WE THE PEOPLE have to Never Again Have Leadership that Abandons Our People In Trouble.
WE THE PEOPLE have to have a Leader that Will End This Illegal War and Bring Our Troops Home.

WE THE PEOPLE have to have a Leader that is Willing to listen to Millions of People.
WE THE PEOPLE have to have a Leader that Values Our Greatest Resource: Children.

Click the title: and YES WE CAN....
Dear Pa.,
We thought that Ohio was full of Dirty Rovian Politics....but we saw her throw more Kitchen Sinks your way....and we are sorry....Make us ALL proud...Just Do it......
You have Millions of People behind you...and next to you....and with you...
From a distance the Clinton approach is starting to look like "if I can't win you won't win!"
I doesn't make much sense, but then I always have trouble comprehending that particular system. :)
this has been insane...all the way through...He is doing well...and HOW well..we will see..I think it will be better than Ohio...although she has pulled ALL the same stunts....
but we will see..
( system? well that has been broken for awhile.. sigh...anyways I will update here- as always..)
The scare campaign being reported here just has heads shaking. This sort of bullshit is should be so transparent...
People are a worry.
people need to pay attention...much more...I mean look what happened here..
MASSIVE rally in Pittsburgh...HUGE...and Cspan did not air until 4am....I have no idea how many there...Theresa Heinz Kerry and Casey Spoke and Micelle...it was so beautiful the crowds were singing and chanting HUGE......packed....a tapestry of beautiful faces....old and young and all colors ....United...
I only caught a bit of that rally. Saw Theresa Kerry at the podium w/Casey & the Obamas in back of her. Then our satellite dish went out, so that was that! I am hoping that PA will come through. The rural parts of PA are much like here in UT and ID. I just posted about the similarities (plus I compared Hillary to a hyena, but that is just the mood I'm in). Now if only their primary has similar results (landslide Obama)! I will be pacing the floor until we know the results.
The talking goomers Racist Scarborough and Racist Buchanan are spewing their venom against Obama this morning and how Hillary is off to a landslide.
I didn't know it was already over.
If he just does better than expected, that should be enough. But oh, God, if he could pull out a win this national nightmare could be over! I'll be spending the day giving up good thoughts, fingers crossed - which will be hard to do while working, but I'll try. Just remember, he never was supposed to win this one.
The truly remarkable thing about this election is the promise by as many as 25% of the Hillbots that they will vote GOP and for Old Mr. Morton if Obama is the nominee.
These sad, confused and pathetic people really think by doing this they are punishing Obama for stealing the nomination away from the Borg Queen.
With supporters like that is it any wonder why she's getting her ass handed to her?
Today is the day and good luck to us and Obama. we need him but I see his misstatements and McCain and Hillary's harmful childish ignorance is affecting him. god help us and the world. Someone of consequence has to wake up!
Hey All...
Well, we watched him last night...and he and Michelle and also Casey they were all so calm and in good spirits...It reminded me of the Night before Iowa....I'm hoping and praying and sending good energy...much...I will light candles and incense and make cookies and make sun tea and just keep sending more and more Good Energy his way...and to the Good People of Pa.....
OK enigma, thought you would enjoy this. From a disenchanted conservative foreign correspondant no less:
The World Likes Obama
May your words become prophesy!
And may this whole mess be OVER tonight!!!
if ever I wish I could see into a crystal ball....sigh...I just hope and pray that Pa. has been watching all of this like we have...and seen The Truth....
( looking at the Rallies esp at the PA. Pittsburgh rally last night10,000, and 35,000 at Philly last Friday...I like to picture them all taking FIVE friends to the polls..)
merci....wonderful...( those french ;-)
Dr KNow
The world does like Obama. Like Hamas they know he is good for America and what is good for America is good for the world though of cource McCain is spinning that as a negative. Sadly the world does not matter. We can always hope!
i worry that expectations of obama are so high, a let-down is inevitable. We The People need a leader, not a Savior.
