Sunday, April 22, 2012
Inner Strength...
Friday, April 20, 2012
99 Report 2PM Friday April 20th : Earth Day Show

Listen to internet radio with 99 Report on Blog Talk Radio

Our 2nd Guest is Sara Robinson of Alternet is coming on to share about Alternet and the Visions Page, which is full of forward thinking and thought provoking articles that range from Occupy Issues to financial issues to Education.We are thrilled to be able to talk to her about this Page and where it's going and it's impact. She is a thoughtful profound writer, and one of her main articles that is getting much Buzz and notice right now is " New Rules For Radicals: 10 Ways to Spark Change in a Post Occupy World" ( and received recognition and praise from Bill Moyers this week. You can read the article here and learn more.
Her MUST READ of this week is Six People you need to Start a Revolution.
Here is More about Who Sara Is:
Sara Robinson is the Senior Editor of the Visions page at Alternet.org. The page's mission is to track emerging trends, issues, and solutions that expand progressives' awareness of the ways our shared vision of the next America is coming into being.
Sara is one of the few trained social futurists in North America. Her skill set includes trend analysis, scenario development, futures research, social change theories, systems thinking, and strategic planning. She holds a MS in Futures Studies from the University of Houston, and a BA in Journalism from the USC Annenberg School of Communication. Sara's particular area of interest is the role religion, culture, and other deep cognitive frameworks play in the way individuals and societies imagine the future and choose their strategies for approaching and managing change.
Before joining Alternet, she was a Senior Fellow at the Campaign for America's Future. Her work has also appeared online at The New Republic, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Firedoglake, Crooks & Liars, and many other websites, as well as in print; and she makes frequent media and in-person appearances speaking on issues related to long-range planning and policy. She lives in Seattle.
Other Must Read Sara Robinson Articles :::
(1) Does College make us less Equipped to Change The World ?
(2) Why Going back to Normal is no longer an Option for the American Economy, and where we are headed now "

Michelle Walker Harmon a Gulf resident and Advocate is our 2nd Guest as she shares concerns and about the Gulf. As a 5th Generation Gulf resident, she has been working hard as an advocate and activist since the Deep Water Horizon Disaster. She has founded the Alabama Oilspill Aftermath Coalition and she is a Delegate for Gulf Change. She has become a force working on the ground and as a citizen journalist since the Disaster, documenting the changes and the damage to her home, her community.

Our 3rd guest is Rachel Lynn Brody and she will be sharing about her Book " Hot Mess" a new book that explores Climate Change. She is an award-winning playwright, as well as an author, blogger and theater critic. Plays include Post, Playing it Cool, Mousewings and, in late 2012, Millennial Ex, a ten-minute play about marriage equality premiering at Glasgay 2012. Later this year, look out for original web series Unfamiliar Lives, co-written with and directed by Eric Sipple. Connect with Rachel on Twitter at @girl_onthego, or check out (and subscribe to) her blog at rlbrody.com. Hot Mess: speculative fiction about climate change can be purchased at Smashwords, Amazon, CreateSpace and Barnes & Noble.
Lee Camp #MOC on Solving the Unemployment Problems...Do go to his Website on the Side bar to watch more.....
Be Sure to see/hear Podcast #133 – Interview with THE CREATORS of the new film “WE’RE NOT BROKE” about the anti-corporate greed movement
POWER OF FIVE...Five things that will Empower you. ( to be added tonight)
“Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life.”~~ Rachel Carson
Friday, April 13, 2012
Radio Show for Friday April 13th : Guests Today are Tim Corrimal and Shane-O, and No Kid Hungry

