far less money - then fewer jobs, unless you consider McClown's a job. I'm done with it all. If it weren't for the roommate -- first one in my life, BTW -- I wouldn't make it another week. These profiteering Traitors have sold us all down the river -- in a leaky inner tube.
And silly me, I thought it would get better as I got older -- my father had it FAR easier, plus he had a child slave laborer (me) to put to work in his electronics shop. For the first time in this country's post depression history, children are doing worse than their parents. Damned politicians and most lawyers should be boiled in oil -- starting with Newt Gingrich, KKKRove and all of his friends. Grrrrr....
What can you say?
He could win as easily as gw didn't! ; (
It's getting scarier out here.....
or as they say:
Beware of the Obvious!
Enigma, I see you have a troll.
Dear Rusty,
Perhaps you have never looked for a job, perhaps your parents left you a substantial sum of money to sit on your ass and cruise blogs. Maybe you work for your daddy and he treats you extra-special. But:
The majority of people in the work force are getting the screws. Personally, I've had three different "careers" in my life. Electronics until the changing technology and cheap Chinese imports shoved that down the tubes. Automotive repair, until I lost my both the car tools and the electronics equipiment at the hands of a dirtbag county lawyer, his insane family and serial arsonist son. Then there is the high stress, always in flux, and now outsourced computer programming garbage. Between the carpal tunnel and the fact that I'm done learning a new computer language, API, and OS every few years for peanuts, that leaves...?
You see, there is a little thing called integrity that I must adhere to. I live in a stinking backwater called Atlanta, and here are just two true stories, for example, of how business is conducted in this hellhole neck of the woods:
A friend calls the garage door repair people because her door jams. They show up and replace the defective $8 roller. Then they change out the door springs so that the now grossly overloaded garage door opener will fail, yet the door is too heavy to lift manually. After the initial $450(!) repair bill, she then gets a high pressure sales pitch on how unsafe it is, and how this "defective opener" is going to decapitate someone. But don't worry, the world will be at peace if she only comes up with ANOTHER $600 for a replacement opener.
This is where I come in... Original springs back in place, a little TLC - and all has been well for the past 8 years. Total cost: $24 to replace the original springs.
Another girl I know needs brakes on her car, a Swedish import. They want $2000 to replace two rotors and the pads. I can buy the parts for < $150. It takes, at the outside, 2 hours to replace the lot. They are, in essence, wanting $900 an hour because they have her convinced that "we are the only fair and reputable specialists in town." Bullshit.
Legal troubles? It'll cost you $200 to 400 an hour, overbilled, to deal with it.
Dentist: $400-800 an hour.
The point of all this is that the world is a vast collection of parasites, most of them Republican. They game the system and screw everyone they touch. And they make losts of money - at others expense. They scream "free market" and "what the market will bear" because they have gamed the system and eliminated any competition and skewed the laws in their favor. They are mobsters - pure and simple.
And they are also pure scum.
If you believe that S&L and Mortgage scams, Enron, Halliburton, Blackwater, et al, manufacturing and textile plant closings, retirement theft, pointless trillion dollar wars, etc., debacles haven't effected large swaths of the population, you are truly an idiot. These suckers are thieves, and should be treated accordingly. Sue them? Fat chance! Assuming that your average victim could come up with the huge amounts of front money to fund such folly (20,000+), lawyers and judges are useless frauds who protect their own. (Meaning perfidious scum.) All you will ever succeed at suing is an auto insurance company for fraudulant medical claims. There is an entire "socialism for smarmy lawyers and corrupt doctors" thing going there - and they seem to be really good at that, but little else.
If you work for a living and are not morally bankrupt, you are feeling the bite as the sharks feed un-tethered. Period.
No, perfidious scum sets me off, along with their water carrying butt-boys. And I'm mad as hell because the American public is being asked - ney, forced - to subsidize a bunch of lazy ass, pink handed money changers who never broke a sweat in their entire existance. This is not Capitolism, it is cronyism, usury, and extortion.
BTW, you really aren't the brightest bulb on the tree, eh? Break job? Wouldn't that be the definition of the current Administration?
Come back when you're 50 and not living in your mom's basement.
That is the greatest picture! Bush and McCain's economy is better off it is the average American's that is screwed, It really peeves me when they disregard and deny our economy even exists and they get away with it, it is truly perplexing and mind boggling. What does that tell you besides the war mongering what it will be like under a President McCain?
My apologies one and all- I took the past 24 hours off to care for a sick Cat- I will now delete the annoying comments- I am so sorry...
and then I will be back and respond to everyone appropriately....
It is pitiful that if I work or take care of a loved one I should not have to be preyed upon....and my readers should not have to put up with such rudeness....
I wouldn't worry about it enigma. That Blogger Account was created a week ago solely to harrass others. I have a feeling it won't be around long.
But by the same token, if that was a demonstration of the mentality of your average NeoCon worshiper, we're in deep doo. (And it also explains a lot of my neighbors.)
Hope the cat made it.
Thank you for manning the ship here....Trolls are trolls- they come and go...and some are more persistant than others...( like an annoying case of poison ivy)...
Anyways....What you wrote above is so true....it is about WHAT people have experienced- back to the 90's....how has their American Dream treated them ?For many of us the Clinton years were not that great....and the Bush years were like a heavy sledgehammer falling...BUT this country will not come together until those that are entitled realize that MANY of us have been through too much...and the "Haves" have to acknowledge that all deserve better....
I do think that where you live is very difficult......very....I don't know how you do it...but you have alot of guts and courage for sticking with it down there....
Oh and about the Cat,...he is much better...he had an ordinary procedure but he ran into some difficulties....but our little fella is MUCH better now....much,.....
Glad the animals, and you, are doing OK.
As for my difficulty, you don't know the half of it. I don't go anywhere, I don't see anyone. I have no friends except those in distant cities, and I am absolutely repulsed by the area I live in. The women have been trained from birth to be simple minded depositories, and I have nothing in common with anything or anyone here. The people I knew before leaving this craphole the first time have all gone, and I'm a stranger in a strange land. The traffic is absurd, the city has been taken over by carpetbagger developers, is devoid of soul, the employers are avaricious scum, and I refuse to pay this damned corrupt state one thin dime in fees, licenses, taxes or anything else - I'll be damned if I'm going to pay the salaries of the collection of perfidious criminals who consumed my youth. There really are not words to describe how much I despise the state of Georgia and the collusive, morally bankrupt bible thumping hypocrite scum that lives in it. I am absolutely immobilized, mired in a filthy pit of idiots I want nothing to do with, yet they persist with their bizarre notions.
Well, sorry about that, but I had to get it off my chest. I wish I felt better...
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