(Originally posted at 3AM EST, updated throughout day).
AM UPDATE: If you want to watch the Index online Click here to watch....it is not stable this am. The real time quote is a static number, so you must refresh/reload the page to get a new real time quote, and click graph/chart to see visual.
This weekend , after a shaky week on Wallstreet, World Markets are suffering, it was a very bad night on the Asian Markets. It is not just about Lehman Brothers, and WaMu, and Merrill and Bank of America, and AIG. We need NEW leadership that can speak Honestly about the ECONOMY and problems and tell the Truth, and not say it is "psychological". There are International Implications and Consequences, during the Night, these Phrases were used " Global Financial Crisis" and "Bloody Monday" and " Recession that is verging on Depression". I watched CNBC all eve and night, and they livestreamed the Reports out of Japan, India, and Taiwan and Australia.
The British analysts at MN, are speaking about how New Leadership need to focus on this, and that Regulation needs to return to the situation....they did not even mention Bush or his administration ( they have clearly written him off). What has started....this will not stop...We all need to watch, and pay attention, this is not just about Lehman Brothers.There is NO Spin for this.Will DC Bailout the Investors ? or the HomeOwners ? watch....Do read Reutersit is very thorough and Bloomberg as well.We will also need to hear HOW the Candidates respond to this Crisis.And think on this, this is the Kind of Crisis that a President should be able to handle responsibly at 3am, not bail out his crony buddies and give the American People More Lies.
The Rest of the World is watching how we cope with all of this...and how we take care of each other..and this is part of WHY how we Vote is so important....There are also many many thousands of homeowners that are in danger of losing homes as these banks shift their resources.....This Crisis is not just about Investors, it is about people like you and me. We all know that while the War Profiteers and Warmongers, and Oil Barons were making money, they were not investing this Country and Our People....And Many had money invested in Lehman, others are retirees that trusted Lehman to take care of their retirement monies....So this is a very mixed risky situation.But were these people, the investors told the Truth, or were they fed spin these past few monthes. Our President and his administration and the Repugs have never discussed what happens when the Stress of the Housing Market collides with the Investment Market, or put any safeguards or regulations in Place.
Please be good to each other today....and this week...it will be a long week. Open Thread in the Comments.
3am Snippet From the Bloomberg Article about Lehman:
Sept. 15 (Bloomberg) -- "Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., the fourth-largest U.S. investment bank, succumbed to the subprime mortgage crisis it helped create in the biggest bankruptcy filing in history.
The 158-year-old firm, which survived railroad bankruptcies of the 1800s, the Great Depression in the 1930s and the collapse of Long-Term Capital Management a decade ago, has petitioned the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York today, according to a statement. The collapse of Lehman, which has more than $613 billion of debt, surpasses Drexel Burnham Lambert's failure in 1990."
Articles To Read:::::
First there is the Lehman Brothers Mess to readand then read about the Ripple effect in Our Market and then Other World markets.and More on their Bankruptcy is worth Billions.
Then start reading about the Asian Markets.
Then read about the WAMU situation, as it effect homeowners with ARM loans, very important.
Do Read this article about how the FEDs are trying to set up a BailOut Program ( but WHERE will the money come fromAnd is it too Little Too Late?
8Am Monday.
Early Monday am,Article USA Today explains how Obama came out speaking honestly about the Situation this weekend, explains how the Economy is Unstable and how it is Connected to This Repug administration.
More about how the World Markets responded During the Night in Asia and Europe in this International Tribune Article.
More on MerrillLynch's Fate is revealed this morning in this NYT article.
Over the Weekend Greenspan explained WHY we can not afford McCain's disasterous economic policies.And More aboutwhat Greenspan said over the Weekend about this Financial Crisis.Both Biden and Obama calling it as it is, that the Economy is tanking thanks to Bush, and McCain. 8 am this Morning Deluded McCain said' that the Fundamentals are strong. (?!)
Three Hours Later in Orlando to 1500 people I saw him say something very different, he can not even Focus or keep his story straight.
