I have no Financial Expertise , I am just a nurse. I am merely watching and blogging these events as best I can so that I can better understand and grasp what is happening.And yes, the Bigger picture for you, me and yes, globally. We have Neighbors in the World..And yes, I know alot of people are like me Living On This Edge, so yes, I blog and share that information. I am not trying to make anyone worry more. I am trying to make certain that we all are better Educated.That we have the information we need to feel strong, informed and never be fearful. Knowledge is Power.Always.
So I just ask for your patience....and know that I blog because I care and yes worry....But I will not ever offer False hope or sugar coat when things are Beyond Rough...I would rather be Truthful even in Dark Times. And I am always looking for the Shaft of Light, no matter how Dim, how thin...how Precious. I also believe that we are a Community that we prevail as we take care of each other.....In Dark times we just hand each other Another Candle..and pass it Person to Person....
Beautiful song "These Days" by Natalie Merchant...about being on The Edge...and still having Hope. ( if you click the Title, you can see the Lyrics).
From Sept.29th post:
On the HomeFront:::
More about National City For Ohio Folks to follow.Say a little prayer for 6-6 and me....This is my landlord's bank...in January 2007 I moved because our Previous Landlord got foreclosed ( we had been living in our Downtown Loft that we loved behind Jacob's Field). So in the Middle of winter, I went searching for a place, in snow and ice,....and found this battered old house, it was Ten Below Zero, but I got us all moved in. I negotiated the rent and Fixed Every Blessed Inch of it, the Floors, the broken stairs, the holes in the walls, the pee stained walls,fixed up the porch. I even painted the Kitchen Floor Black and white....I made it a Home...And this past winter he finally fixed the Heat....It has been nice to have a dining room and here is the Cat Chair....and yeah , I even made a garden out back......but I will go collect boxes today and pray that I don't need to use them, (but here in Ohio if your landlord gets foreclosed, you have 3 days to be out)...I hope and pray that 6-6 and I can stay here until he goes to Film School Next year,(we were planning to stay until then)...and that we get to use that new Heater....I worry about everyone...getting through this,...I really do....Home is a Precious Thing....


"And as we let our own light shine,we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. "Nelson Mandela
Footnote::: Please never ever use my REAL name on the Blog in the Comments, I have had alot of problems with Trolls and hatemail and even worse, so I never ever use my name on here, it is a Safety issue,. Plain and Simple. Thank you.
Hey E ~ This is a stressful time for everyone. We have no reason at all to believe anything the Bush administration says-- they have spewed lies to us for 8 years now. Yet they are screaming of catastrophe and pending doom. One part of me thinks of course Bush could absolutely fuck things up this much, and the question is only just how bad will it be.
Also I think this did not just happen overnight & he's let it spiral out of control. Pointing blame won't fix the situation, but it does need to be recognized in this election year.
But another part of me questions if this is just another "mushroom cloud" kind of chicken little game he's playing, warning us to hurry or all will collapse.
Bush has gotten so good at asking for billions of dollars, it has become "normal", business as usual.
You can't help but think a president who kept the cost of war out of the budget, and borrows from China to pay for the war (McCain said $500 billion), plaed a major role in creating the perfect storm for the collapse.
It's not a time to play politics, for sure, but how do we even get the truth?
It seems reasonable to think there was fraud, and sloppy practices that were allowed to spiral into a crisis mode. Who the hell was driving this bus?
Although there was little regulation, was it a total free for all with absolutely no oversight whatsoever?
A long list of questions need to be asked & answered, and we can't rush in with a quick fix to a long term problem.
I have no idea what the correct solution is, and I am certain Bush & his cronies don;t either, or we would not be in this crisis in the first place.
If the US is going to be in a rush-- it should be in a rush to get it right. A rush to cut through the bullshit, find the root cause(s) of the problem, and figure out a sound solution that dies not have as many holes as a sieve. Having congressional clowns craft the fix worries me. I don't trust Pelosi, and crazily enough the REPUBS were the majority who voted the plan down.
