Tuesday, October 14, 2008

And it is only Tuesday ....21 Days to go Folks...


So I am still sitting here with my Cement Head Sinus Situation...and ALL of your Remedies are being employed from gel pac, to horse radish to garlic to ginger tea...at this point...Everything. Thank you...So while I guzzle more tea...here is your Tuesday News and there is plenty to scroll down from Obama to the Mistress of Moose Crap to the Titannical McCain Campaign to other wonders ......

Obama unveiled his plan to help Middle Class America, the rally in Toledo embraced it with great enthusiasm, this NYT has more details. I watched the stock market rise while he spoke...it was inspiring..
( McCoot said he had a NEW plan to unveil , but all he did was pace and complain yesterday at the rallies, there was NO plan...I think he did it so that he would get some media coverage.... )

Over the weekend Obama got Editorial Endorsements from 15 major papers....McCoot got.....none. Here is the Boston Globe's.

Eugene Robinson this am puts it all in perspective...

And then there has been the Market, I see it like a really sick patient..and very labile...and I am not sure of these huge ups and downs...I don't see it as healthy...but here is more on the Rise yesterday....it still has me worried.... ......More Updates later....Have a good rest of the day....

And Autumn I always listen to alot of Celtic Music....So here is Mick Fleetwood and The Corrs ( yeah...some pretty hot Drumming... take that Flyboy...)

or you can alway click the title and hear Tracy Chapman.....


Cynthia Rose said...

Nice round up on news tidbets :)

I was thrilled to read that Alaskans are looking into the possibility of recalling Palin as governor.

Perhaps that will be the "October Surprise"?

enigma4ever said...

now THAT would be nice ;-)

Cynthia Rose said...

More good news today!

McCain transition chief linked to Hussein.

More republicans come out against McCain and Palin.

CNN was covering Palin's association with AIP

*checks calendar* it just might be xmas morning! **starts to get a bit giddy**

enigma4ever said...

yup...it was not a bad day...not at all ;-)

( I posted below about the Huffpost article about Timmons...)

darn Missed the AIP story...GOOOD !!!!

Hairball T. Hairball said...

Palin: "I've Got Nothing To Lose" In Attacking Obama

Quote from article:
Limbaugh: "The media is covering up for him. That is why there's so much admiration for you. The New York Times said you were a great speaker....your forcefulness and your opinions are driving away moderates. This is just an attempt to get you to stop."

Palin: "Well, yes, I guess that message is they do want me to sit down and shut up, but that's not gonna happen. I care too much about this great country...

D.K. Raed said...

I am loving those poll numbers!

ps, I'm testing new avatar, better or worse?

enigma4ever said...

thanks Skippy.....not to toot my own little horn....but... I have been posting the AIP story about the palins since the first week in september- the original videos I found got pulled ;-(
but I have tried to post about the connection atleast once a week- so glad that Finally the MSM is catching up....and I will head to C&L...thanks....

LOVE the avatar !!! yahooo....I will add the redheads for Obama to the top of my blog ;-)

wow she is such a twit...