GUSTAV CAT 2, Winds 70-100 MPH .Eye reached shore at 10:45AM officially, 40 Miles west of NOLA.
(I will be monitoring FOX, Local live stream station, and MSNBC, and CNN and post hourly throughout the Day.)
Industrial Canal is already overflowing. (In the Industrial Canal there is a Barge that is broken loose, there is water already flowing over the Canal, but the Barge has not been spotted, there are videos in that region, and at most levees so it should be able to be monitored. But this is the Canal that did have trouble last time, and proved problematic for 9th ward, and StBernards.)Harvey Canal Shots on FOX/Shep have risen sharply and the waves are quite high.( Waves South West pushing East).
Still awaiting reports on Lake Charles.(General Honore is on CNN going to answer questions about What is going on there.( He knows the area well, will be interested in his perspective.)

Shell Beach has a 10 ft surge already in the past 4hours. BUT the 300 miles of Levees are what needs watching according to Honore, he is more worried about the Levees and the Parrishes and the Pumps, esp the 17th St Canal by Lake Ponchetrain. (that is the Lake that had a 17ft surge during Katrina- so that bears watching). But the Industrial Canal needs watching.
Damn if many of these pictures do not look EXACTLY like the first news footage that came out when Katrina first struck.
Could we actually be witnessing history repeating itself?
apparently, there is/was a diver down trying to do something with the loose barge. We saw a live video of industrial canal..it wasn't too badly overflowing. The bad thing would be that a barge would hit the side and then it would cause major flooding. Last night, when we saw online a video of Jim Cantore talking about this fishing family of 10 (both parents and kids) who were going to stay on their boat as they 'couldn't afford' to pay for motels etc. Wouldn't there be shelters? I think it was all Jim C. could do to not say holy crap what about your poor kids?? I sure hope they're ok. That's not something they had to go through, there are shelters inland for peetes' sake. Can you imagine how frightened they must have been? If you hear something about them, could you pls post on them? I will be puttering in the garden, transplanting plants and adding new ones (sedums/succulents). As it looks as we're going to get some rain this week, I need to do it today..
thanks for being our roving eye citizen reporter!
I don't know...I am worried about the Barge Loose in the Industrial Canal- that would indeed be history repreating itself...
I think we are hours to go to see how the SURGE hits....
Hey Ingrid..
The Barge issue is what caused such havoc during Katrina- a Barge burst a levee when the surge hit it...and that is what led to the worst flooding,...the main thing to watch now is ALL the Levees ( as the repairs were not to be done for 2 more years) and the Lake Ponchetrain and Lake Charles...esp the Industrial Canal...
IF the PUMPS hold that would be a big piece too...
Navy has now confirmed TWO vessels are missing..and the barge still missing...Barge is the Industrial Canal- and the Port is where the two navy vessels are missing ( Coast Guard is working with the Navy trying to find all three)
Jindal has created Something Called the FUSION Center to work on fusing the stories and checking the veracity...
i am praying with u
1.9 million evacuated - wow
JINDAL conference:::
87 nursing homes were evac'd, and 27 hospitals are only partially opened.
Jindal did say that the Main Front of the storm has hit, but that now it is the backside that must be watched...
2-4Pm is when we must be more watchful..
MEANWHILE Hanna has been upgraded to a Hurricane...- so Florida....is now on the horizon for Thurs. and Friday...
thanks Torrance...I am praying 2...
((( I am grateful that many people got removed this time....it is the surge and the flooding that I am still worried about...))
Gustov is now a CAT 1, down to 90 mph - not that I am discounting what kind of damage 90 mph winds & storm surges can do.... the levees in LA look full to the brink & precarious at best.
But Hannah is now a Hurricane with 75mph winds- currently a CAT 1, and moving very slowly, about 5 mph. The 3 day cone looks like it is heading to make a direct it on S. Florida.... but they show it glancing northward
out on the ocean, headed to S, Carolina..
There is now another tropical depression "Ike" max sustained winds @ 50 mph & Ike could become a hurricane in a day or two. Headed for the Bahamas moving west @ 16 mph speed.
Thanks Fran::
all good info.
A Levee has broken- But I can not find out which one....I am watching CNN and trying to find out WHICH one...???
St Bernard Parrish - Cunardvan Diversion Levee???It is PRIVATE Levee ?? ( not a fed levee??) it is now 8 feet high- but it is breached.....
On the verge of giving away....? or already breached ?
( local TV station reporting)
and CNN is reporting....
250 houses are in the way of this Spillage?
Getting word about how Hurricane Hannah is projected to run right over Columbia, South Carolina sometime around Friday. If it does and since I am on-call all this week I expect to be sleeping at the hospital. Joy(not).
Canal Levees are mostly holding- the Gates are closed so that the Lake Ponchetrain does not flow back....there are people with out power..( unclear if they need power for the pumps)
people are staying away....
the photos are showing high waters...
Beach Bum::
I am so sorry- hang in there...I am watching Hanna too...
Plaguesmines Parrish levvee overtopped- but they opened gates- so they were able to relieve some of the pressure..
Oher news::
Keith is reporting on the NOLA situation with Harry Shearer- and he has discussed that Holland 's damns need to be examined...and consulted...and work with them,...NOLA has good pumps- but the Expertise on the Dams has not been taken up...and it should....
Downgraded to CAT1, Hanna Upgraded to Cat2....Ike is on the move too
2am Downgraded to a Tropical Storm...hopefully in the am- when the light comes we can see how the Levvees faired, and flooding was....we shall see.
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