WATCH MCCAIN SAID THAT THE ECONOMY IS STRONG THIS AM: ( 3 hours later in Orlando he would change his story)
McCain has Graham as his "advising idiot" giving Horrible advice.
12 NOON:
So the morning is passing, and the markets are still rattling....Read More aboutWaMu because it is still sitting on the edge, and no one is stepping forward, they were and are heavily invested in the Subprime Market. The WhiteHouse and Paulson are supposedly going to have a press conference today at 1:30PM. AIG is still desperate for Cash....I will post more this afternoon, they are seeking 50 Billion Dollars in Assistance.
MORE : This is what Bush the Idiot in Chief had to say this morning in his pissed off rose garden presser.
AIG and WaMU still wobbling...and not out of the clear , read more at WSJ.Lehman Brothers employees have been shown leaving the Building in NYC, carrying their meager boxes, 25,000 people jobs are at stake there alone. Yet the CEO's for Lehman got 29 million last year in bonuses( I am not sure if that is per person or shared). Huffpost is doing an amazing job covering this, it helps that Arianna has such a strong Financial Background. Financial Bond Watchers said on CNBC " AIG is toast,there is no way they can save this by Wednesday". Paulson is due to give LIVE press Conference at 1:30PM .
1:48 PM Paulson spoke- gave WH presser- he lied and stuttered and danced..see comment below. Market dumped 42 points while he spoke, down 302 points as of now.
3:30 PM the Govt has asked the JP Morgan and Chase and Goldman to bail out AIG and lend a Combined 70 Billion...and Bail them out...Market down 336 now ( was over 400 down 15 minutes ago..) Helen sent this overGREED is what has fed this mess, Christian Science Monitor great article.
4 PM Update:::
Down 467....( down 4%)\Biggest one day drop in years.....AIG losing 19 Billion dollars today....Lehman declares banruptcy....
Merril Lynch bought by BAC..oil below 100/barrels....metals even down...Goldman Sachs down.....( worse day since 911)...
DOW down 504..48,DOW at.10917....WaMU at 2.00/share.
I am going to watch the National News...but first Helen Found Obama Speaking today- nice little 3 Minute Clip - he has come out fighting...and he is speaking the Truth to the Idiots at the Helm of this Titannical Administration...
Maybe we should just go to McInsane Rallies and hand out HOOVER Buttons....or wear them with Pride.
*{ the song above is "These Old Walls Could Speak" by Nanci Griffith,Click The Title, it is the song I hear as I walk my dog by empty houses in my hood....There is plenty down below about the McCain Palin Mess...read on}*
I will be honest- I am just a nurse, and a poor one- I don't know much or near enough about this whole financial situation....but I have been watching it for monthes..because I live in a Dying City...and I have worried for a long time that Bushco and McSame were busy lying about it= so it must be terrible....
how we Vote is so important!! Yes, but even to the rich, this will likely be a new Black Monday.
Some could get wiped out as we go spiralling down!
Let's see how the Bushies try to spin this economic disaster. This will hit people, all of us, right where it hurts, sadly.
Sadly what you said is true- this is not just about the Rich and their investments...I stayed up and watched the foreign markets and 6-6 was asking if this was the rich that were going to suffer the mess the week and I was trying to explain that this is about all kinds of people...I explained that Lehman had survived the Great Depression , but not this mess...
I don't know how Bushco can or will spin this- considering they still can 't say the "R" word- how will they handle the D word? because it is already be spoken abroad...
sadly this reality check did need to happen before the Election...so people can look at WHO would be better equpped to handle this mess...
Every Business that Bush ever ran- he ran into the ground..and NOW....he has run all of us into the ground...just another failed venture...except this time Daddy's business cronies will not bail him out...or us.
take care m...I hope we all get through this in one piece...
They are already spinning, Enigma... I commented in the USA Today article, look at the comments... like I said in my emails, they blame the 2006 dem majority (WTF!) and even Obama. It's truly pathetic.
SO I'm making sure I get as much posting time in as I can today.
You can also see the trolls out in force at HuffPo. They must be shitting their pants.
