So the World is still reeling from the Financial Collapse on Wallstreet, this is a Global Crisis the first fallout being leveled by Lehman Brothers.The rest of the markets have been impacted from Asia to Russia and the juggling and manuevering has begun. But we knew the World would be effected that was to be expected, how much is another story.
We are merely Spectators watching this horrendous Circus. I keep waiting for Someone to Send in the Clowns, but Bush remains encapsulated at the Whitehouse ensconced like a groundhog in a January Snowstorm. I am sure there are Jack Daniels Bottles heaved about....He did have time earlier in the week to entertain Dignataries from Ghana.Paulson and Bernanke have been left to fend through this Melee on their own. It does amaze me that this Crisis that is reminding people of the 1930[s has rendered this Whitehouse So Silent.
Commentators are using words like "Carnage", "Crisis" and looking pale and grim as they attempt to report numbers and still not vomit.All Markets have responded with some sort of volatility, there are no safe havens from this crisis, except maybe some distant village that only trades in fish and beads.Last Night the CNBC HigherUps decided that we are not to watch the Asian Markets during the Night, they had some other flimsy shows on instead. I watched Bloomberg Livestream and BBC and learned that the markets are reeling, which is effecting the markets more Lehman being allowed to go under or the Strange Bailout of AIG ?The Repercussions are indesputable. Some Solutions are being pounded interglobally whether this is a desperate Fast Fix or a True Bandaid time will tell.

Meanwhile on another Front the Truth about Texas is festering forward, about the Failure of FEMA on many levels and the amount of devastation is staggering.
1.9 are still without power, some water is returning to the 4 million customers that need it, and Red Cross is doing what needs to be done as the FEMA frustation boils.It will bear watching over the next two weeks as these folks grapple with the enormity of what they are facing.
New Polls are coming out that show the OBAMA shift is happening as McInsane and Mooselini continue to make more and more Mythic Blunders. I will continue to update during the Day below and in an Open Comment Thread as we watch History Unfold. Be good to each other, gentle.now....Our Humanity is in Our Own Hands.

*{ Maybe we should go stand in front of the White House and remind the prick in chief that WE THE PEOPLE are hurting...wear our Hoover pins and sing this song.}*
posted at 5:30AM, updating in the evening.
7:30PM UDPATE:::
I have updated this post now 4 times and the Update keeps vanishing, I have no idea why....BUT here is your update-
Bush did indeed stagger out to the podium and give a 2:30 Minute petulent speech, something was uttered to the effect that we are experiencing a "adjustment", I have no idea what that means...sounds pretty lame.
Meanwhile Mooselini and McInsane, has had 24 hours of goofs and gaffes, Now Sarah is now calling the Ticket " Palin-McCain", maybe it was just a narcisstic slip up......Either way worth seeing , watch and laugh.
"Not Ready to Make Nice " by the Dixie Chicks linked to the title..
( at the end of the post I linked them singing the National Anthem)
Up, Up, Up, Up.
Four of the four major tracking polls now show Barack Obama leading John McCain.
Gallup: Obama 47%, McCain 45%
Diageo/Hotline: Obama 45%, McCain 42%
Research 2000: Obama 48%, McCain 44%
New York Times/CBS: Obama 48%, McCain 43%
The striking rebound for Obama shows the novelty of adding the Caribou Barbie to McCain’s ticket had limited legs, as American voters become familiar with the controversial Palin.
yeah where is our CEO-Pres? Running the country same as he ran Harken and Arbusto, right into the ground. Going AWOL just like he did in the Natl Guard, not fit to fly this bird.
I stayed up watching Bloomberg, too! Had to turn off McC & 'Boo Babs (thanks, Christopher!) this A.M., blabbing about pork chops on a stick at the Iowa State Fair. The visuals are too much. Not exactly the "fish and beads" crowd, hunh?
" wear our Hoover pins" Hey, great idea for a post. I'm on it!! :)
Anyone out there have an iPhone? (OK, it was a birthday present.) You can get a free little app. to put on it that tracks all the election polls.