I don' t think that expectations are THAT high...I think we just are hoping for good, Honest REAL Leadership....I and most my neighbors and friends are just tired...I know Hillary and her people have tried to paint Most people like me ( an Obama Mama) as Delusional or deluded or that we are not thoughtful or critical thinkers....When I went to see Obama in February what amazed me was that all the people that we were in line with - ALL had very good and different reasons that he had earned their support...from Elderly to VETS, to military parents ( with sons in Iraq) to Teachers, to College Kids , to Unemployed Car Employees....they all had different reasons, yet similiar...and their expectations were that WE THE PEOPLE would have a chance to work with a NEW Government....and yes, there was Hope when people talked to each other in that line....a Line that was many blocks long and thousands waited to hear him on a bitter cold Saturday Night- we lined up at 3-4pm, and he did not speak until 9:10Pm...and what I will remember is all of the conversations.....the UNITY....I have never seen anything like it...
And when spoke, Hillary made her celestial comments- but it is not like that...he has a dialogue with the audience- and yes, people do yell back and participate...In 30+++ years of Political Watching I have never ever seen anything like it- the Connection, the Listening, the People empowered.....
THAT KIND of Govt- is indeed worth Wanting, Hoping for.....Unity worth having ...Healing...Change that could indeed be embraced...
I have no idea what you meant in your second sentence...but I do know that friends all over and far away are saying that he liked and respected ....that matters- we need that..Now more than ever...esp after Bushco and the Iraq Debacle...
6:30PM Update....
Polls close in Pa. at 8PM....so we all have some time to go here...I have not seen any exit polls yet... We have heard that the Numbers have been Huge at the polls.
Polls there 52 to 48% Hill leading Obama, and another polls showed the opposite- with Obama leading 52 to 48....
7pm Norah MSNBC::::
67% Hill attacked unfair
49% Obama
WHO attack unfairly?
77% Hill
37% Obama
no other numbers yet...MSNBC is waxing all over how wonderful McShame is ...blah blah....
Hey Enigma!
I ma a little late as there is some personal drama that my daughter is dealing with, but I am online and focused for the time being.
I also saw those exit polls and Norah's report (is that woman ALWAYS pregnant?.
I am sitting with one cheek on my seat and the other suspended in mid air. It is going to be a LOOONNG night.
((( hmm, my best to your daughter...I send good thoughts her way...- and if you have to go- don't worry we will sit here and man the decks...)))
Now about the latest- new post up at Huffpost- NEW Voters, MEN Obama did well on exit polls, urban and new transplanted voters ie from Philly etc...(so that is all good news...)
Is Norah with child again? really ? how did I miss that...I know she just had twins last year... ( I just thought she was not back to her earlier shape...I am just glad that they have not stuck her up on that ledge- remember the first few rounds they littereally had her up on the shelf....)
So I just cleaned my kitchen...and put laundry in...next there will be floors to sweep...I am pacing myself....( okay I am already running out of things to do.....and yes I am nervous...)
Okay I am just going to VENT about this I am so so sick of these talking heads...now Gregory and Pat Buchanon are sitting here bashing Obama...WTF???? good lord - Obama has broken all kinds of barriers- I mean for monthes all we have heard is Hillary has Pa ALLL SEWN up....what a load of horsehit...I am so sick of these blowhards- Obama pulling in to single digit grasp is amazing...
Rachel- god bless her- if she was not there I would have shot my TV by now..
The Bigger Question is WHY has Hillary LOST SOoooooo many Voters so quickly WHY? because maybe people are waking up....so Gregory should just shut the fuckup....he needs to stop drinking the damn Rove Koolaid...
Okay I will now place the CUSS Jar out.
50 cents for the EFF word
1.00 for the C word
Horsehit is a Freebie..
Son-of-a - bitch is a freebie
Asshole- 25Cents
there...now I am atleast giving back...