OH and thanks SO MUCH for your hard work and dedication in edumacating folks like me who are so ignorant about the intricacies of the economy. I am such a novice, it's good that you & Christopher can 'splain things so well and provide good resources. I truly appreciate all your labor-intensive reporting.
Oh Helen:::
thanks for what you said...that is nice...I too am bumbling to a degree...
I do indeed wish I KNEW more , or understood it better...I too am a novice...but I have been stumbling through for monthes trying to learn more....( not that I have a dime to invest), but how this all effects all of us- even the working poor can not be underestimated....
if we all dig together and put our heads together...and think and learn ..we will get through this...My Greatgrandmother Ethel was a widow during the depression, she got through it tutoring and teaching piano, and sewing/seamstress work....living in a tiny apartment...she lost everything...she used to talk about it....she always said "read, pay attention, your brain is more valuable than a paycheck".....let's hope that we have some Kentucky Grit Running through our veins...
hang in there lady...
What a great comment! Your grandma sure knew her stuff. I just figured out that my parents (born in 1931 & 1932) were depression babies and now they have to live through another one! I hope it's not going to affect them overly... ugh. Yes, no one is going to totally avoid hardship, except the rich who stay rich.
I just wish I knew what to expect next! It's scary!
My Great Grandmother was born in the Late 1980's, she had married "well" , and was from a Family Business that made and sold Molasses and Sugar products ( and yeah and sugar products- ahem- booze down in Still Country of Kentucky)....she lived well, married well, my greatgrandfather was a rich man, a playboy and a tennis player, but he did not invest well, and by 1931 they lost everything and 3 years later- he was gone...and she was broke...she went from High Society- to taking in sewing and teaching...somehow she got her two sons raised by WWII and one went to War, and the other stayed home....
I loved listening to her , she would sit and play the piano and sip bourbon in the evening, and tell stories ( kind of like Randy Newman...) I am lucky...I had wonderful Southern Women as mentors and who helped raise me- all steel magnolias, and all who told stories...but who were honest and did not skirt the Truth...
( she lived until I was in College, late 90's, and she was just one wise lady...I had 7 such souls to giude me...)
Wow, what a story. How amazing. I think my grandma was around the same age... very different story. Came from a middle-class family in Ireland, immigrated to America, met my poor grampaw who immigrated from a poor part of Ireland... they had a fairly rough life but became blue collar folks. My grampaw died young (50's) and I never met him. My grandma was so strong and like yours, an amazing seamstress.
Lehman Brothers:Largest Chapter 11 Filing EVER in our History.....25,000 people's jobs at stake...they have been showing them leaving the building in NYC....very very sad...normal people, you wonder what management has told them ? or not told them ? The owners screwed their people, turned down good offers in these past monthes...the CEO's got a 29 million bonus last year ...
WaMU is still shaking..wobbling...
Damn... meltdown. The comments at HuffPo now that the trolls said their piece and got the hell out are excoriating McLame like no one's business. Did you hear what McCoot said?
The "fundamentals" of our econonmy are strong. I think he's officiall INSANE.
New ticket name:
McInsane/Failin 2008
yeah...CNBC had been playing it- THEN they showed him LIVE in Florida at 12:30 Saying THE OPPOSITE- he is fucking clueless...he has NO idea Which End is up....and there he was blathering on and Jeb Bush sitting behind him with Christ and giggling..
meanwhile CNBC has been showing the people leaving the the Lehman Brothers leaving the building with their boxes....25,000 people are going to lose their jobs- they went to work on Friday and did not see it coming....
BIDEN has been kicking ass today..they have NOT showed Obama today on CNN or MSNBC..shit...I want to hear him...
yeah...CNBC had been playing it- THEN they showed him LIVE in Florida at 12:30 Saying THE OPPOSITE- he is fucking clueless...he has NO idea Which End is up....and there he was blathering on and Jeb Bush sitting behind him with Christ and giggling..
meanwhile CNBC has been showing the people leaving the the Lehman Brothers leaving the building with their boxes....25,000 people are going to lose their jobs- they went to work on Friday and did not see it coming....
