At night when I can't sleep....or when something more troubling has happened during this Campaign Season...I picture that it is 1.20.09....It is crisp and cold and there is a light sugary snow falling and Obama is standing with Michelle and the girls and is taking the Oath.....He is OUR President.
Okay....Back to Reality....The Debate is tonight 9 PM...I will be Liveblogging it in the Comment Thread- feel free to join me...Foul Mouth Jar is open ready for donations...and I don't know about you, but I am ever curious how this will go...Will McCoot lose his temper or exhibit more of his erratic scary Brain addled behavior ? Whelp we shall see....There were many many supporters of Obama by the MSNBC set, was beautiful to see...We can be proud of how calm and presidential Obama has been through this awful week....
OOH I will so miss liveblogging with you! I have to go in about 15 mins. to my friends, and we will stuff our faces, drink wine and scream and yell at McLame is my guess!!
I'm so jazzed that this election has my friends all becoming involved, activists, etc. That didn't happen in 2004.
I can't imagine that this election will be anything like the Kerry one.
I do worry because this debate is on foreign policy.... I hope Obama has boned up. However, I do realize that he has already put McLame to shame on that topic during the course of this campaign.
My internets are acting up! I'm on sme unprotected line. I hope my computer doesn't get cyber crabs.
Hey did you hear that the KKK's Grand Masterbater and his boys are going to be at the debate?
Here's the link to CNN:
oh dear...hope you don't get some kind of virus.....cyber crabs...omg..too funny ( BTW I have not been able to look at my poetrymagnets all week on my frig because of the comment you made over at Chris's- made me laugh really hard...)...
Oh I am so envious- GO and have a great time -we will miss you Lady ;-)
But I don't know if I should be around people when I am yelling and throwing things...marshmallows...( turns out they make a great cat toy...) ...
Have Hope ;-)
ooops hey Troy....
I will check the link in a bit...I am watching countdown....Can you beleive that McCain had a sign /ad up this am saying he WON???omg...
Comedy of Errors continues...
Enigma, McCain won the debate. No need to live blog. This should be good theater tonight and I hope Jim L. doesn't let McCoot off the hook with his rhetoric. I'm getting some beer....let's do this thing!!
My theory: The John McCain we see is not the same one we sent to Vietnam.
The wily Vietmanese closed the real one and he is now dead or still in the Hanoi Hilton. The one we see is a Manchurian Candidate sent here to destroy the U.S.
See how he dumped his wife, got into trouble with the Keating 5, says all that goofy stuff and then picked a VP running mate from outer space? See how the clone is developing serious health problems -- his skin cancers?
The real John McCain would have done none of those things. This candidate is not John McCain.
I rest my case.
I meant CLONED. Not CLOSED. Jeeez.
Substitute, Steve Ducey said were not allowed to talk about the Keating 5. That's History channel stuff...lol
I'm psyched for the circus, I mean debate.....
I'm happy to join your party if you'll have me & my love of sarcasm.
Fran, sarcasm will be thick tonight!
T. Boone will live blog after the debate?? YAWN...he got ricj off of oil now he has his sights on the next frontier...
Teacher:::omg...you are so funny...
scarcasm ???really...BUT I can see Russia From my porch...
Circus....well- fine...we only need ONE clown -right ?
I am ready ;-)
You all ready..???
McCoot will be there soon...fresh Depends....That Electric Piss colored Tie...and Cindy looking Plastic and perfect freshly botoxed and another 100,000 outfit....
HOW many times will we hear about POW days...and ALL of his YEARS of experience....
and THOSE Extremists....will he get Iraq and Iran mixed up...will he tie Iraq to 911 ( he did hang out with Rudy all week...)
Stay Tuned...
TBoone Liveblog ? what???
BTW I am watching MSNBC - Which stations are you all watching..???
Can they make the background behind McCain lime green when he's talking??? That would rule...
Enigma, MSNBC, he just did a commercial, I'm sure they'll show it again.
Oh yes....Please and do put the Walter Reed Elementary School again....
One clown...coming right up
Alright, alright...here we go! Get him Obama!!!
