We as a Nation Face HUGE Problems right now....a War without end costing 2 Billion a week...50 Million without Healthcare....27 Million Living in Poverty.....18 Million Empty Foreclosed Homes.....Millions without Jobs or Prospects or relief....300,000 VETS with Mental Health Issues ( PTSD and brain trauma).....6000 VETS returned from Iraq have committed Suicide....We have Huge Problems facing us as a Country....How do we remind the Government and the Media of THAT ?
They know, they just don't care. They're too busy padding their pockets with your tax money.
They also seem to think that if they keep telling us it's not all that bad we'll believe it. I've never been able to understand that logic. I guess it comes from having so much money that enough of it keeps coming in no matter what. It's a bit of a failure of the imagination not to be able to understand it doesn't work that way for most of us, though.
I know...but it really is infuriating...and frustating....times are bad...very bad...
Well, I don't know how bad it will get before they admit it...I do agree they are not supposed to admit it- they are supposed to spin the propaganda and we are supposed to believe it...Bush says that it is not that bad- which proves my point that a chimp would KNOW how bad it is....an IQ of 50 would know.....sigh...
The only thing that speaks to the govt/media is funding/profits. Massive public outcry and protests grabs attn, but the follow-through is missing, especially when the news cycle overlooks the news or any kind of investigative reporting or heaven forbid we might actually get real govt transparency & oversight. But I think what you're really asking is how to install a conscience into a conscienceless govt/media. I guess we start by becoming our own advocates, like Obama says, we are the change we've been waiting for.
"We are the change we've been waiting for" - unfortunately we're outnumbered by non-thinking people who treat elections like a high school football game. Us against Them. Winner takes All. Never bothering to notice that, generally, both sides are out for their own, and their election coffers, best interests. Georgia is particulary bad in that they have bought into the whole racism, God, gays, and guns, tax and spend meme so fervently proffered by the right wing that has taken control of southern politics. And yet it belies their own best interests to vote the way they do. They proclaim loudly at each election, "We Won, We Won". Damned idiots haven't won anything but grief.
But Obama did really well in that Primary- that is the odd thing...sorry..just had to mention it...I know that this election we will see plenty of the godgunnerygesus thing....sigh...
we are the change we have been waiting for...thank you for saying that....I agree...I hope and pray that is enough...
E asked: How do we remind the Government and the Media of THAT ?
the simple one word answer to that question is
But congress is government & they have not impeached & Nancy *off-the-table* Pelosi has been one huge obstacle.
It is frustrating as hell- writing, protesting, civil disobedience, all kinds of actions, vigils, editorials, mass gatherings, nothing has worked.
We are supposed to think all the rest of it is OK, because of an economic stimulus check.
How much more interest will that cost us overall on the 9,339,193,751,784.15
Trillion National Debt- which has continued to increase an average of
$1.44 billion per day since September 29, 2006!
I have no answer....no solution..I am just tired...as is everyone else...
It just kills me that us Bloggers- we are fairly responsible- we blog about what matters....and with some integrity and some conscience...and yeah, vision.....and the Media is just stuck....like last year when they wasted many monthes and hours on Anna Nicole....for me that was when I really started their ability to report a damn thing that mattered...
Enigma - i love your blog, it's got a sweet sadness. Will you send me an email again? I haven't received any recently and can't figure out which emails are not reaching me.
I posted this amazing pianist who does a beautiful piano version of Apologize...
Hey there Lydia..I will email you right now...okay ?
( I am sorry it is still not working...)
Hmmm sweet sadness..I guess at times it does....so sorry about that....I guess it is the times we live in....
You are entirely right of course and knowing that and worse it is sick that I have to say that in this purposely created dual economy society Bush has succeeded in destroying our economy and making his part successful thus essentially by conventional standards making it "recession proof"
I was listening to the news yesterday where half the people polled were suffering and fearful for the future and half said things were great, getting better, and they were excited about the future.
Even worse than not saying recession, is having zero program.
you are sooooo wise Renegade...
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