So Bush is going to stagger to the podium and will he be reassuring ( cough - gag) or will he Fearmonger? or will he be drive the podium drunk and peevish, petulant and Blame this Whole Mess on the People....it will be interesting....It is at 9 PM and is supposed to be less than 14 minutes....well, that sounds short and sweet....
( Please do join me I have Lemon Mylanta shooters on ice and marshmallows to heave at the TV )
NOW that's just funny. The Mylanta shooters I mean.
And I bet he will actually say something akin to, if we don't approve Paulson's plan immediately, then the terrists have won.
You do it well and you have a higher bowel tolerance than me.
10 seconds of the Motherfucker from Midland and the coffee table goes thru the Big Screen!
I loathe Bush that much.
Personally, I just hold my nose and try to remember that he's really a fearful little asshole whose legacy is now a PILE OF SHIT and he knows it and, all he EVER cared about was his "legacy."
Then I watch him through that filter. And it's bearable, and I can also enjoy watching him fuck up then report back to Enigma :)
But in the wrong mood I could send a book-end crashing thru the screen alright.
you found the perfect pic of bush -- that's the way I will always think of him, holding back a burp, getting ready to vomit on america!
please whatever else he says, don't let him say newkewlar tonight. that's all I ask.
Well my damn television is too expensive to suffer for George "I can't find my ass with both hands and a flashlight" Bush.
Maybe I will simply call my remote control filthy names, is that good enough?
oh he is just a Fratboy whining and pissing in his beer...
I can watch him without throwing up...and I have things to throw...
oh hey Gman and DK...
oh yes,....throw curse whatever..it is quite a night isn't it ?????omg...
And NOW we find out on Countdown that McCoot LIED to Dave Letterman - this gets MORE Insane by the minute...He is FUCKING nuts....
I just saw that too Enigma!! Holy CRAP is McLame even living in the reality-based world AT ALL??
Anybody remember TV Bricks? They were brick shaped, reddish-brown foam rubber rectangles. They were sold to people as a way to throw something at the TV and not hurt it. I always think about them when election season rolls around...
ahhhh bricks...we need those...lots of them...I heave alot of things...kitty toys, flipflops- my fav is Marshmallows...as those make a nice thunk.....
and yes, to answer your question ahhh, McInsane is losing it...by the damn minute..holy cow...
Hairball I would love to have a pile of those.
I am keeping a tally on how many times Bush says "bi partisan" & "work together"
Code for: The republicans fucked up & we need the dems to work with us so we can blame them when it fails down the road.
these are good questions--
I got nothin'
Our country is attractive.
Our country is attractive.
"How did the economy reach this point?"
because our country is attractive... oh the spin is starting... holy shit, he is trying to blame it on the people! Easy credit!! BAD DECISIONS!
AT least he is sort of blaming the lenders... hmmmm
the pres speaks soon..will he tell us to be very scared? will he tell us to feel sorry for the Wallst Scum? will he tell us to shop ???
time will tell...
Okay...I am ready...Mylanta shooters and Foul Mouth Jar ready...
Bush is on Blinking Frantically "Serious Financial Crisis"......Reading the Teleprompter...says they willl get to the ROOT cause...( now he is talking about the Home Mortgage Market...Gee I hope he does not blame homeless families)
NOW he says that NO Individual Companies Benefit from the Rescue Plan ...
It has been going on from over a decade ( shit is he going to blame Clinton??Right..)
Now he says that more families borrowed money-
( if this SOB blames us- you will hear a crash as my TV flys out the window...)
SHIT on rye- he is blaming the families....
NO MENTION of NEEDED Regulation or ANYONE watching this implode...
OMG way to oversimplify, Shrubby!!!
Don't we know this? Also, he's not talking about predatory lenders who gave loans who had no idea they were going to be so expensive. This American Life did a great show on it.
Kellebelle yes the attractiveness caused ferners to come here & try to take advantage. LOL!
