KEITH GOT IT RIGHT, CALLED IT A "TABLOID DEBATE"...WORST DEBATE EVER....SEE KEITH 'S POST MORTEM, HE EXPLAINS HOW GEORGE STEPHONOPLIS WAS FED QUESTIONS BY SEAN HANNITY OF FOX ( NOT EVEN A JOKE- FACT).....AND ALSO SEE COMMENTARY AT CROOKS AND LIARS....AND KOS....AND HUFF POST...WE NEED TO WRITE TO ABC AND SPONSERS AND COMPLAIN ( Addresses and Phone Numbers are in Post Below.)....UNREAL...( you can read the Liveblogging Post , 2 posts below I apologize for the Head Explosion Commentary). Want to Complain ? Write to ABC or call or email- Addresses Above.
What Happened to the REAL Issues ?
From the Illegal War and Ending It, to the 50 Million in this Country with No Healthcare and No Health Insurance, to the Illegal Torture by this Criminal Administration, to the VETS dying without care or Homes, to the Millions Losing their Homes in Foreclosure, to Our Crumbling Economy and Shredded Constitution , ABC panders to a FOX Audeince with Rovian Questions about Flagpins and "Capital Gains Taxes" ? Now we do KNOW WHO is Elitist and Out of Touch: The Moderators and ABC Administrators. The American Public Deserves better than this Debacle of a Debate.
***TO CALL AND COMPLAIN::: Okay TRY this, be polite, but firm talk about BOYCOTTING Disney, ABC PHONE: 818-460-7477 Then press 2, then 6, then 639.....Good Luck ( as of 11:30PM it works, the 212-456-7777 number was disabled by 10:30pm)
Also see the Post Below with ALL Important ABC Email Addresses and Phone Numbers.
**** TO GO ONLINE AND COMPLAIN TO ABC: go to http://abc.news.go.com/site/page?id-3271346 . Write Be polite , be Firm, talk BOYCOTT.
*** Originally Posted at 10:30PM April 16th, 2008.
Be SURE to Watch Keith-
ALL the Blogs are FUMING...and rightfully so- George Stenophonoplis was FED QUESTIONS BY SEAN HANNITY....UNREAL...
that is Right FOX Drove the Questions, Dialogue and the Format on the ABC Debate-
The Worst Debate EVER...
I am encouraging Obama folks SEND $$$$ to Obama - he will need to run alot of ADS thanks to this Clusterfuck of a Debate....
I am watching the post-debate. I can't believe Pat Buchanan seems like a pillar of rationality and those goons at ABC... well, they suck. Might as well have been Fox News.
...and where was Hillary's flag pin if it's so important? And it wasn't mentioned that she wasn't wearing one either.
Looks like Charlie Gibson and ABC have become the Shepherd Smith and Fox News of network TV.
What we know is, Clintonista, George Stephenopolous is Sean Hannity's bitch. His boy-whore.
Of the 21 so-called "debates," this one was the worst. I thought none could equal the disastrous CNN and the AIPAC's tool, Wolf Blitzer -- man, was I ever wrong.
ABC News is as bad as FOX.
Chris: FOX fed George questions- so it really was FOX...unreal...
( see Keith)
Anyways.....The Phone number is not working I will go leave C& L question we need a better NUMBER....
fucking nightmare....
Larry: yeah...this is going to be talked about and yelled about...and they are going to catch hell for this- let's start researching their sponsers....
So where is Hill's damn pin? Excellent Question?!!!
Many blogs seem to be of the same mindset, that ABC was on the prowl to destroy Obama tonight.
ALL the Blogs I have seen So far...
Rude Pundit has an amazing write up....C&L is on Fire...and so are others...
I will post where to write to..unless someone comes up with a working address- the phone number I had was disabled within 1 hour.....
1 hour later 1700 Comments ON WORST DEBATE ever...
and ABC website 6800 COMPLAINTS by 11pm...Pile on Folks...let them have it...
OKAY Don't scream...Be Polite like Barack...BUT do let them know you will Boycott DISNEY...
Okay I will post NEW phone number (the 212-456-7777 number was diabled 60 minutes after the debate)....
the 818 Number with instructions that I posted is STILL working Leave a 30 Second POLITE messege- don't foget to mention the BOYCOTT DISNEY part....