( the jar is donated to Obama)
Okay Speaking on Money- I am just saying that Obama has led them in Money - BOTH Hill and McCain- matter of fact if you combine BOTH of their last two monthes- HE still leads- and it is little people giving an average of 109 dollars per month...that is a very big deal...
and she is in the RED- she does not have the $$$$ to keep this going to Puerto Rico....much less Colorado...( seriously is the Clinton Foundation sponsering her???)
I just turned the TV on so I haven't caught up but about David Gregory, remember one thing about him: he was up on that stage and going the "MC Rove" rap trying to approximate what a white man thinks a black man moves like.
It was too embarrassing to watch more than once. Maybe it's on YouTube?
Of the MSNBC team, David Gregory is the weakest link. Even Pat Buchanan, who I am the total opposite of, brings a level of humor to his rightwing shtick. By contrast, David Gregory is just an idiot.
I know I know...but would it be tooooo much to ask to just once have an Intelligent conversation on there ???? Rachel is amazing....and smart...but they don't let her talk much ( and Joe asshole is still kinda there..oh goodie)...
I want to hear exit polls- data...not them blaming Obama for not doing well enuf? how can they say that ...makes no sense...
( I AM SOOOOO SICK OF THIS MINDSET OF RUSSERT...and his buddies...I am White, and I am definitely way under 50,000....I don;t know what they mean by Ethnic ? I have no idea...but I don't like the slant here- did n't they say originally she had to get the "white Man Vote" and now he has that- but that is NOT an issue now that he gotten their support....)
I think the MSM is Missing it- they are not seeing what is really going on - Hill's
"base" is people over 60-65, and yes mostly white....but I disagree the premise here...
Pig Eyes really annoys the shit out of me.
His issues with Rachel sends me through the roof.
He's a typical, straight conservative Bible thumper and I'd love to kick his ass back to the Redneck Riviera.
Pumpkinhead is a winger Catholic.
Probably, Opus Dei.
5 minutes and counting.
My opinion of Gregory is that he is MSNBC's answer Anderson Cooper.
They figure CNN has a young white haired guy, we need a young white haired guy. The difference is hat Anderson has a personality and some journalistic credibility.
2 minutes and counting. AAAGGGHH!!
Scarborough was sweating like a pig; do you notice that, Christopher? Actual sweat running down his face.
Joe the Blow needs powder....alot...
Gregory is the Charisma Boy- and Gryphen OMG....that is it- they do think he has AC qualities- lordy...
So here we all are....wouldn't it be nice to see these Lunkheads get schooled a real lesson???
No numbers! Where are the fucking numbers?
Are these assholes trying to piss me off?
How much is the "F" word Enigma?
ahhhhh now Russert is sweating...now...
hmmm, I think they all thought this was done deal..
Andrea is saying that there is MUCH tension at the Hill Campaign...
If I hear the words race & gender too much more, I'm gonna blow.
Now it's "too early to call" -- no longer too close to call. hmmm ...
Politco.com says it's 66% Clinton; 34% Obama. That's with less than 2500 votes counted, less than 1%.
MSNBC is calling it...whatever..
46,334 Hill....56%
36,094 Obama....44%
3% Counted
9:03 PM
H....61,200...... 53%
O....53,925....... 47%
H: .....68,189..... 52%
Now they are saying :
H: 70,817......52%
Okay MSNBC says 10% counted? they flashed the numbers so quick I did not get them...
118,128 H
89,000 O
CNN at the same time says 127,000 Hill and then 110,00 Obama....
C& L still has the 8:58 numbers posted with 5% counted that I posted before...I am frustated...I want to see numbers
137,819 Hill
120493 Obama
I am confused...I still think this is closer than they think and they should not have called it 58 minutes after the poll closed.....
Chuck Dodd is saying that she has to win 80% in the other states to win...really strange...( states after May6th....oh and BTW folks she is broke and In debt Big time----HUGE....