Oh pooor, poor Lehman Bros.!
"I faced a choice"
INSTINCT is to AVOID Gov't intervention!!!
he is a distressing scenario
panic & distress & bad decisions- Oh my!
Now he is "explaining" about Freddie and Fannie ( a very interesting way of telling this story)...Folks he is blaming THE PEOPLE...Listen carefullly...
There is some kind of creepy breathing noise in the background...like a groundhog with gas...maybe it is just the feed on MSNBC...
Oh dear...
He is using words like precarious and NOW he claims he let the Unscrupulous to FAIL ????
What is he talking about ???
HE did WHAT???
"America could fall in a Financial Fall"....NOW he is doing the Fearmonger Dance....
COULD experience a recession
Hello! That ship has already sailed.
"fellow citizens"? No, shrub, you stopped being a "fellow citizen" the day you & your fascist buddies stole the 2000 election, just like your grandaddy tried to do in the 1940's.
Good thing he can read the teleprompter..
Now he is saying that Something awful could happen ( ah hello ALOT has already been happening for MONTHES..years)...
He sounds like he just figured this OUT ?
He has NOT explained WHAT Wallstreet DID and DID Not do and WHY NO one was Paying attention or monitoring this Free Fall and MESS??
"Excutives should not recieve a Windfall from taxpayers"
( I wonder how "windfall " is definened- less than 10 Million???)
NOW he is saying WHAT he has proposed....blah bah.....( sounds like some of this IS Dodd's 32 Page Plan..ironically)...
Enigam: he DID blame the American people! The gall. The nerve!
much if not all weill be paid back
maybe, but I'll be long gone.
OMG he's proposing we let them rape the hell out of us again, or am I hearing this wrong??
Oh yeah I can trust the shrub to pay me back later.
He stole that from Barack! 21st century economy with 20th century laws!
be confident
despite instances of abuse!
HE can't read commas.
Greetings Helen and Kelly and Fran...
I keep thinking of that SNL " I was told that there would be NO Math""....
Whelp we are way past the FUZZY math point...
NOW he is saying that FDIC is stable...( yeah I sure hope so)..
Outdated 20th Century Laws....need updating..
( really ????they were revised due to the Depression)....\
NOW he is saying that Congress MUST not hamper Wallstreet ( yeah- that is why Wallstreet is in DC with their Hand out this week????)
NOW he is explaing about a Free Market Economy...and HOW Capitalism Works..( HOW stpuid does he think we are ?)
"we will rise up" ( I swear if he says Go Shopping I will throw up.."
Shit 14 Minutes as we ALL face Financial Ruin...14 fucking Minutes ????
Are you kidding me ????
He closes with "realize your dreams"????
I was thinking we were realizing our nightmares
Anyone who actually STILL believes this snake-oil salesman should have their head examined. Now he's trying to actually talk about bi-partisanship... that he fucking CAUSED by his fascist overtaking of the gov't?
Why do I feel so NOT comforted? He's not even trying to come off as believable.
There was absolutely NO consoling of the American people. NONE.
Fucking failure.
LOL fran you are spot on.
Indeed, we're realizing our nightmares, both while sleeping AND awake, thanks to the shrub.
Greetings, Enigma... what you said, OMG! What a ridiculous speech. Does he actually think it did any good? I imagine that most people ended up destroying their TVs tonight. Just a hunch.
Kellybelle, OMG he did steal it from Obama! Good get!
I'ma go curl up in the fetal position.
You all are so Accurate....wow...really amazing...what a peice of shit speech...wow,,,realize our dreams- versus Nightmares...wow...that is so true....
OMG....Dodd just said that he has NEVER HEARD FROM MCCAIN ABOUT THIS-WOW...
Well I was predicting King Chimp would have made a longer speech (just as well he didn't I guess), but I thought he was going to lay on thick the need to work together.
Actually he said *bad decisions* more.
Bad bad decisions, need lots & lots of money to fix.
