Internet Radio is the happening place on Sunday Eves 7-9PM EST.....please join us and listen in...or join us in the Chat Room.Click the Title to listen up....

This Sunday we have a very special show. LIVE in the Liberal Loft there will be the HoneyCutters performing for the first hour. Our Round Table Guest will be Internationally known Journalist Octavia Nasr. For those of us that have followed her for many years and her outstanding Middle East Coverage, this past year we have been following her blog and her tweets as the Middle East has been rocked by Change. Her website
has links to her blog and her Consulting Company as well as her newspaper articles in arabic and Lebanese newspapers. This is an exciting time to be watching the Middle East and a wonderful time to discuss the changes as women, and also to discuss the fusion of Twitter,Blogs and Journalism.
In one article I was reading about Octavia it had this wonderful quote by her, that truly shows how she views her role in this ever changing journalistic landscape.
"The time has come for me to get on the road representing myself and everything I stand for. Through Bridges Media Consulting, I wish to be a voice of reason, a voice of moderation, a voice of expertise and best practices.I created Bridges Media Consulting to reflect what I've done in my career so far and serve as my platform to carry on making a difference in our world".
( Quote from The National 2010)
So do Tune In and Listen Up, Perry @mommapolitico and Kim @awop and Nunzia @nunziarider and I will be part of this amazing show....
The Latest Blogpost by Octavia concerning America, Obama, Immigration,racism,
"Dogs Bark,but the caravan moves on " is really insightful and poignant.....a must read.Also @mommapolitico pointed out that this week's NEWSWEEK has a whole expose on our "Security" Systems in place since 911, what they are costing, where there is overlap and waste.
Do go to the Honeycutters on line and order your CD and also go to their facebook page and give them some love. And do listen to the song IRENE.....amazing song.Here is their link to their
site so you can listen to them and order their CD and see them in Concert.And Nunzia Rider who helps so much with @awop and @awopradio also works for @storyful make sure to support their work and fine journalism on Twitter.
How Wonderful are the Honeycutters ? This is their song IRENE :
And in Honor of Labor Day and Unions....."Which Side Are You On " with Florence Reece ( Union Wife, CoalMiner Wife)
on the version of Natalie Merchant....