It'd called Election '08. Shows how many electoral votes each candidate has, as well as state by state percentages by red or blue. Rasmussen shows a tie, but Gallup has Obama slightly ahead.
Americans, wake up!! Sheeesh.
The Motherfucker from Midland has a plane on stand-by, ready to take himself, Pickles and the Twins, to the safety of the 100,000 acre ranch in Paraguay, if the "little people" storm the Bastille with chains and clubs.
Crisis? Nah, it's just an "adjustment" - the president said so.
Believe that and I've got some Lehman Brothers stock to sell you
4:20PM...just got home , am getting caught up...
I got some WaMu Stock maybe we can trade ???
( yeah an adjustment my ass...) I caught his prissy little presser on the radio...sounded like he was driving the podium drunk as usual...
( hmmm so people would storm the castle eh ? hmm, rope is on sale at Home Depot)....
what a great idea...wonderful....Rock the Vote has PHONE polls too- I keep participating - hope the results are being talled...good info- thank you ;-)
yup the prick knows all about how to run things into the ground...and empty drilling holes and how to steal other people's money..
ahhhhh, HOOVER pins..and I have ones posted below.....I have searched the internet for them- I am serious we should start wearing them to MCCoot Events ;-)
Morgan Stanley and Washington Mutual are circling the bowl now.
Will they be bailed out or allowed to crash?
Stay tuned! Same Fed Channel, same Fed Time!
As the McCain/McCandy ticket s(t)inks, the McCain trolls are mounting a concerted effort to harass and silence Team Obama.
For the first time since I started blogging, I've had to ban 4 people in a single day. All come in from Comcast.
Just a heads up.
The "Hoover flags" are flying.
My grandfather told me Hoover flags were the white lining of your front pockets turned out.
Empty pockets.
Yup...it is that time...I am sure they will show up here eventually- they came out in force in 2006, so I am ready....sorry about the inconvenience- take it as a compliment....they must be scared to start their dancing and shenigans in September ;-)
I am sorry to say but I think they both are treading water in bad way...who is going to sink next...anybody's guess....
Obama leads by 5 points today in CBS...phew...
hey there...yup...Hoover Flags...my greatgrandmother would say the same thing...Granny Ethel taught me to be frugal and how to use teabags twice...Anyone who says we are FINE..and just going through any adjustment needs their head examined...hang in there lady...
enigma4ever wrote: "Meanwhile Mooselini and McInsane, has had 24 hours of goofs and gaffes, Now Sarah is now calling the Ticket " Palin-McCain", maybe it was just a narcisstic slip up......Either way worth seeing, watch and laugh."
We all know that McCain has a wee bit of an anger problem so how come he hasn't blown up yet in public at being shoved off to the side? Is he on the aqua and puce pill that prevents you from going ape shit crazy or what???
Christopher, I had two troll nuts last night, which I soundly sent on their way with something to think about. My 3-year stalker/troll picked today to publish all my personal contact information on his blog, no doubt in hopes someone will harm me. This in response to me posting about Glenn Greenwald's post on the Palin email hacking.
If they weren't worried they were losing, they wouldn't be bothering, is my guess.
Enigma & Helen,
Mine came in from Comcast.
I ended up phoning Comcast and they put me through to their security department who promptly took the IP addresses and opened a TOS violation report.
I have no time for these assholes.
OK that's SUCH BULLSHIT! I mean, good for you but Christopher, my troll is still able to blog - even after 1) posting pics of me all over his blog; 2) defaming me on his blog; 3) sending me 2 threatening emails every day; 4) spamming all my clients with his propaganda. I have sent certified letters to his ISP (AT&T), complained to blogger that he uses his blog to spam people who have not signed up for it, I have complained to the fucking FTC!!! No one does anything.
How did you do it??
OMG I'm so jealous... I've put up with this fucker for 3 years and no one will help me.
You called AT&T's internet division and asked to be put through to their Security/Internet Terrorism department?
