*{NOTE Photo is from White House Lawn Event April 16th AM, Please note the Confederate Flag, Canadian Press and AP posted this Photo after the King Embraced the Pope and called his speech "Awesome"....yet another Reviling moment...}*
"When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a Flag Carrying a Cross". Upton Sinclair
I feel positively ill....and disgusted. Cokie Roberts from ABC was personally invited to share the Wondrous Moment with George, Laura and Jenna. The King told Cokie during the Limo ride that The Pope is a Internationally Spiritually Loved Leader ( well I wonder what he thinks the Dalai Lama is ? ). President Bush is throwing a Big Dinner at the White House, and yet the Pope will not be attending The Dinner. I find it very very interesting that The Pope does not wish to Break Bread with Bush.Tomorrow Morning the Pope will meet with Bush, I hope that he sets the President Straight and Explain Human Rights Issues to him.
I saw on the News last night that the Pope is awarded all kinds of Protections and Security, millions of dollars worth.....I guess sadly that only certain Spiritual Leaders are "valued".
I find it ironic that The Pope is visiting While the Pedophile Crisis in Texas is going on......
This article suggests that Pope Bennie actually protects the pedophile Bishops - that none have lost their titles, that they are still all in place.
Pope RatNAZI is the very personification of evil.
He is wildly, vehemently antigay and issues monthly, pre-Vatican II style edicts that attempts to blame gay marriage for all that ails the world. The concept of gay families is alien to this fountain of spewing shit.
I hold my 15 year, monogamous "marriage" to my same gender spouse up against any straight marriage and the fact is, Jim and I have made it work longer than half the straight couples we know.
How dare this rotten bastard come to my country? A pox on his house.
I am very proud of you- making ANY relationship last 15 years is admirable...I was married for 20 years....and we gave it our all...and we are still best friends....but it did not last....BUT I have great respect for you and that you have weathered the storms....Isn't it so strange that most of these "organized" religions have such little respect for Gay marriages and relationships- shame on them....the Pope is being marched out in Nazi Fashion for the WH., tomorrow there is a Big Picnic planned at the Whitehouse for him ( I wonder will they serve him hotdogs ? )
The Pope is speaking at the UN on Friday- I keep hoping and praying he says Something about the Human Rights Abuses of this President.....that would be interesting.....( the Talking Heads say he is speaking on Terra- really ? I doubt it...)
I do wonder what the punishment was or is for all the Criminals- it seems that was never covered in the news ....hmmmm
20 years is a good run.
That you two have remained friends is really an accomplishment. So often, when a relationship ends, there is so much acrimony that friendship is impossible.
I am really militant on the issue of gay marriage equity. Our community -- unlike straight people, enjoys none of the support networks or structures that are in place to help straight marriage succeed. For us, it's an uphill battle and we're basically on our own to sink or swim.
I hear you - and it is WRONG....that the same benifits and structures are not in place for gay marriage- it's not right...Most of my friends in Seattle voiced the Same concern, especially while caring for spouses with AIDS....it was infuriating to watch....on every level...I am so sorry for Our Idiotic Country...
( my gay friends that got married I considered them married- no matter what the Govt says- a marriage is a marriage)
E wrote: I find it ironic that The Pope is visiting While the Pedophile Crisis in Texas is going on......
As you might imagine the Catholic Church is not in the business of bringing up the topic of pedophelia. They simply moved priests around to different areas, to go commit crimes there.
They really blew it by refusing to treat these predators as criminals. Clergy should be held to a higher standard. Now class action lawsuits are costing the church money.
But it cost them lots of parishoners too-- for some people that was cause to walk away from the church.
I have thought alot about the Criminals- we don't even really know where they ended up - but they did not end up facing Justice- not right....
and yeah, I am sure they are having financial hardship....so be it...I don;t see enough of the money going to the people...as it should...
Speaking of the pedophile compound... I just read a news bit on the grieving mothers. They contend that there was no abuse. I suppose this certainly doesn't help their case for getting their children back anytime soon, if at all. I imagine the women that are saying this were abused as well when they were young girls.
The whole thing is very disturbing and the children are the ones that will truly suffer. Shame on all of the adults.
Here's the link to the story (bit) referenced above
poetryman, it is Stockholm Syndrome. the abuse was probably NOT present in every family, but believe me, they ALL know about it. The women know. Sadly, not many will speak, even for their own children's sake.
christopher & fran, for me, just having to see the respect & huge turnout this supposed holy man commands reminds me yet again of the untenable institutional schizophrenia that religion inspires. I respect good works, but not when it comes with the pricetag of dogmatic devotion to some medieval-costumed buffoon who spreads inequality and bigotry wherever he goes. hmmm, guess that also applies to Bush.
engima, yup, Bush rolled out the red carpet to greet the chief pedophile-enabler of the world. I think W & this new pope are on a more friendly basis than the last pope who seriously wondered if Bush was the "anti-christ" & pondered what he should do if he was.
I think you are right...but also 6-6 pointed out that Bush wanted the attention- I mean think about it- there is NO WHERE that Bush can go and hear appluase or cheering or any Warmth- seriously- he sneaks in and out everywhere....
About the Cult women- so strange- they have Flat Affects and NO TEARS- about their children???? I don't get it...
I hear you that is why I have been blogging this story this month- there are about 6-8 posts this month on the Cult- and I investigated the hell out of it...the funny thing is the more I read, or the documentaries I watch- the Mother part of me just Does Not get this Cult....HOW could they put the MEN first and not the Children? It really tears my heart out....I will continue to document and track it and investigate it- but I don't think I will ever really understand...not really...
I am still worried about the children...
I saw a little blurb about the pope (dk I like your description- never did understand the kiss my ring ritual??).
11,000 kids were sexually abused (that came forward), & the Catholic church has paid over 2 Billion in lawsuits. The press was hounding the Pope on the topic- he said it must never happen again in the future.
But what happened with the Pedophile Priests ? where are they?
never happen again...yeah...right.
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