Katie couric interviewed McCain-- he stumbled on the amount" $700 trillion, billion" he was not sure exactly just seemed to know it was a lot & it was a crisis so big he had to postpone the debate.
She asked why not just change the topic from Foreign affairs to the financial situation-- he looked whiter than a ghost.
OOOF! Dodd just said today's the first he's heard from McLame on the bailout while Obama's been calling for days.
OH I can't wait to see the Couric interview!
McLame is afraid of money talk. I am too, so I can relate. Thank goodness I ain't runnin' for anything. LOL!!
Kelly....don't - we are going to get through this.Somehow....just keep picturing it- it is Snowing and it is Cold and Obama is putting his hand on the Bible and Michelle is holding it...and his beautiful girls are there...and HE IS OUR NEW PRESIDENT...1.20.08....
Hang in there Lady...
We need him..really really do....
Shit on rye..this really is a nightmare- Fran is right..
wait a minute ????what you saw McCain interviewed ? Did n't you see Palin interviewed ????that is what the East Coast saw???
I'm canvassing Saturday morning. And voting early. That's a big one--go vote early!
Hey Kelly- did you read what I wrote above...I am serious- that is what I picture every night- it helps...
( Need anyone to go canvassing with ya?)
So let me see...this is the Same Idiot that can NOT even bring himself to say the Word "Recession"???
( and last summer we all joked that by the Time he would or could say the Recession Word- we would be knee deep in a Depression....wow...)
Keith replaces the Old Coot on Letterman tonight.
Can't wait!
The CBS website has the McCain interview vid up- & the transcript- McCain actually said "oversight this"
Couric: And what are your primary objections to the way it stands right now?
McCain: There are numerous ones. One is that there's not the transparency that I think is necessary. I think we need to have, clearly, oversight. People that we respect and admire from both parties. Like Mayor Bloomberg of New York … and Mitt Romney and others … to oversight this.
And I also think we need to seriously consider something along the lines of what we had during the Depression. To guarantee home loans. I think that's necessary. There are a number of other measures that I think need to be taken in order to convince the American people that a trillion dollars or $700 billion, depending on who you talk to, of their money, that's $10,000 per family in America.
Did you catch that remark-- A Trillion or $700 billion, depending on who you talk to????
Oh so he's either spinning something, or he too has fuzzy math & there is an additional $3oo billion figure floating around out there.
OMG...did he say that???
fuzzy math indeed....
and MITT ???? MITT????
( hmm, wannn bet he is going to add Mitt to the ticket and Dump Palin ????)
I guess Palin did an interview w Couric as well.
Ntl debt= $9.8 trillion
Each American Citizen pays $32,903
to pay off the debt
+ 10,000= $42,903 per person.
According to McCain anyway- give or take $300 billion
Fran said...
"Did you catch that remark-- A Trillion or $700 billion, depending on who you talk to????"
Yep. Scary huh?
and ALL of Obama's Plans for Healthcare and Education and Infrastructure shot to shit...because Everything will have to be Re-structured....to pay off WHAT Bushco did...
the Titannical Adminstration has Come Full Circle...
at this point it really is HOW many times will this WH hit the Same Iceberg over and over....
OMG!!! There is a one on one w Palln
Couric & Palin
Couric: Would you support a moratorium on foreclosures to help average Americans keep their homes?
Palin: That's something that John McCain and I have both been discussing - whether that ... is part of the solution or not. You know, it's going to be a multi-faceted solution that has to be found here.
Couric: So you haven't decided whether you'll support it or not?
Palin: I have not.
Couric: What are the pros and cons of it do you think?
Palin: Oh, well, some decisions that have been made poorly should not be rewarded, of course.
Couric: By consumers, you're saying?
Palin: Consumers - and those who were predator lenders also. That's, you know, that has to be considered also. But again, it's got to be a comprehensive, long-term solution found ... for this problem that America is facing today. As I say, we are getting into crisis mode here.