Listen to internet radio with 99 Report on Blog Talk Radio
Today's Birthday Episode from the Radical Attic I am proud to have two Radio Greats Share their Progressive Insights and Wisdom in these Times. First we will have Tim Corrimal sharing at about 2:15 PM EST and then we have a break and the Newest Moment of Clarity from Lee Camp on his Solutions for UnEmployment, as well as some new Music from The Fold " We Must Speak " featuring the wisdom of MLK. ( Tim Corrimal found this amazing song, and in light of the ongoing Trayvon Martin Situation this song is poignant this week). Then we will be hearing from Daniel Gallai as he shares with us the ongoing work of NO KID HUNGRY and their ongoing projects raising funds and awareness about Childhood Hunger in America. And then at 3PM we have the amazing Shane-O on to talk about Progressive Radio ( sharing the latest about "Radio Or Not", "Talking Left" and more..). And other music today to close the show is "Amazing" by One Eskimo, and "Gotta Believe" by Sanara Pippens and TruNDeed, as well as "Hope In Hard Times" by John Clark.

(1) First Guest is the Amazing Tim Corrimal
I invited Tim on the program because he has such an amazing show that I listen to every week, and I wanted to personally thank him for his show, but also how he came up with such a creative show. On his show every week he hosts a Round Table of Sorts that has give new Voice to many Twitter Greats ( and also some known Bloggers). It has been amazing to actually HEAR folks that some of us have Followed on Twitter for years, but also meet new folks. And his show is in many ways like eavesdropping on a fine Cocktail Party of Smart Progressive Minds. And add to that Tim plays great Clips and music and offers up some great comedic moments, so there is laughter and wisdom all rolled into a great show. His Show is available podcasts on Stitcher and
iTunes as well. ( I confess his show is my guilty Monday Night Pleasure, but you can usually listen to it as it is up Sunday Nights.) Do follow him on Twitter at @timcorrimal and here is the LINK to his TimCorrimal.Com which is his SHOW page and has great LINKS and info, great to read while listening to the show.
#OccupyCompassion Today ::::

(2) No Kid Hungry guest Daniel Gallai is calling in at 2:45 PM EST on to talk about this fine Organization and their ongoing projects and work to raise Awareness and funds to help Fight Childhood Hunger here in America. This is also my Occupy Compassion Segment today. Jeff Bridges is one of the Leading Members of their Team and their Spokesperson.

(3) My other Progressive Guest today is known and loved in the Progressive Circles is Shane-O, Shane Furnam and @FunkedinDaHead and also @TalkingLeft on Twitter. He is on "Radio or Not" with the wonderful @LeftNeckChick ( Danielle), and their Show is Talking Left on Wednesday Nights ( he is the producer and cohost of this great progressive show. He also guest hosts for Nicole Sandler when she is on assignment. He has also produced for : Produced for so many Greats :
John Fugelsang – The Sexy Liberal Show “World Tour”, The Stephanie Miller Show, Funked in the Head, Left in Dixie, Turn Up the Night. Produced for The Nicole Sandler Show, The Leslie Marshall Show, The Thom Hartmann Program, The Bill Press Show (Karl Frisch, guest host). Audio and video production for Blunt TV (of The PoliticalCarnival.net). I invited him on to share some of his Progressive Radio Wisdom and stories.
You Can find more of his Work here :
(1) Shane O.com
(2) Talking Left.com (Broadcast on Radio Or Not, Progressive Blend Radio, SoFloRadio)
(3) Radio Or Not .com ( especially when he hosts for her).

It 's My Birthday this week...so this is my Birthday Episode....Please give to SPLC or No Kid Hungry or ACLU or Doctors Without Borders... These fine organizations are where I give every year as a way to celebrate....
Next Week's Show is also a Must Listen, there will be Sara Robinson from Alternet talking about her VISIONS page, and then a Gulf Advocate sharing on the 2 year Anniversary of the Oil Spill and then a new author shares her book " Hot Mess" on Climate Change.