9:22 PM
Now the screen says 13%.. 53% to 47%...BUT they don't have the numbers up ...I need NUMBERS....they flashed them on the screen and then they were gone...
Okay I am going to look for REAL numbers..
Hi! I am seeing 54% C, 48% O, with 13% counted- & they are already calling it for Clinton??????
I'm no math genius, but you have to count at least half the votes to know who won.
I hope these idiot elections coverage people have to come back & reverse their prediction.
I don;t want exit poll counts, I want actual vote counts.
Something is really strange- MSNBC is only showing the percents BUT no actual Numbers- the same at their website- if anyone finds different let me know...
and then Crooks and Liars that has always posted the numbers- Intoxination ( they do updates usually every 15 minutes- NOTHING since 9pm...really odd, and the numbers are still at 5%)
I am very skeptical...
I want VOTE counts too Fran...
and MSNBC called it at 3%....
Hill ....205,133...53%
these are the CNN numbers - 16% counted....
CNN is finally posting the numbers.....
I found the same no #'s @ MSNBC as well.
and just for the Record for the Idiot Pundit heads on tv...- I AM NOT VOTING FOR HILLARY- NOT EVER...
MSNBC new numbers:
236,597 Hill....53%
206.087 Obama.....47%
21%. counted...
I got my fingers crossed Obama can get the margin down to 5 and dry up "its" fundraising!
Gryphen said...
"5 minutes and counting.
My opinion of Gregory is that he is MSNBC's answer Anderson Cooper."
I think you nailed it with this one LOL!
Okay so I went to CNN website, and the map shows that Philly, and most of area around Harrisburg is NOT counted yet...
website: 9:38 Pm
Hill......248,905......53%......28 delegates
Obama.......220,301...47%...19 delegates....
( now remember atleast 2million are expected to vote)
NOW on the CNN screen on TV..they just flashed:
Hill 354,328......55%
and the screen says still 22%
( I don't get it- their own two screens have different results)
WHY in all the Big States are the BIG cities counted last- there is something odd about that...
thanks Fran and Mike...
this is not how it is usually- they post the numbers with the Percentage points...and it is MISSING tonight...
CNN is saying that he carries Phllly...( yet the numbers are not posted anywhere)
54% to 46%
465,521 for Hill
384,483 for Obama
susposedly he won Harrisburg and Philly ( and that he did not do well enough ? I want the Damn numbers, and they weren't on the site just now.
I still think she was supposed to win by 20 points- and if he brings it in under 10points- that should be better than was expected...and he ourraised her- the thing that does not make sense- he brought in new voters MANY and also MORE money this month- so how come her people don't bring in new voters and money ?
( Last numbers I posted above were 38% counted, and from CNN on TV)
10Pm Numbers from Crooks and Liars ( Intoxination)
46% counted:
505,816 Hill......54%
934,174 Counted.
On CNN click elections, then primaries, then democrats & you will get the actual #'s
10 PM MSNBC Keith just read the numbers:
48% counted:
534,816 .....Hill..54%
Chuck Todd Philly is not reporting yet, and Bucks County, Montegomery, Lancaster, ALL of these areas they don't have anything yet.
( I have not heard the numbers of Pittsburgh and also Harrisburg and those are Obama regions...)
So the Borg Queen was leading in Pennsylvania by 20 to 25 points as recently as 3 months ago.
Obama outspends her and pulls her margins down to 8 percent. Not bad.
Meanwhile, it's off to North Carolina where Obama has a 15 to 20 point lead and guess what happens? North Carolina neutralizes the Borg Queen's Pennsylvania win and we're right back to where we were yesterday.
And this is the argument the Borg Queen plans to take to the Superdelegates to argue they should support her? ROFLMAO!
She really is crazy.
Fran: I want the ACTUAL numbers? When I go to the screen you mention all it shows is the current delegate count...not the
numbers of tonight...Votes Counted.
( I am confused..)