I'm watching the debacle, I mean debate on the West coast now. The fucking *flag pin* is a topic of interest?
And the topic of Reverend Wright? I wish Obama would simply answer- look- if you have questions about Reverend Wright- feel free to ask HIM. Then they ask if Rev. Wright is patriotic?
Are you kidding me?????
Obama handled that with grace though, saying Wright is a retired Marine Veteran, and entitled to his views & opinions.
I was reading in Newsweek about previous top advisors of Martin Kuther King jr. They said King was firey & outspoken when in his inner circles @ the pulpit. He toned it down when in the presence of different company.
The implication is Wright is probably closer in views with movers & shakers like MLK.
MSM is grilling Obama over having a progressive preacher.
Not towing the line with the fundies with blindfolds. tisk tisk.
I am sorry- it so sucked-
WRITE and CALL raise Hell ( politely )
as of an hour and half after debate6800 Complaints in their own damn blog- People are letting them have it...
See the phone number I posted- and now I am posting the addresses too- LET THEM HEAR from you.....
ALL BLOGS are letting them KNOW ....CRITICAL .
According to NY people- they are going to Picket ABC tomorrow....
Greg Mitchell of Publishers&Editors reports that
Charlie got BOOOED when he left the auditoreum ( I am sure that was meant for George too ?)
Go to Huff Post too- No Punches on this shit have been missed...
Here is the thing- if you leave offensive messeges "Comments " here about:
B.Racist/bigot Comments
C.Crap Against Obama...OUR Next President.
I am Kicking your pathetic ass out the door so fast....you will be dizzy for a week... go back to your Momma's Basement and eat your cheetos....and cry about Hillary.
I value my readers....and their comfort- you are not welcome....My BLOG, MY Rules. Period.
( I also have ISP tracing....)
Thanks Enigma, your comments were Righton the Money, i couldnt agree more, and i'll contact ABC!
BTW, isnt the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.............so since the MSM KEEPS asking Obama OVER and OVER AGAIN about Rev Wright and the bitter comment after he has answered the same close to a 100 times they are clearly insane along with being dishonest, biased and totally pasthetic and disgraceful.
BTW, in all honesty i do have to concede one point to Hillary, since she keeps focusing on the bitter comment so much.................Hillary knows bitter and divisive WAY BETTER than Obama..........you might say she is the expert who's cornered the marget on those two traits.........unfortunately honesty, sincerety, credibility and integrity NOT SO MUCH.........................BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Another interesting point, Clinton ADMITTED in the debate that Obama is electable and can beat McCrazy, in front of the ENTIRE nation...........kinda undermines the Rovian hippocrites CLAIMS that Obama is NOT electable and ONLY she can beat the Angry Old Man!
Like I said yesterday Clinton Jumped the shark with Bosnia and she is FINISHED!!
By Early June Hillary will be gone and the party can unite around Obama to beat McCrazy...............Clinton is to pompous and arrogant to see the winds of change and the shift that is happening just like Rove and Bush were thats why she is clinging to the same pathetic divisive politics and that is why she will lose and be marginalized.
Thanks Mike- you made me laugh...jumping the shark...what a strange spectacle...unreal...
we will work our asses off this summer for Obama...
and Clinton will be lucky to keep her Senate seat...
We CAN Beat McSHame...or McCrazy...
( click the title- YES WE CAN is linked.... we should ALL post tomorrow to send a Messege)
I sent my complaint to ABC news.
Screw lapel pins & how to interpret your preacher.
Are we going to now spend time scrutinizing each candidates religious leader?
I'm sure they would just love to get into a my pracher is better than yours, that way they don;t have to talk about bankruptcy, torture & war.
thank you Fran...
I erased my cussing...but I am still soooo disgusted and ashamed of what I just witnessed...
and horrified...
We got ROVED by ABC....
To my readers - I put this POST at the Top- because Journalistically we are in a Crisis- our MSM is controlled by Corporate thugs with NO Ingegrity- and we need to scream NOW before the General Election. Critical...So Getting Contact Information OUT Today was needed ASAP.
BUT....every Title does still Link to the YES WE CAN Video...
Thank you for live blogging that debate and providing the information to complain to ABC. I am appalled at all of these debates so far compared to the more formal and appropriate ones we used to have - but this truly sounds like the worst one EVER. I think all of the candidates should boycott them in the future if they're going to be trash like this.
