So then it was Wednesday, and in the afternoon it got Very Interesting....Please read the Post below both the Comment Thread and the post, I updated What happened.......Short Story, Obama called McCain in the early am, and after he spoken to Coburn,but McCain did not call him back until 2pm, Obama's Idea was that the Candidates should issue a Joint Statement about the Economy and the Bailout....at 2PM McCain called Obama back..and they spoke, and it was decided that their staff would work on such a statement. Then at 2:30PM McCain came out and gave a press conference- he said he would suspend his campaign to return to DC {{ do do WHAT ???}}.....and that he wants the Debate to be postponed. McCain came out looking peevish, pale and scared shitless..and kept talking about THE Crisis...it felt very much like FearMongering...Like we are supposed to be very very scared...(( Like HOW scared???like not think ? not watch the Debates? not read? NOT Vote? What Next ??? Does he think we need a hero to go to DC -lordy we are NOT that Naive...))
(( Sidenote: McCain has not been in DC in many monthes and has not Voted On Anything in Monthes..so now he is going to rush to DC and do what ? have a Fit, create Drama or distract people from their work??))

Obama came out at 4:40PM and explained that "they" did not agree to suspend Anything- that McCain mentioned he was thinking on it...but that Nothing was told to him about postponing the Debate, or anything about Suspending Anything....Obama made it clear that the People need to hear from the Candidates and that he plans to proceed with the Debate and that he has been in constant contact with Dem Leadership and Paulson....but that he does not want Politics to clog up the process with their campaigns. He was calm, and thoughtful and very careful explaining how this all happened and what was said, and what he plans to do. That the People need to see the Candidates that are wishing to lead the Country....and that they need to hear what is being offered in this leadership..that is why this Debate needs to proceed.
By 5PM the Debate Commission issued a Statement that the Debates are to proceed as scheduled.
The Whitehouse has not issued any statement about the McCain Maneuver.
Bottemline: Can McCain focus on more than two things at one time ? Can he walk and chew gum ? Or by Friday will we learn that his dog ( cough....cindy?) ate His Homework ?....and will there be an Empty Chair at the Debate ?
( Bush due to speak to the Nation at 9PM....also Keith on Dave Letterman tonight because McCain Cancelled today..)
6:24 PM::::UPDATE::: ON CNN : Dana Bash ( Breaking News)
NOW McCains People are demanding that Obama and the Debate Commission Suspend the Debate on Friday night and Move ti to NEXT Thursday- NOW that is the Night of the VP debate- they want that Debate Cancelled and moved to some OTHER time...( like Never???).....wow..this gets better by the minute...ONLY CNN is running this story- Dana Bash gave a statement- BUT No one has come out and said this....MSNBC and CNN are still running the ads for the Debate...HA!!!
6:30 PM....More From OL' Miss Their Statement that Postponing or cancelling would cause them Financial Hardship they would lose atleast 5.5 Million No ONE has said how Much the Networks would lose ( they are all still running ads).
So read more over at Huffpost they have a full Chronology of the Days' Events and the Dramedy which has only gotten more silly as the day went on. Jeff Greenfeild gave a really interesting perspective on the Evening News about these events....( I will post when I can find it online).
Hairball found the Link for the Palin Interview so that is here.
It's not often that a candidate can demonstrate in so short a time all in one day why he should NOT be president (in no particular order):
1) he lies
2) he's got no economic ideas
3) he's tanking & panicking
4) he doesn't think the american people deserve to hear the issues debates by the future presidents at a time when they are very jittery
5) he'd rather be back in DC with his cronies than face the people
6) he apparently cannot multi-task
If the pres debate committee lets the debate stand, I halfway expect him to send Sarah in his place (oh please, pretty please, just do it John, you know you want to) ...
....DK....you made me spew Pepsi on my keyboard...
BTW if you want a real laugh watch Palin on CBS News tonight with Katie...it is a hoot- she totally says things that must have given McCoot a stroke...
Here's a link to the Palin interview on CBS-http://tinyurl.com/45huop
Hairball- thank you so much....
Wow great post Enigma! I only touched the tip of the iceberg. The Kos crowd are just amazed at the stupidity of this move. Now McLame won't back down from his idiotic stance? Yep, THAT'S real presidential.
I'll be on your live blog watching the shrub lie through his teeth - once again - to the American people.
Love the picture! The Old Coot's campaign is totally DOA!!!
LOL! I agree Christopher!
It's fun watching him circle the drain.
8PM McInsanity Update:::
OMG,..so now the update:::
IT turns out that McInsane LIED to Dave Letterman- said he had to get to DC...NOPE ...instead he met with Lady Rothchild and Went and was interviewed with Katie Couric...NO ONE lies to Dave- and to come out and give this PRESSER about HOW horrible everything is ...and then meet with aFucking Duchess ?????
and THIS is nuts....
what next .....???
I guess Obama will be sitting with an empty chair....and have time to answer all the questions....
NOW we have the President weighing in inviting the Candidates to come to the Whitehouse tomorrow......
what a strange thing....
I have never seen such shenanigans EVER in a presidential campaign. What are they hiding? I can't believe they would make such asses out of themselves this way for no reason.
Earl just reported on my blog that Nat'l Enquirer broke her affair story?? I haven't even bothered to check it out yet!
Hey the Nat'l Enquirer Palin Affair did break:
Here it is! WOW.
It's all too much! My head's going to explode!!
So do you guys suppose McCain has punched a wall yet?
I'm betting yes.
Helen, that Nat'l Enquirer thing has been out for a few weeks. No one else has picked up on yet.
DCup, why should he punch a wall when he has Cindy's arm (what WAS that sling all about anyway?). If he has to punch a hole through something inanimate, let him do it through the outside wall of his personal airplane ... just big enough to suck him face out, so his body plugs the hole but he is rendered, ummm, unpresidential?
DCup I'm willing to be the debate delay was a result of a petulant, child-like temper tantrum. He simply doesn't want to do it! And thinks he can get away with it. He's learned well from the shrub's tactics over the past 8 years.
That particular one just broke today, from what I could tell. I thought the earlier one didn't have the affidavits?
oh, affidavits, ok then ....
the earlier Nat'l Enq story also alluded to both Todd and Sarah having affairs, and brought into question who is the father of Trig.
carry on folks..I am just eavesdropping....
Blogger HelenWheels said...
"Hey the Nat'l Enquirer Palin Affair did break:
Here it is! WOW."
I must have a dirty mind. The picture of her holding her thumb and forefinger about a 1/4 inch apart while the text is talking about her having an affair brings interesting images to mind...
oh hairball...
( and you just can't help but have your mind wander....So on the Cover of the New York Post today Palin, the Dude riding a Merry Go Round with the Baby...and then Underneath in Giant Letters- 3 Inchers...
"FRAUD STREET....FBI investigates bailed out Giants"...
BUT the FRAUD STREET next to her and Todd was Toooooooo funny...
this is like a really Bad SitCome....
"And Now From Repuglicanland"......
what next....
I know, my dirty mind caught that too, it's the universal small dick sign that I signal every Hummer driver with.
Fucking funny....
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