So Poor Hillary, had a Bad Time last night. ( Please pass the tissue, I feel a little tiny tear coming on.) She arrived to the Jefferson Jackson Founders Day Dinner in Philidelphia County, and had the Press get there 2 hours early. She was told beforehand by the Democratic Team that she might have to cut her Remarks Short.....
Apparently the Crowds Were less than welcoming, and continued Eating, Drinking, CLinking glassware, and Visiting the Bar and other tables. She could not speak above the Noise and Chatter. ( I am shocked that she could not Yell like she always does. ) She did indeed cut her speech short, to a Mere 5 Bitter Minutes....ahhhhh what a Pity.
I am Shocked that Fellow Dems could have been Sooooo impolite. I do wonder were they trying to Send a Messege ?
*{ Click the Title : A Horrible Hill Video, I have been looking for the Dinner speech, if anyone finds it- please send it to me.}
The Borg Queen must be feeling bitter today because despite throwing the kitchen sink at Barack Obama, he's up in the latest GALLUP national tracking poll!
If the Borg Queen had any sense, she'd dropout of the race and make a polite concession speech to Obama. But her huge, bloated ego won't allow her to do what is just and honorable.
Like Bill Richardson said, the Clintons feel "entitled" to the presidency and they have tunnel vision.
you gotta go to the Post below- I have a special little song linked there just for Hill...( well for us to have a laugh...)
( she does make me mad....but I would rather laugh at her .....she is a joke at this point)
The dislike for her is growing. She is shattering the Clinton myth. I wouldn't call it legacy.
Renegade :
the steaming pile that lies on the Floor ? after she or Bill "Speak" no...I would not call it a Legacy....
( I linked the Video below_ frankly I have been polite- but they have F*cked Our party....and the Election already....this SHOULD have been Our Year...)
( BTW your film that you told me Young@Heart....was really well reviewed ....and looks great...I have been watching all the videos on Youtube from it , and they are wonderful...)
Well, the outfit is better than the pantsuit...
I love that video !!! Thanks for posting it. I COMPLETELY forgot about it !!!
You know, I really, really had high hopes for Hillary in this campaign. And, even more so, being a New Yorker and all (although, she was the "carpetbagger" as they said).
But now .... fuggedaboudit ...
ahhhh anita...we all gotta move on and move forward...she did this to herself....I don't feel bad anymore....about her or Bill...Have a good night Anita...
okay this photo is scaring the crap out of me....Boy the things I would love to do to the Tiara....
Great photoshop...
enigma4ever said...
you gotta go to the Post below- I have a special little song linked there just for Hill...( well for us to have a laugh...)
( she does make me mad....but I would rather laugh at her .....she is a joke at this point)"
You couldnt be MORE right at this point she has become nothing more than a pathetic joke.............Shillery is finished!
Why thank you...I stole it from Somewhere....I had to ...it has come in handy ( I stole it back in January....and somehow there are just Moments that it is needed)
hey there....I just have given up being mad...it isn't good for anyone...or any of us...and we can't even question what she will do next...it's better we all roll with it...but it really is time to regain some perspective. and instead of letting her direct the dialogue...we should laugh at her....
( the people at the Manafacturers Conference the other am in Pittsburgh- they heckled her....they had it right)
I think many of her "loyal supporters" will need an E.T. moment very soon ... "this way to debriefing" ...
oops, not E.T., I meant "Close Encounters": the scene where the people who've been abducted by aliens over the years are finally released.
Soo Funny DK- I actually knew what you meant...
6-6 has been humming all night....I asked WHY?
"Cuz I am not alone thinking she is such a bitch.."
I had to laugh....
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