Couric: You've said, quote, "John McCain will reform the way Wall Street does business." Other than supporting stricter regulations of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac two years ago, can you give us any more example of his leading the charge for more oversight?
Palin: I think that the example that you just cited, with his warnings two years ago about Fannie and Freddie - that, that's paramount. That's more than a heck of a lot of other senators and representatives did for us.
Couric: But he's been in Congress for 26 years. He's been chairman of the powerful Commerce Committee. And he has almost always sided with less regulation, not more.
Palin: He's also known as the maverick though, taking shots from his own party, and certainly taking shots from the other party. Trying to get people to understand what he's been talking about - the need to reform government.
Couric: But can you give me any other concrete examples? Because I know you've said Barack Obama is a lot of talk and no action. Can you give me any other examples in his 26 years of John McCain truly taking a stand on this?
Palin: I can give you examples of things that John McCain has done, that has shown his foresight, his pragmatism, and his leadership abilities. And that is what America needs today.
Couric: I'm just going to ask you one more time - not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation.
Palin: I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you.
"Couric: I'm just going to ask you one more time - not to belabor the point. Specific examples in his 26 years of pushing for more regulation.
Palin: I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you."
I forgot my homework teacher. Can I bring it tomorrow??
OMG....is right...the Interview that almost rendered Katie speechless...
oh I really really really WANT that Palin Biden Debate next Thursday ....OH BRING IT ON.....
thanks fran for putting it up,...yeah...."I'll bring to ya"....oh lordy...
WHO would have thought Couric would be so tough? Good on her.
Thanks for the excerpts, holy shit!
"Yes, I don't know the answer, but I'm kinda cute so could I like just get away with it?"
Me too, I just got a puddle of drool thinking about how Biden will annihilate Mooselini.... I had not realized I liked verbal bloodsport to this degree until now.
I know I am so psyched....WOW....can you believe HOW horrible she is??and not real bright....she makes Katie Look Brilliant...
LOL, watching Rachel Maddow redux, w/out the shrub speech, Lawrence O'Donnell calling bullshit on McLame: "Do you think you'll see John McCain on CSpan Friday night at 9 p.m. working on the bailout?"
I forgot to mention, I'm grossed out that Tweety is on Rachel Maddow totally ripping down the shrub, saying what WE'VE been saying for years, but he didn't talk like this until recently.
I call BULLSHIT!! Talk about changing one's spots.
oh Helen..
I dont even care anymore...the McManCrush is OVER...Yahooooooooo...finally .....Tweety will do what he does..there is nothing we can....but laugh at him...
YES it is good to be at a place where Tweety has become irrelevant.
Actually, I misquoted Palin
Palin: I'll try to find you some and I'll bring them to you.
What she ACTUALLY SAID was:
Palin: I'll try to find ya' some and I'll bring em' to ya'.
**Note: If Palin goes missing, know that the interview ended with her promising to bring info back to Katie. I bet they have a spredsheet with lists of reporters to never speak to again.
Charles Gibson
Katie Couric
Ohhhh Lordy-- no wonder McCain wants to put the kabosh on the debates. Who knows what Palin might be sayin'
Well..I think the Preacher Praying on her about Witches did not help today...
But seriously- it was a worse interview than the Charlie Interview...and I did not think that was possible....omg...
what a weird ass day...we can finally laugh at Tweety and hey ...I am going to suspend blogging now...(NOT.....NOPE...omg...)
Have we been punked ????was this the strangest day ever.....
I have been running in circles, mucho problemas in the neighborhood and up in San Onofre... but anyway heehee mylanta shooters...we were like screaming at him, of course, our neighbors think we are insane. Well, some of them think we are insane, the other ones like us, sort of.
Still, we screamed and screamed.
hey marjorie...omg what a strange ass week...oh so unreal..hey lady- you stay safe down there...I hope things settle down...the Wild Wild West...( Sorry I have not been round the blogs much...I have been blogging the hell out of this campaign..)...take care...
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