35, 000 People rallied last night to Hear Obama in Philly , biggest Rally Ever....Beautiful Spring Evening in Philadelphia.....Listening to the Next President ......I thought we needed to hear some Obama today.
*{ Originally posted at 11PM 4.18.08, Click the TITLE: Obama's Speech In Philly... The Founding Fathers would be proud.
Listen to HOW quiet it is when he speaks....that many people Listening.}*
**{{ Two New Posts up later today...stay tuned...In the Meantime go to Redheaded Wisdom and see the Amazing MUST SEE Videos from Bill Maher's Show last Night- Interviews with People In Pa.- the Ones that Hill claims aren't Bitter...}}**
And why isn't this event on the news tonight? Why am I having to listen to Hillary talking about the heat in her kitchen? Do I sound "bitter"?
Hell no...
All Night we were stuck with the Compound Update, breaking away for Pope Updates ...some kind of sick irony....
Neither religion honors children....
And Hill misquoting someone and saying she is fine in the Kitchen....what a load...when was the last time she was in a godamned kitchen...
What a Week the Crap Passion Forum on Sunday and TAX day...the Debacle of a Debate...Then the Compound Friday Night surprise ( which I think is why they did not show the Philly Rally- 6-6 pointed out that they would rather show a missing co-ed story or Dead Anna Nicole - then show Obama Speaking the Truth...and I think he is right...
It's really strange how the MSM switched from covering Obama to now focusing on all of Hillary's snarky little comments. I am so SICK of her. She will say or do ANYTHING to get elected. And now that I've heard her speaking in that falsely down home way she has about how she was raised around guns, etc., I don't even want her to be elected because I really believe she will morph into whatever she can do to win and I'd have no idea what she'd do once she got in there.
And if I hear one more thing about the Pope I'll scream. All this piously reverend commentary about how now he is getting off the plane and being greeted or whatever the heck he's doing. When other heads of state visit they don't make this big a deal. I don't get it. I have nothing against the Pope and if they wanted to broadcast his criticism of the Iraq war, or some other substantive news that he might make, that would be fine with me. But I don't need to know where he is every minute of the day!
Thanks for the shout out, E! I flung those vids up after watching Maher & thinking, wow Jeremy Scahill is amazing. First Blackwater, then corporate corruption, and now exposing the lie about bitter Pennsylvanians.
All last night, I kept seeing news teasers about the big Obama PA event, implying that they would break away & cover it when he started speaking. So naturally, when he did speak, they just show him in the background while some newsreader tells us that "Obama is speaking in Philadelphia" ... then they flip to Hillary talking about heat in her kitchen! These news networks don't get it. I wonder if C-Span will show it?
mauigirl is right, if Hill somehow "wins", how do we know which Hill it is? She makes Sybil look one-dimensional.
You know, I have to laugh! It was Hillary that used to whine so MSM started leaving her alone. Now that Barack is rightly saying we are wasting time sniping at each other she says get out of the kitchen.
If last nights turnout was any indication with the crowd being 5,000 more than his record with Oprah people are not buying the McCain Hillary lies!
I understand a single digit win by Hillary will mean she has to seriously think about getting out. I think it will be 3 or 4 points but there is no way she will get out!
Sadly, I think you are right, Avg Patriot. She will not get out. She has the determined look of a pit bull who has wrapped her jaws around a lion's leg. She is not letting go! She would rather see us all go down in flames.
Sadly I don't understand this...I mean how narcisstic is she? I am serious- she is almost pathological in her inability to recognize Reality.... there are NO signs that she is going to get big gains..? or that she is loved at this point ( cspan and CNN have only been showing closed angle shots there are NOT large crowds just little groups shoved in rooms- or trapped highschool students..)...and Bill too...( they never do pullback angles...) But you are right the Earth is scorched...All 50 States at this rate...
I heard that too, less than 5 points...I think Obama might do better than she gives him credit- but what do I know..we have a Media Blackout- like they were so busy covering the damn pope they could not show his 19 Minute Speech last night to 35,000 in Philly...but BUT we were shown Hill and her Effin Kitchen Comment over and over...
I hear you....If I see him get in and out of one more Limo I will scream too...what the hell.???? do I even care ? He is just a regular diplomat...and HOW much is being spent on these Huge motorcades...??? US? great...meanwhile the Dalai Lama who is indeed threatened is he offered any Security...ahhh nope....his visit , and he is a Spiritual Leader living in Exile...but let's ignore his mission here or his visit....Because the Pope is Coming the Pope is Coming....I am sorry..I lost my marbles for a minute....toooo many hours of this...
Thanks all..
The Borg Queen is a damned snake.
I'm with Mauigirl: I'm just sick and tied of her and her supporters.
Over at Distrutorcap's blog, one of Hillary's supporters, a Karenzip or something, called Obama's supporters "Claymates." I guess this is a thinly guised homophobic reference because Clay Aiken is gay and many of his fans are gay men, so if you're gay and support Obama this makes you a "Claymate."
No wonder Hillary is getting her ass handed to her. The crowd orbiting her is noxious and toxic and just turning people totally off.
I had NO Idea what it meant- I thought it had something to do with Clay ? or Pottery or ??? I did not know...I have been called everything under the sun because of supporting Obama- even by some people that I thought I knew and I thought I was friends with...
About the Gay part- I have to say this Hill ((thanks to Mark Penn has found So many ways to Divide us ...And create barriers and wounds where they don't need to be....and Should NOT be...I am sorry..Because I know you too have taken grief...and that ain't right...at all. So on behalf of People I don't know I say I am sorry for all the idiots out there....but I am every grateful for all of your Obamablogging...
( My son and I used to really like Clay Aiken- I bet he is voting for Obama? he is from North Carolina.......All Wise Musicians who know the Issues get IT.....)
You have mail.
thanks ;-)
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