Go placidly amidst the noise and the haste,and remember what peace there may be in Silence.
As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud agressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself to others you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your career,however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
These are the first parts of Max Ehrmann's piece from 1927. Tomcat contributed it to the 1960's Wisdom Collection. ( I am still creating a TieDye Piece for him ,and also DK). It is gentle wisdom, it used to hang on a plaque in my Grandmothers kitchen- and she was no hippy, but very wise. Later in the piece it speaks about the Universe unfolding as it should....I am in the middle of trying to get The Job that I really want, and so I sit surrounded by papers and I need to get this application process Done. So bear with me, Blogging will be light this week. I am cross-posting a New Post on Thursday here and at Sirens....but feel free to sit and read at the Counter...or visit one another....Friday things should be better...Namaste.
*** Click the title for the song: Seventeen by Annie Lennox....and It is about Starting Over....Again.
I just read your piece and enjoyed it. please, please, please,I am the worst typist on the planet and would never criticize a soul. Just do us a favor and get rid of the plague and put in plaque. i'm laughing I hope you are. Delete this if you want or can. Take care and keep smiling.
Go placidly about your application and good luck! Keep us posted, ok?
Good luck and nice post! ;)
Thank you all...
and I will fix the Error right away ( although it is funny...)
take care out there...I will be back by Thursday.
I like plague better!!! It's cleverer and possibly more true.
Good luck, enigma.
Good luck on the job search Enigma.
Hi enigma...
Hope you get the job of your dreams.
New post up.
God Bless.
Good Luck and hope you get the job!
; )
Is it a job in Australia? Could we be that lucky? Is it to be our Prime Minister? The one we have is a bit dodgy, you know.
Are you going to replace Condi (whose only asset that I can see is having teeth like a crocodile)? The whole world needs you, Enigma. Have you thought of cloning yourself?
Cheers and good luck!
Hope all goes well on the job front. The picture is as serene as the words.
Serenity now! Good luck also on that job search. I love Annie Lennox!
looking in again and just wanted to wish you luck!
Hey Patriot: Hi ....I am still typing away....but almost done ...New Post up tomorrow...and back to running around catching up on news...and blogs.
SUMO: me2 about Annie...and yup...I know what I want..and am pursuing it heart and soul ;-)
Jamie: I will be over to see you tomorrow...thanks for the kind words ;-)
Daniel: hey there mate...if it gets more crappy here for the ol' nurse I sure may head down under- Aussie way- or Kiwi land....I would love to work down there ...I would even settle for herding sheep...oh, wait Condi already does that....( pretty funny eh?)..oh, I loved your description of her teeth- but- actually her shoes are probally crock...
CM: I sure hope too...dream job ( not great pay..but such is life)
ANon: hey there love..Welcome back- I will be over to see your new post...
Thank you Larry and Maria...I hope I get it too....I will explain later what it is and WHY it is soooooo important to the ol'enigma....
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