BIDEN has been kicking ass today..they have NOT showed Obama today on CNN or MSNBC..shit...I want to hear him...
yeah...CNBC had been playing it- THEN they showed him LIVE in Florida at 12:30 Saying THE OPPOSITE- he is fucking clueless...he has NO idea Which End is up....and there he was blathering on and Jeb Bush sitting behind him with Christ and giggling..
meanwhile CNBC has been showing the people leaving the the Lehman Brothers leaving the building with their boxes....25,000 people are going to lose their jobs- they went to work on Friday and did not see it coming....
BIDEN has been kicking ass today..they have NOT showed Obama today on CNN or MSNBC..shit...I want to hear him...
I just saw the vid of Joe Biden kicking McLAme's pathetic ass on HuffPo... good on him.
"I could walk from here to Lansing MI and not meet a single person who thinks the economy is doing well, unless I ran into McCAin."
OH THANKS ..Helen-
I will go look for that- I did post the McInsane...thanks
I love what this commenter on HuffPo said (they are now all pissed off that the MSM is spinning this like it's GOOD NEWS!! I am not kidding but I haven't been watching, just reading):
Given that McCain's economic guru, Phil Gramm, was the leading advocate for the irresponsible deregulation policies which led to bad loans and a financial industry collapse... well...
Gramm's policies
... and given McCain's own record on supporting irresponsible dereguation that have cost Americans billions... well...
McLame policy
When John McCain says "I promise you we will never put America in this position again," that's a bit like Ike Turner saying "Please baby... I promise... I'll never hit you again!"
Thanks Helen for all of that- excellent:::
1:48PM Paulson Presser:::::
Paulson is speaking...( I am not impressed- he is too glib, blaming all this on existing regulatory situation???and that this is a "Housing Market Correction"...she just said that Our Banking situation is very safe...( really- Martha Radditz got cut off- these fuckers always cut the women off- ever notice that ???)
he is looking sweaty, rattled....nervous, stuttering, and blinking alot...Hope he does not play poker...he has NO poker face...he is saying that the Prez is committed to our economy's "stability"....( I would love to see him define Stability at this point ???)
He reminds me of Rabbit out of Winnie the Pooh...."bbbbbbutttttt" stutter stutter...
Damn Christopher cox, MBSs and the desire to make 19 investment houses more important than me, the common man
Lying through your teeth takes a lot of energy. Especially when you are lying to millions of people that are 100% fully aware you are lying to them.
What's that old saying? "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining."
I also heard on some MSNBC show they said Biden was elitist 'cause he wore cufflinks and Palin is more of the peopel... really.. but this is second hand.
we the Common People have not mattered for over 7 years doncha know????
yeah this weekend- they were not worried about any of us, or the 25,000 leaving Lehman this morning with the belongings in Boxes....
While Paulson "spoke" ...stuttered....the market dumped another 40 points...
Hang in there down there...I am thinking about you....
A Quick thank you::
to Helen for the great Biden Clip :-)
and to Jack and Diane for all the great info...and RJ too for making me dig deeper...
and to Flyboy for his information too..
BTW Paulson did not and would not answer a single question about AIG...he dodged and weaved...
( how can AIG lend themselves money they don't have ???? they NEED 40 -50 Billion??)
You are SO welcome! Thanks for all YOU do!
Watching Paulson made me more than nervous. It's now official -- they have no f*cking clue how to get out of this mess. The Fed wants to do its standard fix of lowering interest rates! They are already down at an artificially low 2% (which is impacting everyone on fixed income).
Paulson talked about putting into place new reforms to the original Great Depression banking reforms that worked for the last 75-yrs (reforms that withstood any turmoil until they met up with incompetent Bush and greedy Cheney). He won't give any details, but his hints about making sure investments are secure makes me think they are right now writing up new rules to protect capital investments. Am I the only one who sees the hypocrisy of republicans touting free market capitalism, EXCEPT when it endangers big investors? They don't believe in social programs, EXCEPT when it comes to corporate social aid.