I really think they need to start cleaning house NOW. Get rid of Paulson. Give him total immunity in the form of a pink slip.
Get a panel of economic experts that are not fresh out of Wall Street to come up with a serious plan that will get us out of this mess.
I don't think anyone is taking this lightly. I realize Bush left previous jobs in total bankruptcy, and I'd felt all along the debt & deficit were catastrophic enough, to add this on top-- of course we are facing collapse. This is the Bush legacy.
And the sad thing is he will walk away, with his money & pension & oil/war profits & the rest of us will have to make our way thought the smoldering
ash of the ruins.
So hang in there. this is going to be a wild ride, and there will be domino effects.
Let's hope this disaster helps get the republicans out of office.
I don't know what to say but to encourage you to hang in there E.
True, things may seem desperate but it is my conviction that for as long as there's life, there's hope.
My very best wishes to you and to your son
I am so pissed off that the shrub had the fucking gall to fearmonger againt this a.m.!! I hate that goddamn shrub!
Sheesh. The only 2 words I ever want to hear out that lying yap is "I'm sorry" but we'll probably have to settle with "good bye" in January '09 unless they implement martial law and refuse to leave. I'm so expecting them to try something!!!
Oy. I truly appreciate the blogging and research you are doing, Enigma. I hope no one is giving you a hard time!
Keep your chin up Enigma.
You're gonna make it after all.
9/30 CBS news interview
"VP Candidate Speaks Frankly With Katie Couric About Feminism, Homosexuality, Abortion And The Environment"
Quote from said interview:
Couric: And when it comes to establishing your worldview, I was curious, what newspapers and magazines did you regularly read before you were tapped for this to stay informed and to understand the world?
Palin: I've read most of them, again with a great appreciation for the press, for the media.
Couric: What, specifically?
Palin: Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me all these years.
Couric: Can you name a few?
Palin: I have a vast variety of sources where we get our news, too. Alaska isn't a foreign country, where it's kind of suggested, "Wow, how could you keep in touch with what the rest of Washington, D.C., may be thinking when you live up there in Alaska?" Believe me, Alaska is like a microcosm of America.
The only 5 words I want to hear from Bush:
I plead guilty as charged.
For his long list of crimes.
Hang in there. We are on the brink of big change.
Come listen to Tracy Chapman.... you'll feel better.
hairball, in all fairness, she IS smart enough to know that People Magazine and Elle are probably not good enough reading sources.
Fucking LOL!! Holy shit... unbelievable, simple unbelievable..
Fran: I think thanks to McLame's hubris, indeed we are.
Hey all....thank you....Comments..
hmmm, McLame...hubris- that is an interesting way to see it ...he is not of sound mind..that is mostly what Palin as his pick now tells me... I bet she reads 17....and Good Houskeeping...
thanks I will come and listen to tracy...that should help...
thanks I for sure will post the video and the script..lordy...holy cow...unreal...thank you..and yes...it did make me laugh when I watched it..I was supposed to go work at the O HQ tonight...but my car would not start...so here I am....
and thank you for the Mary Tyler Moore- I loved that show..and she was pretty spunky- I would like to think that I am pretty spunky....really...( people have said before that I remind them of her- I think that is a compliment..)
I don't think we will hear a Goodbye or Sorry...I think we have been hearing a Fuck You for 8 years....
thank you...we will get through...somehow....but I just needed to be honest...I am worried about even more than me....
oh thanks for saying all that I sat here and nodded and cheered and yeah...got a little choked up...I hear you...I am listening to everyone..I always do.....or try to...I am just tired...and worried and frustated..I was told earlier today by a Blogger "friend :" that I have a VICTIM mentalit and go see a therapist- it really hurt and was nasty and judgemental....So Times Are bad and I am not allowed to be worried or express that ? ( and yeah, he never did acknowledge gee having to face a Forced Moveout Again From My Home might be really really stressful...)