I want Obama to get McCoot so mad that he'll snap and try to take a swing at Barack! I can dream right??
Here we are at the Gertrude Ford Center at Ol Miss.....
Jim Leher...Here we go...
McCain looks pissed just being there....lol
There ya go Barack...right off the bat...Bush/Mccain....nice!!!
John feels better.. good- I was worried about all those houses & cars he has...
( Bradda- depending on how many meds and drinks he has on board....you might get your wish...)
They have arrived...Obama looks cool, collected...McCain looks tight jawed..and uptight...
FIRST Question:::
2 Minutes...
OBama: doing fine talking about Mainstreet, I have put forth a series of proposals , the 5 Point plant that he went over the other day- that I have the video up above...
McCoot:;;( effed up he mentions Teddy- and teddy is already home...)He is sitting here recreating WHAT happened this week...lying...BIGtime...blah blah....NO Answer....
Leher:: I want to hear WHERE you are on this plan...
I think Mccain is trying to be folksy. "I've been feeling bad."
Why is he telling anecdotes?
I love the way Obama stares at McCoot...oh christ McCain is reminenicing about IKE????WTF????
What does that have to do with OUR mess....omg ...Military Memories ????
Oh Jesus, McCain's telling stories like the grandpa that he is. I want to know YOUR positions you old bastard, not DDE's!!!!
He has 13 cars---how is he talking about greed?
Wow, enigma we thought the same thing about McCain there! Eerie...
That was a tad awkward. Settle down Jimmy...
America's the greatest exporter?!? of what??
Same old lines from the RNC. He and Palin are political monkeys spewing the same BS over and over...
McCiain-- get that KIDS need computers
?????omg...why is he talking about Military issues????Normandy ????
( Leher want them to talk to each other ???what????I want them to talk to us ..)
I wish there was a split screen MORE......McCain did not listen to what Obama said...
Goodness and strength...blah blah...McCain 's voice is shaking..looks teary- shaky....what is wrong with him..
OH so Leher is not letting this question go..
McCain- DC is spending too much money- spending is out of control...symptom....now he is talking about Earmarks ( gee he should talk to Sarah....) DNA pf Bears was studied ( ahh- yeah-well Sarah spent money like that )
I willl make them Famous you will know their names...I will veto every bill that comes to my desk...Reign in runaway spending....
Obama :::
he speaks to Earmark system...he is being polite to the old coot....now he is talking about the diferences....Tax Cuts 300 Billion for the Richest people and corporations ( earmarks only get 19 billion) 100 Million Americans get left out....95% of working families get tax cuts...etc...That is a better reciepe for improving economic growth...
The Sherriff?! Miss Congeniality?!
Get Obama, don't let the old bastard lie about you!!!
McCain:: his voice is still shakey....
Obama::: is correcting him again..."I don't know where John is getting his figures"
( ahh that is because he is making them up ???)
McCain keeps shifting ..I think he needs a potty break already..
Obama sounds strong....and is correcting him...
OMG Blogger just let me in - I hate this sometimes
Business's=Massive Corporations in McCoot's mind...but he says it like he's talking about Ricky's Feed Store!! BS
Barack's grey is sexy.
MCCain won't speak to him or look at him...what the hell??? like he is invisible...
Cut the Business tax ????He wants to cut MORE for the Corporations ?????THAT is what got us in this mess...
and now he quoting the WRONG numbers again...
Now he says he will give us a 5000 dollar tax cut so we can go buy Insurance..
McCain mentions of WHAT RICH is ??????
( Holy fuck....what an elitist SOB....)
Taxing health benefits!!!
Festooned with Christmas tree ornaments
Hit him with privitizing Social Security!
He's lying his fucking ass off! WOW! This is going to get ugly soon I think...
kellybelle, no doubt!!
Kelly - his grey is very sexy....( But me- I got a thing for Reggie Love and that bald head,.....sigh...)
oh,....back to paying attention..
WHY is McCoot giggling while Obama is talking....and now he is interrupting and NOW he is talking about the Energy Bill ???
Obama :: I did not want to give the Oil Companies more money
McCain cut him off...
