McShame continued on his Compassion Tour? Or His Attempt to revive his Memory Tour...
McShame went to NOLA this week, and he said that he would have (cough) handled NOLA and Katrina "differently". Now here is what disturbs me....in 2005 WHEN it happened...WHAT DID HE DO??? He was in Arizona , Hosting a Party Entertaining the Flyover King....I even remember Blogging it at the time....as He and the King ATE Cake...While People Drowned...
( More People died AFTER Katrina waiting to be rescued...then died from the actual storm....)
Good to Know that King George's Annointed is rewriting History - already.
*{{ Click the Title, perfect Music "Crime of the Century" SuperTramp }}*
Well he didn't do shit about Katrina as a Senator, but a PRESIDENT he will be filled with compassion and all about the problem solving.
Keep an eye out for those flying pigs.
yeah...flying pigs....weren't some sited over Arizona last week ?
( My grandmother used to say " a man like him- is filled with Thimble Compassion....")
To he honest....I doubt his would even fit in a thimble...
McCain voted against aid to the Katrina victims and in his senility he thinks they will flock to his rhetoric.
I note the Media did NOT show this "tour" - I hope and pray that he got an Earful...the Truth...and better yet- that he was ignored..empty rooms and NO ears listening- just like the treatment they got from him...that would be more fitting.....
( I am still angry after watching Bush down there eating gumbo and dancing- like it is all soooo entertaining for him...)
I'm tired of his act already & we've got 6+ months to go! Words don't count, actions do. When he had a chance to DO something, he did nothing. Talking about what he would've done is just his mouth moving while his brain is feverishly working out how he can exploit this compassionate conservative thing that didn't work out so well for Bush.
I used to play this TV game when Bush was speaking: turn off the sound & watch all his facial tics & body language. You see some pretty wierd stuff w/the sound off. He actually looked insane. Think I'll try that w/McC next.
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