622,812 ....Hill....54%
55% counted....
52% counted (now they can begin to call the election because more than half are counted!
C=55% -- 28 delegates
O= 45% -- 19 delegates
I'm listening to PBS, their pundits are saying this just means the fight will go on.... but the repug Brooks is saying he thinks in the end Obama will win.
They are also saying Obama has won 28 states & has more delegates.
Saying Indiana is going to be a telling result.
10:10 PM
57% Counted
668,924 Hill 55%
553,156 Obama 45%
total counted 1,222,080
( I read on problem website that Philly was requesting to stay open late- needed paper ballots- this is what happened in Ohio too , this may be why the numbers from there are late)
thanks Fran- I think CNN was just updating when I have been there ...anyways I am not watching Boston Legal and I will update numbers again at 10:30 PM..I think he might have done well in Philly and there are problems there counting...
( we also need Montgomery county and Harrisburg, you know considering the crap she pulled- the numbers are better than they should have been)
7:16 PST
60% counted
C= 54%
O= 46%
Ugh! I am goig out for a bike ride while it is still light out & not pouring rain.
Catch ya later.
It ain;t over yet & I'm sure hopeful Obama is going to shine in Oregon.
I'm seeing a lot more folks w Obama bumper stickers- Myself included!
Obama is AHEAD in ::::
New Voters
Popular Vote
Hillary speaking - still watching Boston Legal...
hey there yup...Oregon...good for you ....
enigma4ever said...
I still think she was supposed to win by 20 points- and if he brings it in under 10points- that should be better than was expected...and he ourraised her- the thing that does not make sense- he brought in new voters MANY and also MORE money this month- so how come her people don't bring in new voters and money ?"
Her supporters are all big corporate cronnies and fatcats who have ALLREADY donated the maximum limit...............Obama's donors are all working class people who have donated less than $109 and made multiple donations and will like continue to support him financially.
Thank god that loathesome idiot is done babbling and gloating..............after 8 years of a loathsome moron i just dont think i could stand 4 years of Shillery.........just like Rove, Bush and Cheney the sight of her sickens me!
3/4 of the results are in and its Still with 8%............if Obama can keep it under 10 things are looking good..........5% or less would be outstanding and would be a stake through that bloodsuckers heart!
thanks Mike...Fran...DK...
Okay New Numbers:
( ALL C&L)
10:10 PM ( 57% Counted)
Hill 668,924.....55%.......
Obama 553,156....46%....
10:30PM Numbers::::
75% Counted
Hill....882,247....54%.....52 Delegates
Obama.....742,208....46%.....36 Delegates
Total counted:
( still not sure about Philly and Harrisburg)
1043 CNN is saying 76% counted:
Hill 900,924......54%
76% Counted....
((( Meanwhile the Boston Legal is Doing the Supreme Court issues that we face...and Capital Punishment....beautiful kickass episode)
Obama speaking in Evansville Ind....now on CNN...while speaking and thanking hill for gracious race in Pa.( BOOS)..he also mentioned that he registered record Number of NEW voters...( I wonder if those are being tracked)
CNN Numbers-76% Counted
10:50 PM
C&L and CNN have the same numbers:
Hill......922,068......54%/////52 delegates
Obama.....770,349.....46%////36 delegates
total counted:1,692,068
CNN 10:50PM
80% Counted:
Hill......963,076.....55%......55 Dels
Obama......787,354....45%....38 Dels...
total: 1,750,430
Obama is still speaking in Evansville- he is indeed kicking it...they are ready....and totally on fire..
( very different than the Hill speech)
CNN 11Pm numbers...84% counted...
C&L Numbers 11PM
84% counted:
1,035,322 Hill....55%....55 delegates
843,026....Obama...45%.....42 Dels.
1,878,348 Counted.
85% Counted
Hill......1,050,608.....55%....55 dels
Obama....854,677....45%....42 dels
Total counted:1,905,285
Again, watching from a distance... I can't see a 10 delegate advantage being any advantage at all for Clinton.