Generous Dividends??? WHAT is he talking about ???
WHAT is he doing to..
O:::: OIL PROFITs- Oil Companies would get 4 Billion MORE...and Now McCain is laughing..he is the only one laughing..what is sooo Funny ???
McCain is still giggling...( I guess his meds are kicking in???)
that smarmy smirky laughing from MCC is pissing me off.
I feel the same way Enigma...
fran it is a TAD condecending huh?
Go Obama...wow...he sounds strong...thoughtul and so clearheaded...
Talking about families are getting crushed...and how to help them..Health and Education are being talked about - thank you...
( need a split screen....)
I need some internet right here in Clevland Hts!
McCain would adjust his underwear...
Hi! I just got away to join the discussion,
My first take is that Obama is eating McCain's lunch for him.
And that Jim Lehrer is trying to start a fist fight.
Kelly- yeah OHIO !!!! ;-)
and NOW he is blabbering about what ????a ship????
gryphen, exactly right!
Oooohhh, McCoot wants to "scrub" every department of government...sounds kinky!
Google for Gov't!!!
Say it! $79 Billion surplus in Iraq!
Kelly email me enigma4ever@earthlink.net...we need to talk Lady...( help with that internets mess)
Mccain...needs depends change or potty break...SILENT on that Lobbyist ...hmmmm.....
McCain 's SOLUTION:::
hOW DID HE GET FROM iRAQ'S SURPLus to nuclear power?
Is Obama debating Mr. Burns from the Simpsons?? Nuclear? UGH...
NOW HE IS SAYING HE WANTS 45 NEW NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS !! that will give 700,000 jobs....
he is NUTz.....
Well sitting here downunder I'm impressed by Obama, but McCain seems to miss out on every match point.
I particularly note how one relates issues to the people, the other to business and the establishment. Regardless of what was said the language reflected a wide gulf.
Woo Hoo McCain will melt down the planet with NUCLEAR ENERGY -- CLEAN, CHEAP, TOXIC & DEADLY
McCain's solution is to cut ALL government programs except the war and money for veterans? Did I hear that right?
So the military guy only cares about the military, and nobody else?
Oh that will go over well!
Healthcare is crushing - thank you Barry- cuz I am dying here...thank you..
McCain is talking healthcare...what an ass...
Obama is shaking his head...McCain keeps making up numbers...again and again...
Kelly-have you noticed that he just pulls things out of the air??there is no train of thought here ????I think he is not glued ????
"John - this is YOUR president and you voted for his programs 90% of the time "....
McCain is not Msii Congeniaality -- John youve said that twice now.
For the record he did bring in Miss Congenialty for Vice Prez.
Hah! Obama said "orgy".
Hee hee hee.
Sorry I had a sophomoric episode just then.
Did McCain just refer to the Palinator? I think he did.
We are WINNING IN IRAQ!!!!! For almost 7 YEARS now.
Did he say they celebrated us in Iraq?
Did he say they celebrated us in Iraq?
EVERYBODY thought the surge would reduce violence a bit Johnny, put more cops on the streets you get less crime! Doesn't change the fact that we had NO business invading them in the first place.
And now McCain is talking about winning the war that is already over.
Maybe he is in a time warp. Is that why his face is so misshapen?
gryphen, LOL
I'm afraid Bin Laden will be an october surprise.
kellybelle, It won't be enough for McLame and Palin....i hope.
Barack made a logical pick--not a nutty moose hunter from Alaska.
There you go Enigma, SPLITSCREEN!!
Say it baby!
McCain won't look at him!!!!!! Awesome...
What IS the difference between a tactic and a strategy you old condescending codger
OMG....Obama IS SAYING IT...WOW...KICK HIS ASS...WOW...telling the truth about the War...
McCain is now rabmbling something about tactics and strategy...and remembering some kind of memory there in Iraq...blah blah...'THEY ARE WINNING"...??
( REALLY?????)
Bullshit John, those troops reenlisted to stay with their fellow soldiers!! You of ALL people should know that. They didn't stay for the Iraqi people you asshole...
