I have no Financial Expertise , I am just a nurse. I am merely watching and blogging these events as best I can so that I can better understand and grasp what is happening.And yes, the Bigger picture for you, me and yes, globally. We have Neighbors in the World..And yes, I know alot of people are like me Living On This Edge, so yes, I blog and share that information. I am not trying to make anyone worry more. I am trying to make certain that we all are better Educated.That we have the information we need to feel strong, informed and never be fearful. Knowledge is Power.Always.
So I just ask for your patience....and know that I blog because I care and yes worry....But I will not ever offer False hope or sugar coat when things are Beyond Rough...I would rather be Truthful even in Dark Times. And I am always looking for the Shaft of Light, no matter how Dim, how thin...how Precious. I also believe that we are a Community that we prevail as we take care of each other.....In Dark times we just hand each other Another Candle..and pass it Person to Person....
Beautiful song "These Days" by Natalie Merchant...about being on The Edge...and still having Hope. ( if you click the Title, you can see the Lyrics).
From Sept.29th post:
On the HomeFront:::
More about National City For Ohio Folks to follow.Say a little prayer for 6-6 and me....This is my landlord's bank...in January 2007 I moved because our Previous Landlord got foreclosed ( we had been living in our Downtown Loft that we loved behind Jacob's Field). So in the Middle of winter, I went searching for a place, in snow and ice,....and found this battered old house, it was Ten Below Zero, but I got us all moved in. I negotiated the rent and Fixed Every Blessed Inch of it, the Floors, the broken stairs, the holes in the walls, the pee stained walls,fixed up the porch. I even painted the Kitchen Floor Black and white....I made it a Home...And this past winter he finally fixed the Heat....It has been nice to have a dining room and here is the Cat Chair....and yeah , I even made a garden out back......but I will go collect boxes today and pray that I don't need to use them, (but here in Ohio if your landlord gets foreclosed, you have 3 days to be out)...I hope and pray that 6-6 and I can stay here until he goes to Film School Next year,(we were planning to stay until then)...and that we get to use that new Heater....I worry about everyone...getting through this,...I really do....Home is a Precious Thing....


"And as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. "Nelson Mandela
Footnote::: Please never ever use my REAL name on the Blog in the Comments, I have had alot of problems with Trolls and hatemail and even worse, so I never ever use my name on here, it is a Safety issue,. Plain and Simple. Thank you.