"Those who don't know how to weep with their whole heart don't know how to laugh either." Golda Meir
Spring may be coming....or trying to come.....but the skies are dark...I am just looking for some Light....I know many of us are..........We need Change so badly....and Hope.
( Had a bad day.....will blog more later....but for now just wanted to post some art and some music...)
More later....
{{Click the Title, the music tonight is "Don't give up" is Peter Gabriel and Paula Cole }}
Sorry about your bad day~ at least you found nice sunflowers to cheer up with.
The good thing about a bad day-- when it is over & the hope tomorrow will be better.
it just really really sucked....nothing like being shot down by a perky 20 something year old.....I am sick of it....I will explain later...there is more to the story...but the bottem line is that for the most part I have to erase 8 years of my life to get a decent job....and pretend I did not do what I did ....because it scares people that I did a Health Study of an ENTIRE county...so I have to take it off my Resume...
okay I will grumble more about this later....I just needed to vent about it....and grumble...sulk ...sulk....
ahhhh thank Heavens...
Boston Legal is on....and they have again entered new territory.....they are talking about the Delicate Delegate Issue....toooooo funny....
thanks Fran...
I always look for Something Better....
and some good tunes...
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