Wednesday, October 15, 2008


I will meet you there....I will be wearing my best mittens,and be with 6-6...and have coco for you...1.20.09


enigma4ever said...

OBAMA did correct him that he is lying...

Ohhhhh running mate questions.....

this should be hot...

Bradda said...

Easy question. Palin is CRAZY!

Bradda said...

Where is everyone?

Mauigirl said...

This is a great question, so glad he asked this!

Alien Citizen said...

McCain is wishing for a bathroom break right now.

Mauigirl said...

Palin is a ROLE MODEL? Puh-leeze!

Anonymous said...

Hi, here I am. More bullshit about Palin... ugh, blah blah blah. I hope Obama excoriates her but I doubt it.

HOWEVER I am so impressed with Obama's toughness tonight!

Bradda said...

Palin is a role model for women?? Cuz she shoots wolves??

Fran said...

If he says Maverick!

Freth of bresh air????? LOL

enigma4ever said...

I think they stopped for a drink...

ROLE Model for women????you gotta be kidding me....

what a joke...

"Breast of fresh air" !!!!! LOL...

Bradda said...

Helen, Obama is MORE than holding his own!

Alien Citizen said...

My fellow prisoners...

Anonymous said...

OH no here come the platitudes.. WTF with special needs children? He sounds like a lunatic. He gets too obsessed like he did with the Joe the Plumber.

enigma4ever said...

Boy he has such hard on for her.....yuuck....omg....puke.....

Bradda said...

First Dude!! HAH what a joke...

Alien Citizen said...

Truly insulting to call Palin a role model for women...

Anonymous said...


Bradda said...

Why can't people fact check?? Grrrr....Palin sut funding for the Special Olympics!! Come on Bob, call him out!

Gryphen said...

Sure she understands Autism.

She has a ton of mental illnesses in her family!

And hey it costs money to fight for mental health cures, did you know that McCain?


Bradda said...

gryphen,, LMAO

Fran said...

Well Palin is mavericky..... as far as special needs kids... Palin will fully support hiring a Nanny for herself she she does not have to take care of her special needs baby.
Obama should not have used the word capable & Palin in the same sentence.

Anonymous said...

McLame is generalizing because he can't criticize Biden in any legitimate ways. Here goes "old man yells at cloud" again....

enigma4ever said...

WOW ...he brought up the FREEZE would hurt special needs family- very nice Obama...

"Iraq is UNITED "?????is he high ????WHat the hell....

Ohhhhhh stingy old man wants to talk about spending.....

( boy old man does not want to talk about Palin...)

Bradda said...

Oohhhh...Bob got a little pissed when JM corrected him!

Alien Citizen said...

Bob says, "you know what? I'm old but you, McCain, hmph...please stop talking."

Fran said...

Nuclear PANTS?

Bradda said...

Nuclear pants? Cool!

enigma4ever said...

MCMoron is babbling now...
Canadian OIL ????what is he snickering on now...fuckhead...

45 Nuke Plants...shithead....yeah- that will help with the Global Warming issues- Obama laughed...

Bradda said...

WOW he's talking to ME now!!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone else noticed that, much like Mooselini, McPain doesn't actually answer the questions (AGAIN)? I love how specific Obama is. And the fact he keeps his cooooool.

I'm just laughing at McLame.

enigma4ever said...

Nuclear Pants....hmmm....that will warm every ass...

Obama is speaking to the people- good job...

Fran said...

At least Gramps is not wandering around the stage while Obama is speaking. Whew!

Anonymous said...

I am glad Obama laughs at him and that he does it in a normal way. McLame looks psycho when he does it.

Gryphen said...

Oh Barack Obama is talking directly to ME about alternative energy!

He doesn't even notice you other people.

Bradda said...

Fran, I kinda miss wandering Gramps!! Too funny...

Bradda said...

He was talking to ME gryphen!!

enigma4ever said...

Obama is taking this thing back under control....yes..we should build fuel efficient cars here....thank you....yeah- let's make hybrids here...and now about Jobs sent away....( 286,000 jobs lost here in 8 years ALL overseas)

Mauigirl said...

Obama knows so much about international trade. He is so smart.

Anonymous said...

McCain sounds like one of those freaks in a corner talking to himself. He actually tried to made "eloquent" a dirty word.

Bradda said...

What do you all think Obama's thinking when he listens to this madness??

Mauigirl said...

Oh, now McCain is saying we have to drill now...why doesn't he say "drill, baby drill" while he's at it.

Gryphen said...

I don't see how you come to that conclusion Bradda, he was looking RIGHT AT ME!

I am not kidding!

Alien Citizen said...