It was so bad that there are really no words for its badness. What's amazing is that just about everyone who was live blogging it, commenting on messageboards or blogging about it the next day had the same reactions. I was blogging/watching and not reading anyone else until it was over and low and behold, everyone in Blogtopia was equally angry about the exacty same travesties. If only we'd all been in the room together, we could have formed an angry mob. There are times when that just seems appropriate.
Bring back the League of Women Voters. They knew how to do debates.
I am with you- they should bring back the League Of Voters , they did a much more admirable job....I think many of us were watching and blogging ...thinking " oh , it's just me...I am too sensitive?"......but while talking to my teenage son, and then getting 2 phone calls ( WTH ??Phone calls) I realized HOW BAD it was....Over these past 8 years we have watched many good people, get dragged through mud, sandbagged and yes a fair amount of Pandering and Propaganda has been thrown at us- thanks to the MSM.....
BUT THIS.....was an alltime LOW.....But my friends who wrote and called last night from worlds away ( as they watched the LIVE STREAM- Down under to Japan, to Canada to Indonesia to UK...) we need to Stand Up to this NOW....before the Damage ANOTHER Election..( they all are rooting for Obama- Around the World...)
Thank you...but I was pretty rude about 10 minutes into it...It was a sickening feeling like watching a car accident...You know it's funny- I have been a news/political junkie for many many years....BUT this....was Something Else...Except, not like a Hurricane..we have SOMEONE to Hold responsible...and that matters...we have POWER....we need to always Remember that...
( BTW my one friend in Asia says that is WHY this is happening- he says the MSM is scared of us- the Bloggers- because we have empowered People with Knowledge and Communication Skills we were Never meant to have....and he might be right).
The Borg Queen wasn't wearing a flag pin either.
Yet, Gibson and Stephanopolous hammnered Barack on this for 45 minutes.
I have a picture up showing the Borg Queen's chest-a-bare and please feel free to use it.
I still have to get out to get more Mylanta ( I did not drink last night--- other than a WHOLE bottle of lemon Creme Mylanta- chilled - ) There is NOT enough mylanta to make me ahem post that picture...(BUT I will send people round....my eyes...my poor eyes...)
Please see Phone NUmbers and Emails Below- ABC Execs- ALL of them...Some one should be held responsible for DOING THAT last night....( I can barely call it a debate...WHAT ever it was- gryphen called it an ambush...)
thanks again...
okay the photo is not too bad- I thought it was going to be a close up- and I can barely look at her today....Great Post- I told people down below on the PIN post to come see you ;-)
it was an obvious farce! To find out it was a set up perpetrated by Faux is not surprising. Hannity and the rest of them are laughing themselves silly I'm sure. We know the MSM is in Bush and Repub. pockets so it is worthless to complain but we must and I believe like Hillary they will get the reward they deserve.
I understand every analyst I have heard said it worked against Hillary and in Obama's favor but I'll believe it is he wins Pa and someone can get her to drop out which will never happen! Thanks for the numbers enigma. I wouldn't doubt if they disable them all and then feign ignorance.
What do expect from a country that only remembered George washington for not lying, and Lincoln for cutting down a tree?
Great job w/all the contact info. Boycotting ABC is no problemo. Geo Steppinginpooplie proved himself a tool. I don't even know what other purpose he served there. I will let others you listed have a polite piece of my mind.
Also, great job w/live blogging it! I waited to read until after I watched every agonizing minute & by then my computer connection was down. I think all the crap questions went to Obama to use up his time w/crap. Then they could say they're giving Hill equal time so she could bloviate & stick to rove/limbaugh campaigning.
I don't think you overswore, in fact I acknowledge your great restraint. You should've heard the comments being flung in my house.
If anyone has any flag lapel pins, now is the time to wear them upside down (distress signal) if this is any indication of serious media debate questioning.
( Okay just to continue my Tirade- Wolf of CNN is going to a Special Secret Meeting with the Pope ? what the hell is going on- what happened to REAL Journalists...??? jus sayin?)
Oh that's right....like Hill Dodging sniper Fire...and Dubya was a Fighter Pilot in another war...omg....silly me...
read below- all kinds of names and addresses...ALL the BIG Cheeses...Let's Remind them we are Smart Voters..WE KNOW THE ISSUES.... I will post my letter later....Like we should sit Silent after being fed such Rotted Pablum ? you gotta be kiddin'....
