Malaria is a disease that is ravaging Africa....and other parts of the world. 2 Million a year die, a child dies every 30 seconds. 75% of those diagnosed with the disease are children. The MSF ( Doctors Without Borders ) treats 1.7 million a year for this disease. Africa faces a huge crisis as it battles this disease, AIDS, and Malnutrition. Add in Civil and Political Unrest, Political Corruption creating a disruption of Medical Care and Distribution ( as well as Food), and the added burden of a Staggering Refugee Crisis and you begin to see how Catastrophic the Crisis truly is.If we as a People can start to see this Tapestry of Crisis for what it is....that No Piece is smaller or less weighted than others...Maybe the People will see relief in our Lifetime. Maybe.
Malaria is Treatable, Detectable and Preventable.
There are many fine organizations that are working to educate and distribute NETS to families. The Nets are treated with Insecticide. This is One Step in Preventing the Disease and preventing more deaths and disease. NothingButNets.net is one organization that is bringing Nets to thousands of families , these nets prevent the disease and protect children and families.
Doctors Without Borders ( MSF) is working hard to care and treat the afflicted, 1.7 Million last year alone. If you would rather support their medical care and treatment I encourage you to go to their site and support their work. Their work requires the use of ACTS, this is a drug regime that utilizes a combined therapy, based on using a Chinese plant, sweet wormwood, called artemisinim that is reccommended by WHO ( World Health Organization), and is the most effective treatment against this disease. This treatment costs more than chloroquine treatments, but is much more effective.
Another Aspect of this Crisis that I am asking you to look at is the Refugee Issue and Malnutrition. For many of these families they are displaced and starving, so inadequate medical care is just a piece of their plight. So I am also encouraging you that you can always give to organizations that deal with the Refugee Crisis and Nutrition issues. International Red Cross, Unicef, and World Vision all do amazing work with this issues and serve millions in need.
I believe that the Health of the Planet is indeed tied to the Health of All Peoples...that we are all Neighbors on this Earth. Global Neighbors.
"Hurry,Hurry has no Blessing" . A Sawahili Blessing meaning the time to act is Now....
Another African saying that really applies " Pray for what you need, but work for what you want"
Nguz A Kal.i.bond.
*{ Click the title: YouTube Video about Malaria and NothingbutNets.net, there are many others on Youtube that are helpful to better understand this disease and this crisis.}*
**{{ Please also do read the New Post up over at Lydia Cornell's...she has a beautiful post up about many of these issues as well....that we all are connected.}}**
And last by least....this weekend do Play "FREE RICE". IF we all give Something back....we can Create Change.
Okay....I am an idiot...I forgot to mention TB...kind of important....I will update tomorrow...
There are very few in power who have given any of this a second look.
I know...but I always hope in some way to leave a seed along the trail...and that it will grow....
And the odd thing is that we can not work on one problem without working or even examing the other probems....
we all are connected...just like the problems...
and I like to think that What Happens Next is in our hands....
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