China is manipulating their currency? Yeah, ok...whatever. They have a lot of faults but that isn't one of them. Human rights is certainly more of an issue in China but as long as we are talking about some fictitious currency manipulation then we aren't talking about the human rights abuses.

Anonymous said...

McCain thinks "goods" is a specific word. He uses it for everthing. "goods" and "goodies".

AND ALSO... sticking all these weird lies in there. OMG I'm having a blast watching his meltdown.

Columbia??? Holy fuck...

Gryphen said...

Yeah Obama has never been to Mexico!

That makes him stupid!

McCain "Who needs logic?"

Bradda said...

More FACTS old man, suck it!

enigma4ever said...

NOW he is being a shithead....

"look at offshore drilling".....MCCain is being such a dick tonight..sneering and making fun of Obama is NOT going to make anyone fall in love with him....

Is he drunk ? he is rambling , burbing and making noises...

NOW he is rambling about freeing americans, and good and products and drugs..SO free trade and drugs????wtf is he rambling on....

Obama is correcting him....

Mauigirl said...

Obama says "Actually I do know about it" - good response.

enigma4ever said...

McCain sits and snorts and make noises and smirks..

"we started on energy""...yeah- but Johnny can not stay ON ANY subject for more than 3 seconds....

Gryphen said...

Damn! McCain's eyes are freaking me out!

What is wrong with him?

Fran said...

Mccain a hundred million, I mean billion, I mean I don't know what I mean.

Bradda said...

Gryphen, His eyes are very blinking doll eyes. Blink, blink. Poker tells. He's lying his ass off!

Anonymous said...

Notice Obama is all positivity & future plans, and McSame is bitter, angry, living in the past & flustered, OH yes and personal attacks.


OH my gawd.

Mauigirl said...

Now he's comparing OBAMA to Herbert Hoover? Puh-leeze~ Obama's smiling again.

Anonymous said...

Did I just fucking hear that right? McInsane offering nothing & comparing Obama to Herbert Hoover?

He's so unhinged.

Alien Citizen said...

Ummmm...Hoover (who McCain previously quoted) was a republican! Bad example.

Bradda said...

good point Helen

enigma4ever said...

AGAIN ????he is OFF subject ????

NOW Coot is talking about Chavez????

What was the question????

Obama is just smiling....and looking down...

Shiffer...let's go to new topic...

((((John tell us about your Cancer ?WHERE are all your med records ????)))

Fran said...

Venezuela/Chavez is now a terrorist

tom said...

McCain is SO NASTY

Gryphen said...

Wow Barack Obama is just like Herbert Hoover!

And McCain can't be wrong because he actually KNEW Hoover.

Bradda said...

Sally the Secretary??

enigma4ever said...

yes helen...
Obama = Hoover
Coot=-FUCKING nuts !!!!

phew now he is explaining health insurance/care...good....

Gryphen said...

NOW he is talking to me about my health insurance!

First Sarah Plain flirted with me, and now Obama is talking right to me!

I must be awesome!

Bradda said...

Gryphen,, Shssh he's talking to ME!!

Bradda said...

We DO have walk-in clinics! What are you blathering about you old coot??

Bradda said...


enigma4ever said...

yes tom MCNASTY.....yup...

NOW MCCain WHO has Never had to go out and BUY Health Insurance..EVER...he knows Nothing about it...

Health care online...

Obesity is the problem ??????

health clubs....Ha???

if he mentions Joe the Plumber again...lordy....

Gryphen said...

Jesus Christ!

What is his damn fixation with Joe the Plumber?

Anonymous said...

Let me get this straight: Fat kids & online records are going to solve the healthcare crisis? DID I HEAR HIM RIGHT?


Holy fuck, you guys I am busting a gut. Well, at least it's not boring like the last one.

Bradda said...

Gryphen, John's talking to you now!

enigma4ever said...

Oh he is mentioning the FINE Myth issue again?????

Anonymous said...

He's lying again. He's trying to sneak in socializing medicine again.

Alien Citizen said...

Again, McCain, I want to see your health records online. And stop freaking talking about your imaginary friend Joe.

Gryphen said...

I am watching that graph on CNN right now and women don't give two shits about "Joe the plumber"!

Anonymous said...

OOH I love Obama cutting in & taking over. MASTERFUL.

Fran said...

I am starting to wonder if McCain has something going on on the side w Joe the Plumber?

Bradda said...

Helen, I fell out of my chair when he started talking to Joe the plumber!!

enigma4ever said...




Obama is explaining this so much better..

Gryphen said...

Oh shit Obama just kneecapped McCain's whole argument!

Oh he is NOT happy about that!

Mauigirl said...