And let me explain about capital investment ... if money is NOT at risk, it's not a capital investment. That's why capital gains are not subject to regular income tax. If investors have some kind of guarantee on their investment, they should no longer be getting prefential capital gains rates. Let's see McCain or Palin zigzag their way out of that!
OK, so someone asked Paulson what's the diff between BearSterns and Lehman. Paulson can't say that Carlyle Group was a major investor in BearSterns so naturally they had to be bailed out. And as soon as they were, Carlyle bailed on them. If BearSterns starts to fail again, they won't be bailed out because Carlyle has cashed out. I bet if we look at the investors of Lehman, you won't see Carlyle or Blackwater or Halliburton etc. THAT's why they are not being bailed out. It's all about protecting the big war profiteer boys. Individual depositors, mortgagees, financial sector employees can all go to hell as far as the repubs are concerned.
(pant, pant, sorry Enigma, I am steamed, need to get one of those Gov Crist fans he was using to keep himself cool while sitting behind the sulfurous stench coming out of McC's mouth in that Florida speech today) ...
Thanks DK:::
DOWN 388 NOW...
you explained a whole bunch of things that leave me clueless- like capital issues, and WHY is Paulson such a liar- WHO else is he attempting to protect...and we know you know more about money and investing than this lill' ol nurse...I was up all night the past two nights researching this with 6-6...the bottem line is that these Mothercfuckers DID THIS TO ALL OF US.....and I loved HOW Paulson was trying to spin that it is ALL hte Housing Markets Fault- like the Poor People that lost their homes and were predatored on by the Predatory Lenders ....This mess happened Because Certain Adminstrations demolished ANY safeguards and regulations that would have protected ALL of us from this...
You have every right to be steamed- WE all do....this should not have happened....and finding out the CEO's got millions in bonuses as they hit the road- while the workers leave with their boxes and a coffee mugs...WHAT will happen to them- where will they go ????
meanwhile McInsane" the fundatmentals are strong"......what an Idiot...
UPDATE::: 3:20 PM....
Down 400..
Wamu at 2.05...
AIG...still floundering..( I don't think WAMU will be bailing AIG..)
On CNBC website now DOW down 430??
yeah....about a half hour ago...now it is down 336...and Govt is BEGGING three Big Companies to Bail out AIG and Lend them SEVENTY BILLION.....23 minutes to closing...but the bigger thing to watch will be the asian markets tonight starting at 8 PM..
holy crap what a rollercoaster!!
FEDs refused Bridge loan to AIG....and they encouraged three Bigger Companies to bail AIG with 75 Billion..( so HOW much debt and trouble is AIG in???)
Down 417 Now....( I am not sure when this closes)
thanks for the links- just updated above..
( went to walk the dog- I am so so lucky to have Power and Cable- So many branches and trees down..shit - my block was fine- but one block up is a mess, and my car just missed getting hit by TWO trees- I am so lucky ;-)
Wow I see the Dow just crashed below the FLOOR of 11,000. This is huge. Once the floor is breached, they are in free fall. Tonight is the night of the long swords! Tomorrow the Fed will lower interest rates again (it's all they know to do), which will lower the US Dollar again. When will they start printing money?
The Closing bell is soon- down 453?....I think..
I will post..
( money????oh, they are over in Cheney's Basement printing away..)
WM at 2.01.....Dollar off....
Down 467....( down 4%)
Biggest one day drop in years.....
AIG losing 19 Billion dollars today....
Lehman declares banruptcy....
Merril Lynch bought by BAC..
oil below 100/barrels
metals even down.
Goldman Sachs down 10%
( worse day since 911)
Asia Market Reports start at 9PM....need to watch...CNBC....
The Closing bell is soon- down 453?....I think..
I will post..
( money????oh, they are over in Cheney's Basement printing away..)
WM at 2.01.....Dollar off....
Down 467....( down 4%)
Biggest one day drop in years.....
AIG losing 19 Billion dollars today....
Lehman declares banruptcy....
Merril Lynch bought by BAC..
oil below 100/barrels
metals even down.
Goldman Sachs down 10%
( worse day since 911)
Asia Market Reports start at 9PM....need to watch...CNBC....
