When I was pregnant with my son, many years ago, 18 years ago, I was told that the Chance of having an autistic child was 1:1500. ( As I was over 30 and I was possibly due to have a premie- I was told ALL the risks of problems that I faced.....) I was told that it was rare. It was never all those years ago painted as a disorder that had ANY genetic connections. As a nurse, most of the families that I worked with that had an autistic child, the main frustation was that the family knew so little because it had not been faced by their family before. As a nurse, I gave Vacinations, and I remember that some families complained about them, complained about their children having reactions and high fevers. I took their concerns seriously.....I worried....alot, especially in the 1980's, as the "reactions" got worse.
When I had my son, I worried had I done enough research ? I did research the Thimerosol issue. I did ask questions? I did try to ascertain more data on the Thimerosol issue, and learn more. I did try to find out was it related to Mercury ? WHY was it used. And yes, at a certain point when my son had horrible reactions to the Vaccines, I stopped them. I had huge fights with the pediatric doctor that we loved. I stand by my decision, and my concern. Mothers know things....they know when Something is NOT right.
While working on " Silent Fallout" I have done alot of research on Toxins, especially heavy metals and Mercury....and Childhood Disorders , including Autism, and ADD, and ADHD and Learning Disabilities. That Statistic from 1990 is now OLD, and Wrong, 1;150 Children are born with Autism. YET I have to be clear about this- there is NO data to support that it is a "genetic defect".
( this number has drastically shifted in the past 10 years.)
We have an epidemic, of Something Huge, Something Tragic, and it is not being discussed, because the Government and Drug Companies do not want this discussion. I find it odd, that if Thimerosol is NOT to blame- WHY did the Drug Companies take the thimerosol out of MOST vaccines in the past 5 years ? WHY? ( Do your research carefully- it is still in Some Vaccines ).
And then in 2005 I started doing Autism research in Ohio. Amazingly there is a group here in Ohio that has NONE, that's right NONE. NO CASES. WHO ? Amish have NO KNOWN Cases. ( there is one case in all of Ohio, and it is a child that was adopted, post Vaccine age.). I think this issue needs great scrutiny.....and TRUTHFUL studies. There are thousands of children and families suffering....and being told that it is their Fault or their genes. This is Wrong.
As a Country and as a People we need to Do Something.....Playing Ostrich and shunning these families is not the Solution.
( Have questions email me and maybe I can help ....I have researched this for many years.....especially Mercury. I also have been doing research on other possible Mercury /toxin Sources, including Diet of Pregnant Moms, and also I have been research issues related to Water, and also Lead issues. My Concern as a nurse, that the Multiple triplefold Rise is related to Multiple factors. My Main concern has been the Vaccine Question, as a nurse, I have studied it the longest....and have the most concern about it.....Thimerosol is a Form of Mercury, so why would we have this in a Vaccine? ever.......anyways write if you have questions...concerns..... enigma4ever@earthlink.net)
*{ Click the Title: "CDC Chief admits that Vaccines Trigger Autism" 10 minute YouTube that is an interview with Dr.Gerberding of the CDC on CNN about Autism and Vaccines ( interview with Dr,Gupta), and has other information about autism. Really good video ... MN.....Well, THAT Video was Pulled- by WHOM? Govt? or Google? or WHO? CNN? wow...anyways I have put a new video- Robert Kennedy interviewed by Joe Scarborogh....but it is not bad as an interview, there are SO MANY great Videos on Youtube about Autism and Autism and Vaccines. }*
I just tried the video, and it didn't work, Youtube had a ton of Videos' on autism btw...
But I think it is not working because they are undergoing "Site Maintenance".....I will check it again later...I think I saved it if it giving us trouble.....
Enigma... very interesting blog on autism-thank you. I too have done much research. One theory I keep coming across (though less and less frequently) is the use of ultrasounds during pregnancy, which did not exist a few decades ago. (Possibly another reason for no cases among Amish?) Have you heard of this? What do you think?
Not a valid theory- and have seen no research on it that I know of, do you have any leads or Medical Journals that have proposed the US theory ? I have never heard of that.......this RISE has occurred in the last 18 years...and it is HUGE....Ultrasounds have been used for longer...without ill effects...Actually Ultrasound has been able to detect illness and defects and even save lives...or prevent some complications....And there are minimal side effects or risks with it ( now I am not saying people should have more than 2-3 during pregnency....and US should be used for medical reasons- not to "get a picture " or Learn the sex...etc)
( by the way- you don't have to be anonymous...)
the real issue is that many of these children are fine- but right around the 18 month mark they have signifignant changes....