If you get this far, DEMAND they open a cyber stalking report and DEMAND they take the IP address(es) from the miscreant. Then DEMAND to know what action they plan to take in accordance with your complaint.
BTW, Todd "Fishmonger" Palin announced today he will refuse to comply with the subpoena in the Troopergate scandal.
So, boys and girls, it would appear there really are two Americas:
1. a nation of laws and accountability that we belong to, and:
2. the other America, of corrupt, lawbreaking assholes like Karl Rove and Sarah and Todd Palin, who thumb their noses to the state and the Congress and get away with it.
Christopher, I sent them certified mail letters and that at least got them to contact me, but then they gave me a half-assed investigation (if one at all). At the end of said "investigation" they called to inform me they MAY OR MAY NOT TAKE ACTION and they couldn't tell me either way. I also filed a police report - brought in about 80 or so emails and they said none of them outright said he was trying to threaten me with bodily harm so all they did was send him a nice lil' letter asking him to stop, which of course he ignored.
An attorney even told me I can't do anyting because all he is is "annoying." THis is why women get stalked so successfully in this country.
You can see his sick obsession on his blog... I don't want to link there but if you google "Illustrated Conservative" that blog is his. He's a complete and utter psychopath, and no one is willing to shut him down.
Isn't spamming illegal? He went to my business site, collected the contact emails from my clients, and is currently email blasting them his blog in newsletter form. He also emailed me to brag that he was doing it.
Incredible, isn't it?
Thanks for your concern and sorry for venting on your blog, Enigma!!
That's for fucking sure. If I ever get a subpoena, I'll ignore it & refer to the precedence set by Harriet Myers, TurdBlossom and now Todd Palin.
Simply fucking amazing that anyone would vote for these sleazebags.
I briefly checked him out.
How could he obtain your home address?
Obsessive googling. He found out my real name years ago and my business site is my name.com - I've never truly tried to hide my name even though I write as Helenwheels. Didn't think I'd have to.
Very odd.
I mean, who has the time or energy?
Helen, now I know why I have to verify my ID so much on your blog. I don't mind, but I did wonder why. I guess I'm lucky I fly so low & far under the radar. I've only had a couple jerks telling me I stole their stuff -- stuff they recently posted but that I had posted months earlier. One guy implied he would sue. I told him have your lawyer talk to mine. clowns to the left, jokers to the right ...
And OF COURSE Tod-boy won't testify. As far as I know, he's never even spoken. Has anyone ever heard his voice? Not me. What does he sound like? A bull elk in heat? A screechy owl? what ...
sorry, I got here late folks...Helen I am so sorry about the fucker returning...so sorry...you don't need that....I have given what advice I can..you know that...and in these times no one really cares if women are targeted...
Chris..so the idiots were turned into comcast good for you...
folks...the trolls will be out in force you know that...we all do...sadly...
keep up the battle..
and yes, you both know any and all venting is always allowed here..esp about trolls and how to deal with them.....
Yes up until a couple of months ago, I never used comment moderation but then said psycho became unhinged and dedicated all his time to posting insults.
Well. He hasn't won, what he wants to "win" is to get me to stop blogging. And while his tanks, my readership is growing. So, there's that.
Ah, thanks, I was worried that I was hogging the thread w/my own deal. I hope at least it might help to educate folks on how much ISPs and the powers that be don't really care about our safety. Not that I expect they would.
heavens Helen- the thread is where we meet talk ...take care of each other...and laugh ...snark and snide...but also where we can talk about shitheads...ANY and ALL....
ahhhh Tad I am sure he sounds like a redneck at NASCAR..yelling go baby go ....or drill ..or something...he looks unshaven...like he watche alot of Miami Mice....WHO is taking care of the kids ?????the special needs baby ? the pregger Teen? the 7 year old ????
pisses me off...
And that one is definitely a shithead!!!! Thanks :)
I SO appreciate the support & community amongst all of us. It's awesome.
Well the real parents probably ARE attending to Trig, y'know... but are too young. So that makes her doubly horrid for throwing them under the bus. Ugh.
