Barack Obama has clearly shown that he is More Presidential, he has won More States, More Votes, More NEW Voters,More Delegates,More Money, More Endorsements....He has continued to wage a Campaign of the People , by the People, For The People. He has run a Campaign that is Respectful of the People and all that we have suffered and endured the past 8 years.Two weeks ago he was perdicted to lose to Hillary by 20-23%, and he did lose by approximately 10. He has fought long and hard for us, and attempted to keep the focus on the race on us, and The Issues.He is concerned for our Unity as a Nation, and that Healing is needed so we can begin to problem solve all the issues we face.
Hillary may have manuevered a "Win" in Pennsylvania, but her campaign has descended to a Show, a Spectacle.She has shown that Nothing is Beneath her now, Lies, Distortions and Distractions, Defaming Attacks.Obama clearly will continue to have a Two Pronged Battle Battle for the next 6 weeks.He will need our help to continue the Momentum that was started in Pennsylvania, and the gains he has made.We the Voters will have to educate People on Hillary, her Lies, her Desire to Bomb Iran, her Questionable " Experience", and her stability, and lack of character. I am not saying that we should stoop to her level, but we should stand up for Obama, and also make sure people really have looked at her, blog, write to media etc. Obama needs our Voices to help him....the Media seems hellbent to not portray him in the Light of Truth.
Hillary reminds me of the Queen in Alice In Wonderland....Her wrath and narrow vision mean we need to work harder to bring Reason to this Situation...It is up to us to keep Growing this Movement.
We are the Power of this Movement, Our Future is in Our Hands.
"We don't need More Heat in DC, we need More Light " Barack Obama February 2008
"If we are facing in the right direction, all we have to do is keep walking" Buddhist Saying.
"Then you come to the edge of all that you know,
You must believe in one of two things,
there will be earth upon which to stand,
or you will be given wings."
"The Power of a Movement lies in the fact it can indeed change the habits of people.
This day is not the result of force, but of Dedication, and Moral Persuasion"
****{{{ Click the Title to the Song, I used to sing this to my son as a baby , so he and I still joke and call it "The Wait", it is actually "The Weight" by The Band from the film "The Last Waltz" 1978 .Because to be honest we all are Waiting for this to be Over so we can begin the real battle to the Whitehouse ....Obama vs McShame.....and then seeing Obama sworn in January.}}}****
If you listen to those racist blowhards Scarborough and Buchanan this morning you would think Hillary has already been anointed.
There were two counties that used Touch Screen voting machines, does anyone know which counties those were?
I see Ginger and the Doctor this morning. Will let you know later what happens.
God Bless.
See link below for voting problems in PA.
Brad Blog
God Bless.
beautiful post!
Obama is the only hope for credibility that the US has left. But the fact that America is splitting between Hillary, McCain and Obama is a shameful reflection on the nation.
That Obama is condemned for being elitist; that Hillary's promoting stupidism ... oh this woman is wreaking SUCH havoc ... SUCH havoc!
Lovely to see you...and "promote studidism"- now THAT really is the perfect description....I am so sorry that she is /has been promoting her agenda about Iran...I fear she is worse than Joe Liebermann ( that is saying much)......Thank you for supporting Obama.
There were problems, just like Ohio, and again the BIG Obama regions and urban areas were counted LAST- again...and I will blog later about the problems- I did not get much sleep- but when I get the research done later today I will blog for sure...
My very best hopes and prayers to you and Ginger...
I can not listen to Pat or Joe- I do not respect them...or trust their politcal "judgement".....I will no longer watch morn joe ( I only watched because I like Mika).
Well, from my perspective, it's not all good news, but it's not all bad news either. Sure, it would have been nice to knock this thing over for once and for all, but it wasn't the "Blowout" that several news outlets here in IL were predicting for Senator Clinton.
Of course I want Senator Obama to win, but the longer that the MSM and the Republican Machine are kept tap-dancing trying to discredit TWO candidates, while we only have to discredit their ONE means they're having to divide their resources - and that would seem to be a good thing.
It will be a relief when this whole campaign cycle is ended.
I am still dealing with my primary hangover.
I am curious about what we will learn about voting irregularities in the coming weeks. I am always suspicious of a Hillary win.
I am sorry Enigma that I disappeared last night, but my ongoing family drama required my abrupt departure.
However I watched the remaining election returns with my daughter and it was quite enjoyable.
it would interesting to see how many voters that registered in PA as Democratic last month in order to vote in the primary - now that the primary has come and gone - will change their party registration BACK to republican... I changed my registration from independent to democratic for the sole and express purpose of voting for Obama yesterday...
when i got to the polling place, a republican stepped in front of me to ask "Are you a republican?" Mrs. Light had voted earlier and told me she had been accosted by one of the male republican poll vultures and i had been thinking what kind of concise, rude statement to respond with - "you mean do i support treasonous, murderous dishonesty?" or "do i look like i want to continue to disgrace this country and to profit from it?" Instead, i merely turned to the slightly bored looking, blondish woman and laughingly said "are you kidding me?"