The Amish give NO Vaccines- NONE....(yet they do have other genetic disorders , and genetic neurological disorders....they do also provide medical care and track medical issues...)
( the Amish issue is now being tracked and studied in 3 states...)
BTW Anony:
there is tons of research on Autism and Vaccines, as well as Google :
Vaccines + Autism,
Thimerosol + Autism,
Mercury+ Pregnancy Risks ( ever see Seafood Alerts- this is all about Mercury being stored during pregnency),
also the Rolling Stone Article:
"Deadly Immunity" by Robert Kennedy Jr.
Another ISsue- when children are 12-18 Monthes they have an incredible number of Vaccines ( actually the first 18 mos. might have a culmative effect)...
Also the MMR is the one that has had the Thimersol the longest- and has been studied as the Potential problem- by the NIH...and yet the results and studies are ongoing....
As a Nurse, I do not support Vaccines in infants or babies...or premies or babies with protein allergies, or that they have always been given together....
But I am biased- I have seen too many reactions in other children, and as a nurse, and as a mother. ( reactions-? yes, High fevers, neuro symptoms, and even apnea)
Thank you again... am doing much research because I am considering having a first child and I am 40. In excellent health, but nervous nonetheless. Some research shows increased risk in older mothers (this is where the US info was--perhaps because of more frequent US over a certain age? I don't know). Then again, some research shows no real link between autism and age of mother. Lots to consider. Ugh.
I should clarify- All infants the first 18 monthes have many vaccines- many rounds- up to 6 rounds of multiple vaccines by 18 monthes....this has increased greatly in the past 20 years...
( A tip for parents- if you decide to with hold vaccines- you can do so for "religous" reasons, this is LEGAL and Covered by the Constitution....when I was questioned by a Regimental Bad Attitude Witch at a Preschool- I explained" I worship the health of all children...." That silenced her....)
Dear Anony over 40-
Ahhhh, Much on your plate of worries- I am sorry. I think the reason they bring it up is because over 40 and the risk of Premies goes up. ( sorry, but that is true). And yes, More Premies have Higher risk of autism- BUT I think again that is related to the Vaccine issue....or risks to the premies- I think they are more vulnerable- because they are still developing- esp the brain, and the cerebral cortex and central nervous system- very fragile- more vulnerable....I hope that makes sense.....
If you are over 40 and contemplating this plan...my hat is off to you, bless you in this endeavor...
.I encourage you also look at Nutrition issues- I am one that thinks that Mercury is the Culprit- and not just in the Vaccines- so if mothers that are eating HIGH seafood diet- TUNA, and other fish from other parts of the Country- and then have a baby- the baby is born with a certain level of mercury- and then the Thimerosol issue adds to the possible toxic burden.....and that increases the risk factor.
As a nurse, I would encourage you to seek excellent advice and a naturopath to go further over the nurtition issues, FOLIC ACID( Folates) added to the Prenatal Vitamins for atleast 6 monthes before getting pregnant, and they would help you get your body ready....vitamins, diet, teas etc.....all very important....
( this is just nursey advice....you are welcome to email me offline too- I don't want to embarrass you or get too personal...enigma4ever@earthlink.net).
I was serious I have never heard of the Ultrasounds causing risk....I have heard of risks and concerns with Amnio....
Excellent research, Enigma. So much going wrong in our world, so many toxins and things unnatural, there is bound to be a connection. The Amish stats speak volumes. Are major vaccine suppliers doing research on them?
The reason I ask is decades ago, when it was noticed that people in UT had much lower incidence of lung cancer, the tobacco companies went out of their way to try & discredit the notion that the non-smoking lifestyle of the mormons could have anything to do with it. Of course, they were wrong.
So if a vaccine mfr/supplier is doing research on Amish autism rates, I would question everything they publish. They have a vested interest.
ps, I am so glad you went with your instinct about vaccines especially when reactions presented!
I wish I had listened to my instincts sooner....my son had terrible reactions...he had half of one MMR- and that was it- that vaccine was the worst- and the pediatrician had held off- cuz 6-6 had really bad problems for the first 18 mos. Reflux, resp/apnea problems, protein allergies....and then neuromuscular problems...and yes, also I worried that the vaccines contributed ( and the reactions- esp the trend was on the West Coast....Batches ? ) I was studying this and worrying ( obessessing according to my ex...) back in the early 1990's....I did think Something was wrong- i thought too many kids were having reactions....other young mothers like me....all of us fretting at the same time- and doctors blowing us off- "You are all just new mothers- you worry too much".....yeah right....
