Saturday, October 29, 2005


( to my two loyal readers this is a blunt letter to MrBush, it might make him "Sad")

I saw your Speedy -Gonzales -87-second Saddened Speech today out on the Lawn, after the Indictments that were announced 2 hours earlier. You came out all snippy ,inconvenienced, gave your little speech, and then huffed to the Helicopter to go away to Camp David to lick your We-Got-Caught-Wounds. You said you were "saddened" by the Indictment. What the ??? Sad ? You should be Furious that Your Administration is Rife with Corruption. Or did you misspeak, and meant you were sad that Ol'Scooter got caught and your bud Rove is being Investigated still ?

I guess the Only speeches that you show any balls are the ones where you get to be One of the Guys standing on a Pile of It-was-them-Evil-Terrorist-Let's -Fight'em-Rubble with a Megaphone and More Gusto and Bravado than a Beer commercial on a 99 degree day. But God Forbid if you face Evil in your own House, that is a different story. There are Rats in the WhiteHouse, large dirty unscrupulous rats. And these "evil-doing" rats need to be exterminated out of the White House.

I am a voter, a taxpayer, and I think still an American, whether you like it or not.
And I am a woman, a woman that does not support your right-wing-religous-crap.
And as a Woman living under your Regime I can tell you All about Sad.

About Being Sad. There are some Sad Statistics that you should face.
47 Million Uninsured. 37 Million Living in Poverty. 1 in 5 Children living in Poverty. Now that is Sad.
2000 dead and over 17,000 wounded because you and the WHIG team had dreams of Oil and Greed.

Because I gotta a theory that maybe Your Administration doesn't like Women.
See Alot of us think the Outing of Valerie was about the War and the Missing WMD's, and that you wanted to
go after Mr.Wilson because he was a Whistleblower.I don't think it was that simple- because it was decided by you and the Boys up on the Hill that his wife was Fair Game- a Target. You didn't even care that she worked for the Government.
You all didn't care where she worked, but that she was a woman and That made her Fair Game-a way to send a Messege to old'Wilson. Sounds like a Klan Tactic- go after the Woman. "That'll teach'em".

We learned this week that Valerie Wilson, a mom with two small children did have threats and when she reported them to then FBI she was not offered any protection. She was told to call 911. I think about Valerie and Joe Wilson and the Hell they must have endured in the past two years.

I may not own a rapin'n'pillagin' gluttonous profits oil company.I may not be one of your crony chums in your base but I sure as hell matter. And as a woman I have watched how you treat Vet Moms, you remember the mom in the ditch-Cindy. And then there's Government Whistleblowers Like Bunny, you remember Bunny who blew the whistle on the Halli Goodie Contracts over at the Pentagon. And the whole world saw how you treated the NOLA moms, setting in the heat and misery of the Superdome and Convention Center with some white ass-in-Heckuva-Job-dockers claiming he couldn't see them.
We all watched Katrina, and wondered if you were rascist or drunk, or was it that they were Poor.
But as a mom I did think a fair number of the ones left behind were women and children, and elderly.
According to Hidden Government Records over 12,000 are Missing or Dead adults from Katrina, and 2600 missing/dead children.
I can't wait to see How Long You Can Cover Up Those Numbers .
But I had noticed that you covered up the Missing and Dead Children and Women with Great Ease..
You have had many photo-ops now down in the Hurricane Zone, but the Missing and Dead are not even mentioned.
In your eyes they are Invisible, they do not exist.

And Mr.Bush don't you dare think about Firing Mr.Fitzgerald in Saturday Night Cox Manuever, because he is trying to bring some Integrity and Justice and Truth back to this Country and the White House. And Millions of us are Watching him. And we will watch if there is a Trial, All of it. 86% of Americans support the Investigation of the Leak and the Coverup.

And Mr.Bush I know you are "Saddened" by what you think befell Scooter, but at some point you need to apologize to the Wilsons.Especially before you think about Pardoning ol'Scoot or Rovey. These Indictments were not "Tragic", they were and are Criminal. And maybe you need to think about writing an apology to some families in Iraq. And some vet families here. And also the family of MrDavid Kelley in England.

Criminals go to Jail and Criminals that hurt Women are not liked in the Big House. Think about it.


No Blood for Hubris said...

Where did you hear the stuff about Plame and call 911? That's pretty awful.

Gryphen said...

You might need to change the name of your blog. I think that right now it is a Watergate fall, soon to be the "Winter of Watergate part two".

Richard said...

Just some observations and thoughts on Fitz and his 'mission,' that may help cheer up lots of people - like you and myself.

It appears to me that Fitz must be very confident that he's got some pretty powerful support - and protection.

He's obviously a brave man as well as a very determined and intelligent one.

I'm sure there's no way he would be 'foolhardy' - in any respect.

I think those considerations should genuinely hearten everyone.

I'd say he's definitely a man 'on a mission' - a mission that's been given to him - by those he feels can be trusted to back him to the hilt, to ensure the mission's success.

Richard said...

Incidentally, when I say some powerful people - I definitely do mean powerful.

Unknown said...

Bravo woman bravo!!! Fantastic piece..hits him between the eyes..that sumbitch.