I try really hard to take care of everyone here I value everyone and their input and their wisdom and thoughts and yeah, their feelings..this blog is my way of making sure we come through this with Our Humanity intact....somehow...
thank you ...all of you..helen, Hairball,and Fran and Hillblogger..you all helped...and I am grateful...
HelenWheels wrote: "hairball, in all fairness, she IS smart enough to know that People Magazine and Elle are probably not good enough reading sources."
Helen, You are kinder than me. I was thinking something more along the lines of the
Weekly World News.
too funny..
Soldier of Fortune?
Gun Toting Mamas ?
Christian Gun Club ?
Hey don't diss the Weekly World News! My friend Mark Miller wrote for them! Under a pseudonym! He claimed that a tribe in AFrica worships Barbra Streisand's nose!
I love the Weekly World News... sadly, no longer in print...
Or perhaps "Cracked"?
oh I love Cracked and Weekly World News...
Can ANYONE forget the WWN "Interview With Satan" circa 1989?
Or the BatBoy series? Sigh. Now I have to go have yet another good cry that my favorite rag...er paper is gone.
Praying for you and yours for strength, deliverance, grace, and love.
e -- all the good thoughts i can muster are there for you
you have no idea how much i and others learn from you......
and how many times you and your readers have made me laugh
helenwheels wrote: "I love the Weekly World News... sadly, no longer in print..."
Well crap!! Now I'm scared. I NEED to know which celebrities are aliens/vampires/werewolves!!! How else can I protect myself??
oh...my son- I made him read it every week and look for Science;.) ( I know I am a mean mom..he was like 5 and 6...he loved it.. I did too..we were big Batboy fans...he still has that Tshirt from many years ago....
oh thank you...that is so nice to hear...I really appreciate that...I think this blog and the people here are pretty special...very special...I learn something everyday from you all..
thank you....I really am grateful...I know what ever is meant to be...is meant to be...I don't regret that the Landlord and I had that talk...I hope that things worked out and do work for him..and for us...but I am so grateful that I have met people like you....I have learned from you ....( and you know I love Ctown..I did not ever live here until late 2005...but I do treasure this town...and the people)...
thanks all.....thank you for passing the Light...
off to watch Rachel....
Rachel is rockin' tonight! She just got Pat Buchanan to admit as a conservative he's polar opposite from McLAME right now... awesome!!
hairball, yer on your own now. No other paper will dare tell you such pertinent info. SO SAD!
Pat look soooo flustered and rattled..hehe...CRACKED is on Line Hairball - see there is still "good news"..out there...
Enigma, helenwheels, thanks for letting us know what happened on Rachel's show.
Enigma wrote: "CRACKED is on Line Hairball - see there is still "good news"..out there..."
*Huge sigh of relief* Thanks, Enigma!!
After watching Sarah Palin try and sidestep Katie Couric's questions, I was reminded of this.
very funny hairball...
yes,,,good to know that Cracked is still educating the masses...
OH I love Durning! You could also have cited him from "Oh Brother where Art Thou" while you were at it!!
I do want to send kudos your way-- having been in the shoes of single parenting, it is a whole different perspective. The care of another human being lies on your shoulders. Also, you have been hard hit by Bush-o-nomics already. Not having a decent job & no health care benefits increase the scariness factor exponentially. The less of a safety net you have the freaking scarier this is.
I cringed to read you were gathering boxes in case your landlord forecloses, and the Ohio law that gives you only 3 days to move out. That's a damned boatload of anxiety. And it has happened before-- your previous landlord foreclosed. So it is not like you are overreacting-- you have been there & done that.
And thinking not only might this happen again, along with much of the rest of the country, weil, you have every right to have your time to express your fear of what might be.
None of us really knows how this will play out.