OK kids, FUN TIME (even tho it's from ABC) this comes via Fran at DivaJood's:
agree w/obama vs. mclame
I got 100% Obama. So did Fran.
Anyone like hear President Shit For Brains say he's frickin watchin the economy today, yeah he's frickin watchin it go down the drain.
Christopher said...
As the McCain/McCandy ticket s(t)inks, the McCain trolls are mounting a concerted effort to harass and silence Team Obama.
For the first time since I started blogging, I've had to ban 4 people in a single day. All come in from Comcast.
Just a heads up......................."
Yeah, Lydia's site is like infested by the frickin conservotard goons too, some of us took the frickin fight to the goons blogs an are kickin their tail over there.
OH and Christopher: The capper? The guy is 50 years old.
Yeah, that's right: 50 years old. Not 13 or 14 or even some lower-than-normal I.Q.'ed 25 year old.
Sad, no?
Christopher said...
BTW, Todd "Fishmonger" Palin announced today he will refuse to comply with the subpoena in the Troopergate scandal.
So, boys and girls, it would appear there really are two Americas:
1. a nation of laws and accountability that we belong to, and:
2. the other America, of corrupt, lawbreaking assholes like Karl Rove and Sarah and Todd Palin, who thumb their noses to the state and the Congress and get away with it...................."
Yeah, they need to put frickin candyboy in shackles an like frogmarch him and that frickin barbie doll twit wife of his right to jail.
Hey Sara- sorry about the trolls over at Lydia's I used to hang there too- but they are annoying...
Helen I think your guy is not your normal cheeto eater....we are here ...
All the people my age cant frickin stand mcLOSER and mcTWIT, these frickin polls are a joke no one my age has a landline and we all support Obama and cant frickin stand those two elitist LOSERS.
You should like pop in sometime Enigma.
Uhh i say we like send that senile deranged bastard to the frickin glue factory, instead of puttin him out to pasture.
Did you guys like hear that deranged goon sayin the frickin economy is strong, people are like frickin losin their jobs and their houses and that frickin elitist moron is sayin things are fine.
My friend was gonna like lose her house, till i moved in and split the rent with her, too frickin bad i like still have a lease for my apartment till the end of October and have to eat two months rent at two frickin places, it'll be frickin ugly this year, at least i'm like startin up another dance class next month and will have more cash comin in for Christmas.
But yeah the economy is frickin great thats why people are like losin their jobs and homes all over the frickin place an i'm like workin 3 jobs with no health insurance and startin up another dance class to make it.
Wow, it's trollfest then! I guess mine just got started early. Nothing else in its life, obviously.
I fought off two 'lite' trolls at my site last night, one bible-humper (I think the same one that was at Christopher's) and one dope named Galactic Dreamer that's also bothering Jackie.
The bible thumper has been all over tonight and today ..he has been to some of my other blogs ( yes,...he has not been here) thank heavens...
Sorry all hang in there...
If the bible-humper's not getting paid, it's pretty stupid, working so hard... LOL
cough...he claims he is a pastor...yeah right...hey I got some Lehman stock if you believe that...
( he found my other blogs..)
He must've gradumacated from the Fred Phelps school of pastoring.
Well, it's Friday morning now and I'm struggling to wake up.
I missed alot of the conversation so this thread may be dead now.
On my PUMA Hypocrite Alert thread, I posted the uber-troll's name and IP address for everyone to see.
Please feel free to compare it to anyone bothering you guys.
thanks chris-
I will pass it on...hang in there...
I love that dixie chicks song.
We (taxpayers) are assuming these bad loans? Wtf?
Christopher gave some great advice earlier in the thread on how to handle cyberstalkers. Yikes helen's story is scary.
Hey Christopher - neocon assholes must all think alike. Before I stopped allowing my stalker/troll to post, he would just go up & start crowing about how he "owned" the blog. That was his mantra. I doubt they are the same troll, but it's interesting, eh? Says a lot about their maturity level.
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