There is plenty below on The Economy and Today's Events and also Videos and articles from today....So do you like these Hoover Buttons - I really think we should make them and give them out at McInsane Events......Hang in there Folks...I am still trying to find the right Music for tonight...and watch Keith and Rachel..
Great articale on BOTH approaches about the $$MESS$$it says alot about McCain...and this is about his failure dealing with this kind of mess
8:59PM.....McCain Campaign, is saying that Palin WILL NOT Cooperate in the Troopergate Investigation...How Cheney of her...
Okay on to the Financial Watch...
Walt Monegan is speaking on Rachel tonight- she is interviewing him so respectfully...pretty brave guy....this really does show a disturbing side of Palin that is worrisome...
Thanks for reminding me about Rachel's show, just switched to it.
Love the Hoover button, and can't believe Palin isn't going to cooperate with Troopergate. Watch the right-wing media say she's right not to because it's a "witch hunt" or some stupid thing.
yeah Maui::
they will say she is being targeted unfairly or some kind of crap...or Executive Privelege...well- they did supoeana her DUDE...so they can supoeana her...right?
Okay,...so I have CNBC on....uh-oh....things do not look good..at all...ALL Asian markets down....Japan, Shanghai and Taiwan...I am not sure if they going to show more or what- their 9pm show is over"We''ll be back tomorrow.."shit I want to watch the asian markets....( I am going to have to try to livestream Bloomberg- which I could not do earlier....)
CNBC Sqawkbox...Global Edition...
shit....HongKong down 5.3 % already....damn...
now 6.4....by 10am their time...ALL Hong Kong Banks down,...( also China Banks...)
Japan the worst:...5.5%....
Tokyo...over 5%....Japanese Mega Banks down too...
Aozora had a relationship with Lehman ( top 3 Japan banks had relationship with Lehman)
Singapore 2.5 %....
Korean Banks down...also due to Lehman...
KOSPI Down greatly...connected to Lehman and Merrill Lynch....
Aussie Report:::
"Damage report" down 2.5 %....ALL Aussie Banks down...
AIG in trouble...ratings cut by Moodys....
( Aussies and Kiwi's down too )
Oil down below 93 a barrel...intereting..
gold down 777 ( that bears watching...)
Okay...so the title of tonights's show" Wall Street Meltdown"...well, they are not trying to sugar coat it...
I will have to switch to Daily Show at 11PM...
The absolute Twilight Zone aspect of all of this is that there is a good chance that McFossil and Cheney-in-Drag could actually win.
MSM is spinning the polls::
I posted a bunch of articles about HOW they are spinning them and not doing them right Dkos has been researching it too...
BUT look at his events...minimal crowds...and Chuch Tood even had some weird maps- like Oregon has Been pro Obama for monthes- like 70 % of dems there for many many monthes...and then tonight out of nowhere he says that McCain is rising ????based on What? also they all use these maps based on Bush 2004 Electoral College maps- so it makes no sense...
Hang in there...if we keep blogging the truth and spreading the truth...
Okay...watching Asian Markets- everything down Honda, SONY, and KIA, etcetc...even Samsung...even the Energy comps.....Even Coal...and
the Analysts are recommending that Asian Investors invest local...not US...
If the Communist Chinese economy tanks -- even marginally, as the perception settles in that the US debt isn't a safe place to stash the Yuan, who will we get to purchase our debt?
Hmmmm, let's see now.
The EU isn't interested.
The UK isn't interested.
Canada isn't interested.
Mexico isn't interested.
India isn't interested.
Maybe Vanuatu?
But, the Old Coot says, "the fundamentals of our economy is strong!"
the word most used for the NY Market" carnage"...
Babcock & brown bank is down 43%...very odd - 4 other banks with connections to Lehman do have problems- but the Babcock Brown says they do not have relationship with Lehman so it makes no sense why their biggest bank is having trouble...
Korea 700 Million Lehman Bros debt...
and most banks down 5.8.-11%...due to relationships...
Sooooo Korea and Japan have huge Lehman relationships and debts...( and that means that the FEDs letting Lehman go down sent a messege to Asia?? ....and that is why they said the Asian Advisors said that they will only invest local..)
NO ONE wants our Debt or to invest here- Bush will have suceeded in isolating us- for good..
but the fundamentals are good...cough...
Carnage....is the word I have heard 5 times tonight...
I wonder how much money Bush has funneled to El Banco de Parguay?
Even in South America, cocaine ain't cheap.
well Chris I would bet my bottem dollar that Bushie and his buddies and cheney have funneled ALL their money to safe places-...Dubai? South America ?
Funny you should mention Dubai. Lehman Brothers had an office there. WHY? Maybe they were competing for the same biz that Bush-Carlyle-Saudi's want all for themselves.
It really is all connected. The whole financial world. That's what happens when things are de-regulated. A guy in Pakistan can't get his ATM money one day and the next day *PRESTO* we are all so screwed.
But at least the Alaska Gov was able to maintain her tan. So important for a state executive to have an onsite tanning bed. And here I was thinking she must be Italian or something!
ahhh DK::
she wanted to look healthy like - she fished and hunted....and it was ONLY 35,000...
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