This is The Radical Attic where I do the Show every week and I am packing it up this week as my son and I plan to move this month to Brooklyn in NYC. He wants to go to school there and study Film and History at Brooklyn College. This has been his Dream for many years and I am going with him as NYC is too big for him to live there alone. This is a BIG Move for us, and as UnderEmployed Nurse / Writer/Researcher it's proving very challenging. So if Anyone knows a Wonderful Landlord I have impeccable references and as well as references from my current Landlord of 5 years. If anyone wants to share information about a wonderful Neighborhood or other Brooklyn Information please find me on Twitter @watergatesummer or come to my Main Blog, Watergate Summer.
Monday, April 09, 2012
Friday, April 06, 2012
99 Report 2PM Friday April 6th : Guests Mark Potok of Southern Poverty Law Center, and #ACA mom/advocate Lisa Hill

You can CLICK here to Listen to the 99 Report on BlogtalkRadio. Blogtalkradio has Mis-Labeled it as April 5th. but it aired today Friday April 6th.
Listen to internet radio with 99 Report on Blog Talk Radio
At the Start of the Show at 2:05PM the 99 Report is honored to be joined by Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center. We will be discussing Justice issues, including rise of Hate Crimes and Groups this decade, as well as the ongoing situation of the Trayvon Martin case ( and some of the bigger implications of this case that have national significance.) You can read more about Mark's lengthy career studying and writing on issues of Justice and Extremism. The Southern Poverty Law Center is doing amazing work around the country working on so many issues from tracking and educating on Hate Issues, Tolerance Teaching, and Human Rights and Justice. Do read the SPLC' website and more about their work.
Music Intermission from Greenville South Carolina dedicated to Trayvon Martin and his family. "No Justice, No Peace".Derrick "Blakheart" Goodwin and Jermisha Workman its pronounced as (Germ-esha). ( Song was sent to me last weekend and a Music Video is in production.)
TUTN Promo for Kenny Pick on Fridays Nights
Tim Corrimal Promo for the Tim Corrimal Show on Sundays.

Lisa Hill is the 2nd Guest sharing her story about Affordable Care Act and how it helps her family and her children. ( Please see post below and see the Letter she was sent by Insurance Company. Her story is compelling and a reminder of why this Act helps many families. ( Do read the Quote in the Letter above about the HUGE quote she was given for care of $8000/month for health insurance for her family.)
(1) Laffy @gottalaff made this beautiful BLUNT video above this week dedicated to Trayvon Martin Situation,
Please do also go see the other wonderful BLUNT videos, on the YouTube Channel. And you can also follow on The Political Carnival.
(2) Center for American Progress about Voter Suppression.
(3) LIFE Lorraine Hotel Photos ( some never seen before), 44 years ago this week we lost MLK, these photos catch a place and a time worth honoring and remembering.....
(4)The Bush memo that Bush wanted detroyed and has been hidden...regarding Torture....your must read of the week.
(5) This Weekend is the 50th Anniversary of "To Kill a Mockingbird" . It's on USA network on Sunday Night to celebrate it's 50th Anniversary. ( Clip below is Gregory Peck as Atticus talking about Justice and Duty).
Lee Camp "Moment of Clarity" :: Why the Occupy Movement is More Important than Mitt Romney or Santorum....(3min)
Occupy Compassion :::
Read about Campaign for Care.Org and their campaign to help the Homeless in LA, and bring them bedding. It is a project that could be shared in so many cities to help the Homeless. Very inspiring.
CLOSE the Show with Singer /Parson's Student Tracee's Song from NYC :: "Change Gonna Come"
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."~~MLK
Tuesday, April 03, 2012
"Watergate Summer" is now a Book..due out later this month

For those that have come here to read Watergate Summer since 2005 I have to say Thank You. The cover of the Book is my back porch, last summer and fall I sat on this porch and edited 7 years of Blogging, carefully picking the Best and the Worst of all those posts. I weeded through 4500 posts trying to gather posts that were poignant and meaningful. Some are political and some are personal, but in the end Politics does impact our lives, so of course it would have personal stories too. It covers much of the Bush years, and the Economic Collapse and ends with the Rise of the Occupy Movement and the 99 Percenters unifying. It covers Iraq, Torture, GITMO, plight of the VETS, PTSD, Katrina and NOLA, and the 2010 Oilspill, and other Humanitarian concerns. It is written from the heart, just as this Blog has been. It will be for sale later this spring.
Silent Fallout is still for sale and is also available in electronic form as well, via NOOK and KINDLE.
About Trayvon Martin and Justice and When Hate and Racism Lead to Killings in Our Country.......