But historically, when "W" screws up, he does it big time ~ this we know.
thank you...I am on edge..I admit it...In a way I guess I have to be good at this...by now eh? but thank you for understanding..I am trying to be calm...logical..even hopeful...hopeful that this all turns out alright...but I have to be realistic...and I would rather have you all know the truth...and understand if I am too watchful...too sensitive....sigh....And ABOUT W...lordy when he fucks things up...it is always FULL throttle...all the way...
ohhh, I love that movie...hmm, maybe I will rent it from the Library....good movie for these times....besides I need some george clooney..as always...
UGH I just watched McLame do more sleazy lying. I truly believe he's even MORE unlikeable than shrub. Shrub was never such a lecherous misogynist. Holy crap.
yup....I keep saying WORSE THAN BUSH...URGH...
You've done nothing to apologize for, E.
I applaud you because I believe that you are doing noble work, and the rest of us are blessed because of your strength, compassion and artistry.
Thank you.
ahhh dr scott..thank you...you guys are choking me up.....thank you....Blogatopia is full of wonderful...
Apologize? YOU? For what? For having to endure a nightmare that was not of your own making? No way! I will just keep sending positive thoughts, but knowing that you are preparing for the worst does have me concerned.
Listen as you know, there are a bunch of people who have tried their hardest to totally wreck this country, and yet we are still here. I can think of plenty of people who should be apologizing, but not you.
All politics is personal and knowing your personal story and how all this has affected you is an important part of what is happening in america.
E...it is scant hope and comfort that them which would have us as their lunch will pay in the end.
The end, wherever that is comes too late for them hurting now. So what is the solution? Hang on for dear life until your torn and bloody fingers can hang no more? Bullshit.
I'd rather let go and see where it takes us. Let the world re-order itself and find out the true depth of the criminality of them, the world over, who have called us to the pillory. In this case though knowledge is not power or comfort and offers no reason to keep faith in country or systems.
If things get bad enough in your present city come to Detroit, I have a house you can stay in for taxes and utilities, there is no mortgage to foreclose. You will be immediately employed and as safe as in your present condition. If you're interested my gmail account is on my blogs front page, upper right corner.
This is all I have to offer as a way of sheltering one I respect from the storm.
I agree with DK - no reason at all to apologize.
I'm so sad that so many folks are in your position. I think of all the folks in this country that are on their own, without family or anyone to fall backon, and I just can't imagine how scary that is.
But, as other blog buds have said, we are here for you if you ever really need us!
Wow what an amazing comment, walking man. Thank you both in your offer to help our dear friend and reminding us that the way to approach is NOT through fear.
Well said.
Walking Man::
your comment rendered me speechless and choked me up,,,,wow...you are truly salt of the earth...what a good soul you are...( I knew that anyways....but it is something still ....) many hugs and thank you for showing me such generousity .....namaste...
( I am not really fearful so much as just plain worried....and resigned to always having to be aware that what is next is not always in control and to flow with it....but that gets tricky when one is trying to give a one;s child a sense of stability and hope and .......a real Future.....)
this community and Blogatopia has never ceased to amaze me and humble me.....and touch my heart....
thank you for saying that...I am every grateful....and I hear you....I really do...
You all amaze me....I am a very lucky woman to have met such amazing giving souls...
This just in, I posted the video, McLame's ire is up & he actually says he's always aspired to being a dictator in an interview yesterday with the Des Moine register!!
Holy crap... instead of distancing himself from the shrub, he's practically channeling him!
IF he said THAT ??? HELL we should all post it...thanks- I might have to steal it...
Steal, steal steal! I found mine at Firedog lake and they have the FULL video at the Des Moines Register site. McGramps is cranky, defensive, nasty and lies a LOT!!!
Unbelievable. Well, maybe not so much. Is McLame REALLY so divorced from reality that he thought he could liken himself to a dictator with no backlash? Yeah, that separates him a lot from the shrub - who said the same thing!
OMG, can't stop laughing...
*shrug*...if we have commonality then it is incumbent on us to share resources.
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