So, we didn't even NEED a false flag attack this time!
Thank you for slogging through everything to bring it to us, Enigma. And it's not even close to over! Shit!
The Old Coot: "I still think the fundamentals of the economy are strong."
McCandy: "Where can I get a mooseburger in Reno?"
4:09 PM:::
10917.51 DOW...and down 504.48....freefalling???
( even Asian Markets have Bumpers that go up when it starts falling...and even once it was at 4% last night- the Asian Markets closed).
Oil is at 94 /barrel...
Hey Chris , thank you...I needed a Mooseberger laugh....thanks..
Hey Helen...gotta blog it...gotta keep focused..this effects all of us..
( I think that this is worse than Black Monday of the 80's.....to be honest)
An AP report today said that employees at Lehman's were drinking beer and smoking at their desks. The reporter pointed out that employees don't do this if they're worried about their jobs. Sherlock Holmes must have been reporting for that story.
My home loan used to be owned by Washington Mutual. My customer service experiences with them were the worst I've ever encountered. I'm not likely to ever again encounter such abysmal corporate practices. I can't say that I feel sorry for this corporation. Though I feel for the employees that will lose their jobs.
If all the banks go under, who will process the foreclosure paperwork? Who's going to do the research to actually find the signed mortgage papers?
If Washington Mutual closes their doors, how will customers make their mortgage payments?
The nastiness is just beginning.
As to the downed trees. The logs that everyone will be putting on the curb will make for great organic borders for raised beds.
Up here in Dallas, we got some rain and a little wind, but that was it.
"Things are going to get a lot worse before they get worse." - Lily Tomlin
What a riot!
The Old Coot can't draw 3,000 without McCandy to shake her bon-bons.
Can't blame Florida.
Who wants to come out to see a 72 year old, who looks like a lab rat and smells like old powder down below?
I mean: PUKE!
4:30PM summary....down 504....DOW 10,917
( NYSE down over 400 points)
Dow down 4.4 %,
Biggest One Day Point Drop Since Sept 17,
Downnear 10,900
NASDAQ BELOW 2200 down 3.6 %
biggest drop dollar vs yen in over 9 years.
treasury yeilds plunge.
S&P down 4.7%
AIG falls 61%
BAC down 21%
Citigroup 15%
Wamu rated JUNK
GM 12%
JP Morgan 10%
Amer Epress down 9%
GE down ( but I can not remember how much, but it was on the Big Loser list)
** Correction of above ONLY silver and gold up other metals down...sorry..
Christopher: LOL!
Oh dear Chris you mentioned McCindys cleavage...now I need my TUMS...urgh..
actually it was 1200 per event- the photos show it may even have been less...and one event was a Veterans Hall and Invites to VETS- that says everything....
Thanks Weseldog:::
glad that you are okay...can not belive we have trees down and I did not even notice til I walked the dog..shame on me....about WAMU as of 4pm they are now rated junk below 2.00....
( I too have NO love for them....but for other reasons...)
Anyways....we better hold on tight gonna be a LONG week...
But hey "The Fundamentals Of OUR Economyare Strong "says Johnny McInsane!!!!
thanks for the Lilly Quote- merci
McLame: "Not to worry, folks, the fundamentalists in our society are strong!... oops, er, I mean 'fundamentals'"
very very funny and true???
okay off to find food. for 6-6.....back in one hour....
( Okay....we are so lucky here- 500,000 people along Lake Erie without power...no power will be returned by Friday...many trees down...so I am very very lucky to have power and cable..wow)
I'm so glad you didn't lose power!
Hey I didn't know 'til now that Jim Lehrer is hosting the first pres. debate on the 26th. That sounds good, eh?
that is excellent news...and 500,000 NEW voters and 66 Million in donations...wow...
yeah about the power I am so lucky...very very lucky...but those poor people in Texas...
26th eh...boy alot can happen before then...