Originally publish 3.25.12
"And I know that Justice is Indivisible, Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere"~~MLK
30 Days ago Trayvon went out to get a Iced Tea, some Skittles for his little step brother. All he was armed with was a Cellphone (that as far as we know is still missing ?) and he was wearing a Hoodie because it was damp and rainy. And he never made it Home. He died violently just 60 feet from his own Home. And yet his parents knew nothing , had no idea where he was or what had happened. As a mom I am horrified for this family. I can not imagine something so Simple turning into such a Nightmare. And I keep thinking about that Little Brother sitting by that Door waiting for his Big Brother to return. What did they tell him ? How do they tell him ? How do you talk to someone so Small about Hate ? About Racism ? About Death ? About Losing your Hero, your Big Brother ?
And millions of moms and dads across the Country are trying to have Conversations about this Horrible Death, This Murder with their own sons. What do you say, and how do you explain this ? And the Media is trying to spin it a certain way, yet there are too many Ugly Truths that must be talked about and explored. Questions must be asked and asked Loudly. A Neighbor said to me, we have been talking about this to our boys for years, telling them how to carry themselves, how to act and how to speak. I told her I thought her son had always been polite, but she nodded knowingly with sad wise eyes. It's true I am white and my son is white, and she opened my eyes to what is real and ugly. But as a Mom I know that I should speak out about this, regardless of what color I am. We all should Speak Out, because there has been No Justice.
And the MSM would rather have a tidy discussion about Property Rights and the "Stand Your Ground Law". Yet that is not the issue, because if Trayvon had been white and walking around Zimmerman would not have called the police and not stalked him and called him a "Fucking Coon" and followed him with his car or on foot. And confronted him. And he would not have shot him ...Dead. And this "Stand Your Ground " NRA motivated sponsored law would not have even be known about, and it is a Dangerous Law that we should be talking about. Yet we must make sure we are asking the hard questions about the Murder of Trayvon by the self appointed Vigilante of the gated Community. And we must be sure we are asking Hard Questions about the Police of this Town. Because no one 's son should lay on a cold slab unidentified, murdered left as a John Doe, especially when he was carrying a cellphone. And as a Nurse I have real questions about where is the EMS reports from The Scene, was he rendered ANY Medical Care AT ALL ? His Family was never even showed where their son died, not a single Policeman or City Official took them to the scene and showed them.
I , like so many others, have listened to all the 911 tapes ( Mother Jones has them all ) and I was chilled to the bone to hear that young boy yelling for help , and listening to the neighbors calling about hearing a fight, and then hearing the cries for help and then the gunshot and the Silence. ( The Guardian, Alternet, Raw Story, Think Progress, and Mother Jones have all been doing fine Investigative Reporting on this horrible death).
And yes about the Law, here are some very concerning Stats about this Law that is now in 24 States from Alternet:
In the first five years “Stand Your Ground” was in effect, justifiable homicides tripled, and the law was a factor in at least 93 cases involving 65 deaths. An investigation of cases from the law’s passage in 2005 to 2010 found that charges were dropped or dismissed for 57 people, and 7 others were acquitted. [Tampa Bay Times]
The "Stand Your Ground " Laws should not enable Anyone to be able to Hunt Someone down and Kill them or Harm Them. Period.
We need to be talking about Hate and Racism and some of the groups and politicians and Media that are peddling and promoting the Hate. Because since President Obama became President ( and even campaigned) the Hate groups have been growing, and it is about Racism, and we do have a Problem. ( You can read more about Hate Crimes and activity at The Southern Poverty Law Center Website). And yes the Tea Party Antics and Rallies of the Summer of 2009 were full of Hate and Bigotry, and it has never died down. And the Media is responsible for enabling and coddling this Hate Group, and legitimizing their Smears, Lies and Racism. And during this GOP Election cycle they are still doing it. We need Truth Telling on All levels, for without it, there can be No Justice.
It's been 30 Days, It's time for the MSM to do their Jobs, Investigate Trayvon's Death, Ask the Hard Questions. It's 2012 And A Man shot a boy in the chest and killed him. And it's time for all of us to demand Justice for this young boy, before it happens again. The Little Boy in this photo is right, WHO IS NEXT ?
Enigma Epilogue....Footnotes on this Discussion...
And yet in an odd way I do know that in Our History Being Black is dangerous, my great-grandfather was black, and he and his wife and their Love suffered many generations for that Reality. And their love led to Secrets and a buried well hidden love affair
because Mixed Marriages were not tolerated in 1920 America, and he bore a large scar on his chest and he and his beloved Ethel lived apart....in America.....that was less than a 100 years ago...So I have to wonder how Alive and how Deep is Hate in America ? Are Lynchings still going on ? Have they now been legalized and legitimized with well crafted laws and ineffective Police ? And no need for a Rope....now there are guns...
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Awopradio Show For Sunday April 1st....Our Final Sunday Night Show