The Professor is schooling the maverick. About war. To a man who claims to have tons of military experience.
It is just too good.
Obama is now dressing him down and explaining WAS THIS WISE....
(((McCain keeps giggling and grinning very creepy...oye...)
Obama is doing great...he makes sense and he is not letting this old geezer run him over with a bunch of crap...
Osama Bin Laden and General Petraeus?
WOW, McLame is just straightout lying. No facts base up anything he's been saying...Unreal
How does one snatch defeat Sir???
McCain is starting to have a feverish pitch of the rate of blinking is eyes-- is this morse code???
Seriously Enigma, WTF is he blathering about??
Say it! Nobody had anything to do with 9/11 in Iraq!!!!
I'm seeing the eye blinking
fran, it's one hell of a poker tell I can tell you from experience! A guy's blinking like that after a big bet, he's bluffing!!
Thank you Kelly- I was like WHAT????what ??? I still have not a clue What he said ??
NOW Obama is explaining about NO Al Queda in IRaq before the war- thank you .....
now he is exlaining to the old one the way of the world....Pakistan and Afganistan is NOT a subject that Johhny can speak to...
He is reminding me of eddie haskell right now
afgan freedom fighters...now he gets Al Quada and Taliban he sounds confused...
Now he is confused about Pakistan and Afganistan...now he is making up shit again...wow...amazing..
Wait you work w/ pakistan but you don't tell them you might attack them?
Alexander the Great?!?!?! What was the topic again??? LOL
It is difficult concentrating with tears rolling the face. Macca is just too funy
oh that is perfect Eddie Haskell- esp the way he lies and that stupid grin...
now he has it all mixed up about the Marriot Bombing...( lying again)...
The terrorists called John and told him their motive for the Marriot bombing!! WOW...front page headline
We have a lot of work in Afghanistan but he was talking about the bombing in Islamabad, which is in...
Why is he making faces? McCain
McCain's grinding his teeth!!! He's pissed...
Yea Kelly, that was a good pop!
Cart lovely to see you how is it going down there- does Obama look good to you all ?
Kelly and Bradda and Gryphen ::
let me know when we need new thread....
now he is explaining it clearly and McCain WON"T look at him ???so rude...
If you knew it was a failed state why did you support Musharraf for so long? ---Reagan?
Can you all see Mccain's jaw when Obama is talking?? Grind, grind, grind....
for as many soldiers that reenlisted , that are way more that went AWOL or committed suicide & way more were seriously injured
He's talking about ish he did when I was in grade school!
We ALL supported the first Gulf War you asshole....
Pakistan was a Failed state ????WHAT???? Mushareff - it was a Military takeover !!!
Shit NOW he is remembering HIS Reagon days and NOW he is remembering ALL the Good decisions he has made military wise....really???an old coot...
( wow let's ask him about Aparthied and Rwanda !!!)
We can have a new thread if you want.
enigma, the black bloke with the big ears would be president here tomorrow.
First mention of Ronald Reagan at the :58 minute mark.
McCain is showing remarkable restraint.
And what war did Reagan manage to wage successfully? Grenada?
WOW you old Doughbeag if you have such outstanding JUDGEMENT WHY did you vote to go to Iraq !!!!????
enigma, GREAT point on Rwanda..I wonder if either candidate mentions it tonight??
I've got a bracelet too. No US Soldier ever dies in vain. I love him.
Who's got more jewelry? This is gettng a little silly...
Obama just won the battle of the military bracelets!
"I have a bracelet too" God I love it!
Not you Kelly...
Newsflash John~ You don;t have to go to Afghanistan, you CAN e mail & videoconference
I 've got a bracelet too...wow......New thread up above..
Cart::: thank you for saying that...if the damn POLL people would call US with Cellphones it would show HOW many are voting for Obama...Hugs..
Okay folks let's move up...
( McCain League of Democracies ????WILSON suggested that a Zillion years ago...wow..)
I want to see the evidence of McCain's Iranian allegations. Bush said the same stuff, but no evidence has ever been presented. Trust me? Not bloody likely.
Cart::meet us up top....
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