7:14pm ( first Broken News Alert, Bridge actually collapsed at 6:05-6:08PM)
TURN ON MSNBC , Keith best coverage, FOX had amazing aerials..
10:30 PM update later: Anderson Cooper is also covering- doing a good job.
11pm: People have reported that they heard a Noise and that there was a Noise, s Shutter, and then the Bridge Collapse, in a a Domino fashion.Then it fell in sections more than 30 feet into the water. All of school bus that was on the bridge, and the children were safely rescued and triaged to a Red Cross Center. At this hour it has been 58 injuries and 7 fatalities, some of those were drownings. Anderson Cooper is on CNN and Keith Olbermann is reporting on MSNBC. Susposedly a HLS "person" has given a statement that it is not terrorism ( well , considering it is dark and late, and a Bridge just collapsed...seems a bit premature for them to come out and say that everything is fine- just a structure "collapse". I am pretty sure that No Engineers have rushed up there, and no FEMA people....so what the Heck...)
10am Thursday: Update: So today the pictures are coming out...and it is even worse in daylight. And the questions are swirling. Was it Structural Collapse ? ( 1967 built)...Was it the Heat ? Was it something to do with the Repair work ? ( Some have said they were doing Joint Work, and it was a Single Arch Structure- steel)..Was it just that OUR Infrastructure is shot to hell....CNN Ireport photos are just amazing....Hopefully we will learn more..
Keith Olbermann is covering the collapse now.
I'm watching it on MSNBC as well. We don't do FAUX. Truly a disaster. I have been over that bridge a number of times in my travels. I hope the death toll is non existent or very low. Not a pleasant way to end your commute home.
I for one don't like going over bridges. Maybe its because I don't swim and its also a long way down, at least in my opinion.
Same goes for flying.
It is indeed a tragedy and I guess its also one way to take everyones mind off the hearings today and everything else that is Government malfeasance.
Hope your job comes through for you and it turns out to be a lot better than you ever thought it would be.
God Bless you enigma.
Couldn't watch Fox- even with the film ,....but there is no coverage...just like 911..just like Katrina...big mystery...No One specefic...has said anything..No Disaster Preparedness and yes I have spent the eve with Keith too...all we have had has been some Hospital dude....Our Infrastructure is FUBAR...period.
Prayers and light to Our Mini Friends...
Update: susposedly there was resurfacing work going on- but it was just superficial- another report said that there was Joint work. Only 2 lanes were open, due to the construction.
Okay I have to correct myself- there has been "coverage" by CNN and MSNBC.but NO official folks have said a word...Twins are still playing...Boy we are a weird country....
( I guess next someone will tell us to go shopping)
This is no surprise.
This bridge is undoubtedly only the beginning, as we see the "Iraq effect" ripple outward. Katrina was also but a sample of what is to come.
Welcome to the Reconstitution blogroll, btw.
Thanks Jolly...and thanks for your comments as well...and yup...the tip of the Iceberg...for sure...
10:55 AM Bush is in the godammed Rose Garden "offering comfort" WELL WELL guess who he blames for the Bridge Collapse ???? yup...Congree for not getting him HIS Spending Bill that he claims would have prevented this....funny the camera keeps going haywire- I think the Camera man was ready to throw the camera....now MSNBC BROKE AWAY FROM the PREZ and went back to their MSNBC coverage...of the Bridge....they cut off the prez and left him in the Garden...good on them...
The bodies in cars ( up to 30) will be removed today....awful...
SO here is a piece of trivia- Laura Bush was susposed to be in Minneapolis on Friday for a Youth Conference- scheduled Secret visit- and so she is going up anyways on Friday....but that an Inspection team was there in Minneapolis when the Collapse happend and they called and told her (like she didn't see it on the news- of course No One was told until 45 minutes after it happened- I wonder if this was part of the delay...) hmm, the irony of this bothers me....but what do I know...
"Just the day After Armchair" Speculation on my part....
5pm thursday:
so now it seems that Bush thinks that maybe he should go visit the site- wow- you think???
and here are some more thoughts.
(1) people say that there was a shake, a rattle, and the lights went out near by....
(2) the train was stopped, but had been running- why was it stopped ? did it hit something? like a pillar? esp. a stablizing pillar ?
(3) all the heat- was there metal sheer? the bridge was built in 1967/68 ...was any of the steel recycled from the Ohio Bridge collapse ? and was already worn out ?( hey you all can laugh , but we sold our damaged 911 Steel to asia...)
(4)It was rated Defecient in 2005- go over to Skippys- and see the post about it...
(5) was there joint work being done- we heard that last night- but today- NOthing mentioned of it....
I deplore bridges and hate to be stuck on one during traffic jams. I am one of those people that can feel the movement regardless.
I know this had to be horrible for the folks going through such a thing.
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