Obama's right- We The People need to hear From the Candidates Especially in these precarious times....McInsane has been saying he wants "town hall " meetings- that is a joke- when he comes here to Ohio - ALL of his events are so scripted, staged- Invite only, planted questions, and he won't even talk to the Press, much less real people. If he comes to a Plant- only selected people are allowed as part of the photo op.....We need THIS Debate at this Critical Moment.
Our History has always allowed us to see Our Leaders, and ask Questions and Hear How they would lead. Many of these events and much of our Freedom of Speech has eroded under Bush. It is now obvious that McCain is the McSame.....
( Alaskan Hockey Moms found the petition,thank you).
Democracy can't be put on hold.
I'm signing.
thanks Dean...
McLame has decided to attend! WHooot!
Now, we can watch McGramps make an idiot out of himself (again).
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