Even double that would pose no threat from the numbers I have been seeing. Mind you, it is not te same from a distance.
88% Counted
Obama......875,892........45%....42 Dels
Total: 1,946,753 counted
Back from my bike ride-- just a few miles, light drizzle- now it is coming down hard. Whew! Back just in time. I needed to bur off some steam. I'm tired of this extended rce amongt the dems, so much money, so much energy, so much tearing down.
I'm also a bit floored about things people have said lately- how they don;t much pay attention to politics, one even asked who is currently running!
That would almost be comical, except our country is going to shit, our democracy dying & they are too busy doing-- what? to not care enough to even try?
What is their philosophy? Apathy is comfortable?
Oh Cart- the 10 points is just the percentage of vote counted...
Delegate wise Obama is still ahead- at the end of the night I will post the totals- but Obama has a almost 200 Point Delegate Lead...( this is not counting Super-delegates...just for added confusion- superdelegates- Hillary is still ahead- but BUT ONLY about 20 Superdelegates)
( Cart it is Sooooo confusing that they should hand out Excedrin for all of us so we can sort this out....it is a giant ass headache..but he is ahead in Delegates...States...actual number of votes...and $$$$$- HUGE- and it is all money from little people like me....and NEW Voters...)
Hillary could lose in a landslide and the media would say she has momentum.
11:25 PM CNN Numbers:
89% Counted...
Larry...you said it...I am soooo sick of it...they are just derailed that her coronation did not go off the way they all had scripted...
Fran: there is NO excuse for Apathy NONE...absolutely NONE....and I have nothing nice to say- like the ones that say " I don't have a horse in this race"...
( I want to say - well then you are a Horse's ass - because OUR country is in such trouble....get a clue...or "I am still on the fence"- well I say that is one frigginginhigh fence- don't fall)
C&L and CNN have same numbers pretty much:
1,148,600 Hill....55%....55 dels.
947,730..Obama...45%...42 Dels.
Looks like it will end up with a 10 point difference. I was so hoping for a single digit difference. The Terminator will keep going. What a great speech Obama gave though (I missed her speech, I was out).
Clinton won at least 52 delegates to the party's national convention, with 60 still to be awarded. Obama won at least 46, according to an analysis of election returns by The Associated Press.
In the overall race for the nomination, Obama led with 1,694.5 delegates, including separately chosen party and elected officials known as superdelegates. Clinton had 1,561.5 delegates.
It would be a very brave or very stupid party to overturn that on this apparent win.
11:40Pm update
C&L Numbers:
93% Counted
1,159,600 Hill.....55%.....55dels.
956,406.............45%.......42 dels.
total:2,115,856 counted.....( they are still counting philly)
I missed her speech too- oh darn...I to was hoping for a single digit lead- BUT she was up by 20-23 only TWO weeks ago..so this is amazing if we think about it- and she did lose votes....and he gained EVEN though she was busy shredding him...He gave a great speech...really amazing....AND he is supposed to have some Super Dels come out tomorrow....( superdel he is only 22 I think behind her now...she has not gained that many since feb..)
Cart- you went to AP site and also the Breakdown map is over at Barack's website state by state too...the bottem line is he is ahead in a bunch of areas that are important..
NEW Voters, $$$$$ ( he has earned the past two monthes more than Hil& McCain combined)...he has left no debt in previous states- she has in all states she has lost....he leads in VOTES....and support in counties, mayors, govs etc...and MOST major papers...and superdels- there are only a difference of 20...
So Math and Money and New Voters....there is a HUGE shift going on here...
95% counted (C&L results)
Hill.....1,177,114......55%.....67 Dels.
Obama......970,477.....45%....51 Dels.
Sorry engima, I tend to do news sources, must be my training :)
MN Numbers:
95% Counted:
Hill.......1,190,153....55%.....67 Dels.