"So if you are served Rotted Stinkin' Fish- what are you going to DO ? EAT it? Complain? or YELL ? It's up to you ".
Nuf Said.
OOoops there you are DK
Wow I love the idea of the Upside Down Pin...I think I might do that...what a great idea...
You got through it - good for you- alot of people said screw it by 52 minutes into it- that is TOO long to wait for issues...
George is such a Tool...Probally wants a Job with the Dynasty...
ALL I gotta say this better be the last ONE of these for a LONG time...but it still HOLDS top honors as the WORST debate ever...
Update::: Georgie Porgie is SWEATING today:
Oh Dear- Poor Georgie is I guess Feeling Some Heat ( maybe Hill can lend him some Kevlar Pants....)Apparently he felt Compelled ( cough) to write a Post over at LA TIMES- Defending his "Position"....You gotta read it ( if someone smarter than me wants to post it in the Comments here- go for it).....What a Load of Horse Shit- Apparently Everyone is Attacking him for Carrying FOX Hannity Water- Can you IMAGINE that ???
GO ON AND read it , it will make you feel so much better.....I promise.....
( oh and the comments are not nice either- oh booo fuckinghoooooo)
Truth told, I can't wait for John McCain to be questioned in a debate forum about being one of the Keating Five, his opposition to the GI Bill, his support of the Iraq war despite knowing there were no WMD and otherwise having his nose up George Bush's rectum on every issue of the day.
Old syphilis-brained McCain promises to meltdown in what promises to be one of the most spectacular ends of any campaign in modern American, political history.
The entire debate was a travesty. Gibson and George Step-in-a-lot-a-shit were simply hit men for the Right. The Republicans are starting to realize they're going to have to face a real opponent and it's driving them crazy. Let's not forget that ABC is owned by Disney Corp.
Yup- they are Definently DISNEY....my beef is this- some of this was a bit staged between Hill and Georgie ( which you gave him such a nice title)......it was a set up with Hillary - rather disgusting....Now Charlie- yes, maybe he is all Disney ALL the Time. I think Obama handled himself FINE- BUT I wanted to hear ISSUES- not moderators ( Georgie) asking about WHY Obama is not wearing his Metallic Patriotism on his Lapel...From canvassing here I can tell you there are actually a fair number of Repugs- that are rooting for Obama....and NOT McCain and Hill or Hill...I think the other half of the issue is that People are SICK of this kind of thing- the Messege Boards went Nuts- and that to me says the PEOPLE are sick of the Media Running the Rove Playbook...( Nice to see you friend...)
I would LOVE to hear Good Questions For McCain ( I would have loved to hear good ones for Hill ie 10% OF One's Income is FINE to have to spend on Healthcare...and NAFTA and Columbia Trade issues) and When we have McCain...let's go to the REAL questions....the WAR.....Torture...Gi Bill...PTSD.....VET care and VET families....Housing Scandel....His Buddy that is in jail in AZ - for $$$ juggling and was his campaign manager....etc etc....
That is what really is boggling Millions TUNE in-- not to hear About Flag Pins....BUT real issues- and the Issue that might sink McShame- is THE ECONOMY- HE IS CLUELESS-funny that it is connected to the War ?
They may as well had Hannity and Hume moderate since the two boneheads they had was of little difference.
you are so right....
I never watch any MSM "news" broadcast, and I never watch "This Week With Billy's Lackey" either. Looks like I'm not missing anything.
( truthfully I don't watch much anymore either...funny...occasionally if after I read the news online there is something I want to see, and since Bob Woodruff and Peter Jennings ( well because he died) are no longer on ABC- I gave up on their "news" a long time .....
I read all my news on line...and I don't buy ANY of it anymore Wapo...NYT.....I only read SOME articles...But considering they ( George and Charlie DO News) you would think they "know" some news....like WHAT we are interested /concerned about....BUT Noooooooooo
E4E... I can't seem to call up your page dated 4/17, with a drawing of Obama on it. It shows up in my RSS feed, but I can't go to that page.
Voltos I am sorry I had to move it down- it is in draft form....I will put back up in am - is that okay?
If you click every post- the TITLE- it goes right to the YES WE CAN video...
