Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Speaking Truth To Power......

Photo by Charles Andrisano "Bay Ridge"
"In a world where there is a common lament that there are no more heroes, too often cynicism and despair are perceived as evidence of the death of moral courage. That perception is wrong. People of great valor and heart, committed to noble purpose, with long records of personal sacrifice, walk among us in every country of the world."
- Kerry Kennedy

Have Courage....and Keep Up the Fight...In 2006 Rove was on Talk Shows by September saying how the Repugs were going to be fine in the November Election, and the Media played his soundbites....willingly interviewing him, even though he is a Criminal. A Year Ago, we were told by this Same Media that the Battle was going to be Rudy and Hillary......We have the Courage to Speak the Truth, even when Our Media is Failing us once again. We have Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow striving for Murrow Excellence.....and we have Bloggers and John Stewart.....and we have Obama, and he is a Man of Integrity and Honor. But Our Role in this Battle as Bloggers can not be underestimated this time, As McCain in an Insane Gross Lack of Judgement has chosen his running mate, that is literally one melanoma away from the Oval Office a person who is dangerously ill equipped.

Scroll Down , there is Plenty on Palin, from her making Rape Victims pay for the Evidence Kits, to her Governor Budget that slashes care to Women, Children and Elderly and Special Children, to Her Weird Scary Church (video), to her Secession Meeting Speech (video)....Keep Digging Folks...This May the Most Important Mission this Year, this whole Election Cycle...Speaking Truth To Power. Kerry Kennedy above states there are heroes, and they are walking amoungst us, because WHAT and WHO we need is us.

Ed Murrow's Important Speech About The Media and Freedom of Speech From "Good Night and Good Luck"

And More...We Will Not Walk In Fear....

If you want to learn more about Edward Murrow, there is a short Documentary linked to the Title.
Good Night....and Good Luck.


Fran said...

Hell, even CBS news called Palin on the bridge to nowhere deal.
She;s using the *thanks but no thanks on that bridg to nowhere* slogan line.... but the truth is she kept the money &used it for different things.

Pork barrel spending is pork barrel spending regardless of what you spend it on.

Just like the selling the state jet on e bay.
She said it @ the Ntl convention.....
yet it did not sell on e bay, they had to pay a private brokerage firm to sell it.

Sarah tells half the story, making it cool and snappy, but leaving out half the story.

While Palin rattled off her list of half truths at the convention watched by more than 40 million witnesses-- uh, I mean viewers.

enigma4ever said...

Hey Fran....

yeah...it is quite a show...I meant circus...I meant sideshow....I don't even know what to call it?? a Performance ? what is is it ? lordy..

but finally CBS did some factfinding eh? good....I will have to watch them- because NBC and ABC are coddled up in their McManCrush and Palinosis....it has been disgusting they are so enraptured with her....lordy....

thanks...good to know...

enigma4ever said...

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,'" Obama continued, "it's still gonna stink after eight years. We’ve had enough of the same old thing! It’s time to bring about real change to Washington. And that’s the choice you’ve got in this election."

Obama today...yup...right on...

enigma4ever said...

and there is more....
"Tonight Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., said of McCain painting himself as a change agent, "You know, you can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig."

"The crowd rose and applauded."

Jake Tapper reported for ABC

Jolly Roger said...

The crybaby wingtards are trying to make something of Obama's remarks. There has probably never been a more juvenile, or stupid, bunch in American polotics.

MandT said...

"You can wrap an old fish in a piece of paper called 'change,'" Is that true of a younger fish? Is that uppity, Can we say 'bitch?' AHHHHH they're gaming us and as usual the out-of-touch Donks are parsing politically correct. When in the hell is Hillary gonna kick some Palin Moose butt?

enigma4ever said...

Jolly and Mandt-
You are so damn smart....thank you ;-)