Obama.....978,701.....45%.....51 Dels.
I am p;uzzled his numbers in Philly have been not rising...very odd...
Ap is fine...although Hills people have given them some numbers that are not right...jus' saying...check out the site at Obamas it is welldone and easy to read...
( we have learned here to check everything over and over- what with media problems that we have...and their bias problems....ie. for weeks the Media- including the number you quoted have been adding in Michigan and Florida- FOR HILL- even though she did NOT win them....LEGALLY..they don't count for anyone- the numbers at Obamas site are accurate- check them out......florida and Michigan are NOT in them....
CNN, AP and MSNBC were all counting florida and michigan...all should not have...and I don;t bother to check and make sure they have corrected)
Cart here are the ones from his site- Obama has a great graph...
States: Obama 30.....Hill 14....
and Hill:
THE Final votes are not in yet....on Pa...so they will be added later...
96% Counted:
1,202,096.....55% ....67 Dels
987,518......45%....51 Dels.
NOTE: Obama has only gained about 10,000 in the last hour- very odd- and HIll has gained more....alot more while they are counting PHilly....very odd...
( so Hill is only going to gain about a 16 net gain)
12:30 am
98% Counted
1,233,030 Hill......55%.......67DELS.
1,020,076 Obama......45%....51 DELS.
Cart: it is nice to know that you down under are watching it really is nice of you...
C&L Numbers....
99% reporting...
Hill......1,239,424.........55%....67 Dels.
Obama........1,023,350.....45%...51 Dels.
Great Comments! sorry I disappeared. couldn't take it. gave myself a pedicure, walked dogs, came back just in time to hear Hill's speech. made mistake of trying to eat ice cream during that ("yes, she can" chanted over & over and "yes, we will" or maybe it was "yes, she will" -- is there NOTHING they won't try to chop away from Obama?).
Heard assbite Terry MacCauliff blabbing about how they (Hill's people) are counting Florida & Michigan in the TOTAL votes won, and they now think they will be ahead in total votes by the convention, so you know, we can just go suck it.
Doesn't he realize if FL & MI delegates are counted, that will raise the magic 2,025 number up? It's 50% + 1 of total delegates, idiot MacCauliff!
This has worn me out so badly, I'm going to bed & it isn't even midnight! Thanks Enigma for your usual great job. We do need to keep questioning the numbers. Voting machine problems in Philly, lines, provisional ballots not yet counted. I don't get what happened in Pittsburgh, either. I thought Obama was polling way ahead there.
CNN says 99% Counted:
Clinton 1,249,577 = 55%
Obama 1,034,686 = 45%
( 99% Counted.... according to C&L numbers, yet CNN posting same numbers but says this is 93% counted ??? something off here...maybe Anderson Cooper is a re-broadcast ?)
Hey DK:
Something is wrong with the Philly Numbers and the Harrisburg and Montgomery county...I am puzzled.....Hill gained about 200,000 when they were counting up PHilly at the end...
So I think 99% have been counted...I have no idea...
another state with questions...for me anyways...
After all the Negative Destructive crap she pulled and all the lies- and her Running like a Repuke ..and now Tweety pointed out that her campaing has taken on a Jesse Helms quality for NC....I just feel sick when he points out that is how this race has lowered itself...Kieth and Tweety both looked tired and kind of sad...and embarreassed...esp Tweety....
I mean come on- what's to celebrate - it's like watching the Prom Queen Cheat and give herself a party and a tiara and call it such a Wondrous occasion...sickening...
Now about Obama- he has run a dignifed , REAL campaign...and stuck to the issues and done what needed to be done- I hope and pray that NC and Indiana are watching .....and seeing all of this for what it is...
C&L ...99% Counted..
Hill..........1,249,936...55%.....67 Dels.
99% Counted
total votes:2,296,691
( the repugs voted too, McCain 585,443
and total 803,511 were cast for repugs)
I will check once more....
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