Tonight we are pleased to have wonderful guests on our final show together. Change has come to our Sunday Night Show. I did try to reach out and let some of our favorite folks know that this was our Final Sunday Show so that they could listen in. We have had wonderful guests these past 8 months, people who gave generously of their time and sharing their stories and projects and work with us. Kim as the main host of Awopradio will explain what she plans next and what lies ahead. I have been honored and thankful to work on this show, to work on scheduling and the show notes and the behind the scenes coordination, as well as participate in some amazing discussions. I wish Kim and Perry the best as they pursue what is next. Awopradio on Sunday Evenings was a wonderful Learning Experience and an Adventure on many levels for all three of us...
Please join us for this Special Show ....

7PM We welcome Radio Or Not Wonders Shane "Shano " @FunkedinDahead and Danielle @LeftNeckChick to the Program. We will talk about their new show "Talking Left" and have a discussion about all that is going on in Progressive Radio right now and thank them for all of their hard work. We will be welcoming Shane Farnan "Shan-O" @FunkedinDaHead and Danielle, known as the @LeftNeckChick at 7PM. They are part of the RadioOrNot Team. They are on in the evenings and also starting a new show called TalkingLeft. Shane also fills in for Nicole at times as well. ( Nicole Sandler's Show is also on in the Mornings 10-Noon on RadioOrNot and Ustream and then at 11PM in the evenings on WeActRadio ).
This is about Shane ( or Shane O) Pocket-Cub Producer for the Stephanie Miller Show. Co-host, Executive Producer of Talking Left @TalkingLeft. http://talkingleft.com Political junkie. Ft. Lauderdale, FL · http://www.shane-o.com/
And This is More About Danielle @LeftNeckChick Live on Talking Left - Wednesdays 7-10PM ET- on the home of Nicole Sandler, http://ustream.tv/channel/radio-or-not. Fort Lauderdale, Florida · http://www.theleftneckchick.com
As we three go our Seperate Ways...and end this Part of The Ride....I am sharing some wisdom from Bill Hicks and Molly Ivins....
Bill Hicks....The Ride...
I hope that you enjoyed The Ride....I surely have....and I hope Our Listeners and Guests did too....thank you...allie
Molly Ivins ....:How we hurt ourselves when scared to death"
About when we Fight Things Bigger than Ourselves....We have to be fearless...

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