What did you two eat for dinner?
subs :-)
( 6-6 is a JOEY sandwich kinda guy...needs his sandwiches...I am so lucky to have Cable and POWER...the rest of our hood is out still - in dark and NO cable and no power...and no internet...ran into a bunch of neighbors walked to the local closest sandwich place...)
( I am craving Thai to be honest- but the thai place has no power....ce la vie...you can buy an entree there and make it last for 3 days ;-)
How about you all ?
E, I just linked this post & comment thread, hope that's OK.
Christopher, it's waaay too early for dinner out here on left side of america. But in recognition of wall street's meltdown, I'm thinking of a 3-martini appetizer.
oh that is fine,....yup...and about that MEAL in a Glass- the Martini- count me in- Dirty and Dry please....( helll just leave the onions on the counter and I will pour the drink right into the jar- yeah- I would have made a crappy Bond Girl !!!)
I have some Bombay Sapphire Gin right here. Can we make Gin Martinis? Or, I have Armadale Vodka for smooth vodka martinis? Hey I only the stock the BEST for an End-of-the-World party!
Bond-girl! maybe you are a stock-and-bond girl?
haha ...Stock and Bond Girl...very funny....Oh Yeah....Bombay Gin my favorite- perfect...absolutely- would much rather have that then vodka....
( I have not had martini's in many years....but hell- some anesthesia should be examined- for medicinal purposes of course...)
I love Subway.
DK Raed,
I wish I was on the "left" coast.
We had frozen. Marie Calendar. Tomorrow is Jim's clinical day so he's prepping up to 11PM before going in at 6:30AM.
BTW, we've got a Nixonian-style cover-up underway!
Woo hooo!!
DEFINITELY news is bad for them and good for us (politically if not otherwise).
Rachel's tearin' it up; Keith TORE it up.
Yes yes yes!!
ahhh yes,,,,,so palin will NOT be cooperative- good let's supoena her...
I love Marie Callendar...yup..we love Subway and sub and sandwich shops ( our favorite is Jimmy John....)
Ahhh Jim has Clinical...I remember those days well- he only has a little way to go- Hang in there ;-)
Oh hey Helen..
Yeah -- rachel did a really good job interviewing the Safety guy,,,,,very polite..and he is pretty brave to speak out....and Keith did great,..
Looking forward to hearing Frank Rich on Rachel's show now. I read his op ed article on Sunday.
Wish I'd seen the beginning of her show, was watching History Detectives!
Oh, also - bravely looked at my 401k balance today and it is down -12% and that is BEFORE the effects of today are seen. Sigh...
Hey I love History Detectives- that is a great show...Frank is wonderful..( McCain spent more time with Larry Craig then he did with Palin !!!too funny)...
I am sorry about your 401K...so sorry...
hang in there..
Thanks Enigma. I'm sure we will ride it out. What goes down must come up...and I'm not retiring quite yet, LOL!
Watching Keith now - glad they have him on twice since I missed the 8 p.m. one.
yeah I watch twice too...I think the daily show is new tonight -right.???? ( I hope :-)
You go girl!
You have unleashed a truth telling storm today!
Your posts are spot on and very informative.
Great work Enigma.
well thanks Gman...I figure I may as well document the "carnage"....
as best as I can...
I am out of TUMS....gee I wonder why ????
Well, it is good that the" Fundamentals are Good"...
( Neikei down...5.8 ...Singapore only a minimal amount...)
I'm bummed. Is the whole week another rerun like last week? Nooo.
no I think things are going to turn..McCain can not cope with the $$$ stuff- he is an idiot..
hang in there..we can get through this...49 days to go...
Enigma, It sure is good to read your blog again. Sorry I've been gone. Great laydown of the economic problems on a national level here (But I haven't read all of the comments thus far).
I have stuff for you pertaining to the election...so keep an eye on your e mail. I will collect it all later and send it to you.
Note to self, come back here more frequently!
Hey Anok::
Good to see you...things happen, life gets complicated....no worries- just good to see you again...we will get through this...I have plenty below about Palin and McInsane...and just life in general...
take care lady..
Well spin it they did! Thw White House is blaming Congress and unnamed regulators. Vancouver looks like a nice place to live ...
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