It's been a while since i did any mathematical calculations beyond how many ounces of gas i could put in my vehicle with the the few dollars i had in my pocket, or if i could get lettuce, cucumber AND a tomato or if the nights salad would have no red in it, but i seem to remember that rounding only occurred after all calculations had been performed... if so then hillary 'the chameleon' McClinton only came out at 9% above Obama...
1,258,278 - c - 0.5468750
1,042,573 - O - 0.4531249
2,300,851 dif: 0.0937500 or .09 or 9%
good job blogging the returns last nite Enigma... I hope you have a wonderful day today.
- anon-p - iam sorry to hear about Ginger and send you and her positive energy.
thank you and Mrs.Light for Voting...I hope that one and all realize that yes there were problems in PA....and if one lives there definently do report ( there is a link on Obama's website for problems)....It sounds like many of the problems with provisionals, intimidations, lack of working machines etc were similiar to Ohio...( and NJ...)...What happens in Indiana and NC will be very important...and critical...people please donate and also make calls for him,,,,know this that the Wright Crap that she pulled and the Muslim emails that are sent out in each NEW state are something to fight..
Again Thank you B.O.L. for your hard work and postive energy....
You raised some really interesting points- and it is nice to hear Illinois perspective on this...I guess we all just have to keep on and work harder and longer...and blog more etc etc...Thank you for your thoughts- and helping frame it in a way that actually makes sense...( because by 3am I was trying to find Something Postive...and not really coming up with much...)and You are right it will indeed be a relief...
No worries...I know you had things going on there...Family First...always...and we all knew that it would indeed be a long night...
Thank you for this enigma, beautiful and classy. ( I'm just such a hit and run blogger, but I never really have time or talent to really write like the rest of you guys, just a face in the crowd.) Please accept my apologies for not responding sooner; we had a funeral here which lasted until Sunday night, my cat was sick yesterday and tomorrow I take Mike up for knee surgery.
Take care,
Pennsylvania is old rust belt, and the perfect place to play on the fears of people who are already scared. And Hill has learned how to play the fear card as well as the monkey himself plays it.
Obama is the man and he will do his share. We have to do ours. Hillary is a proven liar and we have to get that known. Her crying to MSM turned the complicit media on Obama.
I do not believe the tide has turned nor do I like the implications. First I find her very distasteful and if she is nominated we are done. We knew anything would be viewed as a victory and she will never quit.
Having said that I heard this morning that yes she won by 10 percent and we are told that there was 9% of new registered Democrats for this which sounds good plus you hear supposedly that most voted for Obama but knowing Rush Limbaugh told Repugs to cross over to vote in our primary to screw us up and prolong this mess you have to wonder if that is what happened.
Any way you look at it her continuing and keeping us divided is not good for us or the country! we have to have Obama!
By June 01st, it should be over.
i am glad that ball of light had first hand experience of what i have known for some time- my mom gathers intel from the right by tuning in to talking heads- limbaugh- and trinity broadcast network. how the woman does it i don't know. the republicans want a matchup between clinton and mccain because they know they can't beat obama- and hillary is such a tool- she can't see past her blonde- i mean blind- ambition to see she is being used. it frustrates me no end- and i cannot wait for it to all be over. mccain will be safely seated in the white house- and we can all hunker down and pray we don't end up in martial law.
betmo..clinton is not a tool, she's republican lite! I really get the sense that after all Bill's career, it's 'her' turn. I am the last one to deny any woman's 'turn', but it's not about 'a' woman who all those faux feminists want to win, it's about the right 'person'! Hillary is not worthy any woman's vote.. there really is no women card to play here. I digress..sorry! It ain't over until the fat lady sings..man I'm so tired from it all. But like someone else here mentioned, 'we', need to keep up our part. I say if Hillary steals this nomination, we should have a great leader for the first 'Independent Party of America'. If I was American, I'd even set it up, lol!
great post E!
Thank you...it is all about the right person for the job...that says it all...and yes...sigh..she does indeed act entitled about this...we will stay focused and keep working towards putting Obama in the WH...