About the Amish- as far as I know - no- I do know by the late 1990's NIH was studying the MMR- BUT......under Bush the research was slashed- I don't even know if it is still ongoing....I did apply to do Mercury Research on Sept 11, 2001, at 4am I finished submitting all the paperwork online....I submitted it because I had an Entire County that needed studying...for Mercury Overload....esp Children.....Due to the "Federal Emergency " that occurred hours later...I never got my grant, obviously.......and the Research was never pursued....that I had submitted....I never forgot that....and my County and the rest of the Country...everyone has suffered these past 7 years....because Bush would rather fight terra then take care of the People here....sorry- but that is how I see it)
Anyways....most of the media is till peddling the genetic factor- scaring people that it is in them....I don't buy it..sorry, but I don't- there such obvious things that need studying....Batch Numbers, Onset of Symptoms,Vaccine Reactions, Previous Neuromuscular Disorders in families, etc etc...
thanks DK
Thanks Mandt......
Enigma- thank you for your insight and supportive words. If you're interested, you can google "autism and ultrasound"-- there is a ton of info on the subject, as well as interesting info regarding autism and childbirth practices (pitocin, pain meds, etc... informal studies show no cases of autism in children born at home with midwives.) Anyway, that's just FYI if you're interested. Thanks again for your research and your help. Blessings to you and your son.
Anony Mom:
Sorry- I should clarify I did do research on the Ultrasound issue last night ( because you did peak my interest)...I could not find any info or studies that were done with Medical People involved, or medical Journals that might have been studying the "connection". I did also find some research showing that high numbers of Autism in certain parts of the Country- with lower incidence of ultrasounds, so that also raises a different question- I am looking for info either by Ob's, Midwives, or Radiology studying it further. You are welcome to email me- because believe me I am going to keep digging ( ie at a local Med School etc).....It is a valid question only because ultrasounds have increased in the past 20 years, especially in the over 30 moms.....
Also do go to YouTube and watch Jenny McCarthy on Larry King Last night-she was amazing.....
the People doing really good research on Autism are many of the parents- there are many MANY great Autism Blogs ( go to Google Blogs and research)...
Please do look at the Vaccine research and also the Mercury Seafood issue....I still think that the combined effect are very serious. If you are considering pregnency I have encouraged all women I know that are considering pregnancy to test their hair for mercury- this shows the toxin load, and with chelation heavy metals can be removed before pregnancy.
What I am hoping, and what I had tried to get a grant to study was Autistic Children and Heavy Metal Chelation....There have been some small studies on this, and also on diet alteration with very very good results......
Anyway Mom-to-be over 40.....I wish much health and happiness with your pregnancy...Please do see a midwife or naturopath and start preparing your body.....I am merely a nurse offering a bit of research.....namaste.
The risk of having an autistic child is higher if you are a man over 34, and the risk gets higher with the father's age. If you are over 40 and the father to be is a man in his 20s to 32 and there is no family history of autism or autoimmune disorders there is a low risk of autism. Please study the known factor that raise the rate:http://autism-prevention.blogspot.com/search?q=paternal+age+autism
The risk of very pre-term babies rises with Paternal Age. We are not being told the truth when this research is buried and maternal age is blamed for autism.
Concerned Heart:
The AGE issue is being studied of both parents- and again I am encouraging that what needs study is the Vaccine issue.... the AGE issue is a Red herring- there is limited research and is being used to scare older parents....
IF your family history is limited of immune disorders or nerological disorders- there is no reason that it should appear because a father is older....
Vaccines NEED to be studied- the Government and the CDC need to release all the Data they do have from the 90's on MMR....esp. and also on Thimerosol and also explain WHY it was removed from vaccines....
Preterm Babies and paternal age- I will look for studies on that....but the issue I am focusing on in this post is Autism....we have a crisis as a Country and it is being ignored and whitewashed......it needs our attention and focus...thank you...
Concerned Heart:
((( I will check your other blogs on the issue....but I need to say this- we should be focusing on WHAT the babies are exposed to....it is critical...and I do worry that too many families are being told that it is their fault "genes"....yet they have NO history of it....and then they are being encouraged to not have any other children- I met many such families in California....one such family I did encourage that they test their autistic son tested for metals and mercury and also the mom...and yes the dad had been told it was HIS fault as he was 10 years older....the mom and child both had high mercury and also lead....the mom thought that was because they had been renovating their house...also mom had eaten HIGH fish the year she was pregnant.....my point is , I think that we need to look at HUGE known Risks- Vaccines and mercury in seafood....esp the Vaccine issue....esp. it should be studied in siblings and multiples)
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