Gryphen, we're on MSNBC so aren't watching the graph. How do they respond to McCain?

Bradda said...

Yeah he's pissed Gryphen!

Gryphen said...

Quick where are my damn notes?

Alien Citizen said...

Bradda, roaring of laughter here. Great move on Obama's part. He's killing McCain tonight. too good. too god.

enigma4ever said...

JOE the Plumber is his "Friend"...oh that is what it is...

Anonymous said...

Obama speaks specifics. McLame doesn't know anything about his plans. What a fucking bulldoze Obama is delivering. It's a thing of BEAUTY.

Gryphen said...

When McCain is on it often dips below the mid line.

That never happens to Barack!

Fran said...

Jane the plumber is really pissed.....

Bradda said...

LET IT GO John! Who the fuck cares about Joe??

Mauigirl said...

Enough with the FINE, McCain.

Anonymous said...

McLame can't get rid of Joe. What the FUCK is he talking about?

OMG, this is embarassing (for McINsane)

tom said...

It is clear McCain hates Obama

Fran said...

People are going to be rolling on the floor laughing about this Joe the Plumber schtick in this debate for decades...

Bradda said...

Cosmetic surgery??

Gryphen said...

Well I am guessing that McCain has "Joe the plumbers" vote locked down.

Sadly he is losing EVERYBODY ELSE!

Anonymous said...

Tomorrow, Joe the Plumber will be on YouTube getting a new stupid reality series, thanks to McLame.

Bradda said...

I wonder if the REAL Joe the plumber is embarressed?

enigma4ever said...

you all are so funny.....HEY JOE ??????WTF ????

AGAIN spread the wealth ????

what is he talking about???

what shithead..

McCain is talking BS....Benifits will be taxed..????HOW is that Good for ANYONE???

yeah- he says people can travel to get Care ????
yeah cuz SICK people LOVE to travel...


Mauigirl said...

Choose their own FUTURES? With $5000 crummy dollars???

And what the heck is he talking about, gold-plated policies that cover transplants...I would hope my policy would cover transplants. He is probably referring to hair transplants like last time but didn't say it right. He's all over the place.

Gryphen said...

I could write the whole episode of the Daily Show just using the Joe the plumber shtick.

That is going to be comedy gold!

Anonymous said...

Obama needs to deliver the one-two punch now that McLame has said the gov't is bigger.

McInsane was part of this greedy HUGE growth of the size of our fed. gov't. He needs to really knock that out.

Alien Citizen said...

Joe the plumber knows that betting on McCain is nothing but a pipe dream...

enigma4ever said...


Bradda said...

I had to put on Hendrix because of this debate. Where ya going with that gun in your hand?? Hey Joe...

Fran said...

Joe the Plumber gives a shit!

Bradda said...

Enigma, LMFAO

enigma4ever said...

alien; Pipe dream LOL....

Roe vs we go...

Mauigirl said...

Gryphen you are so right! Jon Stewart and Colbert will have a field day!

Fran said...

good one alien....

Gryphen said...

McCain thinks a lot of Supreme Court decision were bad.

Can you name them?

Because that Palin chick sure can't!

enigma4ever said...

"Idiotology"....What ???

new word Johnny,.....

enigma4ever said...

" I will find the best People in the world"""
WHO is qualified...

((((yeah Like HOW he picked Palin.....)

Bradda said...

enigma, I was just wrestling with that one too!! Idiotology..

Fran said...

John McCain -- flush for Joe the Plumber

enigma4ever said...

Is McCain blinking in Morse Code...that he needs a Bathroom break ????

Mauigirl said...

Good answer from Obama on Roe v Wade.

Bradda said...

McCain's camp had to beg him to look at Obama tonight!! "John you Have to look at your opponent!! You at the same table!!"

Anonymous said...

I think there is so much Obama COULD attack it's tough for him to do so.

enigma4ever said...

You know SOmeone has to Now make a Joe the Plumber website....

what is he babbling about now ??
we have to change the Culture of America ..??????

Courage and Compassion ????? ( oh, like the kind shown to Levi Johnston ????)

Anonymous said...

McLame wasn't present for the last 6 months and votes on vet's health and he's got the fucking NERVE to spew this shit????

Mauigirl said...

"That's because it's not true." Well done Obama.

enigma4ever said...

Bradda- we need to study "Idiotology"...yeah...

and yeah...the Coot is debating the table..he won't look at Obama...

Gryphen said...

McCain lost ALL of the women on his abortion issues.

And I mean ALL of the women!

enigma4ever said...

MOTHERS Health !!! yeah...thank you....Constitutional.....

Obama explained this really well....

Bradda said...