I hope and pray that McShame never sets foot in the WH..I hope that Bush campaigns like hell for him....and Rice and Rummy etcetc...( and yes indeed your mom is a braver woman than I to listen to all that....but it is like spying..)
we do indeed need to stay focused and try to remember that there must be unity at the end of this....I just worry how much scorched earth there will be too...the polarity of this is staggering-
by June 1st...I hope and pray that you are right...and that the blood loss is not critical for the dems sake ( I mean that metaphorically obviously)....
yeah, you are right , who would have ever guessed that Fear Mongering could be such a stragtegy after all that Bush has put us through....Hill is right- she has learned ALOT in DC....
I am so sorry about the funeral..and sick cat too...blogging is about a Community and that we all get through these times together...and get to our future in one piece....( Hillary treats us like a pile of broken china that she can heave around the house).
and you are always Welcome here- and never ajust a face in the crowd...ALL Voices matter and are a part of this Community.... ( and thanks for saying that the piece was classy...how nice..)
Great post. I swore I had blogrolled you before this, but I corrected the error.
thankyou...I too have corrected my blogroll- I thought I did have you on here too...
It just doesn't make sense to me. If the party insists on this charade to ascertain the most popular candidate it becomes dangerous to then ignore the numbers.
It seems they are now playing games with perceptions of possible success. Sure the numbers are close, but Hill can't be expected to pull back the Repug votes rolled out to roll Obama.
In the end the Dems seem intent on snatching failure from the jaws of success.
After watching CNN and MSNBC today, does it appear that Hillary has already won and waiting for her throne.
I don't know what will happen..and I know that the leadership needs to really look at the effects of Hill's strategery...changing rules...targeting demographics....all divisive....we'll have to see what happens..
she is deluded...now she has found ways that ONLY how she counts the votes and the people is valid...period....Hubris...there she stands with her tiara in place....
too true ... votes only count if they are votes for her. next she'll be telling us to kneel in her presence.
Why does'nt she just go away?She cant win in Nov..I'm so tired of looking at Bill and Hil.Please just take your 110 million and go away.
why she and Bill won't go away is beyond me.....Hellbent is their campaign theme...and she continually SAYS that they are raising all kinds of money and then 3 weeks later we will hear HOW broke she is again...and AGAIN....( that is how they raise money).......
yup....kneel and kiss her ring....and her pantsuit...
I am sure you just wish it was over now and you could finally Vote....
Hillary Clinton was a Goldwater Gal from Park Ridge, Illinois, back in the day. She's really got to give up the ghost, because she has neither the numbers nor the finances to continue. Obama is addressing McCain's campaign which makes sense - he's talking to issues that matter. So let's just get on with it.
Getting out the vote here in Indiana! Thanks for your comments of support on my blog and your excellent posts here.
Question for the Day on CNN:
"Is Hillary Deluding herself that she can get the nomination"
Jack's question....
WE are all rooting for you , and know that you are working hard there...if gas was no so steep I would drive there and help- but it is a cost that I can not afford sadly....
you are right let's just get on with it...that is a good way to see it...40 days and counting..
I told you she won't go away. Did you see today she said she has more votes than Obama because she counts Florida and Michigan. She is sickening! Her audacity ti mind boggling!
Dont for a minute think the media wants this to end.When was the last time an Indiana or North Carolina mattered at all?
Obama is going to win the rest of the states. That's what I think. Then her rebound, her Clinton-Momentum, will be finished... more superdelegates will endorse. Someday this will be over. Obama is tired and (I think) showing some wear in his voice, but he will shake it off after another win or two.
If she sells MI & FL to the superdelegates, then she has proven beyond all doubt she is a liar. She signed the same agreement as Obama & Edwards that since those states violated DNC rules, their delegates would not be seated. And BTW, IF those delegates are seated, the total delegate count goes up & so does the magic number of 2,025.
Now if she's just using the MI & FL voting record as a hammer on the superdelegates, they would have to be idiots not to consider that Obama's name wasn't even on the MI ballot & he did as he agreed to NOT campaign in MI or FL. Hill didn't campaign either, but Bill gave one of his folksy speeches in FL around primary time, which is really parsing what "is" is.
This is just another lie, more dirty tactics, and furthermore, she's damaging the party's chances in November. One thing I will say: Hillary plays LIMBO better than anyone (how low can she go?)!!
If Hillary ever exits her quest for domination, she should become the running mate of Deranged McCain since they are so much alike.
Larry :::: don't give her any ideas...oye....
more lies, more dirty tricks by her...she is acting more and more republican by the hour....and you are so right her events are all now very staged with little cameras up close- the audience is never panned..How Low can she go...I really don't want to know...
I think you are right...and yes it will end SOMEDAY...I think everyone is soooo tired...and yes, Obama is very tired...Voodoo math is what is in play....
I don't know- the other night Keith and Tweety really did look tired...and exasperated by the whole thing...
yes, she is like a fungus...that will not go away...
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