There are times when a Dear Friend is in Crisis and facing Such Heart Ache....To One and ALL I am asking that you read ANonP's Letter in the Post below.....Please please do go to his Blog and Give him Much Love and Many Prayers...He and his Dearest Companion, his lovely Cat Ginger are facing such a Moment......Please know that she is having Heart Troubles...But the Heart like any creature's heart is fragile, but can recover....Time, and really Good Medicine and Prayers and her will ....will determine her Fate....we need to support and comfort our Friend...
*{Click the Title, it is Sarah Mclachlan's Song Angel....Light a Candle and send AnonP and Ginger your best wishs and thoughts...}*
Thank you for putting this up, Enigma. I just read Anony-P's comment & it breaks my heart. I will leave him a comment on his blog.
Thank you for putting up this post.
I just did one and if I knew how to move the comments left for Ginger and I, I would move them up to that post.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Take care and ...
God Bless you.
Anon, just wanted to say you and Ginger are in my thoughts, wish there was something I could do to help...........Hope Ginger ends up being ok.......its a terrible thing to lose a loved one.
I just hope she gets good care, from what i've heard health care for pets isnt any better than healthcare for people, but again i hope everything is ok with you guys.
Sorry if that didnt come out the way i intended.............I'm praying for you guys and you are in my thoughts!
I had to have our black lab put down three years ago. It was one of the toughest thing in the world to do as I felt him die in my arms. Anon, you and Ginger are in my thoughts.
Sorry to hear of your loss.
Losing a pet is the worst. Just the most heartwrenching experience and one that we don't easily cope with.
We lost our Golden Retriever in 2005 and still haven't dealt with losing her. She was with me 16 years and 4 months. I still can't talk about it.
I still miss our dog Alice, who also died in 2005, from cancer. It is definitely one of the worst things we go through.
Many Hugs to One and All...our pets are our family....namaste...
If the Vets are saying nt much chance of recovery, then you can come to Ginger's aid to let her be free of pain & discomfort. We had to put our dog of 14 years down this last summer. He began having seizures, and had a really bad one. the vet said that would not stop, we had too much compassion for him & did not want him to suffer- even though it broke our hearts to let him go, we knew it was the right thing to do because we loved him.
Hugs to you @ this difficult time.
oh Fran...many hugs..
I am still praying that Ginger gets relief...comfort...
I like to think that all of our pets are together in a big field.......chasing rabbits and playing in a creek... eating cookies...rolling in sweet grass...and waiting for us...
I left A-P the Rainbow Bridge poem at his place..I know most of us know his pain at this moment.
thank you Dusty...
really grateful...
That's heartbreaking and, how well we understand. We just went through a similar incident with Bodhi Dog. Just like the greedy health care system Vets these days try to soak every dime and dollar they can wring out of one. What used to be a $35.00 visit now costs $185.00 because of lab fees, etc, and etc. When one's beloved pet is sick it's so wrenching to be fleeced and unable to find affordable care. We are just getting by on Social Security as it is. When Bodhi went in for a back/disk problem the visit and a steroid perscription cost us $400.00. If he needs back surgery we just don't know what to do. Our hearts go out to you and Ginger. What grief.
thank you mandt....and much hugs and blessings to Bodhi...so sorry about his back...( at the library see if they have Tellington Touch videos- I used to do it for my Scottie and our Bassatt many years ago- it helped both with back troubles...and is very easy to learn- it is a type of massage....or you all have anyone that does animal massage and accupressure...wish I lived near you I would do it for your lovely fella)..
Namaste all...thank you for comforting our friend...you all are so amazing..
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