(( I loved things around because I was trying to post the Addresses- by the time I typed it all - I was tired.so sorry)
there you go- fixed it- scroll down 6 posts....I moved the Peter Jennings post to the top- I kind of treat it like a Newspaper- if Something is important- I move it to the top...and frankly I was pretty outraged about their journalistic integrity- esp. Charlie laughing that people BOO'd- shows ME that he is indeed out of touch WHY people were pissed...and frustated- 10 million did not tune in to watch Dumass questions-
they wanted to hear Real Issues discussed...
But no...
instead we were treated to flagpin crap....
Neocon Joe Scarborough and Don Imus are praising the moderating prowess of the Laurel and Hardy of ABC news.
That says alot.
It says everything.....
Did you guys see Pig Eyes interrupt and try to talkover Rachel Maddow for the 1,000th time on the new David Gregory program yesterday?
He really has issues with lesbians and while civil to all other guests (even liberal guests), he just can't control himself when it comes to Rachel Maddow.
Anyway, he ended up storming off the the program completely.
I'd love to kick his ass back to the Red Neck Riviera. Why is this rightwing asswipe on TV at all?
The Clip is over at Huffpost, and yup saw it as it happened- sadly I confess I was watching David-I-danced-with-Rove Greogry's show.....I watch it to see Smart people- LIKE Rachel- and also Eugene Robinson is often on...
Now ABout Joe...I don't think it is Lesbians he has a problem with- it is ALL women...sadly he should be grateful that Imus had his Screwup last year ( which was a misogynist /racist) Spectacle- but considering Joe gained a show out of it- you would think he would appreciate Women.....and oddly his morning show has Mika- she is wonderful- bright and articulate- sadly he treats her like crap...
SO because he is used to interrupting women and cutting them off, EVERY morning- he is more arrogant than ever- Rachel was really good to him- and really held her own ( as she always does) and he was RUDE....really so he left....and when you watch the clip at Huffpost- watch when the comeback to the panel- they remaining panel are all laughing....
Joe I think is very very scared of Rachel- everyone knows that there is talk of her getting a show ( and her Air America Numbers are better than Joe's AM numbers...) He does indeed feel threatened...and add to that that Willy and Mika get Great Ratings when he is NOT even on...Ouch...
There is a Passing of the Guard going on Journalistically- People like Pat Bucahnon, Joe, Tucker, and yes, Joe ( and even Tweety) are hitting a Irrevelence Wall.....
( If you really want to learn more about Joe's possible problem with Women......check the Archives....of when he was representing Florida ....
google: Joe Scarborough + Dead Female Aide....
it is a concerning Unresolved Story.....that the media did NOT Cover...he knows all about HOW Stories get squashed...)
Nope, I don't need to watch Joe storming offstage to know he's a giant asshole with "women issues". G.I. Joe (Giant Ignoramus Joe) is just another media blow-hard, while Rachel Maddow is thoughtful & intelligent. No wonder he can't be in the same room with her & all her female pheromones clogging up his shriveled walnut-sized brain. She WILL get her own show soon, as she so ably proved herself in hosting Keith's show a couple Fridays ago. She's got the chops!
Rachel DOES Need her own show- and she can more than handle pissypanted whimps like Joe...what an idiot.....( oh, excuse me- he calls himself an "ANALyst....cough gag...)
hmm...New post Coming in minutes about this...
I don't need to watch Joe storming offstage to know he's a giant asshole
Pig Eyes IS a giant asshole and a worm and a wuss and a weasel.
This Post is About Journalistic Integrity, and the importance of Our Democracy, and the Need for a REAL Media.
Because of A Certain Pathetic Troll- Comments are closed on this post, because I don't think it is fair to my readers.
My Apologies for this minor Inconvenience.
( You all know how to get in touch with me.....and it is Not all Posts, but posts that are important...need to not be distracting.)
Joe Scarborough was bragging about the high amount of viewers ABC got for their debate spectacle, but those millions who watched only saw how biased and petty ABC and their host are.
Joe's stupidity in pounds....and steaming piles....
10 Millions tuned in because "WE the People" are smart and KNOW we are in trouble...
( Be sure to watch the Bill Maher Clips from PA over on Redheaded Wisdom....they will blow your mind....ALL Kinds of People interviewed about this Election....ANd NO flagpin issues....REAL issues)
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