Friday, September 07, 2007

Go See Riverbend at Baghdad Burning....

[Click Title: Emerson,Lake,&Palmer singing "C'est la Vie"]
For monthes many of us worried about Riverbend and her fate, as she had not blogged in Monthes. She is back and she is blogging and she explains what has happened to her.....and her precarious path. This song kept coming to mind as I read her update....go read and add her to your blogroll and light a candle for this dear woman...


sumo said...

On her blog there now is an email address to reach her...try it and see if you don't get an error. I'm curious...because I think it's being monitored...I want to know if others encounter what I did.

Larry said...

I couldn't get the email to work there either.

fallenmonk said...

Ditto on the email. I am just glad she and her family are safe. It is a tragedy what we Americans have done to her, her family and her country.