Hey Enigma, Someone already had joetheplumber@blgspot!! Too funny...

Gryphen said...

Oh BOTH the men AND women are responding to Obama on this issue.

Bradda said...

Why does McCain keep wheexing into the mic when Obama talks??

enigma4ever said...

MCCain keeps sneering and snorting- what is that about ????

and smiling inapprorpriately.....????

Fucking nuts..

Alien Citizen said...

HEalth of the mother is an extreme position?! AAArgh.

enigma4ever said...


oh this nurse would LOVE to have a little chat with him.....

Anonymous said...

UHHH didn't McInsane just agree with what Obama said? But he said it sarcastically and with anger, so he's right and Obama's wrong? WTF??

enigma4ever said...

shoot someone beat us to the spot....Joetheplumber.blogspot ???

maybe it is the old Coot..???

Anonymous said...

I think McLame may blow up... in 10, 9, 8, 7, ...

He's so fucking angry.


tom said...

The pundits will make this a tie, I don't see a McCain win, I think Obama did better, was more specific, McCain was spiteful and nasty

Anonymous said...

OH you are so funny! Did you run off to get joetheplumber.blogspot for real?


Bradda said...

Helen, I looked but it was already taken. I thought I had found my new blog finally!! Dammit...

Anonymous said...

tom I think tomorrow it's all over. Mclame was ERRATIC, angry, grumpy, vindictive, un-specific, sleazy and best of all, Obama offers real good shit.

Alien Citizen said...

Did I just hear Palin snicker? Who cares about community service, she says....

Anonymous said...

Why does McLame think that any poor people would believe his 13-mansioned ass? Is he for fucking real? Y'all, I can't stop laughing.

Bradda said...

Is it time to find BAD politicians a new job cooter???

Anonymous said...

There is a major diff between being strong, and being an asshole/angry.

McLame did the latter. And he's so pissed he can't even relay one coherent thought.

Mauigirl said...

LOL, Bradda!

Anonymous said...

Damn I'm impressed with how much Obama knows his shit. I don't think I"ve ever seen a politician actually know such detail. It's fucking impressive as hell.

Mauigirl said...

Helen, you're right, he was stammering and stuttering, while Obama as usual kept his cool.

Bradda said...

I think McCain likes the smell of his Sharpie pen. Mmmmmm...

Anonymous said...

bradda, I know I do.

Uh oh... he's comparing his privilege to Obama's? FAIL.


Bradda said...

Dick! Cindy and "your wife"?????

Alien Citizen said...

Your wife? Doesn't know her name either, eh?

And McCain is not paying attention. He didn't even hear Obama agree with him.

Anonymous said...

"first beginning"?

Has anyone else noticed how awful McLame's grammar is? WTF? I don't want another stuttering, stumbling idiot in the WH.

Anonymous said...

OH NO here comes the TownHall meeting bullshit again!!

He sounds like a fucking idiot! I can't believe anyone will vote for this failure!

Bradda said...

Obama should finish this with, "Now John, do you want to explain exactly why you put an ad out that said I want to teach kindtergarten kids sex education??"

Mauigirl said...

"Your wife." That is really bad.

Alien Citizen said...

Vouchers! But I guess McCain won't throw them so he isn't throwing money...

Anonymous said...

bradda, I'm so sorry you didn't get joetheplumber.blogspot.

OOH OOH! Closing statements!!!!!!

Mauigirl said...

The past 8 years...McCain is running against his own party!

Alien Citizen said...

So, why does McCain keep talking about autistic children and Palin? I thought her baby had down syndrome. I guess I'll look this up.

Bradda said...

Make health care avoidable?????

Anonymous said...


McLame offers a new direction? He's got a record of reform? Why does he keep thinking we'll believe that when he hasn't given ONE concrete example?


OMG... he lies like a rug, I can't take it anymore.

Mauigirl said...

Alien, you're right, it is Down Syndrome.

Bradda said...

Mostly war!

Mauigirl said...

"Same failed policies and same failed politics" - good work Obama!

Bradda said...

Obama is NAILING IT!

Anonymous said...

He keeps begging folks at the end to let him serve. It's kinda sad.


Actually, in my opinion, McLame ws given a chance to redeem his riling up of the rightwing extremists and didn't do it, he actually defended himself and tried to make OBAMA look like the bad guy!

Obama is more of a realist, but he is also hopeful.

I love it. He's operating on the premise that people like to work for their world. I think he's right.

enigma4ever said...

MEET you down in the Debate Thread.....FINAL ONE..
thank god....

Alien Citizen said...

Why Bob? Why will voting make me feel big and strong? haha...

Bradda said...

God, McCain is SOOOOO awkward!