463 total Children under 18 now in State Custody. 196 Girls under 13, and 197 boys, but only a handful of teenage boys ( there are questions as to the Missing Boys, the "Lost Boys").53 Girls between 13 and 17 ( or 18 depending on the source), 31 of these 53 girls have been pregnant or are pregnant, or have born a child.One young girl delivered a healthy baby boy this week. 41 Children have histories of Fractures ( more definitive information must be investigated, including X Rays).Then today there is concerning evidence that the young boys have possibly been sexually molested. For the first time I am hoping since it is Sweeps that the MSM does indeed keep this story above the fold.
The Children have had their DNA tested, only a small amount of adults from the Compound have been tested, or consented to be tested. I am still calling it the YFZ Compound, I am calling it a Compound, because to call it a "ranch" is a lie. A "Ranch" implies a nice Western Home, and that is not what is coming to Light.
At this point none of this situation is shocking....It is good that the children are being held in state custody while this is investigated further.
*{ Click the Title "Banking On Heaven " is the video, that shows part of the Documentary about this Sect }*
Now on Nancy Grace some idiot is on saying that the children have Brittle Bone Disease - that it is genetic...
( not going to work has a defense)
I do wonder when the Stillborns will be dug up.....or worse...
Hard to fathom, this living hell for kids who lived in this compound. Why is it these cults wind up in Texas (remember Waco?).
The 16 year old girl who made the call to report the abuse & spur the investigation is a brave hero. She has rescued countless kids from a horrible fate.
Imagine these kids now living outside the pioneer & abusive lifestyle. Must be a huge culture shock.
What does YFZ stand for anyway?
Your F'ing Zombie ranch?
YFZ stands for Yearning For Zion....( lord have mercy...I think yours is better)....
the Girl who suposedly called is named Sarah, and is about 16- she suposedly has a child already under 2, and is pregnant- about 6-8 mos......
SOooooo you would think that it would make it easy to figure out which girl it is.
BUT ......
of the girls that were taken into custody- there are 4 , yes FOUR Sarahs...and all yes were and are pregnant....I don't know if ALL had babies...
I am still not sure they have found her....I was thinking she was in custody....until I heard that they had brought Cadaver dogs to the ranch the last day of the search...
( I am hoping that was just to locate Stillborn graves....but I don't know...)
I hope and pray that they did find her...and that she is safe....( but now that we know about the Number of fractures- that surely shows extensive violence...I am still worried about her...well....that and the Blood Atonement rituals...)
Horrible....really awful..I hope the MSM does cover it.....so it never happens again....
The fractured bones of that many children are heartbreaking. So far, I've only heard about boys w/fractures. I can only imagine the punishment inflicted on non-conforming girls. Children having children! And most of them don't even know their real parents, or even how old they are.
I saw today, the license plates on all the pick-up trucks in the compound are UT or AZ. That means the men are regularly commuting between UT/AZ and TX. That means Dale Barlow (the one Sarah named as her abusive "husband") has not provided plausible accounting for his whereabouts (he was acting like oh, he couldn't have been driving that distance & still been running his UT/AZ ranch & checking in with his parole officer, who BTW may not have required a physcial check-in -- well, apparently the other men are doing just that).
Enigma, if evidence of Blood Atonement is found, it won't be just of children or young girls. There will be plenty of adults, too. But I doubt evidence will be found. Lots of open range space between UT/AZ & TX. And the adults all know who is missing. They actually think they have helped the offenders find a path toward heaven. They really don't view it as bloody murder.
Thanks for putting this up. You're right, YFZ is not a ranch is any real sense of the word.
I didn't see Nancy Grace. Brittle Bone disease? Well, if they want to go down that route, let's check their DNA because for it to show up that often in so many families means only one thing to a geneticist. I mean DNA of the FATHERS, not just those women & children taken into protective custody. What, no or few fathers with brittle bone DNA? hmmmm ....
you are right...Nancy Grace was all over it too...it's funny she kind of gets on my nerves- but my son and I both agree she is doing a good job on this case- and let's be real- this case may indeed keep her busy for the next year.....
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