So NOW we find out that Hillary has Lied AGAIN.....And this time it is a Healthcare Story.....From my adopted State of Ohio.Please go read this Whopper, at From the Left Blog, and also Gryphen over at Immoral Minority. I am beyond livid over this.....as a Nurse, and an Ohio resident, without Insurance, that she would prepetuate such a lie is Unfathomable....about a Dead Young Mother. The Truth is that yes a young mother did die, after the stillborn death of her child.....but that it would be exploited and used by her is horrendous.....What motivates Someone to do Something like THIS ?
( How MANY lies are we up to ? Bosnia ? NAFTA ? Ireland Peace Talks ? HOW many.....)
I just have to say....
I am really steamed about this ...so much so that I can not write about it, because I have promised myself NOT to use the EFF word.....but know this....I am so mad that if I was godforbid at one of her Rallies I would give her a BIG piece of my mind....
Not only the nerve of her telling lies about the death of this young woman...BUT the Implication that NURSES and DOCTORS helped kill this young woman..SHAME on her....
CHuck Todd on Hardballs-
today - her Credibility is rated at it's lowest now- at 25......OUCH....
that means that people also don't trust her....
In her defense, she was told the story by a police officer..but still that said..they should of verified it.
The fact that they didn't verify it tells me I don't want this woman running anything more than a microwave.
It is an outrage! There are so many true health care nightmares, why would she choose to spread a false one? I agree w/Dusty, if her campaign couldn't even be bothered to verify this tale, she has no biz in WH. At least w/her Bosnian sniper tale, she only harmed her own credibility. With this one, she smeared health professionals. And it had nothing to do with lack of health insurance either (her supposed topic), since the young woman had that, too. So NOTHING about the story was true! Go ahead, use the eff-word.
Susposedly the story did not have the 100 dollar part of the story...I think ...it is being covered here in Ohio...people are pissed...
hmm, you are right - she should not be even near a microwave....or even a Box of tiddly winks....
Wait, we have to keep track of all of her lies?
I am not sure I have that kind of time.
What motivates? In a word, power.
Great blog.
What do you expect from a DINO? She's a lying corporate shill who'll use any possible means to get what she wants.
well, lying about DEAD people is sinking to a new low....even for her....
thank you and welcome....sometimes it politics or soulfood...or just random thoughts ....enjoy and visit whenever you like ( I will check your blog later tonight too)
truthfully ? none of us has that KIND of Time!!!....
yup....it is an Outrage.....but let's see how fast MSM skips by....
Another day, another whopper of a Hillary lie. Sometimes small, sometimes large, sometimes super-sized.
But, but---she must have mislied because she was under sniper fire.
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