Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Song For Skippy....(hehe cuz she ain't no maggie o'donnell)

Okay I am starting a Palin Countdown...she has survived how many days...hmmmm 5...HOW many will she make? I give her 23...What do you think ?


D.K. Raed said...

if she's gonna go, I think she has to be gone by the first debate, whenever that is.

enigma4ever said...

it is only day 4 or is it 5??? geesz feels like a month ....

X. Dell said...

They're committed to her until November. To take her off now would be an admission that McCain doesn't know what he's doing.

What's surprising me, though, is that a party that was so heavily invested into domestic spying and operations seemed completely unaware of the bombshell they were dropping on themselves.